Is Netanyahu actually increasing the liklihood of an Iran Nuke Agreement?

Could it be they're doing the good cop, bad cop routine? IDK :eusa_think: but I doubt it.
Netanyahu admits profound disagreement with Obama - Yahoo News
Netanyahu's position is not just at odds with Obama, but also with Russia China UK France and Germany. The more he yells, the more it's in Tehran's interest to isolate him by agreeing to something the 5+1 powers can accept.

It's like he's being Obama's best salesman with the Iranians. LOL

At first I thought unreal he is coming to speak at congress, but he speaks at AIPAC anyway, and now I think its going to show how foolish he really is , because he is saying that IAEA and P5+1 don't know what in the heck they are doing, what a foolish man. His bias hatred of Iran has been on display for year, his obsession and unfounded accusations he makes daily about Iran, and yet he will not let the IAEA in Israel to check out his nuke arsenal.
Well, excuse me! When was the last time Netanyahu threatened to wipe Iran off the face of the earth?
That's not really the point. No one thinks Iran is hunky doorey. The question is whether we should bomb Iran or try and get a deal. I'm in the bombing as a total last resort to save us from getting bombed first group
Well, excuse me! When was the last time Netanyahu threatened to wipe Iran off the face of the earth?

Bibi has been after Iran since about 92, everyday in his newspapers , his Defense Minister Moshe said if the US wont stop them we'll attack ourselves. They are obsessed. They will do a false flag soon I suppose.
Well, excuse me! When was the last time Netanyahu threatened to wipe Iran off the face of the earth?

Bibi has been after Iran since about 92, everyday in his newspapers , his Defense Minister Moshe said if the US wont stop them we'll attack ourselves. They are obsessed. They will do a false flag soon I suppose.
But the question was has he threatened to annihilate them? Do you have a link?
Well, excuse me! When was the last time Netanyahu threatened to wipe Iran off the face of the earth?

Bibi has been after Iran since about 92, everyday in his newspapers , his Defense Minister Moshe said if the US wont stop them we'll attack ourselves. They are obsessed. They will do a false flag soon I suppose.
But the question was has he threatened to annihilate them? Do you have a link?
What's your point? Iran has used inflammatory language about destroying Israel. We all agree.

Should the US bomb Iran? Should we enter into an agreement with them and our other 5Plus1 partners? If that's a possibility, what's required in the agreement that might be acceptable to Iran and also the 5Plus1?
Israel’s defense minister on Monday signaled that his country has abandoned any hope that the United States will solve the Iranian nuclear crisis diplomatically and that he – in a reported reversal – would now support Israel taking unilateral military action against the Islamic Republic.

“We had thought the ones who should lead the campaign against Iran is the United States,” said Moshe Ya’alon, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. “But at some stage the United States entered into negotiations with them, and unhappily, when it comes to negotiating at a Persian bazaar, the Iranians were better.”

Israeli Official Says Israel Can No Longer Rely On The U.S. To Handle Iran ThinkProgress

I don't know how else one can take their daily rants and raves against Iran, they want a coup, just like in Syria. If I were Iran I'd take them seriously.
Personally, I take Israel's threats more seriously than Iran's. And imo Netanyahu is digging himself a very bad hole.
Well, excuse me! When was the last time Netanyahu threatened to wipe Iran off the face of the earth?
That's not really the point. No one thinks Iran is hunky doorey. The question is whether we should bomb Iran or try and get a deal. I'm in the bombing as a total last resort to save us from getting bombed first group
Republicans are all:

"Diplomacy? Whats that? Whatever it is, it doesn't cost enough in lives and treasure"

Ironic part is most of the rw'ers here AND IRL never served a day active-duty in the military in the entirety of their entitled lives. Aint that true WillowTree Tipsycatlover The Rabbi Listening HenryBHough etc, etc....
Well, excuse me! When was the last time Netanyahu threatened to wipe Iran off the face of the earth?
That's not really the point. No one thinks Iran is hunky doorey. The question is whether we should bomb Iran or try and get a deal. I'm in the bombing as a total last resort to save us from getting bombed first group
Republicans are all:

"Diplomacy? Whats that? Whatever it is, it doesn't cost enough in lives and treasure"

Ironic part is most of the rw'ers here AND IRL never served a day active-duty in the military in the entirety of their entitled lives. Aint that true WillowTree Tipsycatlover The Rabbi Listening HenryBHough etc, etc....
I dunno. I think Boehner only pulled this stunt to appease the bomb throwers in his House. He can't get any substantive legislation passed. He can't actually repeal Obamacare, and in the end he's going to have to cave on defunding Homeland Sec over immigration because .... Obama's called his bluff over defunding before, and there's not going to be any different outcome this time. So, he's doing the one thing that buys him time, trying to embarrass Obama simply to try and embarrass him.

The neocons like McCain are probably overjoyed too, but I don't think a lot of gopers in the senate want to blow up the budget for a land war in Iran, or even a bunch of pilot POWs. And, really there's nothing the senate can do. There's no treaty at issue. My guess is Iran will agree to something the 5plus1 can accept. Netanyahu will want an airwar at least. The question will be whether Russia will be a pain in the arse just to be a pain, and if so whether the UK, US, France and Germany and China just carry on, with the understanding that Iran will not use Russian technology to violate their agreement.

I don't see that Netanyahu is actually getting anything to further Israel's security.

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