Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

God means Creator! No Creator, no creation. Nothing exists.

1. It is not possible, on the very face it, to logically state/think that "knowledge (or anything else) can exist if "God (the Creator) doesn't exist".

just for the record, as you digress to christianity why do you refer that as a valid religion, derived from a written document ?

also at the moment of singularity did any"thing" exist ?

or that whatever exists had to be created ....

just curious.


I didn't digress. I pointed out that beyond the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications, any further knowledge would require direct revelation from God. In response to this or that I might from time to time share the only assessment of those kinds of things I believe to be credible. I wouldn't in good conscience recommend ideas about such matters that I did not believe to be true. Folks are still free to make up their own minds or check it out for themselves. Anybody can buy and read a Bible. That's all.

The singularity is currently believed to have emerged via a fluctuation of gravitational energy from the quantum vacuum from whence we also get virtual particles within the extant universe in accordance with the apparent cogency of the special and general theories of relativity and quantum physics. We don't know, scientifically, at this point, what caused the quantum vacuum or what's behind it.
Why would anyone think that any of the bibles are a credible source of objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications or direct revelation from the gods?

I can explin why people would hold the Bible as a credible source. The process of doing so can be considered a form of inductive logic s well.

First, list some of the evidence for
1) The people that tells you it is credible.
2)The benefits one can find in the aspects of the world view it creates
3) Testimony of experiences of others
4)Personal experiences(if the individual has them)

Depending on how much you trust these forms of evidence, the argument that can be made for the Bible and what it says can be overwhelmingly true to certain individuals.

It is easy to tell that such an argument is inductive. Therefore skepticism of any and all evidence is possible.

People hold the bibles as credible evidence of supernaturalism for the same reason that people hold the Koran, the Vedas, etc., as similar evidence. Those are the human authored books that are a part of their respective cultures and geographic place of birth.

Does anyone think that M. Pompous Rawling wouldn't be pounding his Koran if he had been born and raised in Pakistan?
It's something along that line, alright.

It's system-building, philosophical bullshit. It's not even the arguably practical skepticism of methodological solipsism, let alone that of epistemological skepticism, which is formally asserted in constructive logic and the hypotheticals of science as provided for by the principle of identity of the organic laws of human thought.

It's the impractical idiocy of Nuh-huh! It's the idiotic attitude that never goes anywhere profound, that would have us all stuck on stupid, still living in caves, had it prevailed in history.

This was the one thing that QW and I agreed on. Oh wait! No we didn't, because according to QW philosophy is bullshit . . . which, of course, is philosophical bullshit.

Philosophy proper is the tool by which we objectively determine the metaphysical properties of existents and thusly define them as they come at as.

But QW's response is "Nuh-huh! Science precedes logic and has primacy over consciousness . . . and so philosophy is bullshit!"

Which is the same thing as asserting a mysteriously ill-defined, philosophical metaphysics for science, which demonstrates to anyone paying attention that logic necessarily precedes science, that consciousness necessarily has primacy over science. That is to say, agency necessarily has primacy over methodology. Philosophy proper is the tool by which we objectively determine the metaphysical properties of existents and thusly define them as they come at as, the tool by which we define science and it's boundaries, the tool by which we establish what does or does not constitute justified true belief/knowledge.

So what is the philosophy that science precedes or has primacy over philosophy?

Utter bullshit that bastardizes both and meanderings off into the land of la-la.

Can we do any of these things with science?


Does science define itself?


Indeed, did we not first establish a proper philosophical foundation for science in history, via a centuries-long process of trail and error, getting ever-closer to the goal, before we were finally able to assert a scientific methodology that mostly works as guided by a regiment of critical skepticism (not a brain-dead idealistic skepticism) and objective logic?


Can we established what does or does not constitute justified true belief/knowledge with science?


Do empirical existents and the data thereof define and interpret themselves?


Is the denial of this reality system-building, philosophical bullshit that abuses philosophy, the tool by which we (conscious, rational beings) objectively determine the metaphysical properties of existents and thusly define them as they come at as, while the methodology of science is merely the stuff of tentative verification or falsification premised on the logical proofs of objectivity, healthy skepticism, necessity and possibility?


When philosophy is dragged out of its domain of the what and into the domain of the how and the why does it not get all stupid and convoluted?


In other words, do humans beings escape the organic imperatives of human thought: the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle?


But they might be this or they might be that!

Does that make them go away?


Is this inescapable conviction bottomed on the imperatives of human thought?


But they might be this or they might be that!

Does that make this conviction go away?


Are the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness seemingly synchronized with the properties and the processes of the material realm of being outside our minds every time we do anything seemingly effective or test it? In other words, do the various, seemingly concrete apprehensions of human consciousness appear to be actually and rationally aligned?


But it might be this or it might be that!

Does that make this pragmatic conviction go away?


Does the language of mathematics universally hold up in our minds as synchronized with the rational properties and the processes of the material realm in terms of the physical laws of nature regardless of the variously discrete astronomical and subatomical shifts in paradigm?


But it might be this or it might be that!

Does that make this coherent and consistently functional apprehension go away?



But the shifts aren't normal!


Oh? So now what naturally is, isn't normal?

But the Newtonian level of apprehension is my reality!

No. It's not. Only scientifically illiterate rubes don't know that the subatomic level has foundational primacy over the Newtonian level of apprehension and that we are closing in on a unified theory to close the gaps in our knowledge. Behold the little god in the gaps fallacy. There never was and never will be anything such as a God in the gaps fallacy.

Uh . . . well . . . I mean . . . that is to say . . . it might be this or it might be that!


Right. So let us assume for the moment that all of these amazing, rational and empirical coincidences are actual, that they rationally and universally hold as common sense and experience suggest, and objectively proceed accordingly, if for no other reason but to discover what the contents of our minds divulge about the problems of existence and origin in accordance with the objectively applied imperatives of human thought without paradoxically/contradictorily looking away from those axioms that are of the very same a priori nature as those you want to keep. In other words, atheist, allow yourself to do what you've never bothered to do before in your life with these issues: apply this very same standard to these issues as you have always pragmatically applied to every other issue, whether your ultimate bias be materialism, irrationalism, subjectivism, relativism, antirealism, hard solipsism or any other kind of stupid ism.

Nuh-huh! It might be this or it might be that!

You can't back out of your paradigm long enough to view the matter from an absolutely objective standpoint as I can? I understand you guys at a glance because I can be objective. It takes you guys forever to grasp the essence of things that you're not used to thinking about. Hollie, especially, remains clueless. A partially absolute standpoint on the basis of the universal imperatives of human thought sullied by some subjective bias or another is the best you can do?

Nuh-huh! It might be this or it might be that!

