Time to Face the Truth

I hope that black support of Muslim terrorism finally, at long last, causes Jews to cease their support of blacks.
The antisemitic blacks we see in this forum are ignorant of their own history.

In the 60s, no other non-black group.fought harder for their civil rights than Jews.

Conversely, the Arabs they support were still slavers well past the time it was abandoned here.
I hope that black support of Muslim terrorism finally, at long last, causes Jews to cease their support of blacks.
Don’t hold your breath. These Democrat Jews are so brainwashed that one of them made his appearance in a class on “How to Combat Antisemitism” and said Jews should focus more on racism. Therein a debate ensured, and the Democrat didn‘t return.
The antisemitic blacks we see in this forum are ignorant of their own history.

In the 60s, no other non-black group.fought harder for their civil rights than Jews.

Conversely, the Arabs they support were still slavers well past the time it was abandoned here.
Jews gave their very lives for the civil rights of blacks.

And before that, Jews were willing to rent to blacks and hire blacks for jobs when other people wouldn’t.

And what’s our thanks? Antisemitic blacks pushing Jew-hate.

Yes, it is. Assaulting people is not. Destroying property is not. That doesn’t mean people can’t be removed for that but it is still PEACEFUL. It is not ”holding people”.


Yes, it is. Assaulting people is not. Destroying property is not. That doesn’t mean people can’t be removed for that but it is still PEACEFUL. It is not ”holding people”.
It is "peaceful" to assault people and destroy property? Are you
confused or does the above represent an error in grammar? Can
you define "holding people"? ----to what are you referring?
Based on your take on the situation on the campuses----can I
assume that the January 6 ""insurrection"' was entirely "peaceful"?
Why are there people still in jail
Haha the only land israel has taken since becoming a nation, is land they won’t in wars after being invaded

The only Arabs that aren’t at peace with Israel, is iran, which uses Hamas, and the demafasict party in America to harm Jews
So in response to the Arab nations mobilization, not invasion, declaration of war, or a surprise attack, Israel launched a surprise attack on June 5 1967 of it's own instead. Arab inhabitant's of what was suppose to be their nation or homeland in Palestine have had their land occupied by foreigners since 1918 and now what's left of it is being illegally annexed, and or bombed into rubble. Not the Arab Nations, who were mobilizing, not their land, but land from the people who didn't even have a country, army, (no you can't count the fledgling PLO as an army), or a say in the UN.

Fuck Iran, fuck Hamas, and fuck the liars who's goal is to weaken the USA by division.
So in response to the Arab nations mobilization, not invasion, declaration of war, or a surprise attack, Israel launched a surprise attack on June 5 1967 of it's own instead. Arab inhabitant's of what was suppose to be their nation or homeland in Palestine have had their land occupied by foreigners since 1918 and now what's left of it is being illegally annexed, and or bombed into rubble. Not the Arab Nations, who were mobilizing, not their land, but land from the people who didn't even have a country, army, (no you can't count the fledgling PLO as an army), or a say in the UN.

Fuck Iran, fuck Hamas, and fuck the liars who's goal is to weaken the USA by division.
The Arab states attacked them

What I find amazing is most of those states are at peace with Israel now, and don’t want Hamas in their country

Yet you all embrace hamas
And gave their opinion, hence op-ed
Their opinion is not the issue.

They accurately quoted the Likud Party platform statement that says “from the river to the sea”

Which is what I claimed and what you called a lie

Ya fucking asshole
It is time the right wing labelling of those who oppose Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government as Anti Semites stopped. Are these guys Anti Semites?

View attachment 941221

Statement: JVP Stands With the Students of Columbia University and CCNY.​

Last night, student protestors at Columbia University and the City College of New York were brutalized by the NYPD — in order to protect their universities’ investments in Israeli apartheid.

Jewish Voice for Peace condemns the NYPD’s arrests and assaults of over 50 Columbia and Barnard students peacefully occupying Hind’s Hall (formerly Hamilton Hall, renamed by students in honor of a 6-year-old Palestinian girl killed by the Israeli military), and those of dozens of protesting students at the City College of New York.

For over six months, people of conscience have come together to demand an immediate and permanent end to the Israeli military’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

As the Israeli military prepares to invade Rafah, scores of peaceful student encampments have bravely assembled across the country to demand that institutions of higher learning end their complicity with the Israeli government’s dispossession of Palestinian families from their homes and land.

Early reports from tonight include horrifying instances of violence against students by the police. At Columbia University, this included hundreds of police with drawn weapons deploying flash-bang grenades, throwing a student down the stairwell. Student journalists reported a substance that smelled of sewage.

It will forever be a stain on Columbia that the administration called riot police on its own student body rather than divest from the brutality of war and occupation.

The blame for tonight’s violence also falls on the shoulders of politicians such as President Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and more, who have used their power to smear anti-war protests, paving the way for police violence against students.

