The death of the Libertarian Party

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. later this month as he tries to woo voters beyond the Republican base and avoid losing support to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This is just embarrassing, the once proud Libertarian Party reduced to this stupidity. There is not a Libertarian bone in Trump's body.

This makes as much sense as having Biden speak at the RNC.

Might have to give the Constitution Party a closer look
Sad to see.
i voted for a democrat once. Half way thru his term he was picked up by a decoy prostitute

Did he do his job?

Trump is fucking a Porn Star while his third wife is looking after his 4 month old... Fucks sake he was two timed his mistress Karen McDongal at the time...

How could he have two timed Karen, she was a lovely girl.. And trump was fucking Stormy...

Trump should try the old born again trick...

Comes out on stage sobbing that he come back to God and he wants to repent (while saying that he nothing wrong, it was a perfect fuck and spanking)..
Melania won't be there, mainly because she wouldn't stop laughing...

His supporters would lap it up.... They are that gulible at this stage..
Yes, they are dead. Not only are they nonexistent right now, but they are having a leftist speak at their convention? :lol:

The only political movement offering any hope, in my view, is ranked choice voting.

I've been a libertarian all my life, and I don't see that changing soon, but with this move the party has officially jumped the shark. To be fair, I get what they're trying to do. They've seen the writing on the wall, that Trump is going to win, and want to steer him toward libertarian policy goals. But dealing with the devil only benefits the devil.
No, he's not a fucking moron and watch your language --- he's right -- Trump does have strong Libertarian leanings, anti governmental control. Trump almost ran as the Reform Party's candidate in 2000 and it doesn't get much more Libertarian/independent than that.
I think democracy is, dumb ass and there is no such thing as natural market forces. :laugh:

Perhaps if democracy was working it might be, but it is broken in this country due to people putting party before country. Our Govt picks the winners and losers now, that is not the way it should be

The only political movement offering any hope, in my view, is ranked choice voting.

I've been a libertarian all my life, and I don't see that changing soon, but with this move the party has officially jumped the shark. To be fair, I get what they're trying to do. They've seen the writing on the wall, that Trump is going to win, and want to steer him toward libertarian policy goals. But dealing with the devil only benefits the devil.

I cannot see myself using the label any longer. This is just too much to overlook. I would feel the same way if they invited Biden or hell if they invited Jill Stein.
Perhaps if democracy was working it might be, but it is broken in this country due to people putting party before country. Our Govt picks the winners and losers now, that is not the way it should be
Sorry, you don't get to define what the country is or should be for everyone else. Or how anyone else chooses to exercise their franchise. I mean you're supposed to be a libertarian for fucks sake ain't you? How come then when people use their free will to ban together through a political party you bitch and complain about how this breaks you and the country? You're the one that sounds like a sore fucking loser because you can't get anyone to follow your plan of action.
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It's really not. You accept what you are told - by the two parties who want you to believe that its a binary system. You are a sucker, and a fool. The duopoly loves you.
You libertarians are now reduced to strawmaning and fantasizing everyone else's motivations. Aren't you lot supposed to be the rational ones? :dunno: :laugh:
No, he's not a fucking moron and watch your language --- he's right -- Trump does have strong Libertarian leanings, anti governmental control. Trump almost ran as the Reform Party's candidate in 2000 and it doesn't get much more Libertarian/independent than that.
Trump tripled the federal deficit and submitted the largest spending budget in US history. He added $8 trillion to the federal debt in half the time it took Obama.

Donald Von Shitzenpants is as anti-Libertarian as it gets.
Sorry, you don't get to define what the country is or should be for everyone else. Or how anyone else chooses to exercise their franchise. I mean you're supposed to be a libertarian for fucks sake ain't you? How come then when people use their free will to ban together through a political party you bitch and complain about how this brakes you and the country? You're the one that sounds like a sore fucking loser because you can't anyone to follow your plan of action.

I gave my opinion, that you choose to take it as some sort of command from me is your own fucking problem.

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. later this month as he tries to woo voters beyond the Republican base and avoid losing support to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This is just embarrassing, the once proud Libertarian Party reduced to this stupidity. There is not a Libertarian bone in Trump's body.

This makes as much sense as having Biden speak at the RNC.

Might have to give the Constitution Party a closer look
Trump is far closer to being a Libertarian than the last Libertarian presidential candidate.
Trump tripled the federal deficit and submitted the largest spending budget in US history. He added $8 trillion to the federal debt in half the time it took Obama.

Donald Von Shitzenpants is as anti-Libertarian as it gets.
I love the way the progs pretend they had nothing to do with any of the spending that occurred during the COVID era.

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. later this month as he tries to woo voters beyond the Republican base and avoid losing support to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This is just embarrassing, the once proud Libertarian Party reduced to this stupidity. There is not a Libertarian bone in Trump's body.

This makes as much sense as having Biden speak at the RNC.

Might have to give the Constitution Party a closer look
Proud? When were they ever proud? And they will never die. They are needed by the political class to promote the idea that we have choices. So they are a useful tool of control for the ruling class.

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