The death of the Libertarian Party

Libertarians have 2 unfixable problems with their support for the unlimited and unregulated sale and use of dangerous drugs and with their borderless country philosophy. Both positions are retarded. MAGA
Libertarians have 2 unfixable problems with their support for the unlimited and unregulated sale and use of dangerous drugs and with their borderless country philosophy. Both positions are retarded. MAGA
Trump wasted his time speaking to those retards.
Trump wasted his time speaking to those retards.
Probably so. But he showed again that he has balls as well as the desire to hear all Americans concerns. Joe won't even answer a question from the MSM if it isn't pre-approved. But as senile and stupid as Joe is, he's still the perfect mouthpiece for that decrepit bunch that call themselves the Democrat party. Back to MAGA
I just watched Trumps speech at the LP convention. They should've thrown him out on his butt. What a load of libertarian BS. Saying he a libertarian. Saying he's against FISA. That he was pro 2A. Bragging about not starting any wars, without mentioning the fact that he didn't end one either.

Probably so. But he showed again that he has balls as well as the desire to hear all Americans concerns. Joe won't even answer a question from the MSM if it isn't pre-approved. But as senile and stupid as Joe is, he's still the perfect mouthpiece for that decrepit bunch that call themselves the Democrat party. Back to MAGA

How does making a speech equate to him having balls? Making speeches is what he does. That's about all he does. (Besides going to court)
well you really suck at the game my little friend.

the things I listed are what is happening in our country right now that both parties support.

The things you made up have nothing to do with the LP platform.

But hey, keep trying, it is entertaining .

He sucks....period.
Trump just created an even bigger civil war within the LP.
It doesn't matter much. Third parties won't go anywhere until we get over "strategic voting" aka "lesser-of-two-evils" nonsense. But people still seem to really like that, for some reason.
It doesn't matter much. Third parties won't go anywhere until we get over "strategic voting" aka "lesser-of-two-evils" nonsense. But people still seem to really like that, for some reason.
Surely you stomping your feet and insisting everyone "Do better!" will work.

Just like it never has, ever.
Surely you stomping your feet and insisting everyone "Do better!" will work.

Just like it never has, ever.
Indeed. It will take much more that that. But waking people up is the first step toward any meaningful reform. Of course we're also up against all the duopoly douchebags who want things to stay just the way they are. In the end, we might lose. But I'll be damned if I'll join the morons tearing the country apart.
Indeed. It will take much more that that. But waking people up is the first step toward any meaningful reform. Of course we're also up against all the duopoly douchebags who want things to stay the way just they are. In the end, we might lose. But I'll be damned if I joined the morons tearing the country apart.
Okay. So, how do we wake them up? How do we get a viable candidate on the ballot who gets their message to enough people to make a difference?

In this system, there is only one correct answer: $$

And that isn't going to happen. People want to bet on a horse that can actually place, not finish third at best.
Okay. So, how do we wake them up? How do we get a viable candidate on the ballot who gets their message to enough people to make a difference?
The first thing is to grow some backbone and just say "no" to the shit they keep shoveling us.

After than, we can implement ranked choice voting so the duopoly fear mongering no longer works.
The first thing is to grow some backbone and just say "no" to the shit they keep shoveling us.
So we are back to pointing at people and telling them what to do.

Should we also teach abstinence? :rolleyes: Works just as well.

And ranked choice voting won't accomplish jack shit in the current system, just as it has not accomplished jack shit where it has been tried, in the current system. And this is because of precisely what I already described.

I am not against it. It just won't do anything, in this system.
Well I'm not. For the 100th time. Do it. Then watch as nothing changes.
LOL - you're not opposed to it, you're just slamming it because ...?

Have you ever read about it? Do you understand that the point isn't to get third parties elected, and it probably wouldn't achieve that goal? The goal is to shore up the fundamental flaw in plurality elections: the spoiler effect. That's what drives the two-party shitshow and creates the kind of destructive divisiveness we're mired in. RCV does away with that. How can you call that nothing changing? Unless you just don't want that aspect of our current system to change.
I just watched Trumps speech at the LP convention. They should've thrown him out on his butt. What a load of libertarian BS. Saying he a libertarian. Saying he's against FISA. That he was pro 2A. Bragging about not starting any wars, without mentioning the fact that he didn't end one either.
I watched the video on Cspan a little while ago and I'm surprised they didn't throw his ass out after insulting them several times. He sure got a lot of boos. He had a few cheers but by far they did not like him.
I'm more curious about the audience reception. I can't bring myself to watch it, but I wonder - did they sit there and listen to that shit? I was gratified to hear that someone at the convention yesterday put forward a "motion for Trump to go fuck himself", with many cheering the act. But it wasn't clear if that was a small percentage of the attendees or what.

Did they challenge him at all?
The audience reception was not warm except for a handful.

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