Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.

Even if what you said about the WPA and the CCC was true, you didn't show any evidence that they shortened the length of the depression. In fact, they lengthened the Depression. Everything Hoover and FDR did lengthened the depression. Smoot Hawley made lengthened it and made it worse. Raising tax rates to 90% lengthened it and made it worse. The NRA which imposed minute price controls on the economy lengthened it and made it worse. Farm subsidies and production quotas lengthened it and made it worse. And the list goes on.

The fact that handing out money to targeted constituencies helped FDR get reelected only proves that he was a savvy politician, not that he knew anything about economics.

I'm so sorry that people on the right obviously don't have a clue about what happened. Think about this.....the Roaring Twenties. It's the same thing which happened in 2008 to another tax cutting Republican....the banks failed. They closed, get it? THEY CLOSED!! Nobody had $700 billion to hand them the way Bush did. Take the banks and the auto industry with no loaned money and the same thing would have happened in 2008 that happened Black Tuesday (October 29), 1929....the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States:

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So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.

Even if what you said about the WPA and the CCC was true, you didn't show any evidence that they shortened the length of the depression. In fact, they lengthened the Depression. Everything Hoover and FDR did lengthened the depression. Smoot Hawley made lengthened it and made it worse. Raising tax rates to 90% lengthened it and made it worse. The NRA which imposed minute price controls on the economy lengthened it and made it worse. Farm subsidies and production quotas lengthened it and made it worse. And the list goes on.

The fact that handing out money to targeted constituencies helped FDR get reelected only proves that he was a savvy politician, not that he knew anything about economics.

I'm so sorry that people on the right obviously don't have a clue about what happened. Think about this.....the Roaring Twenties. It's the same thing which happened in 2008 to another tax cutting Republican....the banks failed. They closed, get it? THEY CLOSED!! Nobody had $700 billion to hand them the way Bush did. Take the banks and the auto industry with no loaned money and the same thing would have happened in 2008 that happened Black Tuesday (October 29), 1929....the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States.

The banks didn't close in 1929 because the government cut taxes. That idea is simply absurd. There is no theory of economics that says tax cuts cause banks to close. Furthermore, 14 years earlier, the income tax didn't even exist. If low income taxes cause financial panics, then why isn't the 19th century a long series of one Great Depression after another?

The real reason the financial panic of 1929 occurred was the credit bubble created by the Federal Reserve, and that's basically the same reason for the financial panic of 2008. Government credit inflation always leads to a collapse. Government is always the cause of financial panics. Always.
The GOP has been pretty authoritarian at least since the time of Nixon if not earlier.

Your delusion that the Democrat party isn't authoritarian is charming.
I didn't say anything about the Democratic Party. Your delusions are your own.
Who do you think you're fooling?
I wouldn't shit you. You're my favorite turd.
And you're my favorite lying douche bag.
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

Science suggests so.

If I asked you what most defines Donald Trump supporters, what would you say? They’re white? They’re poor? They’re uneducated? You’d be wrong. In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter supports Trump—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism. ...

My finding is the result of a national poll I conducted in the last five days of December under the auspices of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, sampling 1,800 registered voters across the country and the political spectrum. Running a standard statistical analysis, I found that education, income, gender, age, ideology and religiosity had no significant bearing on a Republican voter’s preferred candidate. Only two of the variables I looked at were statistically significant: authoritarianism, followed by fear of terrorism, though the former was far more significant than the latter.

Authoritarianism is not a new, untested concept in the American electorate. Since the rise of Nazi Germany, it has been one of the most widely studied ideas in social science. While its causes are still debated, the political behavior of authoritarians is not. Authoritarians obey. They rally to and follow strong leaders. And they respond aggressively to outsiders, especially when they feel threatened. From pledging to “make America great again” by building a wall on the border to promising to close mosques and ban Muslims from visiting the United States, Trump is playing directly to authoritarian inclinations.

Not all authoritarians are Republicans by any means; in national surveys since 1992, many authoritarians have also self-identified as independents and Democrats. ... But Hetherington has also found, based on 14 years of polling, that authoritarians have steadily moved from the Democratic to the Republican Party over time. He hypothesizes that the trend began decades ago, as Democrats embraced civil rights, gay rights, employment protections and other political positions valuing freedom and equality. In my poll results, authoritarianism was not a statistically significant factor in the Democratic primary race, at least not so far, but it does appear to be playing an important role on the Republican side. Indeed, 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters I surveyed score in the top quarter of the authoritarian scale—more than twice as many as Democratic voters.​

The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter
They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.

Even if what you said about the WPA and the CCC was true, you didn't show any evidence that they shortened the length of the depression. In fact, they lengthened the Depression. Everything Hoover and FDR did lengthened the depression. Smoot Hawley made lengthened it and made it worse. Raising tax rates to 90% lengthened it and made it worse. The NRA which imposed minute price controls on the economy lengthened it and made it worse. Farm subsidies and production quotas lengthened it and made it worse. And the list goes on.

