Is MSNBC a legit news outlet or propaganda tool for Democrats?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In keeping with my 'fair and balanced' thing, time to critique 'friends.'

Other than during breaking news to get a different angle or better imagery, I've stopped watching MSNBC for news. I like ya Ms. Maddow, but your show and others seems more about countering things said on Fox than covering anything else. That's called 'Gotcha Journalism' and isn't anything worth watching.

Fox might have its faults, but MSNBC is no better if they only ever correct and counter what they say. Would MSNBC even exist without Fox News then? Grow up guys.

CNN seems to be the last remaining real news cable option. But for some recent expeditions into the documentary arena, they seem much as they always have. Though I gotta say their coverage on Gaza quickly turned to crap like MSNBC's did. Please explain to me the virtue of giving terrorists time on-air? Do they have some legitimate perspective that will convince us murdering civilians is okay? Quit putting Hamas on-air. Wanna give the opposition's pov find a Palestinian Authority type, not some Hamas blowhard saying how much he cares about Gaza FROM QATAR.
pure propaganda tool for the DNC and they lie just as much as the Democrat party does

neither has any honor
On the "bias scale"...ranging from 1 to 100...I would rate MSNBC as about 95% liberal bias.
In contrast I would rate Fox News about 70% conservative bias.
NBC News...95% liberal bias
CBS, CNN and ABC...70% liberal.
So at best, in America, television based news you have a 30% chance of hearing the whole truth.
During the day, MSNBC is straight news and has several RW journalists.

At night, its liberal pundits but still has quite a few RW pundits, but no tee potties.

And please, faux is all very far right entertainment and propaganda with almost no hard news. CNN is Fox Lite.

If you want straight, unbiased news, your best bets are Al Jazeera, BBC, PBS, NPR.
sure Marc, I guess that's why their ratings are in last place as in the crapper
It is a 100% ligitimate news organization for the low information lefty loon class and racists the likes of Al Sharpton et al.
About 10+ years ago MSNBC was a legit news source. Then almost overnight they changed their formula in an attempt to copy Fox News and match their success. Unfortunately for them it seems liberals don't like having nonsense thrown at them as much as conservatives do.
The only thing watchable on MSNBC is morning Joe, the rest is not even democratic it is "progressive" crap. I am sorry but the endless stream of gay hosts preaching the far left position is not catching on. Just like on fox I cannot stand Hanity, or Huckabee. Is it just me or is CNN trying to go down the middle more lately. I guess they have to do something
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I liked Rachel Maddows segments on Uganda when that was breaking. Since then though it seems like she's all 'make Republicans look bad" fluff pieces.

Republicans don't need any help to look bad. But if all you do is cover it you're the one who starts looking bad. Presumedly there are others things going on in the world to talk about.
I liked Rachel Maddows segments on Uganda when that was breaking. Since then though it seems like she's all 'make Republicans look bad" fluff pieces.

Republicans don't need any help to look bad. But if all you do is cover it you're the one who starts looking bad. Presumedly there are others things going on in the world to talk about.
Republicans make themselves look bad, Rachel reports it.
Now even MSNBC is showing how bad Isis is. Al Sharpton is showing an imbedded report from Iraq inside Isis, showing the brutality and asking is Isis a threat to the US. Talking heads saying how desperate the situation is. Old Al is saying they are vicious killers cutting the heads off innocents.
Funny when Megan Kelly said how violent these guys are MSNBC was worried about the war on women and birth control. Rev Al sounds like Oliver North all of a sudden. Hmmmmm very strange

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