Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

Sentience IV

Sentience, in and of itself, is not self-awareness, metaphysically; rather, it's the foundation of self-awareness for finite beings and the foundation of self-awareness for finite beings only! Ultimately, God's consciousness, including His sentience, is the foundation of all other things that exist, including our consciousness. Non-technical definitions sometimes throw in the term aware, but this does not pertain to self-awareness, but to the awareness (more at the experience) of subjective impressions or feelings.

For humans, these subjective impressions include the experiential sensations/perceptions elicited by exterior phenomena.

Of course the idea of God necessarily asserts that God would be self-aware and universally other-aware of everything that exists without any gaps in His knowledge. God doesn't become aware, and His interior sentience would be purely mental impressions and emotions. Humans become aware. God would be eternally aware.

You're making a distinction between divine awareness and knowledge that makes no difference. They are one and the same thing!

Further, you're confounding an abridged definition of sentience that only applies to finite beings. The unabridged philosophical definition of metaphysics is the only one that matters universally.

I already shared this.

Pay particular attention to the following:

In the philosophy of consciousness, sentience can refer to the ability of any entity to have subjective perceptual experiences, or as some philosophers refer to them, 'qualia'.[1] This is distinct from other aspects of the mind and consciousness, such as creativity, intelligence, sapience, self-awareness, and intentionality (the ability to have thoughts 'about' something). Sentience is a minimalistic way of defining consciousness, which is otherwise commonly used to collectively describe sentience plus other characteristics of the mind.​

The universal essence of sentience is interiorly subjective experiences of mental impressions and emotions.

You've put me in a position where I find myself agreeing with the atheists against you, as you're not making any sense here, except in Amrchaos' case, as he thinks the possibility of divine sentience doesn't necessarily adhere to the idea of God in terms of first principles, which is patently false.

The possibility that God would be fully sentient cannot be logically ruled out. It's arguably a logical necessity for a fully conscious being of personhood, mortal or divine, to have emotions. In fact, I'd like someone on this thread explain to me how an omniscient God would not necessarily have emotions.

Think about that.

The Seven Things demonstrate that one cannot rationally rule out the possibility that we are finite expressions of God's consciousness. There's nothing in the laws of organic human thought that precludes this possibility, and of course divine sentience wouldn't apply to divinity in the exact same way that applies to humans. Your argument that the objective facts of human cognition (for there's no humans as such projecting) anthropomorphize God via the logical possibility/necessity that God has sentient impressions and feelings is bogus.

However, an all-knowing God would be able to experience precisely what we experience (the mental sensations, perceptions and emotions) via the contents of our minds, would He not? He would necessarily know and understand everything we're thinking or feeling. Ah! So it looks like He must have emotions, logically, in order to know what emotions are and how they are experienced/felt!

Finally, there seems to be some misunderstanding regarding the expressions of God's sentience in the Bible.

First, the Bible most certainly does assert that God is sentient, Boss. That cannot be denied. You are mistaken.

Second, the authors of the Bible don't mean that God literally hears, sees, smells, tastes or feels things in the sense that humans do as if he had physical ears, eyes, a nose, a tongue or a dermis. They're speaking metaphorically. They knew that the actual means of God's sentience and the higher cogitations thereof would have to be intellectual in nature, an operation of His divine omniscience, not literal, sensory transmissions or sensory data; and neither Jews nor Christians hold that the biblical construct of divine consciousness is an anthropomorphism. Nonsense! The Bible holds that we were created in God's image, that our consciousness is what it is because He made us in His likeness. We are finite expressions of His consciousness.

To the atheists on this thread: go on contradictorily presupposing God's existence as you necessarily do when you declare to know something about an existing God that the rest of us mere mortals cannot logically rule out!

Keep doing it. I dare you. I double dare you.


No one escapes The Seven Things.
Hey MD

I'm tired of this argument. I am going to leave it at

1. Your argument is Inductive, not deductive as you claim

2. The axiom you want is "I exist", We exist does involve induction(or taken intuitively true)

3.Statement 2) is predicated upon the science it is based on. Its plausibilty is open from attacks from Skepticism. It is the 2nd inductive statement.

4)I don't find your arguments for point 3 plausible. I do allow you to define the First Cause as God, but I disagree with your methods in trying to establish that it is sentient.

Also, with the introduction of others suggestions, there is a need for clarity of terms as well. Both Boss and emily has made points about God that is not the same I thought you and I were using.

There is more problems I have with point 3 (such as it is highly subjectively, as well as inductive. some Use of terms that can lead to confusion. ) but I think it is fair to leave it at that.

Good luck in convincing others, M.D.

But I have some basic issues on the first 3 points alone. I haven't read your other points as of yet, but the problems of #3 are just too exhausting for me.
Sentience IV

Sentience, in and of itself, is not self-awareness, metaphysically; rather, it's the foundation of self-awareness for finite beings and the foundation of self-awareness for finite beings only! Ultimately, God's consciousness, including His sentience, is the foundation of all other things that exist, including our consciousness. Non-technical definitions sometimes throw in the term aware, but this does not pertain to self-awareness, but to the awareness (more at the experience) of subjective impressions or feelings.

For humans, these subjective impressions include the experiential sensations/perceptions elicited by exterior phenomena.

Of course the idea of God necessarily asserts that God would be self-aware and universally other-aware of everything that exists without any gaps in His knowledge. God doesn't become aware, and His interior sentience would be purely mental impressions and emotions. Humans become aware. God would be eternally aware.

You're making a distinction between divine awareness and knowledge that makes no difference. They are one and the same thing!

