Is the GOP on the Brink of Civil War?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I don't know about civil war but I joined the exodus, and no not to the democrats.

Is the GOP on the Brink of Civil War - Rasmussen Reports

Cruz said McConnell had told Republican conservatives in the Senate that there was no behind-the-scenes deal to revive the controversial Export-Import Bank. Conservatives view the bank as corporate welfare, while the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and pro-business Republicans are big supporters of it. But rather than let the bank stand or fall on a separate vote, McConnell announced at the last minute that a measure allowing reauthorization of the bank would be attached to much more popular legislation for funding highways. This maneuver guaranteed the bank’s reauthorization.
Looks like Boner may be on the way out......

Not civil war, just good housekeeping.
Clearly something has got to give. Conservatives keep handing the GOP establishment victories and the GOP establishment continues to shit on conservatives.
If anything I'm more a conservative.

Got sick of the Republicans a LONG time ago.
Clearly something has got to give. Conservatives keep handing the GOP establishment victories and the GOP establishment continues to shit on conservatives.

Worse yet the GOP establishment is now BFFs with Obama.
The tea party should become an actual party and compete with the GOP, doesn't look like their bid to hijack the GOP is going to work out.
The GOP is the tool used by rich people to get subsidies and bailouts (and military protection for overseas supply chains) at a lower cost (low taxes). But they need poor and middle class voters, so they fund talk radio which scares people into the voting booth with terrorism and the culture war.
the gop is the dnc of the 70's.

the gop saw what a great job RR did, and then did everything they could to help the dnc pull it down.

The government wants us all dependent on it, the 2 party system is just a control mech for us to look at while each party takes turn killing our freedom.

why do you think cops get to break your kids lemonade stand and get to do the same to your neighbors the next day?
We need to make a legit third party. Republicans discredited themselves. Sometimes I think that they are not any better than democrats. They only pretend to be conservatives while in fact they are latent liberals.
why do you think cops get to break your kids lemonade stand and get to do the same to your neighbors the next day?

Where does it say GOP is the founder of these laws??

The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands
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I’m beginning to think that there’s a nation-wide government conspiracy against either lemonade or children, because these lemonade stand shutdowns seem to be getting more and more common. If you set up a stand for your kids, just be prepared for a visit from the cops.

In Coralville, Iowa police shut down 4-year-old Abigail Krstinger’s lemonade stand after it had been up for half an hour. Dustin Krustinger told reporters that his daughter was selling lemonade at 25 cents a cup during the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Race Across Iowa (or RAGBRAI), and couldn’t have made more than five dollars, adding “If the line is drawn to the point where a four-year-old eight blocks away can’t sell a couple glasses of lemonade for 25 cents, than I think the line has been drawn at the wrong spot.”

Nearby, mother Bobbie Nelson had her kids’ lemonade stand shutdown as well. Police informed her that a permit would cost $400.

Meanwhile, in Georgia, police shutdown a lemonade stand run by three girls who were saving money to go to a water park. Police said the girls needed a business license, a peddler’s permit, and a food permit to operate the stand, which cost $50 per day or $180 per year each, sums that would quickly cut into any possible profit-margin.

In Appleton, Wisconsin the city council recently passed an ordinance preventing vendors from selling products within two blocks of local events – including kids who want to sell lemonade or cookies.

These are hardly isolated incidents. From slapping parents with $500 fines for letting their kids run unlicensed lemonade stands (though this was later waived after public outcry), to government officials calling the cops on kids selling cupcakes, the list goes on and on and on.

Nor does it stop with kids. Food Trucks are also under the gun of regulators and city governments across the country. This isn’t to say that food trucks don’t need any regulations at all, but many of the regulations that come down the pipeline are pushed by brick-and-mortar competitors who want to keep competition at a minimum.

But it’s the shutdown of lemonade stands that I find so inexplicable. Who stands to lose from a couple of six-year-olds selling lemonade? Who stands to gain from shutting them down? Do local governments really think parents are going to pay for $400 vendor permits, or that kids can scrape together the money for food permits? Are there any actual safety risks? Kids have been selling lemonade for decades without permits of any sort. They often set the stands up just for fun, but many lemonade stands (or bake sales) are used to raise money for schools, cancer, or sick pets. Lemonade stands represent the most innocent, optimistic side of capitalism out there.
The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands - Forbes
Don't think it's just the Republican Party. Democrats are about to lose their party too.
We need to make a legit third party. Republicans discredited themselves. Sometimes I think that they are not any better than democrats. They only pretend to be conservatives while in fact they are latent liberals.
Not latent, they're pretty much full blown liberals, they just talk like conservatives, thinking we won't notice when they fail to deliver on their conservative promises.
why do you think cops get to break your kids lemonade stand and get to do the same to your neighbors the next day?

