Is the term ”Polak” still meant to be an insult to Polish people in the US?

You are missing the issue, I think. It can be about intent or it could be about a chip on the shoulder. As I've stated "Polak" is a Polish word meaning Pole and using it as an insult (for that reason) is deeply offensive by intent. I have noticed a similar issue with Americans avoiding calling someone a "Jew" as though it too is an insult so it is preferred to say "Jewish" instead. "He is Jewish" rather than "He is a Jew."

That's what I was trying to find out.

Well, the Vancouver Canucks is the name of an ice hockey team.

Probably, yes.
You don't hear the word "glasnost" too much either. It used to be a derogatory term aimed at Polocks and Russians.
Yes, I was advised to post this thread here after someone complained about the thread on clean debate.

It used to be a huge slur against people from Poland and those of Polish descent.

I find it very odd because the Polish word for a Pole is ….. wait for it ….. Polak. So, are Americans saying that people from Poland should be ashamed of their heritage?
I would never use the P word at someone and I am not even Polish.
Yes, I was advised to post this thread here after someone complained about the thread on clean debate.

It used to be a huge slur against people from Poland and those of Polish descent.

I find it very odd because the Polish word for a Pole is ….. wait for it ….. Polak. So, are Americans saying that people from Poland should be ashamed of their heritage?
So is the Russian Поляк for a Pole. Hohols call them that too, as far as I know.
Yes, and in Swedish, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Belarussian, Bosnian, Estonian, and many others.
On the other hand when Americans call Russians Russkies they don't do that lovingly, do they, they only mean disrespect but the word itself is just a calque of Русский, that is of what Russians call themselves. Blacks also proudly address each other as Niggas. Btw, do you know what's the Russian derogatory for an American? ;)
..... when Americans call Russians Russkies they don't do that lovingly, do they, they only mean disrespect but the word itself is just a calque of Русский, that is of what Russians call themselves.
That's right. Americans expect others to be ashamed of their culture. Maybe because Americans have none themselves?
Btw, do you know what's the Russian derogatory for an American? ;)
No, I don't. Tell me. :)
No, I don't. Tell me. :)
The most popular one is of course Пиндосы (Pindosy, plural). The origin is vague and believed by some to go down to the times of the Russian empire when somewhere in the Balkans there allegedly lived some nasty Greeks in the mountain range by the name of Pindos. No one had any interest in that until the Yugoslavian crises broke out where American and Russian peace keeping contingents got to be neighbors in Bosnia. I guess there was no love lost between the two and our guys dug out the term from the pits of history. It's only my guess, but I'm pretty sure it's correct, that the moniker grew on our men because it was in tune with our very popular derogatory term Пидорас, which means Gay, Pederast or, mildly put, a deplorable in every imaginable aspect individual. :)
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The most popular one is of course Пиндосы (Pindosy, plural). The origin is vague and believed by some to go down to the times of the Russian empire when somewhere in the Balkans there allegedly lived some nasty Greeks in the mountain range by the name of Pindos. No one had any interest in that until the Yugoslavian crises broke out where American and Russian peace keeping contingents got to be neighbors in Bosnia. I guess there was no love lost between the two and our guys dug out the term from the pits of history. It's only my guess, but I'm pretty sure it's correct, that the moniker grew on our men because it was in tune with our very popular derogatory term Пидорас, which means Gay, Pederast or, mildly put, a deplorable in every imaginable aspect individual. :)
"Pederast". I'll have to try to remember that. :)

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