Further, you're confounding an abridged definition of sentience that only applies to finite beings. The unabridged philosophical definition of metaphysics is the only one that matters universally.

I already shared this.

Pay particular attention to the following:

In the philosophy of consciousness, sentience can refer to the ability of any entity to have subjective perceptual experiences, or as some philosophers refer to them, 'qualia'.[1] This is distinct from other aspects of the mind and consciousness, such as creativity, intelligence, sapience, self-awareness, and intentionality (the ability to have thoughts 'about' something). Sentience is a minimalistic way of defining consciousness, which is otherwise commonly used to collectively describe sentience plus other characteristics of the mind.​

The universal essence of sentience is interiorly subjective experiences of mental impressions and emotions.

You've put me in a position where I find myself agreeing with the atheists against you, as you're not making any sense here, except in Amrchaos' case, as he thinks the possibility of divine sentience doesn't necessarily adhere to the idea of God in terms of first principles, which is patently false.

The possibility that God would be fully sentient cannot be logically ruled out. It's arguably a logical necessity for a fully conscious being of personhood, mortal or divine, to have emotions. In fact, I'd like someone on this thread explain to me how an omniscient God would not necessarily have emotions.

Think about that.

The Seven Things demonstrate that one cannot rationally rule out the possibility that we are finite expressions of God's consciousness. There's nothing in the laws of organic human thought that precludes this possibility, and of course divine sentience wouldn't apply to divinity in the exact same way that applies to humans. Your argument that the objective facts of human cognition (for there's no humans as such projecting) anthropomorphize God via the logical possibility/necessity that God has sentient impressions and feelings is bogus.

However, an all-knowing God would be able to experience precisely what we experience (the mental sensations, perceptions and emotions) via the contents of our minds, would He not? He would necessarily know and understand everything we're thinking or feeling. Ah! So it looks like He must have emotions, logically, in order to know what emotions are and how they are experienced/felt!

Finally, there seems to be some misunderstanding regarding the expressions of God's sentience in the Bible.

First, the Bible most certainly does assert that God is sentient, Boss. That cannot be denied. You are mistaken.

Second, the authors of the Bible don't mean that God literally hears, sees, smells, tastes or feels things in the sense that humans do as if he had physical ears, eyes, a nose, a tongue or a dermis. They're speaking metaphorically. They knew that the actual means of God's sentience and the higher cogitations thereof would have to be intellectual in nature, an operation of His divine omniscience, not literal, sensory transmissions or sensory data; and neither Jews nor Christians hold that the biblical construct of divine consciousness is an anthropomorphism. Nonsense! The Bible holds that we were created in God's image, that our consciousness is what it is because He made us in His likeness. We are finite expressions of His consciousness.

To the atheists on this thread: go on contradictorily presupposing God's existence as you necessarily do when you declare to know something about an existing God that the rest of us mere mortals cannot logically rule out!

Keep doing it. I dare you. I double dare you.


No one escapes The Seven Things.

Fraud Alert!

Everyone escapes the Seven Fraudulent Things

The Seven Fraudulent Things

We exist!

Stating the obvious. Perhaps that would be a useful observation if we had some sort of general agreement on how this proves your various gawds. But since we don't, it's not. Therefore, we agree that you concede point 1 in your Seven Phony Things™ is useless as a means to prove your gawds.
2. The cosmological order exists!
1 a : a branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of the universe
b : a theory or doctrine describing the natural order of the universe
2: a branch of astronomy that deals with the origin, structure, and space-time relationships of the universe; also : a theory dealing with these matters.

It is science that has given us a first, but incomplete understanding of the cosmos. As with so much of your ignorant and religiously based worldview that is corrupted by fear and superstition, you cant even define what you mean with slogans such as "cosmological order". You really need to look past harun Yahya for your science data. The cosmos contains many pockets and eddies of order in the midst of its more general violence and chaos. Most of human misperception on that issues is entirely one of scale. We happen to exist in one of those eddies... the localized order we experience is a precondition for our very existence. But it is not characteristic of the universe.

Lest you see a sign of "design" in our great good fortune, you have that exactly backwards. It is again the law of incredibly large numbers that requires that there must be such oases of order, and that some subset of them contain life, and some smaller subset of them contain intelligence. The universe is a very large place. Somebody, somewhere always wins the lottery eventually.

3. The idea that God exists as the Creator of everything else that exists, exists in our minds! So the possibility that God exists cannot be logically ruled out!

Your ideas of partisan gawds is entirely a function of happenstance. If you raise a baby in a Hindu culture, it will almost certainly embrace Hinduism; if in a Christian home, Christianity. All theistic beliefs are brought externally to human beings, none of them display inherent hardwiring as you falsely claimed in your earlier disaster of The Five Fraudulent Things™. If you raise a child devoid of god concepts in the middle of a remote jungle, the child will not arbitrarily and spontaneously generate theism.
4. If God does exist, He would necessarily be, logically, a Being of unparalleled greatness!

And if he does not exist, he wouldn't. If today was Friday, it wouldn't be Thursday. See how that works? The ultimate failure of your fraudulent Seven Phony Things™ is your precommittment to the polytheistic christian gawds. Your gawds are relative newcomers as human inventions of gawds go, so, to the back of the line you go with your hand-me-down gawds.

Secondly, I have to point out how spectacularly incompetent your gawds are relative to your claim of "unparalleled greatness". A tour de force of pointless. There is nothing in that paragraph worthy of intellectual allegiance. Especially as it contains such furious backpedaling from your earlier certainty regarding The Five Phony Things

Did you just make up The Seven Phony Things™ off the cuff? Certainly you are not pretending that it is the result of any deep thinking.