The fact that handing out money to targeted constituencies helped FDR get reelected only proves that he was a savvy politician, not that he knew anything about economics.

I'm so sorry that people on the right obviously don't have a clue about what happened. Think about this.....the Roaring Twenties. It's the same thing which happened in 2008 to another tax cutting Republican....the banks failed. They closed, get it? THEY CLOSED!! Nobody had $700 billion to hand them the way Bush did. Take the banks and the auto industry with no loaned money and the same thing would have happened in 2008 that happened Black Tuesday (October 29), 1929....the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States.

The banks didn't close in 1929 because the government cut taxes. That idea is simply absurd. There is no theory of economics that says tax cuts cause banks to close. Furthermore, 14 years earlier, the income tax didn't even exist. If low income taxes cause financial panics, then why isn't the 19th century a long series of one Great Depression after another?

The real reason the financial panic of 1929 occurred was the credit bubble created by the Federal Reserve, and that's basically the same reason for the financial panic of 2008. Government credit inflation always leads to a collapse. Government is always the cause of financial panics. Always.

I've come to the conclusion that like most on the Right you wouldn't know your ass from a bass drum!
FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.

Even if what you said about the WPA and the CCC was true, you didn't show any evidence that they shortened the length of the depression. In fact, they lengthened the Depression. Everything Hoover and FDR did lengthened the depression. Smoot Hawley made lengthened it and made it worse. Raising tax rates to 90% lengthened it and made it worse. The NRA which imposed minute price controls on the economy lengthened it and made it worse. Farm subsidies and production quotas lengthened it and made it worse. And the list goes on.

The fact that handing out money to targeted constituencies helped FDR get reelected only proves that he was a savvy politician, not that he knew anything about economics.

I'm so sorry that people on the right obviously don't have a clue about what happened. Think about this.....the Roaring Twenties. It's the same thing which happened in 2008 to another tax cutting Republican....the banks failed. They closed, get it? THEY CLOSED!! Nobody had $700 billion to hand them the way Bush did. Take the banks and the auto industry with no loaned money and the same thing would have happened in 2008 that happened Black Tuesday (October 29), 1929....the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States.

The banks didn't close in 1929 because the government cut taxes. That idea is simply absurd. There is no theory of economics that says tax cuts cause banks to close. Furthermore, 14 years earlier, the income tax didn't even exist. If low income taxes cause financial panics, then why isn't the 19th century a long series of one Great Depression after another?

The real reason the financial panic of 1929 occurred was the credit bubble created by the Federal Reserve, and that's basically the same reason for the financial panic of 2008. Government credit inflation always leads to a collapse. Government is always the cause of financial panics. Always.

I've come to the conclusion that like most on the Right you wouldn't know your ass from a bass drum!
Yeah, I know, I haven't swallowed the propaganda your brain has been pickled in, so I must be stupid, right?
Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.

Even if what you said about the WPA and the CCC was true, you didn't show any evidence that they shortened the length of the depression. In fact, they lengthened the Depression. Everything Hoover and FDR did lengthened the depression. Smoot Hawley made lengthened it and made it worse. Raising tax rates to 90% lengthened it and made it worse. The NRA which imposed minute price controls on the economy lengthened it and made it worse. Farm subsidies and production quotas lengthened it and made it worse. And the list goes on.

The fact that handing out money to targeted constituencies helped FDR get reelected only proves that he was a savvy politician, not that he knew anything about economics.

I'm so sorry that people on the right obviously don't have a clue about what happened. Think about this.....the Roaring Twenties. It's the same thing which happened in 2008 to another tax cutting Republican....the banks failed. They closed, get it? THEY CLOSED!! Nobody had $700 billion to hand them the way Bush did. Take the banks and the auto industry with no loaned money and the same thing would have happened in 2008 that happened Black Tuesday (October 29), 1929....the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States.

The banks didn't close in 1929 because the government cut taxes. That idea is simply absurd. There is no theory of economics that says tax cuts cause banks to close. Furthermore, 14 years earlier, the income tax didn't even exist. If low income taxes cause financial panics, then why isn't the 19th century a long series of one Great Depression after another?

The real reason the financial panic of 1929 occurred was the credit bubble created by the Federal Reserve, and that's basically the same reason for the financial panic of 2008. Government credit inflation always leads to a collapse. Government is always the cause of financial panics. Always.

I've come to the conclusion that like most on the Right you wouldn't know your ass from a bass drum!
Yeah, I know, I haven't swallowed the propaganda your brain has been pickled in, so I must be stupid, right?

Not when Bush invaded Iraq you could just be misinformed. History will show that his actions at that time will rate number one on the list of costliest blunders by a political figure.

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