Do all persons of a sound and developmentally mature mind as a matter of practicality conduct their lives as if these things were logically true regardless of what they might believe to be ultimately true about them?


But it might be this or it might be that!

Assuming that #1 and #2 are true, as, of course, the OP presupposes and those of us with common sense routinely do: do the other five of The Seven Things necessarily follow on that basis, logically?


But they might be this or they might be that!

And there you have it: system-building, philosophical bullshit that never goes anywhere but around and around the mulberry bush.

Here we go round the mulberry bush
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush
Here we go round the mulberry bush
So early in the morning​

Emily: It's the physics students who can explain the mathematics of calculus best!

Rawlings: And its commonsensical persons like Boss and I who explained the essence of both to all of you pie-in-the-sky, system-building, philosophical bullshitters!

I thought it was pretty cool that Rawling was the victim of his own Rawling'isms. He's a bit like listening to Dubya Bush who could literally stutter and mumble for paragraphs at a time and never make a coherent point.

This latest disaster of Rawling'isms was especially fun as the boy was apparently arguing against himself.

The philosophical bullshit that impedes the ability to objectively and honestly state the respective worldviews on their own terms from their own premises on display once again. No ability to even demonstrate that you properly understand what you're arguing against in the first place.

Well instead of posting the 7 things over and over again, which you should know we aren't reading anymore, you should move on and point out what it is we are missing. Because these 7 things don't prove anything to any thinkers.

USMB Theists are shaking their heads in agreement with you but trust me they don't know what the fuck you are saying either.

No real thinkers are thinking that they prove anything beyond what they are on face of them. They are just the objective, self-evident facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and you are a liar, plenty of theists understand what I'm talking about. As for the rest, they're obviously not thinking.

But what are you taking about anyway? You put yourself down for them via your own words. All of you have put yourselves down with your own words.


sealybobo writes:
Here are my 7

1, Us existing doesn't prove a god exists.
2. Science says the cosmological order does not prove a god exists.
3. You would have to meet god to "know" he exists and no one has ever met him. And you would have to be a god yourself to "know" that no god(s) exist.
If your all powerful god existed yes he would be amazing.
5. Theists can't prove god exists.
6. The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.
7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!​

Okay, so we have you down on #1, #2, #3 and #4 of the origin truths right off the top, and at the same time we have you saying all kinds of false things.

Your #2 is, of course, false. Nothing can be asserted about God at all by science, and science doesn't prove or disprove things. Science verifies or falsifies things. Logic is used to prove or disprove things in proofs of logical validation or negation

Your #3 contradicts your #2, as you simultaneously place yourself above God to make absolute statements about God, which means you assume His existence in order to tell us things about His experiences with others and make the absurd statement that a creature, which presupposes God's existence again, would have to turn into God, which presupposes God's existence again, in order for the creature to know that he's no longer a creature but the Creator. That's weird.

Your #5 is a false dilemma because theists don't have to prove God exists at all, or even prove He's exists for Him to exist.

Your #6 contradicts the fact that you necessarily acknowledged that you can't logically eliminate God's existence in your various incoherencies.

And because you contradict yourself in your #1 by conceding that you exist, you necessarily hold in organic logic that God (the Creator) does exist. In other words, you say you exist but your existence doesn't prove that the Creator, Who by definition and necessity would have to exist in order to have created you, exists after all. Hmm. That's doesn't work. So we know that we have you down on #6 of the origin truths too.

So the only one we're missing out of the origin truths for you is #5 and #7 by extension.
#5 reads: "Science cannot verify or falsify God's existence." Since that's true, we'll just put you down for that one and chalk you up for all seven of the original truths, as #7 merely summarizes the previous six.

See how that works?

No one escapes The Seven Things.

Everyone escapes the Seven Fraudulent Things
1. We exist.

Stating the obvious. Perhaps that would be a useful observation if we had some sort of general agreement on how this proves your various gawds. But since we don't, it's not. Therefore, we agree that you concede point 1 in your Seven Phony Things is useless as a means to pwoove your gawds.

The cosmological order exists!
1 a : a branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of the universe
b : a theory or doctrine describing the natural order of the universe
2: a branch of astronomy that deals with the origin, structure, and space-time relationships of the universe; also : a theory dealing with these matters.
It is science that has given us a first, but incomplete understanding of the cosmos. As with so much of your ignorant and religiously based worldview that is corrupted by fear and superstition, you cant even define what you mean with slogans such as "cosmological order". You really need to look past harun Yahya for your science data. The cosmos contains many pockets and eddies of order in the midst of its more general violence and chaos. Most of human misperception on that issues is entirely one of scale. We happen to exist in one of those eddies... the localized order we experience is a precondition for our very existence. But it is not characteristic of the universe.

Lest you see a sign of "design" in our great good fortune, you have that exactly backwards. It is again the law of incredibly large numbers that requires that there must be such oases of order, and that some subset of them contain life, and some smaller subset of them contain intelligence. The universe is a very large place. Somebody, somewhere always wins the lottery eventually.

The idea that God exists as the Creator of everything else that exists, exists in our minds! So the possibility that God exists cannot be logically ruled out!

Your ideas of partisan gawds is entirely a function of happenstance. If you raise a baby in a Hindu culture, it will almost certainly embrace Hinduism; if in a Christian home, Christianity. All theistic beliefs are brought externally to human beings, none of them display inherent hardwiring as you falsely claimed in your earlier disaster of The Five Fraudulent Things. If you raise a child devoid of god concepts in the middle of a remote jungle, the child will not arbitrarily and spontaneously generate theism.

4. If God does exist, He would necessarily be, logically, a Being of unparalleled greatness!

And if he does not exist, he wouldn't. If today was Friday, it wouldn't be Thursday. See how that works? The ultimate failure of your fraudulent Seven Phony Thingsis your precommittment to the polytheistic christian gawds. Your gawds are relative newcomers as human inventions of gawds go, so, to the back of the line you go with your hand-me-down gawds.

Secondly, I have to point out how spectacularly incompetent your gawds are relative to your claim of "unparalleled greatness". A tour de force of pointless. There is nothing in that paragraph worthy of intellectual allegiance. Especially as it contains such furious backpedaling from your earlier certainty regarding The Five Phony Things

Did you just make up The Seven Phony Thingsoff the cuff? Certainly you are not pretending that it is the result of any deep thinking.

You're not bright enough to ask why your gods would choose to deliver their message through the corruptible hand of man. What is more important: gods who clearly deliver their message upon which one's eternal salvation rests, or do they speak in riddles and poems, leaving open to interpretation what their intent is? What a risk they put their children at.