You're not bright enough to ask why your gods would choose to deliver their message through the corruptible hand of man. What is more important: gods who clearly deliver their message upon which one's eternal salvation rests, or do they speak in riddles and poems, leaving open to interpretation what their intent is? What a risk they put their children at.
5. Currently, science cannot verify whether or not God exists!

Currently, science cannot verify whether or not the Easter Bunny exists!
You are now free to actually accept or reject it based on your own assessement. Now... that very well might be difficult for you, given your affection for "absolutes." You might possibly feel more comfortable being told exactly what to accept and what to reject via a long line of "absolute claims." There is certainly a personailty type that is most comfortable embedded in revealed dogma requiring no actual decision making or judgment on their part.

One of the profound difficulties religious zealots have with reality in general and science in particular is that they are more complex than “the gawds did it.” The universe does not consist of ideals and opposites, but instead of continua along dimensions with multiple (often infinite) possible options. Yes… it is one of the rude awakenings to the religious that we live in a Darwinian world, not a Platonic one.
6. It is not logically possible to say or think that God (the Creator) doesn't exist, whether He actually exists outside the logic of our minds or not (See Posts 2599 and 2600)!

It is not logically possible to say or think that your polytheistic gawds are the only gawds that don't exist.

Your polytheistic gawds are merely one conception of gawds. We are privileged to consider reality, but only the universe that actually exists can be fruitfully considered. How do we assign confidence to what is real and what is simply imaginary?

Evidence and reason. These are our only tools for that task. Thankfully, they appear to work pretty well, at least for those of us not bound to a precommittment to your dogma.
7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!

No, they're not. Millennia of “philosophers and theologians” have constructed elaborate and ultimately futile models of reality and truth, with next to no positive impact on the human condition. Science in dramatic contrast is among the youngest of human of human endeavors, and yet has achieved things no previous discipline has approached. It has fed the hungry, cured disease, created technology that four generations ago would have been unimaginable. It has literally changed our world, while religions like Christianity and Islam have done little more than churn human misfortune in a static embrace of past error. Unlike all the philosophies and religions that came before it, science actually works.

This is why “scientific facts” deserve so much deference in comparison to the imaginary “absolute facts” delivered by philosophy and faith. They have evidence that affords them some qualification for our rational allegiance.

There is a reason why science has proven to be the single most influential and impactful human endeavor in history; that is because it formally recognizes the tentative nature of all human knowledge, and provides a method for incrementally approaching “absolute” truth without the arrogance of assuming it is ever actually achieved. It bears a humility regarding its own achievement that constantly inspires revision and review. It inspires thinking and iconoclasm rather than the intellectual rigor mortis of received dogma.

And in this way it accomplishes what most religious beliefs do not; progress.
Now here's my question. You said "However, unlike the apparent fact that the laws of human thought are bioneurologically hardwired, the logical axiom that they are bottomed on a spiritual reality cannot be scientifically verified." But then you also said that "you cannot objectively demonstrate, either rationally or empirically, that such a discrete and/or an all-encompassing consciousness adheres to any known existent . . . but to the universal idea of God and the potential object thereof that exists in our minds." There still seems to be a contradiction somehow.

Right. I understand. You're asking me a slightly different question about this than the one you asked me yesterday.

No aspect of consciousness was ever created: not sentience, not logic, not knowledge or anything else that belongs to the mind proper.

(A biblical aside for Jews and Christians only, a matter that is not immediately relevant to the OP and one that I do not claim to prove via the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin: the only thing in terms of consciousness ever created by creatures is evil, which came into existence as a result their disobedience, starting with the fallen angels and then mankind. They chose as an operation of their free will to rebel against God's word, to deny the truth of God's testimony. Everything that exists, exists in God's mind, including the understanding of what evil is. Evil does not adhere to God's mind in the same sense that it adheres to our minds as a matter of our very nature due to our disobedience. God is all-knowledge, so He simply knows what evil is.)

Everything that exists, exists in God's mind from eternity. God is all-knowledge. No aspect of consciousness proper was ever created by God. The aspects of consciousness proper have always existed in God's mind. All aspects of consciousness proper are the very essences of God's mind. We are not creatures who anthropomorphize God. God theologized us. Our finite minds and the aspects of consciousness proper thereof are finite expressions/reproductions with free will of God's mind/consciousness. This is necessarily true and self-evident from #3, #4 and especially from #6 of The Seven Things. The logical necessity of this has already been proven on this thread by me, but it will become even more abundantly obvious in the posts that follow.

Hence, your question based on the first part of this post not quoted here is why does this axiom in organic logic not objectively demonstrate that the spiritual consciousness of God directly adheres to His creation as an all-encompassing reality. Well, the problem with that idea, objectively speaking, is that it suggests that everything in nature ultimately consists of a spiritual essence and not just living things. That doesn't necessarily follow at all as this axiom only pertains to God's discrete spiritual substance for certain, logically, and asserts for certain, logically, that God's spiritual essence encompass all of creation as a sustaining immanence, that the cosmological order is contingent on God’s existence.

Now, this does not necessarily rule out the possibility that God's spiritual substance directly adheres to the cosmological order or that creatures within the cosmological order are not spiritual beings in their own right. It's just that these latter potentialities do not appear to immediately or necessarily follow from this axiom. There's a gap, at least as far as pantheism goes. Hence, they remain mere logical possibilities.

