Is The Bible Historically Accurate?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Archaeology Confirms 53 people mentioned in the Bible
53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Reliability of the Old Testament

Amazon product ASIN 0802803962

From The Smithsonian Museum
The Smithsonian's Statement on the Bible

“On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. “

Is The New Testament Reliable as History?

Amazon product ASIN 0802874312

Amazon product ASIN 1433552957

Amazon product ASIN 0805464379

Amazon product ASIN 0802822193

Here are 4 examples of research that show it is
If either the new bible or the old bible are to be taken literally, then those who do so must own it!
Archaeology Confirms 53 people mentioned in the Bible
How many people and events mentioned in the Bible have not been confirmed by archaeology?

The truth is that the Bible has plenty of historical accuracies and plenty of historical inaccuracies. To read it as a history or science textbook is to take it out of its intended context, namely a work on the evolving theology of Jews and Christians.
While some elements of the Old Testament do mention things (battles, long dead cities and people) that did occur/exist, other things and people can be categorized into the realm of fiction. We have to remember that the Old Testament is derived from the Hebrew's Dead Sea Scrolls, which only date to approximately 300 B.C. The oldest known writing of any kind is from the Kish Tablet, found in Iraq and is approximately 3,000 years older than the scrolls.
While the Tablet has nothing to do with the Hebrew religious teachings, it's important to remember that humans (in the form of actual Homo-Sapiens) were around for approximately 297,000 years prior to the oldest writing we know of, the Kish Tablet. Prior to establishing actual civilizations (cities/towns), nothing was written down, only spoken of and religious belief was generally in the animist form (spirits in animals and objects).
There is no way anyone could know (beyond archaeology and paleontology) what occurred prior to the ability to write things down and anything written down regarding substantiated evidence of battles and cities at the time of their writing, is pure word of mouth and conjecture.
An example: According to the Old Testament, Moses led enslaved Hebrews out of Egypt and was chased by the Egyptian Pharoah and his army.
Archaeological evidence: Workers on the pyramids were paid, not slaves and had living quarters. Records keeping by scribes cited the deaths of various Pharaohs and none died in a flood of water, chasing fleeing slaves.
Homo-Sapiens are just descendants of hominids, who were descendants of primates who were living in Africa and migrated, so the silly story of "Adam and Eve," can be tossed out, as can the existence of any Eden. There has been no place where everything is perfect. Insects have been found everywhere and they can bite, sting and cause parasitic infections in people. Predator animals existed millions of years ago, just as they do in modern times.
The bottom line is that the stories in the bible, taken from the Hebrew's Dead Sea Scrolls, can be taken with a grain-of-salt, as they say. Some historical data can be true, but the fantastical tales of biblical miracles and centuries old humans are just fabrications thrown into the mix.
The best way to handle the bible is to do what many Christians do, "cherry-pick" what they like or don't like (murder and theft....bad, respecting your parents, okay if they aren't outright criminals themselves).
Here's my personal stance on the bible. Chuck it into a bonfire and keep the following simple rules. Treat others kindly. Don't take a life, except to save one's self or others (I'm going to not get into death sentences for criminals that kill, as that's a matter for the local governments). Don't steal or otherwise victimize people. If I give my word/promise (or signature on a document), I honor it. If you don't, your word means nothing and you shouldn't be trusted.
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While some elements of the Old Testament do mention things (battles, long dead cities and people) that did occur/exist, other things and people can be categorized into the realm of fiction. We have to remember that the Old Testament is derived from the Hebrew's Dead Sea Scrolls, which only date to approximately 300 B.C. The oldest known writing of any kind is from the Kish Tablet, found in Iraq and is approximately 3,000 years older than the scrolls.
While the Tablet has nothing to do with the Hebrew religious teachings, it's important to remember that humans (in the form of actual Homo-Sapiens) were around for approximately 297,000 years prior to the oldest writing we know of, the Kish Tablet. Prior to establishing actual civilizations (cities/towns), nothing was written down, only spoken of and religious belief was generally in the animist form (spirits in animals and objects).
There is no way anyone could know (beyond archaeology and paleontology) what occurred prior to the ability to write things down and anything written down regarding substantiated evidence of battles and cities at the time of their writing, is pure word of mouth and conjecture.
An example: According to the Old Testament, Moses led enslaved Hebrews out of Egypt and was chased by the Egyptian Pharoah and his army.
Archaeological evidence: Workers on the pyramids were paid, not slaves and had living quarters. Records keeping by scribes cited the deaths of various Pharaohs and none died in a flood of water, chasing fleeing slaves.
Homo-Sapiens are just descendants of hominids, who were descendants of primates who were living in Africa and migrated, so the silly story of "Adam and Eve," can be tossed out, as can the existence of any Eden. There has been no place where everything is perfect. Insects have been found everywhere and they can bite, sting and cause parasitic infections in people. Predator animals existed millions of years ago, just as they do in modern times.
The bottom line is that the stories in the bible, taken from the Hebrew's Dead Sea Scrolls, can be taken with a grain-of-salt, as they say. Some historical data can be true, but the fantastical tales of biblical miracles and centuries old humans are just fabrications thrown into the mix.
The best way to hand the bible is to do what many Christians do, "cherry-pick" what they like or don't like (murder and theft....bad, respecting your parents, okay if they aren't outright criminals themselves).
Here's my personal stance on the bible. Chuck it into a bonfire and keep the following simple rules. Treat others kindly. Don't take a life, except to save one's self or others (I'm going to not get into death sentences for criminals that kill, as that's a matter for the local governments). Don't steal or otherwise victimize people. If I give my word/promise (or signature on a document), I honor it. If you don't, your word means nothing and you shouldn't be trusted.
Archeologists proved that King David was real but the inscribed rock was found in Syria so they covered it back up. Where is that rock? The archeologists took pictures of the inscribed rock before they covered it back up, old news some thirty years ago.
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The truth is that the Bible has plenty of historical accuracies and plenty of historical inaccuracies.
Which ones are inaccurate? You are LYING again and becoming more worthless by your unbeliefs or else you would be able to cite PLENTY OF HISTORICAL INACCURACIES.
Archaeology Confirms 53 people mentioned in the Bible
53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Reliability of the Old Testament