5. Currently, science cannot verify whether or not God exists!

Currently, science cannot verify whether or not the Easter Bunny exists!
You are now free to actually accept or reject it based on your own assessement. Now... that very well might be difficult for you, given your affection for "absolutes." You might possibly feel more comfortable being told exactly what to accept and what to reject via a long line of "absolute claims." There is certainly a personailty type that is most comfortable embedded in revealed dogma requiring no actual decision making or judgment on their part.

One of the profound difficulties religious zealots have with reality in general and science in particular is that they are more complex than “the gawds did it.” The universe does not consist of ideals and opposites, but instead of continua along dimensions with multiple (often infinite) possible options. Yes… it is one of the rude awakenings to the religious that we live in a Darwinian world, not a Platonic one.

6. It is not logically possible to say or think that God (the Creator) doesn't exist, whether He actually exists outside the logic of our minds or not (See Posts 2599 and 2600)!

It is not logically possible to say or think that your polytheistic gawds are the only gawds that don't exist.

Your polytheistic gawds are merely one conception of gawds. We are privileged to consider reality, but only the universe that actually exists can be fruitfully considered. How do we assign confidence to what is real and what is simply imaginary?

Evidence and reason. These are our only tools for that task. Thankfully, they appear to work pretty well, at least for those of us not bound to a precommittment to your dogma.

7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!

No, they're not. Millennia of “philosophers and theologians” have constructed elaborate and ultimately futile models of reality and truth, with next to no positive impact on the human condition. Science in dramatic contrast is among the youngest of human of human endeavors, and yet has achieved things no previous discipline has approached. It has fed the hungry, cured disease, created technology that four generations ago would have been unimaginable. It has literally changed our world, while religions like Christianity and Islam have done little more than churn human misfortune in a static embrace of past error. Unlike all the philosophies and religions that came before it, science actually works.

This is why “scientific facts” deserve so much deference in comparison to the imaginary “absolute facts” delivered by philosophy and faith. They have evidence that affords them some qualification for our rational allegiance.

There is a reason why science has proven to be the single most influential and impactful human endeavor in history; that is because it formally recognizes the tentative nature of all human knowledge, and provides a method for incrementally approaching “absolute” truth without the arrogance of assuming it is ever actually achieved. It bears a humility regarding its own achievement that constantly inspires revision and review. It inspires thinking and iconoclasm rather than the intellectual rigor mortis of received dogma.

And in this way it accomplishes what most religious beliefs do not; progress.

Lamest list ever. I don't even care what the 7 are anymore.
God means Creator! No Creator, no creation. Nothing exists.

1. It is not possible, on the very face it, to logically state/think that "knowledge (or anything else) can exist if "God (the Creator) doesn't exist".

just for the record, as you digress to christianity why do you refer that as a valid religion, derived from a written document ?

also at the moment of singularity did any"thing" exist ?

or that whatever exists had to be created ....

just curious.


I didn't digress. I pointed out that beyond the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications, any further knowledge would require direct revelation from God. In response to this or that I might from time to time share the only assessment of those kinds of things I believe to be credible. I wouldn't in good conscience recommend ideas about such matters that I did not believe to be true. Folks are still free to make up their own minds or check it out for themselves. Anybody can buy and read a Bible. That's all.

The singularity is currently believed to have emerged via a fluctuation of gravitational energy from the quantum vacuum from whence we also get virtual particles within the extant universe in accordance with the apparent cogency of the special and general theories of relativity and quantum physics. We don't know, scientifically, at this point, what caused the quantum vacuum or what's behind it.
Why would anyone think that any of the bibles are a credible source of objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications or direct revelation from the gods?

I can explin why people would hold the Bible as a credible source. The process of doing so can be considered a form of inductive logic s well.

First, list some of the evidence for
1) The people that tells you it is credible.
2)The benefits one can find in the aspects of the world view it creates
3) Testimony of experiences of others
4)Personal experiences(if the individual has them)

Depending on how much you trust these forms of evidence, the argument that can be made for the Bible and what it says can be overwhelmingly true to certain individuals.

It is easy to tell that such an argument is inductive. Therefore skepticism of any and all evidence is possible.

People hold the bibles as credible evidence of supernaturalism for the same reason that people hold the Koran, the Vedas, etc., as similar evidence. Those are the human authored books that are a part of their respective cultures and geographic place of birth.

Does anyone think that M. Pompous Rawling wouldn't be pounding his Koran if he had been born and raised in Pakistan?

GOD damn right he would
God means Creator! No Creator, no creation. Nothing exists.

1. It is not possible, on the very face it, to logically state/think that "knowledge (or anything else) can exist if "God (the Creator) doesn't exist".

just for the record, as you digress to christianity why do you refer that as a valid religion, derived from a written document ?

also at the moment of singularity did any"thing" exist ?

or that whatever exists had to be created ....

just curious.


I didn't digress. I pointed out that beyond the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications, any further knowledge would require direct revelation from God. In response to this or that I might from time to time share the only assessment of those kinds of things I believe to be credible. I wouldn't in good conscience recommend ideas about such matters that I did not believe to be true. Folks are still free to make up their own minds or check it out for themselves. Anybody can buy and read a Bible. That's all.

The singularity is currently believed to have emerged via a fluctuation of gravitational energy from the quantum vacuum from whence we also get virtual particles within the extant universe in accordance with the apparent cogency of the special and general theories of relativity and quantum physics. We don't know, scientifically, at this point, what caused the quantum vacuum or what's behind it.
Why would anyone think that any of the bibles are a credible source of objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications or direct revelation from the gods?

I can explin why people would hold the Bible as a credible source. The process of doing so can be considered a form of inductive logic s well.

First, list some of the evidence for
1) The people that tells you it is credible.
2)The benefits one can find in the aspects of the world view it creates
3) Testimony of experiences of others
4)Personal experiences(if the individual has them)

Depending on how much you trust these forms of evidence, the argument that can be made for the Bible and what it says can be overwhelmingly true to certain individuals.

It is easy to tell that such an argument is inductive. Therefore skepticism of any and all evidence is possible.

People hold the bibles as credible evidence of supernaturalism for the same reason that people hold the Koran, the Vedas, etc., as similar evidence. Those are the human authored books that are a part of their respective cultures and geographic place of birth.

Does anyone think that M. Pompous Rawling wouldn't be pounding his Koran if he had been born and raised in Pakistan?

I believe that Koran would be in tatters--and his fellow muslims would condemn him for not treating it well!

just for the record, as you digress to christianity why do you refer that as a valid religion, derived from a written document ?

also at the moment of singularity did any"thing" exist ?

or that whatever exists had to be created ....

just curious.


