Is taking money that was supposed to go to 9/11 victims Trump's next big scandal?

Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

Who says $8 million disqualifies it from being a small business? Obviously, the author doesn't know if there was structural damage to the building. Why isn't Trump's business just as entitled as any other business to receive government benefits?

This story appears to be mostly a load of biased horseshit.

Coming from Red State it's a hit piece for sure. NY Daily News tried the hit on Trump back in 2006. Now his opponents have dragged it out again. Good grief they are desperate.


And I love it.

They are throwing everything they can at him. Most of it is pathetic and contrived. Hillary has a dozen scandals that are 10 times worse than anything they can conjure up against Trump.
The billionaire did not make a single contribution to any of the not-for-profit groups that were formed in the wake of the terror attack to provide aid to survivors, rescue workers, or the families of cops and firemen who died trying to save others.
Forget Hillary, Donald Trump is showing the GOP what REAL scandals are like.
Hitlery the establishment candidate puppet Benghazi liar -vs- Trump the supporter of military vets who defend our freedom and hates politicians and big gov. Choosing a real patriot leader isn't hard.

Especially if you paint him in a very, VERY flattering picture.
I'm beginning to wonder if some of the posters on this board actually work for CNN because it seems like the story in these threads find their way onto CNN after a few weeks. Some of these post are also very well written which indicates it might be written by a professional journalist. It is just a theory of mine.
I'm sure CNN will cover this 24 hours a day and repeat the democratic talking point every half hour.
Will this story get more coverage than the Iraq combat war vet who got fired from Trump U for missing time to attend monthly reserve obligations? The lawsuit was settled out of court, so I guess it has some merit.
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

Who says $8 million disqualifies it from being a small business? Obviously, the author doesn't know if there was structural damage to the building. Why isn't Trump's business just as entitled as any other business to receive government benefits?

This story appears to be mostly a load of biased horseshit.

Coming from Red State it's a hit piece for sure. NY Daily News tried the hit on Trump back in 2006. Now his opponents have dragged it out again. Good grief they are desperate.


And I love it.
Sniper fire anyone?
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

Who says $8 million disqualifies it from being a small business? Obviously, the author doesn't know if there was structural damage to the building. Why isn't Trump's business just as entitled as any other business to receive government benefits?

This story appears to be mostly a load of biased horseshit.

Coming from Red State it's a hit piece for sure. NY Daily News tried the hit on Trump back in 2006. Now his opponents have dragged it out again. Good grief they are desperate.


And I love it.

They are throwing everything they can at him. Most of it is pathetic and contrived. Hillary has a dozen scandals that are 10 times worse than anything they can conjure up against Trump.
Like what?
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

Who says $8 million disqualifies it from being a small business? Obviously, the author doesn't know if there was structural damage to the building. Why isn't Trump's business just as entitled as any other business to receive government benefits?

This story appears to be mostly a load of biased horseshit.

Coming from Red State it's a hit piece for sure. NY Daily News tried the hit on Trump back in 2006. Now his opponents have dragged it out again. Good grief they are desperate.


And I love it.
Sniper fire anyone?

Ask the Pant Suit... she's is apparently an expert in sniper fire... and barking... and southern accents.
Is taking money that was supposed to go to 9/11 victims Trump's next big scandal?

Wow, the Liberals are REALLY desperate.....

If you want to look for 'villains' regarding this issue you could start with the Red Cross.

The Red Cross collected supplies promising to give to the victims of 9/11, but there were so many supplies donated and the surplus - according to them - so large that they stockpiled SOME of the supplies AND THE CASH for the 'next' disaster.

But really? There is so much scandal swirling around Hillary to talk about, but the Liberals, instead, are left to cast aspersions and speculation on the GOP candidate?! :p Too funny...
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

Who says $8 million disqualifies it from being a small business? Obviously, the author doesn't know if there was structural damage to the building. Why isn't Trump's business just as entitled as any other business to receive government benefits?

This story appears to be mostly a load of biased horseshit.

Trumps building is over a mile from the towers. His building suffered no damage.
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

He PAID OFF Hillary Clinton when she was Senator, with donations to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation!...Isn't that what you scum were complaining about, WHY he paid off Clinton...well assholes, here's ONE FUCKING EXAMPLE of HOW YOU DO BUSINESS IN DEMORAT NEW YORK!!!!

