Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?

These kinds of troll posts are especially funny. As if most posters here don't know the OP is a Communist/Progressive Obamabot who doesn't care about America or the Constitution. He or she really does believe the Board forgot who they are. Funny stuff. :)
Or their sock who was just waiting In the wings to troll the thread with canned responses complete with cutsie Pictures .

Very predictable

did you have anything to add to the topic besides shameless lies about your political opponents?
Don't worry about it. Margerine has messed up her mind. How else support a "Republican" that is a fascist?

:lol: too much blue bonnet... at least thugs who turn a blind eye to trump's rhetoric are fully exposed.

The "thugs" are all Bernie and Hillary supporters. That was proven in Shitcago.
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.
And you want Trump to continue toward a more authoritarian country?

How could it possibly get more authoritarian than under Hillary or Bernie?
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.
Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?
It has been for some time.
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.
And you want Trump to continue toward a more authoritarian country?

Fuck No.

I want someone who will ABOLISH the authoritarian gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

Yes, they were ignorant when they elected Hoover and FDR.

Abolishing the Constitution (1787-1935) , adopting fascism as our socioeconomic system, declaring bankruptcy, is not "pulling the nation back from the brink".

I think the tensions and perceived injustices people experience or at least that they perceive have been visited on them build up over time and this energy is released violently. Riots and revolutions are the result.

The far right-wing in this country has seen what they perceive to be defeat after defeat socially with gay marriage, abortion rights, workers rights, women's rights, etc.

And while most people simply adjust over time to these changes, some people don't and this anger is stockpiled and builds up. Black Live Matter is also an example, and they are certainly not wrong in the wrongs perceived against their community. Conservatives in America have had a building anger as well as noted. But they have also had someone pouring gasoline on that fire in the form of Faux News and conservative talk radio who daily screams "life is miserable and its all their fault!", and points to anyone who isn't part of the group.

I think we will see more violence because this angry energy in the conservative community will have to be dissipated at some point. What we've seen at Trump rallies is the tip of the iceberg of this anger.
I think the tensions and perceived injustices people experience or at least that they perceive have been visited on them build up over time and this energy is released violently. Riots and revolutions are the result.

The far right-wing in this country has seen what they perceive to be defeat after defeat socially with gay marriage, abortion rights, workers rights, women's rights, etc.

And while most people simply adjust over time to these changes, some people don't and this anger is stockpiled and builds up. Black Live Matter is also an example, and they are certainly not wrong in the wrongs perceived against their community. Conservatives in America have had a building anger as well as noted. But they have also had someone pouring gasoline on that fire in the form of Faux News and conservative talk radio who daily screams "life is miserable and its all their fault!", and points to anyone who isn't part of the group.

I think we will see more violence because this angry energy in the conservative community will have to be dissipated at some point. What we've seen at Trump rallies is the tip of the iceberg of this anger.


1-freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.
freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hamperingconditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc.,according to choice.
freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint:
The prisoner soon regained his liberty.

In the USA ONLY the Libertarians guarantee Liberté

Question: Is the GOP now the party of autoritarianism?

Answer: Yes. It's their turn and in the interest of equality you liberals must submit or abandon your principles.

Moving right along (www

(suckered ya, right? LOL!)
I think the tensions and perceived injustices people experience or at least that they perceive have been visited on them build up over time and this energy is released violently. Riots and revolutions are the result.

The far right-wing in this country has seen what they perceive to be defeat after defeat socially with gay marriage, abortion rights, workers rights, women's rights, etc.

And while most people simply adjust over time to these changes, some people don't and this anger is stockpiled and builds up. Black Live Matter is also an example, and they are certainly not wrong in the wrongs perceived against their community. Conservatives in America have had a building anger as well as noted. But they have also had someone pouring gasoline on that fire in the form of Faux News and conservative talk radio who daily screams "life is miserable and its all their fault!", and points to anyone who isn't part of the group.

I think we will see more violence because this angry energy in the conservative community will have to be dissipated at some point. What we've seen at Trump rallies is the tip of the iceberg of this anger.


1-freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.
freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hamperingconditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc.,according to choice.
freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint:
The prisoner soon regained his liberty.

In the USA ONLY the Libertarians guarantee Liberté


Should I change my sig pic to 'free parking'?
Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.
Question: Is the GOP now the party of autoritarianism?

Answer: Yes. It's their turn and in the interest of equality you liberals must submit or abandon your principles.

Moving right along (www

So because someone else is gay and gets married you abandon your principles? Rather odd way of looking at it. Gay people go fishing, so you now have abandoned your tackle box?

Other people's freedom only infringes on yours when you are harmed. Your thoughts being harmed doesn't count and no I don't like the current trend towards 'safe zones'. Save zones are for children, literally. Adults have to walk through the jungle.
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.

The suffering could have been easily and painlessly stopped by abolishing the cause: the Federal Reserve Board.

Perhaps they have been all along, but electing Trump is certainly sending a message that the GOP is anti-constitution and American values.

Can you imagine what the founders would have to say about Trump?

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.


The suffering could have been easily and painlessly stopped by abolishing the cause: the Federal Reserve Board.

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Authoritarianism began in the 1860's when Lincoln centralized power in DC , reduced the states to mere provinces and when the Fourteenth Amendment and Seventeenth Amendments were , allegedly, enacted.

Authoritarianism was cemented in 1935 when FDR adopted fascism as our socioeconomic system, and when the US Constitution (1787-1935) was abolished.

.So BOTH parties practice Authoritarianism.

I wish you had been around in the 1930's/1940's. FDR was a hero of the people. There hasn't been another like him.

So was Hitler, he was ELECTED to office.

Unfortunately, ignorant people get to vote.

They showed their ignorance when they elected Herbert Hoover. FDR pulled the nation back from the brink. I was living on a farm in west Tennessee...where were you?

FDR was just Hoover II. The both made what should have been a short sharp recession turn into a 12 year long depression.

Horse Shit!! Men who were crying because they couldn't feed their families started working on the WPA and CCC. You goddam ignorant Republicans don't know a damned thing about it!!
I guess you didn't notice that Roosevelt was elected four times! I guess you didn't notice that the Republicans were so pissed about it that they set up a new rule which stated that no president could serve more than two terms. You guys are very good at not noticing things.

Even if what you said about the WPA and the CCC was true, you didn't show any evidence that they shortened the length of the depression. In fact, they lengthened the Depression. Everything Hoover and FDR did lengthened the depression. Smoot Hawley made lengthened it and made it worse. Raising tax rates to 90% lengthened it and made it worse. The NRA which imposed minute price controls on the economy lengthened it and made it worse. Farm subsidies and production quotas lengthened it and made it worse. And the list goes on.

The fact that handing out money to targeted constituencies helped FDR get reelected only proves that he was a savvy politician, not that he knew anything about economics.

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