Is spending on abortion shoved into every democrat spending bill?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Sheer insanity, why is it democrats must spend money on promoting abortion every time they spend money?

What is it with these people? It's not enough to allow Americans to murder their own flesh and blood by law, they also want us to pay for it.

Do they just sit around with baby dolls sticking knives in it all day, or is this a Rose Mary's Baby sort of vibe?

Anyway, an INFRASTRUCTURE bill with massive spending has abortion money in it that some democrats oppose which may cause them not to vote for it. Why does this bill have blood money in it?

Sheer insanity, why is it democrats must spend money on promoting abortion every time they spend money?

What is it with these people? It's not enough to allow Americans to murder their own flesh and blood by law, they also want us to pay for it.

Do they just sit around with baby dolls sticking knives in it all day, or is this a Rose Mary's Baby sort of vibe?

Anyway, an INFRASTRUCTURE bill with massive spending has abortion money in it that some democrats oppose which may cause them not to vote for it. Why does this bill have blood money in it?
Really obsessed with the issue, eh? Show me where money is included to fund it.
There is no earthly reason why democrats should not be encouraged to kill off the next generation of democrats.

Instead of fighting abortion, find some nice, white, republican couple and encourage them to have more children.
If an abortion is needed during some sort of oddball emergency situation then that's one thing.

But if some woman just wants to abort a baby then that's her decision and it's her financial responsibility. No way taxes should go to abortions. I'm not paying taxes so some woman can go have an abortion because she got pregnant because she isn't responsible.

Sheer insanity, why is it democrats must spend money on promoting abortion every time they spend money?

What is it with these people? It's not enough to allow Americans to murder their own flesh and blood by law, they also want us to pay for it.

Do they just sit around with baby dolls sticking knives in it all day, or is this a Rose Mary's Baby sort of vibe?

Anyway, an INFRASTRUCTURE bill with massive spending has abortion money in it that some democrats oppose which may cause them not to vote for it. Why does this bill have blood money in it?

Yes. Abortion is a prime tenet and sacrament of their religion.
Really obsessed with the issue, eh? Show me where money is included to fund it.
Idiot, a $3.5 quadoubletrillion spending spree is being held up on this one issue. I had nothing to do with it.

Can't understand why people are sooooo obsessed over mass genocide.

I mean China engages in it an no one cares.

Now you fearless leader Xiden used to support the Hyde Amendment, but then Dr. Jeckel took over
At this point I am willing to have tax dollars spent to abort liberal genetic garbage. Something has to be done to eliminate Left Syndrome.
You have your right to not have an abortion but you asked US taxpayers to go kill innocent people in the Middle East for Oil...

You only seem to be happy when a woman is forced to have a child from a rape....
We seem to have a rape epidemic.
Really obsessed with the issue, eh? Show me where money is included to fund it.
Seems to the rest of us that the political whores you promote are obsessed about the issue.

I think the world would be a better place to live if you were yanked out of the womb with a rusty coat hanger, or a sterile vacuum. Makes no difference to me as long as we have less "people" like you with Left Syndrome running around destroying shit.

Dems hate black people. Its the only explanation for them supporting the killing of hundreds of them a day through abortion.
If an abortion is needed during some sort of oddball emergency situation then that's one thing.

But if some woman just wants to abort a baby then that's her decision and it's her financial responsibility. No way taxes should go to abortions. I'm not paying taxes so some woman can go have an abortion because she got pregnant because she isn't responsible.
We agree on when an abortion is proper. I just don't think that decision should be made by anyone who doesn't know anything about the specific situation. The woman, and her doctor are the only ones that should make that decision.
You have your right to not have an abortion but you asked US taxpayers to go kill innocent people in the Middle East for Oil...

You only seem to be happy when a woman is forced to have a child from a rape....
Yea, I don't know why I told US taxpayers to go kill people in the MIddle East................say...........wait a minute, what in the hell are you talking about? Wut a trickster you are, I can hardly keep up.

Now back to topic. Why is abortion in every spending bill for the DNC?
You have your right to not have an abortion but you asked US taxpayers to go kill innocent people in the Middle East for Oil...

You only seem to be happy when a woman is forced to have a child from a rape....
This is a perfect example of Left Syndrome. A different sort of retard, but one that obviously has very special needs, requires far more attention, therapy and potty training.

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