"Isn't that what you scum were complaining about"

What the hell are you talking about?

I was never going to vote for a democrat anyway..Never have..Never will. BUT I have been to the observation deck on the one tower and feel a personal loss from watching it fall into a smoking pile of twisted metal that morning along with the other one. I spent about an hour by myself just contemplating New York and what a marvel it was to behold from more than a thousand feet in the sky. Then I cris crossed lower Manhattan all day ending at Central Park in front of the Dakota where John Lennon was gunned down. The next day I took the boat to the Statue of Liberty and climbed the rickety stairway to the crown with a bunch of Boy Scouts. We started rocking the thing til the flame was waving "hello" to those viewing it from shore. There REALLY was a good reason to repair the old girl. That thing was loose as a goose!

Point being I made a lasting connection with NY-NY and the Towers especially even though I am from the exact opposite of the country. It broke my heart - 9/11.

I was just starting to lean towards voting for Trump. Now when I see his smug face I want to puke. I want to throw a straight right and smash his nose in. If he did what this 411 suggests FUCK DONALD TRUMP in the ass.

No, he's just a smart businessman who takes government money when he's legally entitled to it.

If he took the money, meant for actual small businessmen that suffered actual damage, under false premise he is scum. There is no other moral way to interpret it.
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

He PAID OFF Hillary Clinton when she was Senator, with donations to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation!...Isn't that what you scum were complaining about, WHY he paid off Clinton...well assholes, here's ONE FUCKING EXAMPLE of HOW YOU DO BUSINESS IN DEMORAT NEW YORK!!!!

"Isn't that what you scum were complaining about"

What the hell are you talking about?

I was never going to vote for a democrat anyway..Never have..Never will. BUT I have been to the observation deck on the one tower and feel a personal loss from watching it fall into a smoking pile of twisted metal that morning along with the other one. I spent about an hour by myself just contemplating New York and what a marvel it was to behold from more than a thousand feet in the sky. Then I cris crossed lower Manhattan all day ending at Central Park in front of the Dakota where John Lennon was gunned down. The next day I took the boat to the Statue of Liberty and climbed the rickety stairway to the crown with a bunch of Boy Scouts. We started rocking the thing til the flame was waving "hello" to those viewing it from shore. There REALLY was a good reason to repair the old girl. That thing was loose as a goose!

Point being I made a lasting connection with NY-NY and the Towers especially even though I am from the exact opposite of the country. It broke my heart - 9/11.

I was just starting to lean towards voting for Trump. Now when I see his smug face I want to puke. I want to throw a straight right and smash his nose in. If he did what this 411 suggests FUCK DONALD TRUMP in the ass.

No, he's just a smart businessman who takes government money when he's legally entitled to it.

If he took the money, meant for actual small businessmen that suffered actual damage, under false premise he is scum. There is no other moral way to interpret it.
You don't know if any of your biased assumptions are true. You're scum. There is no other moral way to interpret it.
When It Came To September 11 Charity, Billionaire Donald Trump Actually Had His Hand Out

The billionaire did not make a single contribution to any of the not-for-profit groups that were formed in the wake of the terror attack to provide aid to survivors, rescue workers, or the families of cops and firemen who died trying to save others. Just as we reporteda few months ago.

The Republican presidential candidate, a son of New York City, claims he watched with his own eyes as victims jumped to their death from the upper floors of the World Trade Center. Trump has said he saw this horror unfold from his Fifth Avenue penthouse, five miles north of the attack site.

But what makes Trump’s cold shoulder to September 11 victims and their families even more galling is the fact that the tycoon put his hand out when government officials offered recovery money to small companies affected by the attacks.

Donald Trump Took $150,000 After 9/11 Because He Was A "Small Business" Owner | RedState

If he wants your house for a limousine parking lot, well, he’s entitled. If he wants to hump someone else’s wife? Entitled. Support abortion and then expect to be believed when he changes his tune? Entitled. Money for small businesses affected by 9/11? Entitled. He took this grant money, and I’m sure he’d tell you that $150K is chump change, because he could. His business wasn’t harmed. He didn’t need it. But he wanted it.


Scrutiny, it's called scrutiny.

Forget Hillary, Donald Trump is showing the GOP what REAL scandals are like.
Hate to tell you this since you are on a roll but...

