Trump’s Scared To death Of The Coming Debates With Biden Strategy

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It won't hurt him....
It will help him. He is expanding his political presence. Telling groups, they all are part of his plan for agendas. Joe the unifier from day one has shown hatred like all the Progs. Progs must kill Christianity. They love Islam which is a danger as they are really using it. It's just the Islamic adherents are methodical in their views and will seek vengeance on them.
“President Trump … is unafraid to take his message to every corner of this country, from the deep blue Bronx to the Libertarian Convention,” posted KAROLINE LEAVITT, the Trump camp’s press secretary. “Joe Biden is a shell of a man, too afraid to debate in front of a small audience.”

He’s scared to death of the coming debates with Biden.
Regardless of who holds the leadership positions, the top 1% of US society always maintains control over the remaining 99%. What's the point of watching the 2 old men barking at each other on TV show? Waste of time indeed. Moneyocracy wins! lol. :)
Trump speaks extemporaneously for hours at a time, knowing that there is an army of Leftist "journalists" hanging on every word, hoping to hear something that could be used to embarrass him.

Biden could not tape a 15-second political ad without FIVE stops for edits.

Draw your own conclusions.

Biden's only chance is to have the "debate"* so totally limited and scripted that even he can't fuck it up.

* To be clear, these things bear no resemblance to actual debates.

He does not speak, he rants. More and more his rants are a mish mash of inomprehensible words strung together.
“President Trump … is unafraid to take his message to every corner of this country, from the deep blue Bronx to the Libertarian Convention,” posted KAROLINE LEAVITT, the Trump camp’s press secretary. “Joe Biden is a shell of a man, too afraid to debate in front of a small audience.”

He’s scared to death of the coming debates with Biden.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Trump speaks extemporaneously for hours at a time, knowing that there is an army of Leftist "journalists" hanging on every word, hoping to hear something that could be used to embarrass him.

Biden could not tape a 15-second political ad without FIVE stops for edits.

Draw your own conclusions.

Biden's only chance is to have the "debate"* so totally limited and scripted that even he can't fuck it up.

* To be clear, these things bear no resemblance to actual debates.
Self projection much.
“President Trump … is unafraid to take his message to every corner of this country, from the deep blue Bronx to the Libertarian Convention,” posted KAROLINE LEAVITT, the Trump camp’s press secretary. “Joe Biden is a shell of a man, too afraid to debate in front of a small audience.”

He’s scared to death of the coming debates with Biden.
Not seeing where Trump is afraid, I wish we could all be honest about all of this.
“President Trump … is unafraid to take his message to every corner of this country, from the deep blue Bronx to the Libertarian Convention,” posted KAROLINE LEAVITT, the Trump camp’s press secretary. “Joe Biden is a shell of a man, too afraid to debate in front of a small audience.”

He’s scared to death of the coming debates with Biden.

Another 47% mistake.
Biden will say a few sentences that are coherent and the media will pretend he overachieved.
Trump sets the bar so low for Biden, all he has to do is throw a couple of decent sentences together with a few “aww, man’s” thrown in and he’ll have the debate in the bag! :cool-45:
Trump sets the bar so low for Biden, all he has to do is throw a couple of decent sentences together with a few “aww, man’s” thrown in and he’ll have the debate in the bag! :cool-45:
Correct. That's still on the media for portraying Biden as coherent when, in reality, he wasn't. He just wasn't as bad as Trump said he was going to be. Media is a problem and, by their own standards, should be put in jail for trying to over turn an election.
Trump is not scared of white trash. Biden is white trash.
Uh, no. Trump is white gutter trash who did the nasty with a pornstar as his wife was home taking care of their baby.

If Trump's old man didn't set him up in business he would have LIVED in a trailer park dealing meth for a living.

All biden has to do is let tRump talk

Why MAGA didn’t pick someone like Rand Paul is beyond me
There's no upside in this for Trump....IMO.....
There is also NO UPSIDE for me watching this circus.
Not blaming any particular party, I despise them all, but I don't see how this 'debate' will enhance my knowledge.

I just don't see how either candidate will say/do something we haven't already seen or been aware of.
Trump should insist on Sean Hannity as the moderator.
How will Hannity help the debate?
I'm all ears.

I'll Propose ONE guy from each side that I respect and IMO is fair and Smart.

Brett Baier
Ari Melber
I scrolled through the entire thread.

OP drops the turd OP and then high-tails it.

Like most much of a pussy to hang around and take the beating they are going to get.
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