Is the Right ready to find WMDs in Iran?


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Aug 27, 2010
Iran kind of slid off the table when the reactionarys left office, or lost traction, and life still goes on. So are rightys ready to procede your search of WMDs in Iran and bomb bomb the hell out of them? I just want to watch you silly asses squirm a little.:lol::lol:
Iran kind of slid off the table when the reactionarys left office, or lost traction, and life still goes on. So are rightys ready to procede your search of WMDs in Iran and bomb bomb the hell out of them? I just want to watch you silly asses squirm a little.:lol::lol:
The Commander in Chief of the Military is still Barack Hussein Obama you fuckin' idiot.

You might get on your knees and say a few Hail berrys that idiot McCain & Plain Jane were not elected.:lol:

You know.... you might be right.

If it were'nt for Obama, Pelosi, and Rheid being in control of things, Americans might never have found out just how utterly out of control and UNamerican the Democrat agenda really is.... and I will add one more thing, the Repubes that were in office just may never have been tossed out on their collective asses! (at least not this soon)

So bravo Shintao.... bravo!
Halle Berry? where?

Iran kind of slid off the table when the reactionarys left office, or lost traction, and life still goes on. So are rightys ready to procede your search of WMDs in Iran and bomb bomb the hell out of them? I just want to watch you silly asses squirm a little.:lol::lol:

Did you miss them testing a missle that couldn't reach Israel?

Wonder why they would announce that it fell short of that range?

Since the main goal of that country is to push Israel into the sea.
Iran kind of slid off the table when the reactionarys left office, or lost traction, and life still goes on. So are rightys ready to procede your search of WMDs in Iran and bomb bomb the hell out of them? I just want to watch you silly asses squirm a little.:lol::lol:

Mental retard, no one has to look for WMD in iran you fucking idiot, they already ADMIT they have them.
Short bus passengers, Iran is insignificant in the long run. They're surrounded on ALL sides by US influences. You don't need brute force or nukes to topple the regime. Patience, however, is required. You have more to fear from China than Iran which is the whole point we're in that part of the world to begin with. WMD, LOL.
Iran kind of slid off the table when the reactionarys left office, or lost traction, and life still goes on. So are rightys ready to procede your search of WMDs in Iran and bomb bomb the hell out of them? I just want to watch you silly asses squirm a little.:lol::lol:

Did you miss them testing a missle that couldn't reach Israel?

Wonder why they would announce that it fell short of that range?

Since the main goal of that country is to push Israel into the sea.

Oh, I am aware of the missle firing. Here is a page of interest.

Iran Missiles

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