Isn't that money for NYC businesses? Yes
Does Trump own a business in NYC? Yes

Unless you can point out some stipulation in the grant, I think TrumTrump is entitled to that money!!

This is not a scandal. Also, it does not matter how rich or poor a person is when it comes to receiving grant money.

Sorry. I may lean left but I am also a corporatists. I have absolutely no clue as to why receiving funds for 9/11 is a bad thing. I think, in general, this is a good thing for the economy of NYC in terms of rebuilding.

You have to explain what is wrong with this a little more for me to get what you are trying to say. I am missing your point.
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

He PAID OFF Hillary Clinton when she was Senator, with donations to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation!...Isn't that what you scum were complaining about, WHY he paid off Clinton...well assholes, here's ONE FUCKING EXAMPLE of HOW YOU DO BUSINESS IN DEMORAT NEW YORK!!!!

"Isn't that what you scum were complaining about"

What the hell are you talking about?

I was never going to vote for a democrat anyway..Never have..Never will. BUT I have been to the observation deck on the one tower and feel a personal loss from watching it fall into a smoking pile of twisted metal that morning along with the other one. I spent about an hour by myself just contemplating New York and what a marvel it was to behold from more than a thousand feet in the sky. Then I cris crossed lower Manhattan all day ending at Central Park in front of the Dakota where John Lennon was gunned down. The next day I took the boat to the Statue of Liberty and climbed the rickety stairway to the crown with a bunch of Boy Scouts. We started rocking the thing til the flame was waving "hello" to those viewing it from shore. There REALLY was a good reason to repair the old girl. That thing was loose as a goose!

Point being I made a lasting connection with NY-NY and the Towers especially even though I am from the exact opposite of the country. It broke my heart - 9/11.

I was just starting to lean towards voting for Trump. Now when I see his smug face I want to puke. I want to throw a straight right and smash his nose in. If he did what this 411 suggests FUCK DONALD TRUMP in the ass.

No, he's just a smart businessman who takes government money when he's legally entitled to it.

If he took the money, meant for actual small businessmen that suffered actual damage, under false premise he is scum. There is no other moral way to interpret it.
You don't know if any of your biased assumptions are true. You're scum. There is no other moral way to interpret it.
Donald Trump’s building at 40 Wall Street is located a mile from ground zero, yet Donald Trump joined in with fellow bigwigs to take that money from the mouths of business owners, some of whom had to close shop completely after the attack. Trump granted the money after he was able to prove that the business located at 40 Wall Street only had $26 in its bank account.

How exactly Trump’s financially failing business qualified for a $150,000 grant from Empire State Development Corporation, money meant for buildings that were structurally damaged during the attack, is beyond most people with functioning brains, but that is exactly what he did. The federal government is responsible for allowing the large corporations to take advantage of the funds set up for Americans who actually needed it.

The real clincher, is the fact that the business located at 40 Wall Street brings in an annual revenue of $8 million, which clearly disqualifies if from being considered a small business. Also, even if there were structural damages to the building, Donald Trump could have easily afforded to fix it himself. Trump, however, decided to take advantage of the federal government’s generosity.

Regardless of how exactly The Donald was granted the funds, taking money from the people who were actually affected by the falling of the World Trade Center is beyond appalling, it’s unforgivable. For all the small business owners whose livelihood would have been lost had they not received the grant, this money was needed more than Donald Trump will ever know.

JUST IN: Donald Trump Took $150,000 In Federal Relief Aid Meant For Victims Of 9/11 Attack

There are several sources for this story. If true, may the Donald burn in hell.

He PAID OFF Hillary Clinton when she was Senator, with donations to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation!...Isn't that what you scum were complaining about, WHY he paid off Clinton...well assholes, here's ONE FUCKING EXAMPLE of HOW YOU DO BUSINESS IN DEMORAT NEW YORK!!!!

"Isn't that what you scum were complaining about"

What the hell are you talking about?

I was never going to vote for a democrat anyway..Never have..Never will. BUT I have been to the observation deck on the one tower and feel a personal loss from watching it fall into a smoking pile of twisted metal that morning along with the other one. I spent about an hour by myself just contemplating New York and what a marvel it was to behold from more than a thousand feet in the sky. Then I cris crossed lower Manhattan all day ending at Central Park in front of the Dakota where John Lennon was gunned down. The next day I took the boat to the Statue of Liberty and climbed the rickety stairway to the crown with a bunch of Boy Scouts. We started rocking the thing til the flame was waving "hello" to those viewing it from shore. There REALLY was a good reason to repair the old girl. That thing was loose as a goose!

