Is Putin a great leader?

A modern day Tsar of all the Russians.
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Let it go lefties. Nit picking everything Trump says only makes y'all look vindictive, angry and disappointed. For some historic perspective the democrat icon of the 2oth century, FDR, referred to the monster Stalin as "Uncle Joe".
Let it go lefties. Nit picking everything Trump says only makes y'all look vindictive, angry and disappointed. For some historic perspective the democrat icon of the 2oth century, FDR, referred to the monster Stalin as "Uncle Joe".
We are going to do the same thing to trump that was done to Biden.
We are going to do the same thing to trump that was done to Biden.
What was done to Biden? The lying bastards in the media protected him for the better part of four years until he fell apart during the debate. It would be refreshing if the media suddenly became honest and treated Trump fairly but it's clear that they will double down and attack him.
And you are obviously a Russian stool pigeon…

And you like Pink Cabbage are low IQ Chat site dolts .
Likely around 80 years and still thinking in stereotypical US Cold War terms .

Name calling has never bothered me in the least, but to capture my attention you need to be creative , tinged with humour and fact based .
Mediocrity has never appealed .

Authoritarians get bad information because the people who work for them are afraid to give them bad news or other ideas. All they get is fealty, encouragement and agreement. With that bad input comes bad decisions. That's what happens when you demand loyalty instead of collaboration and innovation.

Steve Jobs once said, "we don't hire smart people and tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell US what to do".

Authoritarians are weak because they're afraid of discouraging words and want to feel protected. Ultimately they fail, and/or their people suffer, because of it.
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Trump thinks he is, He's said that more than once.

Putin has been the undisputed leader (ruler) of Russia for twenty five years now, winning his "elections" with an incredible (as in; not credible) 80 - 90 % of the vote. So where has Putin led Russia?

Russia is the largest country on Earth by area and has vast reserves of natural resources like timber, oil and minerals. It has a population of 144 million well educated people.

So why does Russia rank 65th in GDP. Italy with a population of 59 million and less area than California ranks 26 in GDP

Can you think of something that you have bought that was made in Russia?....other than vodka.

They never developed their own petroleum services industry and so are dependent on parts made in the West. About the only thing they manufacture and export are arms, most of which are lesser grade knock offs of our technology.

So where has this great leader led Russia? Into a historically disastrous war of aggression against their neighbor Ukraine. Indiscriminate bombing of residential buildings in violation of the Geneva Convention and promises made at the end of the Cold War in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nuclear weapons leaves Putin the undeniable aggressor

The fact is Russia is losing this war. Two weeks has turned into three years with Russian casualties approaching 1,000,000! Putin is destroying his army, and is dependent on North Korea for men and ammunition. The ruble is cratering and NATO is bigger and stronger than ever.

Is this great leadership?

The only thing that can save Putin now is Donny the Surrender Monkey!

One other thing, after 25 years as "leader" one in five Russians still don't have flush otoilets! ( the oligarchs are not in that 20%)

A great leader would have Russia and Russians much richer by now.
Talk when you have been there and know what you are dribbling about .
High level business and travel do not make one a "trollbot".

I wonder if low IQ people that sit on their backsides spouting garbage do qualify for that label , Pink Cabbage ?

You don’t even attempt to defend your fearless leader this time you just go straight to insults, proving you’ve lost completely.
The fact is Russia is losing this war. Two weeks has turned into three years with Russian casualties approaching 1,000,000! Putin is destroying his army, and is dependent on North Korea for men and ammunition. The ruble is cratering and NATO is bigger and stronger than ever.
Not sure they see it this way. Putin doesn't care if Russians get killed. If he gets less than 1% of Ukrainian territory a year, he sees it as a win.
Not sure they see it this way. Putin doesn't care if Russians get killed. If he gets less than 1% of Ukrainian territory a year, he sees it as a win.
Russia is on its last legs. The run away inflation their economy has been suffering has become obvious, far in excess of 10%.
Centuries of authoritarian rule has rendered a docile Russian population for sure, but even they will at some point resist the brutal waste of the next generation.
NATO is bigger and stronger than ever and Ukraine has stood up its own drone weapons manufacturing industry and is now taking the fight to Russia.

Two weeks has become three years. Putin's Special Mititary Operation to invade and steal Ukraine from the Ukrainian people is a spectacular failure. Russia's announcements of battlefield gains are so incremental, it puts them on a pace to "conquer" all of Ukraine in one hundred years!

Putin's leadership can only be considered great in measure of its failure.

After 1/4 century of rule under Putin, one in five Russians still craps in an outhouse!

Great leader?

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