is there much reporting here?

when it is cold, and damp, and gray, and miserable, having no intention to get outside and do something.

Meanwhile there's me going out in twenty-seven degree weather tomorrow. 😆 (If you check my latest thread in the religion forum you'll know why.)
btw …

it took me time and energy to create some polls about US presidents.

those threads started lively and jntersting!

but some Denunziant did not like it and seems that he reported all of them .. and all of them were closed!

can you imagine my frustration?…

and who won anything from thst reportingy.?
One could do a thesis on the GroupThink exhibited by this group over the life of the site. Go back ten years and see the exact same sh*t as yesterday. Wording and all~
Actually, it depends on the poster.

Ten years ago, one poster used the term "regressive" over and over to denote the leftists. Today, the same poster's favorite word is 'Trumpster".
Hey sloopy- I know to solve this ongoing problem here. But if i said anything- I'd get reported. hahaha:D
i'm actually a report button poosher in training for over a year................i just can't get it......they love my effort here so they gave me a whirly bird cap and a training report button to push, and a simplified training course........they never get past the mods so i'm still a report button trainee
Can't be everywhere at once.
i know..i've been a report button poosher trainee for over a year now..............i just flunked my 6th exam and have been frustrated with my life and direction.......could you take me under your wing to really train me...i'm dying to comb the threads and look for the most minor infractions and piss the fuck oudda our members

another problem is i'm not popular with the kool button pooshers and am being bullied
It seems odd, this preoccupation with reporting.
After all, one need simply obey the rules and reporting is moot, right?

Surely you, Snoopster, you have no issue with obeying the rules--right?

It takes a real loser to eat ban after ban--simply because they think their desires in the moment somehow trump--pun intended---the Site's TOS and the rules as set forth, right?
hell i've always taken being reported as a compliment and a job well problem with me
i have never reported anybody here

i. am not a Blockwart!,,,!
it is no fun to write amyzhing if one is stalked by hateful informers

are mods here „following orders“ from spiteful informers .?

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