Where does it say GOP is the founder of these laws??

The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands
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I’m beginning to think that there’s a nation-wide government conspiracy against either lemonade or children, because these lemonade stand shutdowns seem to be getting more and more common. If you set up a stand for your kids, just be prepared for a visit from the cops.

In Coralville, Iowa police shut down 4-year-old Abigail Krstinger’s lemonade stand after it had been up for half an hour. Dustin Krustinger told reporters that his daughter was selling lemonade at 25 cents a cup during the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Race Across Iowa (or RAGBRAI), and couldn’t have made more than five dollars, adding “If the line is drawn to the point where a four-year-old eight blocks away can’t sell a couple glasses of lemonade for 25 cents, than I think the line has been drawn at the wrong spot.”

Nearby, mother Bobbie Nelson had her kids’ lemonade stand shutdown as well. Police informed her that a permit would cost $400.

Meanwhile, in Georgia, police shutdown a lemonade stand run by three girls who were saving money to go to a water park. Police said the girls needed a business license, a peddler’s permit, and a food permit to operate the stand, which cost $50 per day or $180 per year each, sums that would quickly cut into any possible profit-margin.

In Appleton, Wisconsin the city council recently passed an ordinance preventing vendors from selling products within two blocks of local events – including kids who want to sell lemonade or cookies.

These are hardly isolated incidents. From slapping parents with $500 fines for letting their kids run unlicensed lemonade stands (though this was later waived after public outcry), to government officials calling the cops on kids selling cupcakes, the list goes on and on and on.

Nor does it stop with kids. Food Trucks are also under the gun of regulators and city governments across the country. This isn’t to say that food trucks don’t need any regulations at all, but many of the regulations that come down the pipeline are pushed by brick-and-mortar competitors who want to keep competition at a minimum.

But it’s the shutdown of lemonade stands that I find so inexplicable. Who stands to lose from a couple of six-year-olds selling lemonade? Who stands to gain from shutting them down? Do local governments really think parents are going to pay for $400 vendor permits, or that kids can scrape together the money for food permits? Are there any actual safety risks? Kids have been selling lemonade for decades without permits of any sort. They often set the stands up just for fun, but many lemonade stands (or bake sales) are used to raise money for schools, cancer, or sick pets. Lemonade stands represent the most innocent, optimistic side of capitalism out there.
The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands - Forbes
This is what 'more government makes it better' looks like.

An evil so cold it torments children and teaches them to never look up or take any pride.
Don't think it's just the Republican Party. Democrats are about to lose their party too.
no they aren't.

They can embrace the communist party agenda and still call themselves dems.

they know how to keep their people in line since none of them have it in them to stand up for what they might think is kinds sorta ok, as long as everyone else likes me for supporting it, kinda.
Don't think it's just the Republican Party. Democrats are about to lose their party too.
no they aren't.

They can embrace the communist party agenda and still call themselves dems.

they know how to keep their people in line since none of them have it in them to stand up for what they might think is kinds sorta ok, as long as everyone else likes me for supporting it, kinda.
Radical blacks are taking it over.
Don't think it's just the Republican Party. Democrats are about to lose their party too.
no they aren't.

They can embrace the communist party agenda and still call themselves dems.

they know how to keep their people in line since none of them have it in them to stand up for what they might think is kinds sorta ok, as long as everyone else likes me for supporting it, kinda.
Radical blacks are taking it over.
no they aren't

whitey is in charge of them
not one got where they are w/o being put there by white leftist with the full knowledge that white leftist can pull them out at any moment.

they are doing as they are told, like always
We need to make a legit third party. Republicans discredited themselves. Sometimes I think that they are not any better than democrats. They only pretend to be conservatives while in fact they are latent liberals.

Yep, 3rd party. It's the only way.
This is what 'more government makes it better' looks like.

An evil so cold it torments children and teaches them to never look up or take any pride.

Uhhhhh, you do know the more government makes it better philosophy is a Democratic thing not Republican right??

You are a special little drama queen aren't you??

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