I didn't digress. I pointed out that beyond the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications, any further knowledge would require direct revelation from God. In response to this or that I might from time to time share the only assessment of those kinds of things I believe to be credible. I wouldn't in good conscience recommend ideas about such matters that I did not believe to be true. Folks are still free to make up their own minds or check it out for themselves. Anybody can buy and read a Bible. That's all.

The singularity is currently believed to have emerged via a fluctuation of gravitational energy from the quantum vacuum from whence we also get virtual particles within the extant universe in accordance with the apparent cogency of the special and general theories of relativity and quantum physics. We don't know, scientifically, at this point, what caused the quantum vacuum or what's behind it.
Why would anyone think that any of the bibles are a credible source of objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and their ramifications or direct revelation from the gods?

I can explin why people would hold the Bible as a credible source. The process of doing so can be considered a form of inductive logic s well.

First, list some of the evidence for
1) The people that tells you it is credible.
2)The benefits one can find in the aspects of the world view it creates
3) Testimony of experiences of others
4)Personal experiences(if the individual has them)

Depending on how much you trust these forms of evidence, the argument that can be made for the Bible and what it says can be overwhelmingly true to certain individuals.

It is easy to tell that such an argument is inductive. Therefore skepticism of any and all evidence is possible.

People hold the bibles as credible evidence of supernaturalism for the same reason that people hold the Koran, the Vedas, etc., as similar evidence. Those are the human authored books that are a part of their respective cultures and geographic place of birth.

Does anyone think that M. Pompous Rawling wouldn't be pounding his Koran if he had been born and raised in Pakistan?

I believe that Koran would be in tatters--and his fellow muslims would condemn him for not treating it well!
That would be a crime against koranity.

A capital offense if the wrong people get their hands on you.
I take it that you do not like

We cannot be created since consciousness is irreducible and primary - Catholic Answers Forums

So how bout

Theology and Philosophy

Go ahead, and post your "7 things" there. Please repeat the comments you made here over there!!

Yeah. Got it. And that's an orthodox Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Since when? That overthrows the ad absurdum of the irreducible mind? How could that be? The argument is predicated on human consciousness, which we already know to be finite and, therefore, divisible, reducible, something that cannot have primacy in the first place. It's a patently obvious straw man, one that actually proves the opposite of what it claims: human consciousness if finite and therefore contingent. LOL!

Just a few posts down from that, a member asks, and I paraphrase for the sake of accuracy: "So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

By the way, did you lose sight of my question regarding the origin of the singularity out of which the Big Bang emerge? Still working on that? Need some more time to figure out how in the hell you're going to overthrow the ad absurdum of the infinite regression of origin?

Good luck with that.

But, really, what caused the singularity?

Are you under the impression that your crap evades skepticism, is above credulity, is convincing?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?







. . . unto infinity and beyond!

Understand what you are asking:

What caused the singularity?

That cannot be conclusively determined. I can only form conjectures here, and to choose any one thing out of the possibilty of something else is subjectivity. Any other words, we could label it "God" and leave open what actually is. The reason is simple, we do not know what definitively caused the Big Bang. (Note: I used as an example that some people could very well call the Big Bang the first Cause that led to the development our Universe. Under that assumption, The Big Bang is God. However, That is not what is being suggested in the question given. )

You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective.

As An example, I can demonstrate how even suggesting that question shows that you're not objective. For instance, it can be assumed that that the Big Bang is neither cause 1 nor cause 2!!

What does this say about the Cause that caused the Big Bang? Apparently it is not God according to the Cosmological Argument. So why are you even asking about what that cause is if it can be assumed it is not God as well?

So 2 problems arises:

1) It is possibly irrelevant to ask the question "What cause the Big Bang?" when it is the First Cause that is being sought and what cause the Big Bang may not be the first cause. Note: This stands outside what is being described in the cosmological model for our universe, and is left to speculation.

2)Whatever is the first Cause, as argued in the Cosmological argument, may or may not be one sentient being. In other words, you have to determine what those characteristics are, not just ssume those characteristics.

You need to find characterististics of the first cause, .Which, in this case, is no longer possible in terms of natural science.

Amrchaos: "You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective."

That statement is false. Objectively speaking, I assume no such thing. Objectively speaking, The Seven Things assume no such thing.

So what are you imposing on them that's not there?

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

You're not really reading or thinking about these things on their own terms, are you?
It's something along that line, alright.

It's system-building, philosophical bullshit. It's not even the arguably practical skepticism of methodological solipsism, let alone that of epistemological skepticism, which is formally asserted in constructive logic and the hypotheticals of science as provided for by the principle of identity of the organic laws of human thought.

It's the impractical idiocy of Nuh-huh! It's the idiotic attitude that never goes anywhere profound, that would have us all stuck on stupid, still living in caves, had it prevailed in history.

This was the one thing that QW and I agreed on. Oh wait! No we didn't, because according to QW philosophy is bullshit . . . which, of course, is philosophical bullshit.

Philosophy proper is the tool by which we objectively determine the metaphysical properties of existents and thusly define them as they come at as.

But QW's response is "Nuh-huh! Science precedes logic and has primacy over consciousness . . . and so philosophy is bullshit!"

Which is the same thing as asserting a mysteriously ill-defined, philosophical metaphysics for science, which demonstrates to anyone paying attention that logic necessarily precedes science, that consciousness necessarily has primacy over science. That is to say, agency necessarily has primacy over methodology. Philosophy proper is the tool by which we objectively determine the metaphysical properties of existents and thusly define them as they come at as, the tool by which we define science and it's boundaries, the tool by which we establish what does or does not constitute justified true belief/knowledge.

So what is the philosophy that science precedes or has primacy over philosophy?

Utter bullshit that bastardizes both and meanderings off into the land of la-la.

Can we do any of these things with science?


Does science define itself?


Indeed, did we not first establish a proper philosophical foundation for science in history, via a centuries-long process of trail and error, getting ever-closer to the goal, before we were finally able to assert a scientific methodology that mostly works as guided by a regiment of critical skepticism (not a brain-dead idealistic skepticism) and objective logic?


Can we established what does or does not constitute justified true belief/knowledge with science?


Do empirical existents and the data thereof define and interpret themselves?


Is the denial of this reality system-building, philosophical bullshit that abuses philosophy, the tool by which we (conscious, rational beings) objectively determine the metaphysical properties of existents and thusly define them as they come at as, while the methodology of science is merely the stuff of tentative verification or falsification premised on the logical proofs of objectivity, healthy skepticism, necessity and possibility?


When philosophy is dragged out of its domain of the what and into the domain of the how and the why does it not get all stupid and convoluted?


In other words, do humans beings escape the organic imperatives of human thought: the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle?