Here's the issues on the periphery. Does our moral sense logically prove that we are spiritual beings in our own right, not just intelligent animals aware of God's existence? And do the axioms of #6 logically prove that the principle of identity universally holds throughout creation in terms of a synchronized logic and physical laws?
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By the way, Justin, I just realized that in post #3910 I wrote parameter when I meant periphery. LOL! Sorry for the confusion, too late to edit.
As a retired Lutheran Pastor best put it,
if you can imagine God as a thing, God is probably not that thing.
Because God represents something infinite and beyond man,
any "thing" that we can imagine associated with God is not sufficient, and God is always greater.

You just imagined God to be something, something infinitely great, in accordance with #4.

So it is false to say that we can't accurately and confidently imagine God to be what He is, isn't it?

We can and do understand what He is, don't we?

The fact that we cannot comprehend the totality of Him is just another fact that goes along with, not contradictorily so but consistently so, with that logical fact of His greatness, right?

Yeah! That's right.

And the only logical, non-paradoxical, position in accordance with the laws of thought is that our finite minds must have been designed to understand infinity, conceptually and mathematically, a fact of human cognition recognized by you and Boss, in order they we can comprehend the fact of His infinite greatness as we simultaneously comprehend the fact that we could never fathom the depths or the heights of Him.

Note that the term comprehend, not merely the term apprehend, absolutely applies to these two facts of human cognition! When does the term apprehend come to the fore? We apprehend the infinite depths and heights of Him, but we will never comprehend them.

There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever to abandon the laws of organic thought, human linguistics, insofar as they hold, or the mathematics of the creation and embrace the chaos of incoherency and contradiction. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that God is not the very unifying substance and the ground of these things. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness anthropomorphize God; rather, the only rationally coherent conclusion is that God theologized us, that we are finite expressions of His consciousness, and it is absurdly arbitrary to rule that possibility out especially when that is the only coherent possibility that cannot be logically ruled out at all.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

By definition, God is the Creator. Why are you still trying to form a consensus around something that cannot be logically ruled out, let alone logically asserted without positively proving God the Creator? Ridiculous. Once again, by the logic that He would have had to put into our heads if the idea of God is true, by definition, God is perfect. He is not a liar. What is your motive? Is it monetary?

Moreover, it is absurd to necessarily hold that God would at least have the sentience of mental impressions as an operation of omniscience, yet hold that the highest conceivable standard of divine attribution would not be personhood, which suggests emotional content as well. In any event, none of these possibilities can be logically ruled out.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

Dear MD:
I think it is safe to say we agree more than we disagree.
If you are saying I am "imagining" God to be more than just "Creator",
this does not have to conflict with you "envisioning" God to be Creator as a central definition to build your proof around.

MD I am more concerned that we reconcile with those like
Boss and BreezeWood who need a little more issues to be resolved
in order to feel we are close enough on the same page.

I think Boss is more willing to see that we are talking about the same God,
but BreezeWood takes special exception to the way the Christian God is taught or symbolized.

I suggest we ask Boss help to work with BreezeWood,
and find out how to get on the same page with other Theists.

Just pushing and pushing your approach is not going to work for some people.
Let's find out what does work, and your proof can be shared with more people
if we can overcome whatever it is that causes believers
like BreezeWood to think this concept of God is faulty, false or detracting from the true Almighty
in some ways that should be corrected.

If we can get on the same page, this can give us insights how
to work with others who would otherwise understand if it weren't for those barriers
causing misunderstanding and rejection.

As Boss said, if we are believers, we should certainly support each other
in building and improving on our understanding of God/the Almighty.

If we get divided over resolvable issues, how can we expect to
reach out and help others to resolve issues preventing greater unity and understanding of God/the Almighty?

Let's build up and see what we can accomplish as a Team!

This will help you understand what it takes to be a Team Leader
if we are going to promote greater outreach to a broader and broader audience.

Start local and let it grow and multiply globally
to build the Kingdom of God on earth encompassing and embracing
every tribe and nation represented on the planet.

As you said, as God is not a liar, then establishing the Kingdom of God is done in
the spirit of Truth through Christ Jesus or love of justice by conscience,
fulfilling both the natural laws of man and universal laws of God in perfect harmony.

Thank you M.D. and I hope to be of greatest support to you
in building the teams around this to reach and include more and more people.
But we have to build on a stable foundation of unity in truth, and resolve any issues causing unnecessary division.
Why Does Boss' Argument Fail?

Boss has argued that because humans cannot think about God on any other terms but human logic and, therefore, in any other terms but their rational conceptualizations and expressions (linguistic/mathematical), humans necessarily anthropomorphize God.

Well, of course, the former part of that statement is incontrovertibly true! Boss rightly argues that since our organic logic is all we have to go on, everything we think we know about God is doubtful . . . assuming that his conclusion necessarily follows.

Amazingly, however, Boss doesn't stop with his origin conclusion of doubt, which would necessarily prove . . . assuming his original conclusion necessarily follows . . . that either (1) the things we think we know about God based on our logic are true or (2) might not be true.

There is nothing else that can be rationally asserted beyond that cogitation of doubt whatsoever.

But Boss doesn't stop on that dime of doubt that holds . . . assuming his original conclusion necessarily follows . . . but goes on to assert all kinds of things with absolute certainty, namely, that virtually everything we think we know about God based on our logic is wrong.

Boss jumps the shark of doubt and lands on the ground of absolute certainty that clearly does not and cannot follow.

How did that happen?

Worse, the ground of absolute certainty that he lands on amounts to the absurdity that our absolutes about God are not absolutes but absolutely false . . . except, of course, the absolute that all of our absolutes about God are absolutely false, which would necessarily mean that Boss' absolute that all of our absolutes about God are absolutely false is absolutely false.

