Is She Drunk? Kamala Harris Heavily Slurs in Bizarre 5-Minute Rant During Interview with NABJ (VIDEO)

Must be why she got no debate bounce...

The OP is lie. But hey, if trump wins, you guys are going to get what you deserve and it is not going to be good.
This happened this evening. Kamala heavily slurred during a bizarre 5-minute rant about total nonsense on Tuesday. Do we have any board members who are experienced with people who are heavy drinkers or pill takers who can chime in on this bizarre behavior?
It's drugs, baby, drugs! Did she just say, "Having a background as a prostitute"? Is that what she said? I have to play it again.
”A lot of rumors out there about Kamala having a serious drinking problem…apparently coming into focus as campaign heats up.”

Lordy Lord! Da pressure done got ta' her!

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