Is religion a haven for sexual deviants?

Seems like every sex scandal involves religion, or very nearly. Why is that do you think? Could religion itself lend itself easily to such deviancy?

Never hear atheists seducing young virgins into sex assuring them "God says it's okay." :)

While I think it would be incorrect to say that every sex scandal involves religion, it does seem that a lot of the most strident bible thumpers lead double lives. I remember laughing out loud when I first saw this -

- and there's no end to the scandals involving sex, money, underage partners, homosexuality and more among evangelicals.

Traditionally, the catholic church has done very little to stop pedo priests and instead has hidden their identity and shipped from one locale to another to protect them. Its incredible and horrifying that people continue to support "The Church" and even take their children to mass and allow them to be alter boys. What kind of self-delusion does that require?

And, its true that the religious use the excuse 'christians aren't perfect, just forgiven'. Considering what we have seen of people like Duck Dynasty and the Duggar's huge litter of weirdos, its apparent that other christians forgive damn near anything their preachers dish out.

There are sicko atheists, I'm sure but you're correct that they don't have a god to blame it on or to say 'god says its okay'.

Personally, I don't believe pedophilia is curable. Religious or not, we need to ostracize and severely punish those who take sexual advantage of children. And then we need to make sure they are never again anywhere near another child.

I seldom ever agree with you, but this last paragraph shows, even the most different of people can agree on some things.

I don't care if it was Billy Graham, Obama, Bush, or the Pope. If someone molests a child, they should be castrated, and if they do it again, then hang them, because they cannot be fixed.
Are you religious suddenly?
He is having a rough time, trying to convince himself that his bi-sexuality is not breaking Jewish law.

It's hard to see the damage of your sins while you are in them. It's often only when we repent and forsake them do we realize what an awful state we were in.

A friend of mine was into drugs big time. He had to overdose a couple times before he woke up to it. At one point he was so high he tried to make a video documentary on how to buy drugs. We watched it when he had cleaned his life up. He agrees that he cannot believe how absolutely stupid that was. If he had been caught by the dealers, he would be dead.

Sin blinds people. It's only through repentance that we can see clearly. I think that's because Christ shines a light on us.
I mentioned "underage partners" earlier in the post. As we saw from some posters here, when that Duck Dynsasty creep preached that adult men should marry teenage girls, "teenagers" are not considered to be children. I disagree as I believe teenagers are not yet mature enough to give consent.

Well the problem as I see it with marrying too young is your whole reference frame is limited to however old you are. If 15 a 'lifetime' to you is no more than 15 years. So promising to spend the next 80 maybe with somoene isn't anything you could reasonably be held to.

I disagree teens by virtue of simply being teens are automatically less mature though. Raise kids to be responsible and make good decisions and they will. Infantilize them and they'll turn out that way well into adulthood. The latest arguement against teens being able to consent to sex has no basic in reality. While it's true our brains don't finish developing until our mid 20s, if we're using that for an AoC age it should be in our mid 20s. Plus the double-standard is clear in how if you get married you can have sex (and get married) at younger ages than for just sexual relationships. It's thus arbitrary.

It's an old myth that teenaged girls make better wives and mothers. Is evidence to support the position the opposite is the case and there's greater likelyhood of birth defects from younger women. Only evidence I'd use to demonstrate maturity is asking where on a scale of 1 to 10 does someone place the importance of looking good? Higher values equal less maturity. :)

If the old farts were honest, and they're not, they would admit they wanted teenage wives for anything BUT the reasons they state.
Are you religious suddenly?
He is having a rough time, trying to convince himself that his bi-sexuality is not breaking Jewish law.

It's hard to see the damage of your sins while you are in them. It's often only when we repent and forsake them do we realize what an awful state we were in.

A friend of mine was into drugs big time. He had to overdose a couple times before he woke up to it. At one point he was so high he tried to make a video documentary on how to buy drugs. We watched it when he had cleaned his life up. He agrees that he cannot believe how absolutely stupid that was. If he had been caught by the dealers, he would be dead.

Sin blinds people. It's only through repentance that we can see clearly. I think that's because Christ shines a light on us.

Dang, but you holier than thou folks are just so damn ... well ... holier than thou.
Delta, where does all that hate you have inside of you come from?

I have no hate. Simply asking an interesting question based on a lot of observation. If we can't even prove God exists, then why is religion so popular? Isn't like clergy are going around to hospitals healing the sicks or performing other miracles. So absent divine powers, what's left but the allure of sex under the banner of "God says so."

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