is the AfD in Germany a dangerous political party?

I don't think so. They seem pretty moderate and patriotic to me. I can see why the Reds and the Davos Set would hate them. From reading their policies, they are more like the U.S.'s old school liberals, before both Parties got bought out by the technocrats, giant corps, and monopolists.

Having Reds or giant corporations controlling your govt. are distinctions without a difference for most people.
No, only for migrants they are dangerous not for anyone else, they will kick out the migrants, but many countries did that normally in the past or do that still. So they are not dangerous that they will start a war or something or attack a neighbour country. They just will kick out immigrants. They would likely get support from every right winger in every country in the world. Like MAGA Republicans. MAGA Republicans also want to deport immigrants just like the AfD.

Olaf Scholz said though "Immigrants dont need to be afraid"


In a globalized world, it is much easier than a hundred and two hundred years ago to live somewhere other than your home village or where you were born. You have to be a bit risk-taking and adventurous. There is even a white Miss Japan, so we could be Japanese these days. I'm not so afraid of the Nazis that they throw me out, maybe I can live somewhere else.
No, only for migrants they are dangerous not for anyone else, they will kick out the migrants, but many countries did that normally in the past or do that still. So they are not dangerous that they will start a war or something or attack a neighbour country. They just will kick out immigrants. They would likely get support from every right winger in every country in the world. Like MAGA Republicans. MAGA Republicans also want to deport immigrants just like the AfD.

Olaf Scholz said though "Immigrants dont need to be afraid"


In a globalized world, it is much easier than a hundred and two hundred years ago to live somewhere other than your home village or where you were born. You have to be a bit risk-taking and adventurous. There is even a white Miss Japan, so we could be Japanese these days. I'm not so afraid of the Nazis that they throw me out, maybe I can live somewhere else.

Kick out immigrants. Cool. And who will be working on German relatively low-paid and unskilled jobs? You?
Kick out immigrants. Cool. And who will be working on German relatively low-paid and unskilled jobs? You?

When I graduated high school you could live on minimum wage, $1.25 an hour then and while not wealthy you didn't do without much, My Blue Shield healthy policy was only $9 bucks and change a month, I could rent a garage apt. for $40, easy to find, and fairly new cars could be finance for 18 months at $35 a month. I could afford food, movies, and gas. What has changed is now employers feel entitled to Red Chinese wages in 1st World countries, or better yet tax bennies and outsourcing to slave regimes overseas. There was never any 'labor shortage' here, nor in Europe; that's just bullshit propaganda.
When I graduated high school you could live on minimum wage, $1.25 an hour then and while not wealthy you didn't do without much, My Blue Shield healthy policy was only $9 bucks and change a month, I could rent a garage apt. for $40, easy to find, and fairly new cars could be finance for 18 months at $35 a month. I could afford food, movies, and gas. What has changed is now employers feel entitled to Red Chinese wages in 1st World countries, or better yet tax bennies and outsourcing to slave regimes overseas. There was never any 'labor shortage' here, nor in Europe; that's just bullshit propaganda.
That is because the employers have now easy access to the 'Red Chinese wages'. And they can choose either to lower the wages at home or move somewhere else.

About labor shortage.. The US has now the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. With all that outsourcing and hordes of immigrants there.
That is because the employers have now easy access to the 'Red Chinese wages'. And they can choose either to lower the wages at home or move somewhere else.

About labor shortage.. The US has now the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. With all that outsourcing and hordes of immigrants there.

They outsource the good jobs, and rely on fact food and service industry crap jobs as replacements. That drain is going to hit hard in the near future, and if you think commies are popular now just wait a little while, it will be Mad Max time in the U.S. and the right wing loonies are as much a cause as the left wing deviants are.

'Unemployment stats are pretty much massaged rubbish here. If you don't believe it just look up how they determine 'employed' in the U.S.
They outsource the good jobs, and rely on fact food and service industry crap jobs as replacements. That drain is going to hit hard in the near future, and if you think commies are popular now just wait a little while, it will be Mad Max time in the U.S. and the right wing loonies are as much a cause as the left wing deviants are.

'Unemployment stats are pretty much massaged rubbish here. If you don't believe it just look up how they determine 'employed' in the U.S.
What I think is that the US should start a policy of protectionism and financial discipline. Losing manufacturing sectors, engineering schools, and financing the budget by 'printing' money is a way in nowhere.

I won't argue about unemployment stats. You may be right. I already learned that stats and 'opinion polls' are more about political games, than real figures.
What I think is that the US should start a policy of protectionism and financial discipline. Losing manufacturing sectors, engineering schools, and financing the budget by 'printing' money is a way in nowhere.

I won't argue about unemployment stats. You may be right. I already learned that stats and 'opinion polls' are more about political games, than real figures.

Like hefty tariffs against China and Mexico?

Already been done or threatened to do. How about we just go back to Donald Trump being President and let him take care of the problem?
Like hefty tariffs against China and Mexico?

Already been done or threatened to do. How about we just go back to Donald Trump being President and let him take care of the problem?
Yeah, something like that. But keep in mind that tariffs will affect American consumers at first. So, they should be imposed gradually.

Let it be Trump. Why not? It is up to you to decide.
In a globalized world, it is much easier than a hundred and two hundred years ago to live somewhere other than your home village or where you were born. You have to be a bit risk-taking and adventurous. There is even a white Miss Japan, so we could be Japanese these days. I'm not so afraid of the Nazis that they throw me out, maybe I can live somewhere else.

Being fluent in Japanese, Shiino must have lived in the country for at least a decade, working as a model. Most Ukrainian refugees cannot speak the language and are treated as a burden to society.

The rise of the far-right party is fuelled by German farmers' protests. Germans are angry because the majority of recent refugees from Ukraine and Syria receive state benefits. These protesters are against Germany's military aid to Ukraine as well as a cut in farming subsidies.

Current citizen's benefit recipients include at least 700,000 of the 1.3 million Ukrainian refugees in Germany and at least 500,000 of the 900,000 Syrian refugees. People with no money can receive benefits even if they are healthy and able to work, and the amount often exceeds the salaries and pensions of low-income earners. Overall, these refugees make up 2% of the country's population.

Supporting countries like Ukraine may be the correct thing to do says Silvio - a farmworker in the eastern state of Brandenburg: "But… we can't spend everything and nothing is left for the home country, for the farmers."

"Prices have collapsed and Ukraine grain is undercutting our prices further," he adds.

While Edelgard, a retiree who turned out to support the demo in Cottbus agrees. "There is money for people all over the world but not for our own people," he said.

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