Point being I made a lasting connection with NY-NY and the Towers especially even though I am from the exact opposite of the country. It broke my heart - 9/11.

I was just starting to lean towards voting for Trump. Now when I see his smug face I want to puke. I want to throw a straight right and smash his nose in. If he did what this 411 suggests FUCK DONALD TRUMP in the ass.

No, he's just a smart businessman who takes government money when he's legally entitled to it.

If he took the money, meant for actual small businessmen that suffered actual damage, under false premise he is scum. There is no other moral way to interpret it.
You don't know if any of your biased assumptions are true. You're scum. There is no other moral way to interpret it.

"My biased assumptions?"

I didn't write the stories. All I am saying is that IF they are true he is scum. I would very much like to know if these reports are factual. It would make a huge difference in how I see Trump.

You really need to get off your knees and stop sucking The Donald's cock for a minute and wipe the cum off your face. If he is the wonderful human being you believe he is then the stories will prove to be inaccurate.

Like I said I was leaning towards voting for him but these stories I find VERY troubling. If that bothers you then too bad. I've always thought you were a dick for using a child's picture in your avie and have told you so for years. Your opinion is worthless to me.
When It Came To September 11 Charity, Billionaire Donald Trump Actually Had His Hand Out

The billionaire did not make a single contribution to any of the not-for-profit groups that were formed in the wake of the terror attack to provide aid to survivors, rescue workers, or the families of cops and firemen who died trying to save others. Just as we reporteda few months ago.

The Republican presidential candidate, a son of New York City, claims he watched with his own eyes as victims jumped to their death from the upper floors of the World Trade Center. Trump has said he saw this horror unfold from his Fifth Avenue penthouse, five miles north of the attack site.

But what makes Trump’s cold shoulder to September 11 victims and their families even more galling is the fact that the tycoon put his hand out when government officials offered recovery money to small companies affected by the attacks.

Donald Trump Took $150,000 After 9/11 Because He Was A "Small Business" Owner | RedState

If he wants your house for a limousine parking lot, well, he’s entitled. If he wants to hump someone else’s wife? Entitled. Support abortion and then expect to be believed when he changes his tune? Entitled. Money for small businesses affected by 9/11? Entitled. He took this grant money, and I’m sure he’d tell you that $150K is chump change, because he could. His business wasn’t harmed. He didn’t need it. But he wanted it.


Scrutiny, it's called scrutiny.

Forget Hillary, Donald Trump is showing the GOP what REAL scandals are like.
Hate to tell you this since you are on a roll but...

Isn't that money for NYC businesses? Yes
Does Trump own a business in NYC? Yes

Unless you can point out some stipulation in the grant, I think TrumTrump is entitled to that money!!

This is not a scandal. Also, it does not matter how rich or poor a person is when it comes to receiving grant money.

Sorry. I may lean left but I am also a corporatists. I have absolutely no clue as to why receiving funds for 9/11 is a bad thing. I think, in general, this is a good thing for the economy of NYC in terms of rebuilding.

You have to explain what is wrong with this a little more for me to get what you are trying to say. I am missing your point.

That money was earmarked for distressed businesses impacted by the towers falling and debris hitting small businesses and other financial impacts directly resulting from the attack on 9/11.

Taking that money by businesses that were not harmed by the attack on 9/11 is no different than stealing the money pot from the santa clauses that stand outside department stores collecting for charity.

It is repulsive.
When It Came To September 11 Charity, Billionaire Donald Trump Actually Had His Hand Out

The billionaire did not make a single contribution to any of the not-for-profit groups that were formed in the wake of the terror attack to provide aid to survivors, rescue workers, or the families of cops and firemen who died trying to save others. Just as we reporteda few months ago.

The Republican presidential candidate, a son of New York City, claims he watched with his own eyes as victims jumped to their death from the upper floors of the World Trade Center. Trump has said he saw this horror unfold from his Fifth Avenue penthouse, five miles north of the attack site.

But what makes Trump’s cold shoulder to September 11 victims and their families even more galling is the fact that the tycoon put his hand out when government officials offered recovery money to small companies affected by the attacks.

