Time to Face the Truth

It is time the right wing labelling of those who oppose Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government as Anti Semites stopped. Are these guys Anti Semites?

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Statement: JVP Stands With the Students of Columbia University and CCNY.​

Last night, student protestors at Columbia University and the City College of New York were brutalized by the NYPD — in order to protect their universities’ investments in Israeli apartheid.

Jewish Voice for Peace condemns the NYPD’s arrests and assaults of over 50 Columbia and Barnard students peacefully occupying Hind’s Hall (formerly Hamilton Hall, renamed by students in honor of a 6-year-old Palestinian girl killed by the Israeli military), and those of dozens of protesting students at the City College of New York.

For over six months, people of conscience have come together to demand an immediate and permanent end to the Israeli military’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

As the Israeli military prepares to invade Rafah, scores of peaceful student encampments have bravely assembled across the country to demand that institutions of higher learning end their complicity with the Israeli government’s dispossession of Palestinian families from their homes and land.

Early reports from tonight include horrifying instances of violence against students by the police. At Columbia University, this included hundreds of police with drawn weapons deploying flash-bang grenades, throwing a student down the stairwell. Student journalists reported a substance that smelled of sewage.

It will forever be a stain on Columbia that the administration called riot police on its own student body rather than divest from the brutality of war and occupation.

The blame for tonight’s violence also falls on the shoulders of politicians such as President Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and more, who have used their power to smear anti-war protests, paving the way for police violence against students.

We’re fighting to stop a genocide. Slanders against our movements are a distraction.​

People of conscience across the country are organizing in unprecedented numbers to demand divestment from Israeli apartheid and genocide. Our elected officials and the U.S. media, desperate to maintain unquestioning support for the Israeli war machine in service of their own interests, have responded by exploiting fears of rising antisemitism and smearing peaceful, anti-war protests as dangerous, anti-semitic mobs.

As the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, we unequivocally reject the conflation of antisemitism with anti-Zionism and reaffirm in the strongest terms that there is no place for antisemitism in our movements. We condemn the false accusations of antisemitism leveled against principled, anti-war protesters to discredit our movements.

We understand these accusations for what they are: a cynical distraction from the ongoing atrocities in Gaza. Over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, with thousands more feared dead. They are currently unearthing the bodies of their loved ones in mass graves. In Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of displaced people have taken shelter, Israel’s military is preparing to invade.

In the last week, student encampments have been erected at universities across the country, making national headlines as demands for immediate ceasefire and divestment from apartheid become more mainstream. At the same time, Jews and people of conscience are pouring into the streets, inspired by the lessons of Passover — the Jewish holiday of liberation — to do everything in their power to demand an end to U.S. complicity in genocide.

We are watching this on UK TV live.
It is clearly a disaster for US democracy. The police have not evolved from the 60s.
And the University authorities should be removed from office as they have lost all authority. Getting your students beaten up and arrested is not a good look.

Out of touch and out of ideas.
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Why dispute that there are people who feel the same way about Israel (and Jews in general) as to how Israeli Jews, and their US boosters, feel about Palestinians?

There are no good guys in this, including either presidential candidate and either major party.
While that’s true… it ignores that the media is totally one sided
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lol. You think Hamas would nuke Israel if they could, so nuke Gaza. Never mind the million children you’d murder.

The thinking of a 12 year old bully.

Dumb in the extreme.
Tell me as soon as Iran/humus stop launching rockets in to Israel, raping, and killing women, and children, you terrorist supporter!
Hamas will be eradicated….Are you shedding a tear?

You're really thick in the head, aren't you? What part of "nobody supports Hamas" are YOU not understanding????

YOU keep repeating this lie, like it means something, but all you are doing is proving that your goal here is not to save lives, but to demonize and further divide American voters.
While that’s true… it ignores that the media is totally one sided
Well, given Nov 6, imo its understandable that most Americans side with Israel. If the Pales really wanted peace and a two state .... all they'd have to do is go Ghandi or MLK jr. Jews have few friends in the world ... certainly less empathy than in 1947, and for reason.

But I'm hard put to see much difference in an Israeli and a Pale .... despite Nov 6.

And I am surprised by the US jewish support for Bibi.

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ISREAL FIRST. SOMEBODY has to stop the killing first, and since HAMAS isn't killing anyone right now, it needs to be Israel.
Yeah hard to kill when you are being eradicated, which should be, and is the goal, and the innocent life being lost is completely on humus, for hiding behind women and children!
So is the Republican Party of Donald Trump, the KKK who are part of the Republican Party, and the Proud Boys who lead his insurrection. A vote for Donald Trump is vote FOR anti-Semitism.

Soros is a Jew, Lisa. And he has a LOT more credibility as a Jew they you will every have.
Yeah, why DID TRUMP! move the embassy to Jerusalem? He must really hate the Jews.
Tell me as soon as Iran/humus stop launching rockets in to Israel, raping, and killing women, and children, you terrorist supporter!
lol. This while thousands of Palestinian children are murdered and maimed, has to be a mental disorder.
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You're really thick in the head, aren't you? What part of "nobody supports Hamas" are YOU not understanding????

YOU keep repeating this lie, like it means something, but all you are doing is proving that your goal here is not to save lives, but to demonize and further divide American voters.
Save your screaming tantrum for the college students that were yelling "We are Hamas".... you stupid ****...

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