The death of the Libertarian Party

I told you, that isn't the point. It will, in fact, make third parties more viable because people no longer need be afraid that voting for their favorites will "help" a candidate they're scared of. But the biggest change is that it will undercut the partisan poo flinging and reward candidates who seek consensus.

And I'm betting that's why you oppose it.
What if LibLites were to win an election and govern the same way the duopoly does? You and Harpy Eagle would have spent your whole lives wasting votes for nothing.
Trump wasted his time speaking to those retards.
But I think it shows his desperation.

A lot of Libertarians vote Republican, and only vote Libertarian as a protest vote when Republicans put up a shit candidate.

there's not a bigger shit candidate than Trump. .
Can’t vote for drag queen story hour, won’t vote for Trump, Kennedy, or Stein, and I wouldn’t piss on Bidet or Harris if they were on fire and no other water was available. Doesn’t really matter as I live in the reddest part of Texas so the election is a foregone conclusion here.

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What the death of the Libertarian Party actually looks like:


This just keeps getting better and better:

So much winning.
It really is hilarious how much Dems just keep losing over and over:

many Libertarians and others online found it ironic that the pick could drive many Libertarians away from Oliver as the nominee and instead to Trump as a Republican.

"Dear Donald Trump, The libertarians offer you a pro-opened borders, pro-transing children, pro DEI, LP nominee, who will garner just 1% of the vote, now we’d like to speak with you about the senior & cabinet positions you promised libertarians on Saturday," Josie Glabach, known as the Red Headed Libertarian, said in a post.

Tim Pool said, “Trump won the LP after all.”

Another user posted, "Chase Oliver is the best Libertarian Party candidate for helping reelect Donald Trump."

Dave Smith, another Libertarian, stated, "Ironically, Chase winning is the best outcome for Trump this weekend. Much better than a standing ovation at his speech."

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