But they might be this or they might be that!

Does that make them go away?


Is this inescapable conviction bottomed on the imperatives of human thought?


But they might be this or they might be that!

Does that make this conviction go away?


Are the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness seemingly synchronized with the properties and the processes of the material realm of being outside our minds every time we do anything seemingly effective or test it? In other words, do the various, seemingly concrete apprehensions of human consciousness appear to be actually and rationally aligned?


But it might be this or it might be that!

Does that make this pragmatic conviction go away?


Does the language of mathematics universally hold up in our minds as synchronized with the rational properties and the processes of the material realm in terms of the physical laws of nature regardless of the variously discrete astronomical and subatomical shifts in paradigm?


But it might be this or it might be that!

Does that make this coherent and consistently functional apprehension go away?



But the shifts aren't normal!


Oh? So now what naturally is, isn't normal?

But the Newtonian level of apprehension is my reality!

No. It's not. Only scientifically illiterate rubes don't know that the subatomic level has foundational primacy over the Newtonian level of apprehension and that we are closing in on a unified theory to close the gaps in our knowledge. Behold the little god in the gaps fallacy. There never was and never will be anything such as a God in the gaps fallacy.

Uh . . . well . . . I mean . . . that is to say . . . it might be this or it might be that!


Right. So let us assume for the moment that all of these amazing, rational and empirical coincidences are actual, that they rationally and universally hold as common sense and experience suggest, and objectively proceed accordingly, if for no other reason but to discover what the contents of our minds divulge about the problems of existence and origin in accordance with the objectively applied imperatives of human thought without paradoxically/contradictorily looking away from those axioms that are of the very same a priori nature as those you want to keep. In other words, atheist, allow yourself to do what you've never bothered to do before in your life with these issues: apply this very same standard to these issues as you have always pragmatically applied to every other issue, whether your ultimate bias be materialism, irrationalism, subjectivism, relativism, antirealism, hard solipsism or any other kind of stupid ism.

Nuh-huh! It might be this or it might be that!

You can't back out of your paradigm long enough to view the matter from an absolutely objective standpoint as I can? I understand you guys at a glance because I can be objective. It takes you guys forever to grasp the essence of things that you're not used to thinking about. Hollie, especially, remains clueless. A partially absolute standpoint on the basis of the universal imperatives of human thought sullied by some subjective bias or another is the best you can do?

Nuh-huh! It might be this or it might be that!

Do all persons of a sound and developmentally mature mind as a matter of practicality conduct their lives as if these things were logically true regardless of what they might believe to be ultimately true about them?


But it might be this or it might be that!

Assuming that #1 and #2 are true, as, of course, the OP presupposes and those of us with common sense routinely do: do the other five of The Seven Things necessarily follow on that basis, logically?


But they might be this or they might be that!

And there you have it: system-building, philosophical bullshit that never goes anywhere but around and around the mulberry bush.

Here we go round the mulberry bush
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush
Here we go round the mulberry bush
So early in the morning​

Emily: It's the physics students who can explain the mathematics of calculus best!

Rawlings: And its commonsensical persons like Boss and I who explained the essence of both to all of you pie-in-the-sky, system-building, philosophical bullshitters!

I thought it was pretty cool that Rawling was the victim of his own Rawling'isms. He's a bit like listening to Dubya Bush who could literally stutter and mumble for paragraphs at a time and never make a coherent point.

This latest disaster of Rawling'isms was especially fun as the boy was apparently arguing against himself.

The philosophical bullshit that impedes the ability to objectively and honestly state the respective worldviews on their own terms from their own premises on display once again. No ability to even demonstrate that you properly understand what you're arguing against in the first place.

Well instead of posting the 7 things over and over again, which you should know we aren't reading anymore, you should move on and point out what it is we are missing. Because these 7 things don't prove anything to any thinkers.

USMB Theists are shaking their heads in agreement with you but trust me they don't know what the fuck you are saying either.

No real thinkers are thinking that they prove anything beyond what they are on face of them. They are just the objective, self-evident facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, and you are a liar, plenty of theists understand what I'm talking about. As for the rest, they're obviously not thinking.

But what are you taking about anyway? You put yourself down for them via your own words. All of you have put yourselves down with your own words.


sealybobo writes:
Here are my 7

1, Us existing doesn't prove a god exists.
2. Science says the cosmological order does not prove a god exists.
3. You would have to meet god to "know" he exists and no one has ever met him. And you would have to be a god yourself to "know" that no god(s) exist.
If your all powerful god existed yes he would be amazing.
5. Theists can't prove god exists.
6. The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.
7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!​

Okay, so we have you down on #1, #2, #3 and #4 of the origin truths right off the top, and at the same time we have you saying all kinds of false things.

Your #2 is, of course, false. Nothing can be asserted about God at all by science, and science doesn't prove or disprove things. Science verifies or falsifies things. Logic is used to prove or disprove things in proofs of logical validation or negation

Your #3 contradicts your #2, as you simultaneously place yourself above God to make absolute statements about God, which means you assume His existence in order to tell us things about His experiences with others and make the absurd statement that a creature, which presupposes God's existence again, would have to turn into God, which presupposes God's existence again, in order for the creature to know that he's no longer a creature but the Creator. That's weird.

Your #5 is a false dilemma because theists don't have to prove God exists at all, or even prove He's exists for Him to exist.

Your #6 contradicts the fact that you necessarily acknowledged that you can't logically eliminate God's existence in your various incoherencies.

And because you contradict yourself in your #1 by conceding that you exist, you necessarily hold in organic logic that God (the Creator) does exist. In other words, you say you exist but your existence doesn't prove that the Creator, Who by definition and necessity would have to exist in order to have created you, exists after all. Hmm. That's doesn't work. So we know that we have you down on #6 of the origin truths too.

So the only one we're missing out of the origin truths for you is #5 and #7 by extension.
#5 reads: "Science cannot verify or falsify God's existence." Since that's true, we'll just put you down for that one and chalk you up for all seven of the original truths, as #7 merely summarizes the previous six.

See how that works?

No one escapes The Seven Things.

I agree with the thing I said but not your 7 things or when you write that no one escapes the 7 things. I've already escaped.

What is it that you think is unescapable?

#1. I agree with the point that I exist. After that you're just rambling.
#2. No I don't assume his existence.

Things can exist in different contexts: God exists, in the sense that God is an idea that people have. Atheists can comment perfectly fine on the implications of belief and on god as a character without being required to believe in god.

When atheists agree with the premise of a god’s existence for the purpose of showing the absurdity of a theistic argument, they may still question conclusions.