Welcome to the mind of doubt and confusion, chaos and absurdity, paradox and willful contrariness, contradiction and incoherency: a landscape of delusions and darkness. God is not perfect after all, but a liar, Who created us with a standard of logic that misleads us into believing things about Him that are all wrong.

Fortunately for the rest of us, Boss is absolutely outside his mind. God is perfect. He does not lie. Boss' original, contradictory conclusion does not follow at all. Non sequitur. The logic we have is bottomed on God Who is the ultimate substance of the same. He is the universal Principle of Identity. The logic we have is not a creature, but a prior existent endowed by God to us. The logic we have does not anthropomorphize God; rather, we were theologized by Him.

By definition, God is all-knowing. He has all knowledge, including the very foundation and first principle of knowledge, namely, logic. Logic was not created! God created us and endowed with His logic so that we may know that He exists and understand Him in accordance with His will and good pleasure. In that there is no chaos, absurdities, paradoxes, willful contrariness, contradictions or incoherency, but perfect order and harmony.

It's absurd to assert, as Boss does, that we could even know God exists based on a doubtful standard of logic, let alone any of the other things he claims to know about God, which would necessarily contradict everything the actual standard divulges, based on the doubtful standard of logic he alleges, which begets one absurdity after another.

God is perfect, not a liar.

Boss' argument Fails.
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As a retired Lutheran Pastor best put it,
if you can imagine God as a thing, God is probably not that thing.
Because God represents something infinite and beyond man,
any "thing" that we can imagine associated with God is not sufficient, and God is always greater.

You just imagined God to be something, something infinitely great, in accordance with #4.

So it is false to say that we can't accurately and confidently imagine God to be what He is, isn't it?

We can and do understand what He is, don't we?

The fact that we cannot comprehend the totality of Him is just another fact that goes along with, not contradictorily so but consistently so, with that logical fact of His greatness, right?

Yeah! That's right.

And the only logical, non-paradoxical, position in accordance with the laws of thought is that our finite minds must have been designed to understand infinity, conceptually and mathematically, a fact of human cognition recognized by you and Boss, in order they we can comprehend the fact of His infinite greatness as we simultaneously comprehend the fact that we could never fathom the depths or the heights of Him.

Note that the term comprehend, not merely the term apprehend, absolutely applies to these two facts of human cognition! When does the term apprehend come to the fore? We apprehend the infinite depths and heights of Him, but we will never comprehend them.

There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever to abandon the laws of organic thought, human linguistics, insofar as they hold, or the mathematics of the creation and embrace the chaos of incoherency and contradiction. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that God is not the very unifying substance and the ground of these things. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness anthropomorphize God; rather, the only rationally coherent conclusion is that God theologized us, that we are finite expressions of His consciousness, and it is absurdly arbitrary to rule that possibility out especially when that is the only coherent possibility that cannot be logically ruled out at all.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

By definition, God is the Creator. Why are you still trying to form a consensus around something that cannot be logically ruled out, let alone logically asserted without positively proving God the Creator? Ridiculous. Once again, by the logic that He would have had to put into our heads if the idea of God is true, by definition, God is perfect. He is not a liar. What is your motive? Is it monetary?

Moreover, it is absurd to necessarily hold that God would at least have the sentience of mental impressions as an operation of omniscience, yet hold that the highest conceivable standard of divine attribution would not be personhood, which suggests emotional content as well. In any event, none of these possibilities can be logically ruled out.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

Dear MD:
I think it is safe to say we agree more than we disagree.
If you are saying I am "imagining" God to be more than just "Creator",
this does not have to conflict with you "envisioning" God to be Creator as a central definition to build your proof around.

MD I am more concerned that we reconcile with those like
Boss and BreezeWood who need a little more issues to be resolved
in order to feel we are close enough on the same page.

I think Boss is more willing to see that we are talking about the same God,
but BreezeWood takes special exception to the way the Christian God is taught or symbolized.

I suggest we ask Boss help to work with BreezeWood,
and find out how to get on the same page with other Theists.

Just pushing and pushing your approach is not going to work for some people.
Let's find out what does work, and your proof can be shared with more people
if we can overcome whatever it is that causes believers
like BreezeWood to think this concept of God is faulty, false or detracting from the true Almighty
in some ways that should be corrected.

If we can get on the same page, this can give us insights how
to work with others who would otherwise understand if it weren't for those barriers
causing misunderstanding and rejection.

As Boss said, if we are believers, we should certainly support each other
in building and improving on our understanding of God/the Almighty.

If we get divided over resolvable issues, how can we expect to
reach out and help others to resolve issues preventing greater unity and understanding of God/the Almighty?

Let's build up and see what we can accomplish as a Team!

This will help you understand what it takes to be a Team Leader
if we are going to promote greater outreach to a broader and broader audience.

Start local and let it grow and multiply globally
to build the Kingdom of God on earth encompassing and embracing
every tribe and nation represented on the planet.

As you said, as God is not a liar, then establishing the Kingdom of God is done in
the spirit of Truth through Christ Jesus or love of justice by conscience,
fulfilling both the natural laws of man and universal laws of God in perfect harmony.

Thank you M.D. and I hope to be of greatest support to you
in building the teams around this to reach and include more and more people.
But we have to build on a stable foundation of unity in truth, and resolve any issues causing unnecessary division.

There's nothing in The Seven Things (TST) that asserts the God is just the Creator, and I never argued that's all He is. On the contrary, TST demonstrate that God would necessarily be much more than just the Creator.
As a retired Lutheran Pastor best put it,
if you can imagine God as a thing, God is probably not that thing.
Because God represents something infinite and beyond man,
any "thing" that we can imagine associated with God is not sufficient, and God is always greater.