We’re fighting to stop a genocide. Slanders against our movements are a distraction.​

People of conscience across the country are organizing in unprecedented numbers to demand divestment from Israeli apartheid and genocide. Our elected officials and the U.S. media, desperate to maintain unquestioning support for the Israeli war machine in service of their own interests, have responded by exploiting fears of rising antisemitism and smearing peaceful, anti-war protests as dangerous, anti-semitic mobs.

As the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, we unequivocally reject the conflation of antisemitism with anti-Zionism and reaffirm in the strongest terms that there is no place for antisemitism in our movements. We condemn the false accusations of antisemitism leveled against principled, anti-war protesters to discredit our movements.

We understand these accusations for what they are: a cynical distraction from the ongoing atrocities in Gaza. Over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, with thousands more feared dead. They are currently unearthing the bodies of their loved ones in mass graves. In Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of displaced people have taken shelter, Israel’s military is preparing to invade.

In the last week, student encampments have been erected at universities across the country, making national headlines as demands for immediate ceasefire and divestment from apartheid become more mainstream. At the same time, Jews and people of conscience are pouring into the streets, inspired by the lessons of Passover — the Jewish holiday of liberation — to do everything in their power to demand an end to U.S. complicity in genocide.

The truth is Hamas is a terrorist organization who killed over a thousand on Oct 7th.
Everyone that doesn't support Islamic terrorism does.
Thousands of Palestinian children have been killed. You’d expect the outrage and coverage to be proportionately greater, and it’s not.

In the future, people will look back at what is being done, which essentially is the flattening of a whole series of towns and the mass murder of thousands of unarmed civilians, almost half of whom are children, and they will be absolutely bewildered at how the West could allow this to happen using weapons supplied by the West.

It is time the right wing labelling of those who oppose Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government as Anti Semites stopped. Are these guys Anti Semites?

View attachment 941221

Statement: JVP Stands With the Students of Columbia University and CCNY.​

Last night, student protestors at Columbia University and the City College of New York were brutalized by the NYPD — in order to protect their universities’ investments in Israeli apartheid.

Jewish Voice for Peace condemns the NYPD’s arrests and assaults of over 50 Columbia and Barnard students peacefully occupying Hind’s Hall (formerly Hamilton Hall, renamed by students in honor of a 6-year-old Palestinian girl killed by the Israeli military), and those of dozens of protesting students at the City College of New York.

For over six months, people of conscience have come together to demand an immediate and permanent end to the Israeli military’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

As the Israeli military prepares to invade Rafah, scores of peaceful student encampments have bravely assembled across the country to demand that institutions of higher learning end their complicity with the Israeli government’s dispossession of Palestinian families from their homes and land.

Early reports from tonight include horrifying instances of violence against students by the police. At Columbia University, this included hundreds of police with drawn weapons deploying flash-bang grenades, throwing a student down the stairwell. Student journalists reported a substance that smelled of sewage.

It will forever be a stain on Columbia that the administration called riot police on its own student body rather than divest from the brutality of war and occupation.

The blame for tonight’s violence also falls on the shoulders of politicians such as President Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and more, who have used their power to smear anti-war protests, paving the way for police violence against students.

We’re fighting to stop a genocide. Slanders against our movements are a distraction.​

People of conscience across the country are organizing in unprecedented numbers to demand divestment from Israeli apartheid and genocide. Our elected officials and the U.S. media, desperate to maintain unquestioning support for the Israeli war machine in service of their own interests, have responded by exploiting fears of rising antisemitism and smearing peaceful, anti-war protests as dangerous, anti-semitic mobs.

As the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, we unequivocally reject the conflation of antisemitism with anti-Zionism and reaffirm in the strongest terms that there is no place for antisemitism in our movements. We condemn the false accusations of antisemitism leveled against principled, anti-war protesters to discredit our movements.

We understand these accusations for what they are: a cynical distraction from the ongoing atrocities in Gaza. Over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, with thousands more feared dead. They are currently unearthing the bodies of their loved ones in mass graves. In Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of displaced people have taken shelter, Israel’s military is preparing to invade.

In the last week, student encampments have been erected at universities across the country, making national headlines as demands for immediate ceasefire and divestment from apartheid become more mainstream. At the same time, Jews and people of conscience are pouring into the streets, inspired by the lessons of Passover — the Jewish holiday of liberation — to do everything in their power to demand an end to U.S. complicity in genocide.

Why dispute that there are people who feel the same way about Israel (and Jews in general) as to how Israeli Jews, and their US boosters, feel about Palestinians?

There are no good guys in this, including either presidential candidate and either major party.
Thousands of Palestinian children have been killed. You’d expect the outrage and coverage to be proportionately greater, and it’s not.

In the future, people will look back at what is being done, which essentially is the flattening of a whole series of towns and the mass murder of thousands of unarmed civilians, almost half of whom are children, and they will be absolutely bewildered at how the West could allow this to happen using weapons supplied by the West.


I won't

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