Donald Trump Took $150,000 After 9/11 Because He Was A "Small Business" Owner | RedState

If he wants your house for a limousine parking lot, well, he’s entitled. If he wants to hump someone else’s wife? Entitled. Support abortion and then expect to be believed when he changes his tune? Entitled. Money for small businesses affected by 9/11? Entitled. He took this grant money, and I’m sure he’d tell you that $150K is chump change, because he could. His business wasn’t harmed. He didn’t need it. But he wanted it.


Scrutiny, it's called scrutiny.

Forget Hillary, Donald Trump is showing the GOP what REAL scandals are like.
Hate to tell you this since you are on a roll but...

Isn't that money for NYC businesses? Yes
Does Trump own a business in NYC? Yes

Unless you can point out some stipulation in the grant, I think TrumTrump is entitled to that money!!

This is not a scandal. Also, it does not matter how rich or poor a person is when it comes to receiving grant money.

Sorry. I may lean left but I am also a corporatists. I have absolutely no clue as to why receiving funds for 9/11 is a bad thing. I think, in general, this is a good thing for the economy of NYC in terms of rebuilding.

You have to explain what is wrong with this a little more for me to get what you are trying to say. I am missing your point.

That money was earmarked for distressed businesses impacted by the towers falling and debris hitting small businesses and other financial impacts directly resulting from the attack on 9/11.

Taking that money by businesses that were not harmed by the attack on 9/11 is no different than stealing the money pot from the santa clauses that stand outside department stores collecting for charity.

It is repulsive.

I haven't seen one shred of evidence that Trump violated the law. All you have are a lot of accusations and assumptions. Show us some proof of something.
When It Came To September 11 Charity, Billionaire Donald Trump Actually Had His Hand Out

The billionaire did not make a single contribution to any of the not-for-profit groups that were formed in the wake of the terror attack to provide aid to survivors, rescue workers, or the families of cops and firemen who died trying to save others. Just as we reporteda few months ago.

The Republican presidential candidate, a son of New York City, claims he watched with his own eyes as victims jumped to their death from the upper floors of the World Trade Center. Trump has said he saw this horror unfold from his Fifth Avenue penthouse, five miles north of the attack site.

But what makes Trump’s cold shoulder to September 11 victims and their families even more galling is the fact that the tycoon put his hand out when government officials offered recovery money to small companies affected by the attacks.

Donald Trump Took $150,000 After 9/11 Because He Was A "Small Business" Owner | RedState

If he wants your house for a limousine parking lot, well, he’s entitled. If he wants to hump someone else’s wife? Entitled. Support abortion and then expect to be believed when he changes his tune? Entitled. Money for small businesses affected by 9/11? Entitled. He took this grant money, and I’m sure he’d tell you that $150K is chump change, because he could. His business wasn’t harmed. He didn’t need it. But he wanted it.


Scrutiny, it's called scrutiny.

Forget Hillary, Donald Trump is showing the GOP what REAL scandals are like.
Hate to tell you this since you are on a roll but...

Isn't that money for NYC businesses? Yes
Does Trump own a business in NYC? Yes

Unless you can point out some stipulation in the grant, I think TrumTrump is entitled to that money!!

This is not a scandal. Also, it does not matter how rich or poor a person is when it comes to receiving grant money.

Sorry. I may lean left but I am also a corporatists. I have absolutely no clue as to why receiving funds for 9/11 is a bad thing. I think, in general, this is a good thing for the economy of NYC in terms of rebuilding.

You have to explain what is wrong with this a little more for me to get what you are trying to say. I am missing your point.

That money was earmarked for distressed businesses impacted by the towers falling and debris hitting small businesses and other financial impacts directly resulting from the attack on 9/11.

Taking that money by businesses that were not harmed by the attack on 9/11 is no different than stealing the money pot from the santa clauses that stand outside department stores collecting for charity.

It is repulsive.

I haven't seen one shred of evidence that Trump violated the law. All you have are a lot of accusations and assumptions. Show us some proof of something.

The stories do not accuse Trump of breaking any law that I know of. They suggest that he took money meant for businesses that were hurt or destroyed by the attacks on 9/11. If the stories are true and you don't understand why some people find that despicable then I feel sorry for you. I don't take money from charities. I offer charities my assistance when I can. That's what good people do. It isn't a "liberal" thing or a "republican" thing. If you don't get that then go ahead and overlook it. I will not.

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