You just imagined God to be something, something infinitely great, in accordance with #4.

So it is false to say that we can't accurately and confidently imagine God to be what He is, isn't it?

We can and do understand what He is, don't we?

The fact that we cannot comprehend the totality of Him is just another fact that goes along with, not contradictorily so but consistently so, with that logical fact of His greatness, right?

Yeah! That's right.

And the only logical, non-paradoxical, position in accordance with the laws of thought is that our finite minds must have been designed to understand infinity, conceptually and mathematically, a fact of human cognition recognized by you and Boss, in order they we can comprehend the fact of His infinite greatness as we simultaneously comprehend the fact that we could never fathom the depths or the heights of Him.

Note that the term comprehend, not merely the term apprehend, absolutely applies to these two facts of human cognition! When does the term apprehend come to the fore? We apprehend the infinite depths and heights of Him, but we will never comprehend them.

There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever to abandon the laws of organic thought, human linguistics, insofar as they hold, or the mathematics of the creation and embrace the chaos of incoherency and contradiction. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that God is not the very unifying substance and the ground of these things. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness anthropomorphize God; rather, the only rationally coherent conclusion is that God theologized us, that we are finite expressions of His consciousness, and it is absurdly arbitrary to rule that possibility out especially when that is the only coherent possibility that cannot be logically ruled out at all.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

By definition, God is the Creator. Why are you still trying to form a consensus around something that cannot be logically ruled out, let alone logically asserted without positively proving God the Creator? Ridiculous. Once again, by the logic that He would have had to put into our heads if the idea of God is true, by definition, God is perfect. He is not a liar. What is your motive? Is it monetary?

Moreover, it is absurd to necessarily hold that God would at least have the sentience of mental impressions as an operation of omniscience, yet hold that the highest conceivable standard of divine attribution would not be personhood, which suggests emotional content as well. In any event, none of these possibilities can be logically ruled out.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

Dear MD:
I think it is safe to say we agree more than we disagree.
If you are saying I am "imagining" God to be more than just "Creator",
this does not have to conflict with you "envisioning" God to be Creator as a central definition to build your proof around.

MD I am more concerned that we reconcile with those like
Boss and BreezeWood who need a little more issues to be resolved
in order to feel we are close enough on the same page.

I think Boss is more willing to see that we are talking about the same God,
but BreezeWood takes special exception to the way the Christian God is taught or symbolized.

I suggest we ask Boss help to work with BreezeWood,
and find out how to get on the same page with other Theists.

Just pushing and pushing your approach is not going to work for some people.
Let's find out what does work, and your proof can be shared with more people
if we can overcome whatever it is that causes believers
like BreezeWood to think this concept of God is faulty, false or detracting from the true Almighty
in some ways that should be corrected.

If we can get on the same page, this can give us insights how
to work with others who would otherwise understand if it weren't for those barriers
causing misunderstanding and rejection.

As Boss said, if we are believers, we should certainly support each other
in building and improving on our understanding of God/the Almighty.

If we get divided over resolvable issues, how can we expect to
reach out and help others to resolve issues preventing greater unity and understanding of God/the Almighty?

Let's build up and see what we can accomplish as a Team!

This will help you understand what it takes to be a Team Leader
if we are going to promote greater outreach to a broader and broader audience.

Start local and let it grow and multiply globally
to build the Kingdom of God on earth encompassing and embracing
every tribe and nation represented on the planet.

As you said, as God is not a liar, then establishing the Kingdom of God is done in
the spirit of Truth through Christ Jesus or love of justice by conscience,
fulfilling both the natural laws of man and universal laws of God in perfect harmony.

Thank you M.D. and I hope to be of greatest support to you
in building the teams around this to reach and include more and more people.
But we have to build on a stable foundation of unity in truth, and resolve any issues causing unnecessary division.

There's nothing in The Seven Things (TST) that asserts the God is just the Creator, and I never argued that's all He is. On the contrary, TST demonstrate that God would necessarily be much more than just the Creator.
And of course, the Fraudulent Seven Things has repeatedly been exposed as a pointless, viciously circular collection of presumptive claims.



As a retired Lutheran Pastor best put it,
if you can imagine God as a thing, God is probably not that thing.
Because God represents something infinite and beyond man,
any "thing" that we can imagine associated with God is not sufficient, and God is always greater.

You just imagined God to be something, something infinitely great, in accordance with #4.

So it is false to say that we can't accurately and confidently imagine God to be what He is, isn't it?

We can and do understand what He is, don't we?

The fact that we cannot comprehend the totality of Him is just another fact that goes along with, not contradictorily so but consistently so, with that logical fact of His greatness, right?

Yeah! That's right.

And the only logical, non-paradoxical, position in accordance with the laws of thought is that our finite minds must have been designed to understand infinity, conceptually and mathematically, a fact of human cognition recognized by you and Boss, in order they we can comprehend the fact of His infinite greatness as we simultaneously comprehend the fact that we could never fathom the depths or the heights of Him.

Note that the term comprehend, not merely the term apprehend, absolutely applies to these two facts of human cognition! When does the term apprehend come to the fore? We apprehend the infinite depths and heights of Him, but we will never comprehend them.

