Libertarian Message “Become Ungovernable.”

I look at the bottom line. The bottom line is that the Libertarian party is nothing but a shell of their former selves, which wasn't much to begin with. They are going backwards, not forwards. During a time where a gazillion Americans would rather vote for someone else than either Biden or Trump, the Libertarian nominee says he'll be happy getting 2% of the vote.
Well you keep throwing out weird numbers like 10% and 20% which has never happened and saying they're doing worse now, when their best ever presidential showing was less than ten years ago and it was just over 3%. So, in some ways, they're actually doing the best they've ever done electorally, it's just that electoral victory isn't really the metric that should be judged at least not from my perspective.
Well you keep throwing out weird numbers like 10% and 20% which has never happened and saying they're doing worse now, when their best ever presidential showing was less than ten years ago and it was just over 3%. So, in some ways, they're actually doing the best they've ever done electorally, it's just that electoral victory isn't really the metric that should be judged at least not from my perspective.
That’s exactly it. When you admit that “electoral victory isn’t really the metric” you are admitting that your only goal is to be a loser. The best you can achieve is in being a spoiler and getting a Republican elected instead of a Democrat or vice versa, leaving just Republicans and Democrats. I don’t see how that reaches any goal of getting rid of any Republicans or Democrats, which is evidenced by the highest vote totals in history by Republicans and Democrats in 2020.
That’s exactly it. When you admit that “electoral victory isn’t really the metric” you are admitting that your only goal is to be a loser. The best you can achieve is in being a spoiler and getting a Republican elected instead of a Democrat or vice versa, leaving just Republicans and Democrats. I don’t see how that reaches any goal of getting rid of any Republicans or Democrats, which is evidenced by the highest vote totals in history by Republicans and Democrats in 2020.
Well this is why I'm making the point that you're not responding to what I'm saying. You're responding to a person who wants or expects to see the Libertarian Party as a political party that either becomes a competitive, major third-party or a replacement to one of the existing two major parties. I consider that a waste of time. My interest is in libertarianism, not the Libertarian Party. I don't care if a Libertarian wins an election over a Republican if the Libertarian is indistinguishable from the Republican or the Democrat. Victory for me is seeing libertarian policies at the very least part of the actual debate, and I don't care if that comes from Libertarians, Republicans, or Democrats. You can call it being a loser if you want, but I think I get to define success on my own terms for myself. I'm telling you explicitly that I do not want success for the Libertarian Party on the terms you describe as success, though I would have maybe 15 years ago or so, because I think it would be a setback for what I actually want to see happen.
Well this is why I'm making the point that you're not responding to what I'm saying. You're responding to a person who wants or expects to see the Libertarian Party as a political party that either becomes a competitive, major third-party or a replacement to one of the existing two major parties. I consider that a waste of time. My interest is in libertarianism, not the Libertarian Party. I don't care if a Libertarian wins an election over a Republican if the Libertarian is indistinguishable from the Republican or the Democrat. Victory for me is seeing libertarian policies at the very least part of the actual debate, and I don't care if that comes from Libertarians, Republicans, or Democrats. You can call it being a loser if you want, but I think I get to define success on my own terms for myself. I'm telling you explicitly that I do not want success for the Libertarian Party on the terms you describe as success, though I would have maybe 15 years ago or so, because I think it would be a setback for what I actually want to see happen.
And how are your Libertarian policies faring? Who is going to further Libertarian policies if you don't even like the Libertarian party? You really should spend your time watching reruns of Gilligan's Island. You're going nowhere fast.
And how are your Libertarian policies faring? Who is going to further Libertarian policies if you don't even like the Libertarian party? You really should spend your time watching reruns of Gilligan's Island. You're going nowhere fast.
Well the former President of the United States and Republican nominee for president just went to the Libertarian National Convention begging for votes so spin that how you like.
I guess the “Become Ungovernable" themed Libertarian Party convention lived up to it's pronouncements and expectations. They had Trump and RFK Jr. there, with Trump throwing the Libertarian party under the proverbial bus even before he'd been led off of the stage.

The convention got to witness first hand the historian Richard Hofstadter's observations of "The Paranoid Style in American Politics."

Mr. Trump: “Maybe you don’t want to win. Only do that if you want to win. If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting three per cent every four years.”

Donald Trump promised members of the Libertarian Party that he would “put a libertarian in my cabinet” and commute the life sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, a top demand of a political movement that intends to run its own candidate against him.

“On day one, we will commute the sentence,” Trump said, offering to free the creator of what was once the internet’s most infamous drug clearinghouse. “We will bring him home.” His speeches more typically include a pledge to execute drug dealers, citing China as a model.

“It’s time to be winners,” said Trump, asking rhetorically if third party delegates wanted to go on getting single-digit protest votes. “I’m asking for the Libertarian Party’s endorsement, or at least lots of your votes

Mr. Kennedy, praised Libertarians for opposing COVID stay-at-home orders, vaccine mandates, and online censorship, while saying he’d pardon Ulbricht, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

Kennedy quickly skedaddled out of the convention when he realized the Libertarians did not believe he could bring back Camelot.

What gets lost in the stories is that both Misters Kennedy and Trump were asking to be the candidate of people who say they want to Make America Ungovernable (that's is what I was hearing the 'tarians screaming for). These two men both begged to represent a party that praises becoming ungovernable. At least that is what their convention's themes was advertised as promoting: “Become Ungovernable.”
To become a real party they need to first take over a red state, implement their policies and win over support on a national level.

What state has implemented libertarian policies and politicians? Kentucky with rand Paul?
How about I leave you to your conversation with whatever imaginary person you were talking to then?
Well, I was talking to you and you were responding but none of it had anything to do with Trump. YOU were the one talking to the imaginary person.

Hey, as I've said before, I am an Independent and I hate both parties and would love to see them both disappear but you have no game plan other than to be a loser for the rest of your life. You're only game plan is to be a spoiler so a Republican is elected instead of a Democrat or a Democrat is elected instead of a Republican, still leaving us with just Republicans and Democrats. Hell, you even admitted that you yourself are disappointed with the Libertarian party. That's the best you've got.

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