Is there a hidden significance to the liberal use of clown painted Republicans as avatars?

I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

So, let me get this straight, N00b: you just joined on Saturday and you are all concerned about other peoples' avatars?

Hmmmmm..... fascinating.

mal did you not clean out your sock drawer correctly?

That being said, the responses are hilarious. I knew that Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties are generally very slow on the uptake, but lordy, lordy, I had absolutely no idea that they are T H I S S L O W . . .. ...................
So, let me get this straight, N00b: you just joined on Saturday and you are all concerned about other peoples' avatars?

Hmmmmm..... fascinating.

mal did you not clean out your sock drawer correctly?

That being said, the responses are hilarious. I knew that Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties are generally very slow on the uptake, but lordy, lordy, I had absolutely no idea that they are T H I S S L O W . . .. ...................
I inquired as to why so many of one side all had avatars of politicians from the other side made up as clowns. I wasn't really expecting any worthwhile responses. Despite this, you've all inadvertently been a great help in showing me over the past few days exactly how low that (your) particular side sets the bar in maturity, education, faculty for reasoning, morality, wit, integrity, and general awareness. I wasn't aware it could be set this low until joining. Truly, thank you.
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I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

So, let me get this straight, N00b: you just joined on Saturday and you are all concerned about other peoples' avatars?

Hmmmmm..... fascinating.

mal did you not clean out your sock drawer correctly?

That being said, the responses are hilarious. I knew that Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties are generally very slow on the uptake, but lordy, lordy, I had absolutely no idea that they are T H I S S L O W . . .. ...................
I inquired as to why so many of one side all had avatars of politicians from the other side made up as clowns. I wasn't really expecting any worthwhile responses. Despite this, you've all inadvertently been a great help in showing me over the past few days exactly how low that (your) particular side sets the bar in maturity, education, faculty for reasoning, morality, wit, integrity, and general awareness. I wasn't aware it could be set this low until joining. Truly, thank you.

I can tell you what the significance really is, but only if you know the secret handshake.
I can tell you what the significance really is, but only if you know the secret handshake.
No need. I already gathered the reasons on my own. It wasn't very hard once I realized this is essentially extension of middle school. The free thinking non-conformists of seventh grade always did pride themselves on their orthodox belief and adherence to the herd.
So, let me get this straight, N00b: you just joined on Saturday and you are all concerned about other peoples' avatars?

Hmmmmm..... fascinating.

mal did you not clean out your sock drawer correctly?

That being said, the responses are hilarious. I knew that Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties are generally very slow on the uptake, but lordy, lordy, I had absolutely no idea that they are T H I S S L O W . . .. ...................
I inquired as to why so many of one side all had avatars of politicians from the other side made up as clowns. I wasn't really expecting any worthwhile responses. Despite this, you've all inadvertently been a great help in showing me over the past few days exactly how low that (your) particular side sets the bar in maturity, education, faculty for reasoning, morality, wit, integrity, and general awareness. I wasn't aware it could be set this low until joining. Truly, thank you.

If that is what you think, then you truly missed the point.

And as for "(your) particular side", to quote you, where you are referring to me, you are also quite wrong. We are a very diverse group and often disagree about a number of things among ourselves.

But I will give you a hint: Steve King put on an event in Iowa about 3 or 4 weeks ago and it was apparent to us that this was going to be a fantastic clown-car even. And indeed, Sarah Palin delivered only as a grizzly mama can.

So, in honor of this, we decided, in cooperation with each other, to have some fun. That's the FIRST meaning of these AVIS. But there is more than one, because we possess the ability to think on more than one level. Limited we are not. :D

Contrary to a couple of whacky RWNJ postings where they think that those people all followed one person in creating these cool avis (I am usually listed as the "culprit", but the idea didn't even stem with me. I just took the ball and ran with it, yeeeehaaaw!), we simply discussed, like adults, and we had fun whilst doing it, too! FUN! It's not group-think, it's friendly cooperation. This is the up-side of being somewhat associated with a group that does NOT live by the principle of "get the fuck off my lawn". Try it sometime. Hell, you might even like it.

So, you want to talk about "low", again?

"Low" is a n00b who, if he is not a sock, doesn't know his way around here yet, but who wants to shoot off at the mouth, n00b.

Perhaps you might want to press a reset button and start over again. And in the meantime, wash your knuckles. Dragging them on the ground this long does bloody them up, you know.

What do you think, BULLDOG - should Pedro de San Patricio now kiss our super duper secret code rings???


I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

The only point being made is that the Republican candidates for the Presidency are "clowns" - if you don't get it, don't blame anyone but yourself for the ignorance.
I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

When I see a bunch of people all doing the same thing, I suspect that their master told them to do it. Or they are sharing a brain and aren't capable or originality.

You're just butt the rest of them, admit it........and you almost got it right.........Republican candidates aren't capable of originality....just more of the same old same old!
Repeal Obamacare......privatize Social Security......cut back welfare.........give the rich more tax breaks..........:badgrin::badgrin:
I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

Their just projecting their inner selves ... onto Republicans. Its funny how they all do it though, kind of reminds me when i was back in grade school
Which was like, last year?.....:badgrin:
I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

So, let me get this straight, N00b: you just joined on Saturday and you are all concerned about other peoples' avatars?

Hmmmmm..... fascinating.

mal did you not clean out your sock drawer correctly?

That being said, the responses are hilarious. I knew that Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties are generally very slow on the uptake, but lordy, lordy, I had absolutely no idea that they are T H I S S L O W . . .. ...................

Ooops.....we may have another returnee......with pink panties?
So, let me get this straight, N00b: you just joined on Saturday and you are all concerned about other peoples' avatars?

Hmmmmm..... fascinating.

mal did you not clean out your sock drawer correctly?

That being said, the responses are hilarious. I knew that Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties are generally very slow on the uptake, but lordy, lordy, I had absolutely no idea that they are T H I S S L O W . . .. ...................
I inquired as to why so many of one side all had avatars of politicians from the other side made up as clowns. I wasn't really expecting any worthwhile responses. Despite this, you've all inadvertently been a great help in showing me over the past few days exactly how low that (your) particular side sets the bar in maturity, education, faculty for reasoning, morality, wit, integrity, and general awareness. I wasn't aware it could be set this low until joining. Truly, thank you.

And, you have shown us, by your fresh new membership, and probably your first thread, (as Pedro, anyway) what kind of thing perks up your interest.........and Avatars is usually not what mature, politically savvy people get concerned about..........just someone with immediate butt hurt and his panties in a wad.........:badgrin:
there is nothing hidden about the significance. it's an homage to the GOP clown car

KOS issued orders, the mindless assclowns followed them.

End of story.

It's kind of cool really, you see a clown avie and you know the poster is one stupid fucker who will spew hate points from the Soros sites.
I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

They're intellectuals who all "think" the EXACT same thought at the EXACT same time
I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

I thought it was just the one guy at first. It seems to be some sort of meme. Is it just more senseless immaturity from them, or is there some kind of in-joke here? I wouldn't expect they'd be trying to make any deeper point.

It's the "Jon Stewart" effect. They think being snarky little pricks is the equivalent of being clever and witty.

The fact that they are nothing but hive minded lemmings adds to it.

And finally, they are actually scared of 2016, their protests aside.

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