There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever to abandon the laws of organic thought, human linguistics, insofar as they hold, or the mathematics of the creation and embrace the chaos of incoherency and contradiction. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that God is not the very unifying substance and the ground of these things. There is no rationally sound justification whatsoever for the notion that the rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness anthropomorphize God; rather, the only rationally coherent conclusion is that God theologized us, that we are finite expressions of His consciousness, and it is absurdly arbitrary to rule that possibility out especially when that is the only coherent possibility that cannot be logically ruled out at all.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

By definition, God is the Creator. Why are you still trying to form a consensus around something that cannot be logically ruled out, let alone logically asserted without positively proving God the Creator? Ridiculous. Once again, by the logic that He would have had to put into our heads if the idea of God is true, by definition, God is perfect. He is not a liar. What is your motive? Is it monetary?

Moreover, it is absurd to necessarily hold that God would at least have the sentience of mental impressions as an operation of omniscience, yet hold that the highest conceivable standard of divine attribution would not be personhood, which suggests emotional content as well. In any event, none of these possibilities can be logically ruled out.

God is perfect. He is not a liar.

Dear MD:
I think it is safe to say we agree more than we disagree.
If you are saying I am "imagining" God to be more than just "Creator",
this does not have to conflict with you "envisioning" God to be Creator as a central definition to build your proof around.

MD I am more concerned that we reconcile with those like
Boss and BreezeWood who need a little more issues to be resolved
in order to feel we are close enough on the same page.

I think Boss is more willing to see that we are talking about the same God,
but BreezeWood takes special exception to the way the Christian God is taught or symbolized.

I suggest we ask Boss help to work with BreezeWood,
and find out how to get on the same page with other Theists.

Just pushing and pushing your approach is not going to work for some people.
Let's find out what does work, and your proof can be shared with more people
if we can overcome whatever it is that causes believers
like BreezeWood to think this concept of God is faulty, false or detracting from the true Almighty
in some ways that should be corrected.

If we can get on the same page, this can give us insights how
to work with others who would otherwise understand if it weren't for those barriers
causing misunderstanding and rejection.

As Boss said, if we are believers, we should certainly support each other
in building and improving on our understanding of God/the Almighty.

If we get divided over resolvable issues, how can we expect to
reach out and help others to resolve issues preventing greater unity and understanding of God/the Almighty?

Let's build up and see what we can accomplish as a Team!

This will help you understand what it takes to be a Team Leader
if we are going to promote greater outreach to a broader and broader audience.

Start local and let it grow and multiply globally
to build the Kingdom of God on earth encompassing and embracing
every tribe and nation represented on the planet.

As you said, as God is not a liar, then establishing the Kingdom of God is done in
the spirit of Truth through Christ Jesus or love of justice by conscience,
fulfilling both the natural laws of man and universal laws of God in perfect harmony.

Thank you M.D. and I hope to be of greatest support to you
in building the teams around this to reach and include more and more people.
But we have to build on a stable foundation of unity in truth, and resolve any issues causing unnecessary division.

There's nothing in The Seven Things (TST) that asserts the God is just the Creator, and I never argued that's all He is. On the contrary, TST demonstrate that God would necessarily be much more than just the Creator.
And of course, the Fraudulent Seven Things has repeatedly been exposed as a pointless, viciously circular collection of presumptive claims.



Sure they have.

KoolAid drinker.
The Seven Bindingly Incontrovertible Whether or Knots

Whether God actually exists or not, the idea of God exists in our minds as something more than just a mere possibility.

2. Whether God actually exists or not, the idea of God that exists in our minds represents a substantive possibility that cannot be logically ruled out.

3. Whether God actually exists or not, the idea of God exists in our minds as something more than just a substantive possibility that cannot be logically ruled out.

4. Whether God actually exists or not, the idea of God exists in our minds as a positive proof that He does exist in actuality according to the fundamental laws of human thought: the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle, comprehensively, the principle of identity.

5. Whether God actually exists or not, the idea of God exists in our minds as something even more than just a positive proof that He does exist in actuality.

6. Whether God actually exists or not, the idea of God exists in our minds as an axiomatic necessity that cannot be rationally ruled out without paradoxically supposing that all of the axioms of the fundamental laws of human thought universally hold, except this one.

7. Hence, whether God actually exists or not, the atheist necessarily asserts a paradoxically contradictory premise.

Conclusion: persons who do not appreciate the implications of The Seven Bindingly Incontrovertible Whether or Knots are paradoxical curiosities of human nature lambasting the rest of us for adhering to all of the commonsensical recommendations of the bioneurologically hardwired laws of human thought.

That's weird.
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The Seven Things
We exist!
2. The cosmological order exists!
3. The idea that God exists as the Creator of everything else that exists, exists in our minds! So the possibility that God exists cannot be logically ruled out!
4. If God does exist, He would necessarily be, logically, a Being of unparalleled greatness!
5. Currently, science cannot verify whether or not God exists!
6. It is not logically possible to say or think that God (the Creator) doesn't exist, whether He actually exists outside the logic of our minds or not (See Posts #3944, #2599, #2600, #3941.)!
7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!

I previously established that epistemological irrationalism, skepticism, antirealism or solipsism are arguably possible, but not pragmatic. Hence, for all those who accept that we exist (#1) and that the universe exists (#2), #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7 necessarily follow.

Those are the facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin. The objective facts of human cognition report, you decide. God just might be waiting for you on the other side of that leap of faith. There's plenty of rational and empirical evidence for His existence. Take the leap of faith now or don't. It's your decision, not mine.

All the rest of the things I've talked about go to the apprehensible details of #4. Not everybody can follow that or will even try because they've made up their minds about things they know nothing about or have never thought about.

But what all can and should logically understand, that which is self-evident, regarding #4: to assume that the reality of the construct of God would be anything less than the very highest conceivable standard of being unjustifiably begs the question. From an objective standpoint, finite minds are in no position to rationally presuppose anything less, as such a thing would necessarily be an apriority of a purely subjective standard of belief. An objective standard presupposes nothing less than infinitely unparalleled greatness and, therefore, absolute perfection.