Amazon product ASIN 0802803962

From The Smithsonian Museum
The Smithsonian's Statement on the Bible

“On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. “

Is The New Testament Reliable as History?

Amazon product ASIN 0802874312

Amazon product ASIN 1433552957

Amazon product ASIN 0805464379

Amazon product ASIN 0802822193

Here are 4 examples of research that show it is
Archaeology Confirms 53 people mentioned in the Bible
53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Reliability of the Old Testament

Amazon product ASIN 0802803962

From The Smithsonian Museum
The Smithsonian's Statement on the Bible

“On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. “

Is The New Testament Reliable as History?

Amazon product ASIN 0802874312

Amazon product ASIN 1433552957

Amazon product ASIN 0805464379

Amazon product ASIN 0802822193

Here are 4 examples of research that show it is
So what?

Any work of fiction can still contain verifiable facts
Which ones are inaccurate? You are LYING again and becoming more worthless by your unbeliefs or else you would be able to cite PLENTY OF HISTORICAL INACCURACIES.
Archaeology Confirms 53 people mentioned in the Bible
53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

Reliability of the Old Testament

Amazon product ASIN 0802803962

From The Smithsonian Museum
The Smithsonian's Statement on the Bible

“On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. “

Is The New Testament Reliable as History?

Amazon product ASIN 0802874312

Amazon product ASIN 1433552957

Amazon product ASIN 0805464379

Amazon product ASIN 0802822193

Here are 4 examples of research that show it is
What does the archeological record say about Noah being 901 years old when he berthed his yacht?

I think you create for yourself a genuinely unsolvable dilemma by suggesting that corporeal characters in a book somehow ascribe magical / supernatural powers to other characters and events in that book. We see a pattern where the religionist will selectively pick and choose from the Bible those parts of the book which range from fact to fiction, from literalism to metaphor as the religionist assumes the role of being the final arbiter of which parts are to be taken as literal and which are not.

What does the archeological record indicate about Joshua's sun-standing still (i.e., Earth stopping its rotation). Is that a true rendering of an historical event, or not? Is the flood true? Is Adam and Eve in a magical garden arguing with a snake and original sin true (this one is primary, for without it, all the rest is unnecessary), is the earth fixed and immovable, is the earth flat?
What does the archeological record say about Noah being 901 years old when he berthed his yacht?

I think you create for yourself a genuinely unsolvable dilemma by suggesting that corporeal characters in a book somehow ascribe magical / supernatural powers to other characters and events in that book. We see a pattern where the religionist will selectively pick and choose from the Bible those parts of the book which range from fact to fiction, from literalism to metaphor as the religionist assumes the role of being the final arbiter of which parts are to be taken as literal and which are not.

What does the archeological record indicate about Joshua's sun-standing still (i.e., Earth stopping its rotation). Is that a true rendering of an historical event, or not? Is the flood true? Is Adam and Eve in a magical garden arguing with a snake and original sin true (this one is primary, for without it, all the rest is unnecessary), is the earth fixed and immovable, is the earth flat?
Well said.
Archeologists proved that King David was real but the inscribed rock was found in Syria so they covered it back up. Where is that rock? The archeologists took pictures of the inscribed rock before they covered it back up, old news some thirty years ago.

TLDR. You can't even explain your BLASPHEMY in your own words. The Bible warns us of cultists. ANTD. Some need to DH in this life.
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TLDR. You can't even explain your BLASPHEMY in your own words. The Bible warns us of cultists. ANTD. Some need to DH in this life.
You're funny. First you say "You are LYING ... or else you would be able to cite PLENTY OF HISTORICAL INACCURACIES". So when I do you say TLDR. Face it, you're afraid of anything that might make you question your literal interpretation of the Bible. Maybe your faith is not as strong as you think?

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