But it is also true that theists do not presuppose god’s non-existence, atheists are simply unconvinced of god’s existence. Arguments made by theists can be refuted without appealing to a god’s potential non-existence.
Arguments made by atheists against god’s existence, be they a priori or a posteriori, are not invalid due to the fact that proponents of presuppositionalism have failed to establish reason and logic as being dependant upon the existence of god.


Amrchaos: ... You assume it has to be a sentient being.

The only people who assume this are Atheists. It's why they can't believe in God. They have no concept of spiritual beings. They assume God must be an invisible sentient being, which seems ridiculous to them.
I take it that you do not like

We cannot be created since consciousness is irreducible and primary - Catholic Answers Forums

So how bout

Theology and Philosophy

Go ahead, and post your "7 things" there. Please repeat the comments you made here over there!!

Yeah. Got it. And that's an orthodox Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Since when? That overthrows the ad absurdum of the irreducible mind? How could that be? The argument is predicated on human consciousness, which we already know to be finite and, therefore, divisible, reducible, something that cannot have primacy in the first place. It's a patently obvious straw man, one that actually proves the opposite of what it claims: human consciousness if finite and therefore contingent. LOL!

Just a few posts down from that, a member asks, and I paraphrase for the sake of accuracy: "So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

By the way, did you lose sight of my question regarding the origin of the singularity out of which the Big Bang emerge? Still working on that? Need some more time to figure out how in the hell you're going to overthrow the ad absurdum of the infinite regression of origin?

Good luck with that.

But, really, what caused the singularity?

Are you under the impression that your crap evades skepticism, is above credulity, is convincing?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?







. . . unto infinity and beyond!

Understand what you are asking:

What caused the singularity?

That cannot be conclusively determined. I can only form conjectures here, and to choose any one thing out of the possibilty of something else is subjectivity. Any other words, we could label it "God" and leave open what actually is. The reason is simple, we do not know what definitively caused the Big Bang. (Note: I used as an example that some people could very well call the Big Bang the first Cause that led to the development our Universe. Under that assumption, The Big Bang is God. However, That is not what is being suggested in the question given. )

You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective.

As An example, I can demonstrate how even suggesting that question shows that you're not objective. For instance, it can be assumed that that the Big Bang is neither cause 1 nor cause 2!!

What does this say about the Cause that caused the Big Bang? Apparently it is not God according to the Cosmological Argument. So why are you even asking about what that cause is if it can be assumed it is not God as well?

So 2 problems arises:

1) It is possibly irrelevant to ask the question "What cause the Big Bang?" when it is the First Cause that is being sought and what cause the Big Bang may not be the first cause. Note: This stands outside what is being described in the cosmological model for our universe, and is left to speculation.

2)Whatever is the first Cause, as argued in the Cosmological argument, may or may not be one sentient being. In other words, you have to determine what those characteristics are, not just ssume those characteristics.

You need to find characterististics of the first cause, .Which, in this case, is no longer possible in terms of natural science.

Amrchaos: "You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective."

That statement is false. Objectively speaking, I assume no such thing. Objectively speaking, The Seven Things assume no such thing.

So what are you imposing on them that's not there?

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

You're not really reading or thinking about these things on their own terms, are you?
You have completely lost touch with your own rambling screeds.


The phones ringing but no one is there to answer.
Amrchaos: ... You assume it has to be a sentient being.

The only people who assume this are Atheists. It's why they can't believe in God. They have no concept of spiritual beings. They assume God must be an invisible sentient being, which seems ridiculous to them.

Is that why you're an atheist? You don't believe in Zeus?
I take it that you do not like

We cannot be created since consciousness is irreducible and primary - Catholic Answers Forums

So how bout

Theology and Philosophy

Go ahead, and post your "7 things" there. Please repeat the comments you made here over there!!

Yeah. Got it. And that's an orthodox Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Since when? That overthrows the ad absurdum of the irreducible mind? How could that be? The argument is predicated on human consciousness, which we already know to be finite and, therefore, divisible, reducible, something that cannot have primacy in the first place. It's a patently obvious straw man, one that actually proves the opposite of what it claims: human consciousness if finite and therefore contingent. LOL!

Just a few posts down from that, a member asks, and I paraphrase for the sake of accuracy: "So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

By the way, did you lose sight of my question regarding the origin of the singularity out of which the Big Bang emerge? Still working on that? Need some more time to figure out how in the hell you're going to overthrow the ad absurdum of the infinite regression of origin?

Good luck with that.

But, really, what caused the singularity?

Are you under the impression that your crap evades skepticism, is above credulity, is convincing?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?







. . . unto infinity and beyond!

Understand what you are asking:

What caused the singularity?

That cannot be conclusively determined. I can only form conjectures here, and to choose any one thing out of the possibilty of something else is subjectivity. Any other words, we could label it "God" and leave open what actually is. The reason is simple, we do not know what definitively caused the Big Bang. (Note: I used as an example that some people could very well call the Big Bang the first Cause that led to the development our Universe. Under that assumption, The Big Bang is God. However, That is not what is being suggested in the question given. )

You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective.

As An example, I can demonstrate how even suggesting that question shows that you're not objective. For instance, it can be assumed that that the Big Bang is neither cause 1 nor cause 2!!

What does this say about the Cause that caused the Big Bang? Apparently it is not God according to the Cosmological Argument. So why are you even asking about what that cause is if it can be assumed it is not God as well?

So 2 problems arises:

1) It is possibly irrelevant to ask the question "What cause the Big Bang?" when it is the First Cause that is being sought and what cause the Big Bang may not be the first cause. Note: This stands outside what is being described in the cosmological model for our universe, and is left to speculation.

2)Whatever is the first Cause, as argued in the Cosmological argument, may or may not be one sentient being. In other words, you have to determine what those characteristics are, not just ssume those characteristics.

You need to find characterististics of the first cause, .Which, in this case, is no longer possible in terms of natural science.

Amrchaos: "You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective."

That statement is false. Objectively speaking, I assume no such thing. Objectively speaking, The Seven Things assume no such thing.

So what are you imposing on them that's not there?

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

You're not really reading or thinking about these things on their own terms, are you?

I feel you. This is just sort of people magicians love to have fill the seats at their performances.
I take it that you do not like

We cannot be created since consciousness is irreducible and primary - Catholic Answers Forums

So how bout

Theology and Philosophy

Go ahead, and post your "7 things" there. Please repeat the comments you made here over there!!

Yeah. Got it. And that's an orthodox Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Since when? That overthrows the ad absurdum of the irreducible mind? How could that be? The argument is predicated on human consciousness, which we already know to be finite and, therefore, divisible, reducible, something that cannot have primacy in the first place. It's a patently obvious straw man, one that actually proves the opposite of what it claims: human consciousness if finite and therefore contingent. LOL!

