Is There Any "Safe Swing State " For Obama To Campaign In Protest Free ?

Mar 16, 2012

So is Obama planning to campaign in upstate Pennsylvania or Ohio? Anywhere in Florida? Any average and financially struggling town in Colorado or Nevada? Most likely he will be greeted by an angry crowd. Just like when Moochelle was booed at her last race car event.
Where is going to campaign? Only the neighborhoods that support the black panther movement? Neighborhoods predominatley resided by non-english speaking residents?
Obama can safely campaign in places like South-Side Chicago, Maryland and the "Minority Hoods" of New York that will once again vote for Obama for their "Free Stuff"
But does anyone vision Obama campaigning in "Anytown USA" aka, your average blue collar suburb that has been in dire straights since 2009?
when Obama decides to campaign in Sanford, he will ask to borrow Louis Ferretkods bullet proof enclosure.

So is Obama planning to campaign in upstate Pennsylvania or Ohio? Anywhere in Florida? Any average and financially struggling town in Colorado or Nevada? Most likely he will be greeted by an angry crowd. Just like when Moochelle was booed at her last race car event.
Where is going to campaign? Only the neighborhoods that support the black panther movement? Neighborhoods predominatley resided by non-english speaking residents?
Obama can safely campaign in places like South-Side Chicago, Maryland and the "Minority Hoods" of New York that will once again vote for Obama for their "Free Stuff"
But does anyone vision Obama campaigning in "Anytown USA" aka, your average blue collar suburb that has been in dire straights since 2009?

It shouldnt be safe anywhere for the guy.

I loved how they considered him the anti christ in Calif..
I just cant wait to hear the false stories coming from MSNBC how Obama filled all of those stadiums,,,just like he did in Miami and that dumb bitch running for senator in Massachusetts,,,lol,,,,only 20% of the seats were filled. (more or less)
Obama wont go to the nicer towns of westcoast florida (and thank god he wont come to my area, if he saw all of the mansions on the beach in Naples, he would be taxing them another 30%)
It's going to be interesting but not nearly as bad as you think, Even in the reddest areas there are people who have had a belly full of the local first baptist republican gun club crowd.
Georgia seems safe for Obama

Obama will not campaign in the wester half of Pennsylvania, thanks to his clinging to guns debacle, but lets hope Romney campaigns all over Penn and Ohio, and ask,,,,where is Obama? is he afraid to campaign here?
I think he'll be fine.

Recent polls have shown Obama gaining an edge over his likely Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, in several so-called swing states -- those that are considered up for grabs.

What's made the difference is that unemployment has dropped more sharply in several swing states than in the nation as a whole. A resurgence in manufacturing is helping the economy -- and Obama's chances -- in the industrial Midwestern states of Ohio and Michigan.

And Arizona, Nevada and Florida, where unemployment remains high, are getting some relief from an uptick in tourism.

"The biggest reason for the president's improving prospects probably is the economy," says Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

The national economic trend favors Obama, too. Unemployment is down significantly from its 10 percent peak in October 2009. No incumbent president dating to 1956 has lost when unemployment fell over the two years leading up to his re-election contest. And none has won when the rate rose.

Swing-state unemployment down, Obama's chances up -
he only seems to be campaigning in black/poorer neighborhoods of these states. he has been doing it over the last two years, he wont campaign in a larger metropolitan area dominated by average americans who have been suffering for 4 years now.

So is Obama planning to campaign in upstate Pennsylvania or Ohio? Anywhere in Florida? Any average and financially struggling town in Colorado or Nevada? Most likely he will be greeted by an angry crowd. Just like when Moochelle was booed at her last race car event.
Where is going to campaign? Only the neighborhoods that support the black panther movement? Neighborhoods predominatley resided by non-english speaking residents?
Obama can safely campaign in places like South-Side Chicago, Maryland and the "Minority Hoods" of New York that will once again vote for Obama for their "Free Stuff"
But does anyone vision Obama campaigning in "Anytown USA" aka, your average blue collar suburb that has been in dire straights since 2009?

Barry's got the drill down pat at this point...he'll give his campaign speeches in front of an invited crowd of liberals...most likely on a college campus...with a sea of true believers behind him, smiling and nodding at whatever he says. Barack Obama is one of the more "insulated" Presidents we've had in a long, long time. It's all a show...and he does the show very well. If only he could do the job of running the country HALF as well, we'd be in much better shape.
and have u all noticed that when obama does his appearences, its never on the news. kinda like his appearence in Boca Raton? who knew? god forbid Obama gives a month's notice on TV of his next campaign rally. like usual, everything he does is kept secret.
and have u all noticed that when obama does his appearences, its never on the news. kinda like his appearence in Boca Raton? who knew? god forbid Obama gives a month's notice on TV of his next campaign rally. like usual, everything he does is kept secret.

Yes, and aliens are sending out signals from the top of the Empire State Building, and you're the only one that knows....

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