Just a few posts down from that, a member asks, and I paraphrase for the sake of accuracy: "So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

By the way, did you lose sight of my question regarding the origin of the singularity out of which the Big Bang emerge? Still working on that? Need some more time to figure out how in the hell you're going to overthrow the ad absurdum of the infinite regression of origin?

Good luck with that.

But, really, what caused the singularity?

Are you under the impression that your crap evades skepticism, is above credulity, is convincing?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?







. . . unto infinity and beyond!

Understand what you are asking:

What caused the singularity?

That cannot be conclusively determined. I can only form conjectures here, and to choose any one thing out of the possibilty of something else is subjectivity. Any other words, we could label it "God" and leave open what actually is. The reason is simple, we do not know what definitively caused the Big Bang. (Note: I used as an example that some people could very well call the Big Bang the first Cause that led to the development our Universe. Under that assumption, The Big Bang is God. However, That is not what is being suggested in the question given. )

You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective.

As An example, I can demonstrate how even suggesting that question shows that you're not objective. For instance, it can be assumed that that the Big Bang is neither cause 1 nor cause 2!!

What does this say about the Cause that caused the Big Bang? Apparently it is not God according to the Cosmological Argument. So why are you even asking about what that cause is if it can be assumed it is not God as well?

So 2 problems arises:

1) It is possibly irrelevant to ask the question "What cause the Big Bang?" when it is the First Cause that is being sought and what cause the Big Bang may not be the first cause. Note: This stands outside what is being described in the cosmological model for our universe, and is left to speculation.

2)Whatever is the first Cause, as argued in the Cosmological argument, may or may not be one sentient being. In other words, you have to determine what those characteristics are, not just ssume those characteristics.

You need to find characterististics of the first cause, .Which, in this case, is no longer possible in terms of natural science.

Amrchaos: "You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective."

That statement is false. Objectively speaking, I assume no such thing. Objectively speaking, The Seven Things assume no such thing.

So what are you imposing on them that's not there?

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

You're not really reading or thinking about these things on their own terms, are you?
You have completely lost touch with your own rambling screeds.


The phones ringing but no one is there to answer.

There's another one. Magic.
Amrchaos: ... You assume it has to be a sentient being.

The only people who assume this are Atheists. It's why they can't believe in God. They have no concept of spiritual beings. They assume God must be an invisible sentient being, which seems ridiculous to them.

No we don't. We assume god(s) don't exist dumbass. It is most THEISTS who say god made us in his image.

Its just another problem with the theist story.

I have a spirit. Does that prove a god exists? Nope. In fact my spirit says there is no god. But its ok if your spirit thinks there is a god. It won't make any difference when we're both dead. And if it makes you feel better about your life then allah akbar dumbass.
Amrchaos: ... You assume it has to be a sentient being.

The only people who assume this are Atheists. It's why they can't believe in God. They have no concept of spiritual beings. They assume God must be an invisible sentient being, which seems ridiculous to them.

No we don't. We assume god(s) don't exist dumbass. It is most THEISTS who say god made us in his image.

Its just another problem with the theist story.

I have a spirit. Does that prove a god exists? Nope. In fact my spirit says there is no god. But its ok if your spirit thinks there is a god. It won't make any difference when we're both dead. And if it makes you feel better about your life then allah akbar dumbass.

You assume God don't exist because you think God has to be a sentient being, you don't comprehend spiritual nature. Except for you, silly boob... you accept spiritual nature, believe in Karma, admit that you have a spirit... but don't believe in God and think we made that up. But that's okay because we all know what your deal is here, you hate religion and religious people. It is your hatred for religion and religious people which causes you to be an Atheist/Agnostic Activist.
"So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

But, really, what caused the singularity?

"So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!


are you saying Flora has no consciousness - you are certain consciousness is derived from bioneurological systems ... realy :lmao:

"But, really, what caused the singularity"

the end becoming the beginning ....

Amrchaos: ... You assume it has to be a sentient being.

The only people who assume this are Atheists. It's why they can't believe in God. They have no concept of spiritual beings. They assume God must be an invisible sentient being, which seems ridiculous to them.

No we don't. We assume god(s) don't exist dumbass. It is most THEISTS who say god made us in his image.

Its just another problem with the theist story.

I have a spirit. Does that prove a god exists? Nope. In fact my spirit says there is no god. But its ok if your spirit thinks there is a god. It won't make any difference when we're both dead. And if it makes you feel better about your life then allah akbar dumbass.

You assume God don't exist because you think God has to be a sentient being, you don't comprehend spiritual nature. Except for you, silly boob... you accept spiritual nature, believe in Karma, admit that you have a spirit... but don't believe in God and think we made that up. But that's okay because we all know what your deal is here, you hate religion and religious people. It is your hatred for religion and religious people which causes you to be an Atheist/Agnostic Activist.

Nope. We see no evidence of god physical or spiritual. That's all just in your head.
I take it that you do not like

We cannot be created since consciousness is irreducible and primary - Catholic Answers Forums

So how bout

Theology and Philosophy

Go ahead, and post your "7 things" there. Please repeat the comments you made here over there!!

Yeah. Got it. And that's an orthodox Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Since when? That overthrows the ad absurdum of the irreducible mind? How could that be? The argument is predicated on human consciousness, which we already know to be finite and, therefore, divisible, reducible, something that cannot have primacy in the first place. It's a patently obvious straw man, one that actually proves the opposite of what it claims: human consciousness if finite and therefore contingent. LOL!

Just a few posts down from that, a member asks, and I paraphrase for the sake of accuracy: "So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

By the way, did you lose sight of my question regarding the origin of the singularity out of which the Big Bang emerge? Still working on that? Need some more time to figure out how in the hell you're going to overthrow the ad absurdum of the infinite regression of origin?

Good luck with that.

But, really, what caused the singularity?

Are you under the impression that your crap evades skepticism, is above credulity, is convincing?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?







. . . unto infinity and beyond!

Understand what you are asking:

What caused the singularity?

That cannot be conclusively determined. I can only form conjectures here, and to choose any one thing out of the possibilty of something else is subjectivity. Any other words, we could label it "God" and leave open what actually is. The reason is simple, we do not know what definitively caused the Big Bang. (Note: I used as an example that some people could very well call the Big Bang the first Cause that led to the development our Universe. Under that assumption, The Big Bang is God. However, That is not what is being suggested in the question given. )

You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective.

As An example, I can demonstrate how even suggesting that question shows that you're not objective. For instance, it can be assumed that that the Big Bang is neither cause 1 nor cause 2!!

What does this say about the Cause that caused the Big Bang? Apparently it is not God according to the Cosmological Argument. So why are you even asking about what that cause is if it can be assumed it is not God as well?

So 2 problems arises:

1) It is possibly irrelevant to ask the question "What cause the Big Bang?" when it is the First Cause that is being sought and what cause the Big Bang may not be the first cause. Note: This stands outside what is being described in the cosmological model for our universe, and is left to speculation.

2)Whatever is the first Cause, as argued in the Cosmological argument, may or may not be one sentient being. In other words, you have to determine what those characteristics are, not just ssume those characteristics.

You need to find characterististics of the first cause, .Which, in this case, is no longer possible in terms of natural science.

Amrchaos: "You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective."

That statement is false. Objectively speaking, I assume no such thing. Objectively speaking, The Seven Things assume no such thing.

So what are you imposing on them that's not there?

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

You're not really reading or thinking about these things on their own terms, are you?
I take it that you do not like

We cannot be created since consciousness is irreducible and primary - Catholic Answers Forums

So how bout

Theology and Philosophy

Go ahead, and post your "7 things" there. Please repeat the comments you made here over there!!

Yeah. Got it. And that's an orthodox Catholic or Protestant doctrine? Since when? That overthrows the ad absurdum of the irreducible mind? How could that be? The argument is predicated on human consciousness, which we already know to be finite and, therefore, divisible, reducible, something that cannot have primacy in the first place. It's a patently obvious straw man, one that actually proves the opposite of what it claims: human consciousness if finite and therefore contingent. LOL!

Just a few posts down from that, a member asks, and I paraphrase for the sake of accuracy: "So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

By the way, did you lose sight of my question regarding the origin of the singularity out of which the Big Bang emerge? Still working on that? Need some more time to figure out how in the hell you're going to overthrow the ad absurdum of the infinite regression of origin?

Good luck with that.

But, really, what caused the singularity?

Are you under the impression that your crap evades skepticism, is above credulity, is convincing?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?

But, really, what caused the singularity?







. . . unto infinity and beyond!

Understand what you are asking:

What caused the singularity?

That cannot be conclusively determined. I can only form conjectures here, and to choose any one thing out of the possibilty of something else is subjectivity. Any other words, we could label it "God" and leave open what actually is. The reason is simple, we do not know what definitively caused the Big Bang. (Note: I used as an example that some people could very well call the Big Bang the first Cause that led to the development our Universe. Under that assumption, The Big Bang is God. However, That is not what is being suggested in the question given. )

You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective.

As An example, I can demonstrate how even suggesting that question shows that you're not objective. For instance, it can be assumed that that the Big Bang is neither cause 1 nor cause 2!!

What does this say about the Cause that caused the Big Bang? Apparently it is not God according to the Cosmological Argument. So why are you even asking about what that cause is if it can be assumed it is not God as well?

So 2 problems arises:

1) It is possibly irrelevant to ask the question "What cause the Big Bang?" when it is the First Cause that is being sought and what cause the Big Bang may not be the first cause. Note: This stands outside what is being described in the cosmological model for our universe, and is left to speculation.

2)Whatever is the first Cause, as argued in the Cosmological argument, may or may not be one sentient being. In other words, you have to determine what those characteristics are, not just ssume those characteristics.

You need to find characterististics of the first cause, .Which, in this case, is no longer possible in terms of natural science.

Amrchaos: "You, on the other hand, assume it has to be a sentient being. That is not being objective."

That statement is false. Objectively speaking, I assume no such thing. Objectively speaking, The Seven Things assume no such thing.

So what are you imposing on them that's not there?

Knock, knock. Anybody home?

You're not really reading or thinking about these things on their own terms, are you?

Question: Does the 7 things have an objective voice?
Amrchaos: ... You assume it has to be a sentient being.

The only people who assume this are Atheists. It's why they can't believe in God. They have no concept of spiritual beings. They assume God must be an invisible sentient being, which seems ridiculous to them.

hmmm, my atheism is predicated upon the Judaic description of God, in which sentients is a part of the that definition.

So, it seems you are correct. However, that is not the only problem I have with the Judaic God.

Just remember this--I can give a definition of God that neither you nor I can reject because it does exist nd observable!!. But those "Gods" are not the Judaic God. Sentients, by itself, is not the problem.

Edit: I forgot to add, and those gods are sentient!
Last edited:
Amrchaos: ... You assume it has to be a sentient being.

The only people who assume this are Atheists. It's why they can't believe in God. They have no concept of spiritual beings. They assume God must be an invisible sentient being, which seems ridiculous to them.

No we don't. We assume god(s) don't exist dumbass. It is most THEISTS who say god made us in his image.

Its just another problem with the theist story.

I have a spirit. Does that prove a god exists? Nope. In fact my spirit says there is no god. But its ok if your spirit thinks there is a god. It won't make any difference when we're both dead. And if it makes you feel better about your life then allah akbar dumbass.

You assume God don't exist because you think God has to be a sentient being, you don't comprehend spiritual nature. Except for you, silly boob... you accept spiritual nature, believe in Karma, admit that you have a spirit... but don't believe in God and think we made that up. But that's okay because we all know what your deal is here, you hate religion and religious people. It is your hatred for religion and religious people which causes you to be an Atheist/Agnostic Activist.

Nope. We see no evidence of god physical or spiritual. That's all just in your head.

So why do you have an idea of God in your head?:lmao:
"So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

But, really, what caused the singularity?

"So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!


are you saying Flora has no consciousness - you are certain consciousness is derived from bioneurological systems ... realy :lmao:

"But, really, what caused the singularity"

the end becoming the beginning ....


I just answered that question. Do you have something objectively apprehensible to add to that, something I don't known?

Also, I didn't claim that consciousness is derived from bioneurological systems, did I?

See. This is what I'm talking about. This is the one of the biggest problems that humans have. They read or think their biases into things rather than simply backing out of their paradigms and , objectively, taking things as they come at them.
"So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!

But, really, what caused the singularity?

"So terrestrial-bound consciousness can exist without the existence of bioneurological systems?"

Answer: of course not!


are you saying Flora has no consciousness - you are certain consciousness is derived from bioneurological systems ... realy :lmao:

"But, really, what caused the singularity"

the end becoming the beginning ....


I just answered that question. Do you have something objectively apprehensible to add to that, something I don't known?

Also, I didn't claim that consciousness is derived from bioneurological systems, did I?

See. This is what I'm talking about. This is the one of the biggest problems that humans have. They read or think their biases into things rather than simply backing out of their paradigms and , objectively, taking things as they come at them.

Answer: No the 7 things do not have an objective voice because much of it is the subjective opinion of the poster. To say "Objectively speaking" is really to talk about nothing when referencing the 7 things.

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