It doesn’t matter that we can't comprehend the totality of that. We can and do apprehend the meaning of a highest conceivable standard of perfection whatever that may entail. In other words, logically, nothing created could be greater than the Creator of all other things, and what is the highest conceivable standard of being in this regard: an eternally and transcendentally self-subsistent, i.e., non-contingent, sentient Being of infinitely absolute perfection!

Earlier it was wrongfully asserted, in my opinion, that the objective standard was not biblical. Well, goody, but even if that were true, that would be the interposition of a purely subjective standard of belief that is not going to wash with any person who recognizes the objectively uncontestable standard that doesn't beg the question. In short, objectively, it's the only standard that leaves the matter open-ended without any conceivable allegation of preconceived bias.

Note: Both the Bible and the objectively apparent facts of human cognition strongly recommend that God is a Being of infinite greatness/perfection.
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And of course, the Fraudulent Seven Things has repeatedly been exposed as a pointless, viciously circular collection of presumptive claims.



One of the 1009th Goofy Things Said by Hollie

Now back to reality. . . .

Also, The Seven Things that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded middle):
And of course, the Fraudulent Seven Things has repeatedly been exposed as a pointless, viciously circular collection of presumptive claims.



One of the 1009th Goofy Things Said by Hollie

Now back to reality. . . .

Also, The Seven Things that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded middle):

Fraud Alert!

Everyone escapes the Seven Fraudulent Things

The Seven Fraudulent Things

We exist!

Stating the obvious. Perhaps that would be a useful observation if we had some sort of general agreement on how this proves your various gawds. But since we don't, it's not. Therefore, we agree that you concede point 1 in your Seven Phony Things™ is useless as a means to prove your gawds.
2. The cosmological order exists!
1 a : a branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of the universe
b : a theory or doctrine describing the natural order of the universe
2: a branch of astronomy that deals with the origin, structure, and space-time relationships of the universe; also : a theory dealing with these matters.

It is science that has given us a first, but incomplete understanding of the cosmos. As with so much of your ignorant and religiously based worldview that is corrupted by fear and superstition, you cant even define what you mean with slogans such as "cosmological order". You really need to look past harun Yahya for your science data. The cosmos contains many pockets and eddies of order in the midst of its more general violence and chaos. Most of human misperception on that issues is entirely one of scale. We happen to exist in one of those eddies... the localized order we experience is a precondition for our very existence. But it is not characteristic of the universe.

Lest you see a sign of "design" in our great good fortune, you have that exactly backwards. It is again the law of incredibly large numbers that requires that there must be such oases of order, and that some subset of them contain life, and some smaller subset of them contain intelligence. The universe is a very large place. Somebody, somewhere always wins the lottery eventually.

3. The idea that God exists as the Creator of everything else that exists, exists in our minds! So the possibility that God exists cannot be logically ruled out!

Your ideas of partisan gawds is entirely a function of happenstance. If you raise a baby in a Hindu culture, it will almost certainly embrace Hinduism; if in a Christian home, Christianity. All theistic beliefs are brought externally to human beings, none of them display inherent hardwiring as you falsely claimed in your earlier disaster of The Five Fraudulent Things™. If you raise a child devoid of god concepts in the middle of a remote jungle, the child will not arbitrarily and spontaneously generate theism.
4. If God does exist, He would necessarily be, logically, a Being of unparalleled greatness!

And if he does not exist, he wouldn't. If today was Friday, it wouldn't be Thursday. See how that works? The ultimate failure of your fraudulent Seven Phony Things™ is your precommittment to the polytheistic christian gawds. Your gawds are relative newcomers as human inventions of gawds go, so, to the back of the line you go with your hand-me-down gawds.

Secondly, I have to point out how spectacularly incompetent your gawds are relative to your claim of "unparalleled greatness". A tour de force of pointless. There is nothing in that paragraph worthy of intellectual allegiance. Especially as it contains such furious backpedaling from your earlier certainty regarding The Five Phony Things

Did you just make up The Seven Phony Things™ off the cuff? Certainly you are not pretending that it is the result of any deep thinking.

You're not bright enough to ask why your gods would choose to deliver their message through the corruptible hand of man. What is more important: gods who clearly deliver their message upon which one's eternal salvation rests, or do they speak in riddles and poems, leaving open to interpretation what their intent is? What a risk they put their children at.
5. Currently, science cannot verify whether or not God exists!

Currently, science cannot verify whether or not the Easter Bunny exists!
You are now free to actually accept or reject it based on your own assessement. Now... that very well might be difficult for you, given your affection for "absolutes." You might possibly feel more comfortable being told exactly what to accept and what to reject via a long line of "absolute claims." There is certainly a personailty type that is most comfortable embedded in revealed dogma requiring no actual decision making or judgment on their part.

One of the profound difficulties religious zealots have with reality in general and science in particular is that they are more complex than “the gawds did it.” The universe does not consist of ideals and opposites, but instead of continua along dimensions with multiple (often infinite) possible options. Yes… it is one of the rude awakenings to the religious that we live in a Darwinian world, not a Platonic one.
6. It is not logically possible to say or think that God (the Creator) doesn't exist, whether He actually exists outside the logic of our minds or not (See Posts 2599 and 2600)!

It is not logically possible to say or think that your polytheistic gawds are the only gawds that don't exist.

Your polytheistic gawds are merely one conception of gawds. We are privileged to consider reality, but only the universe that actually exists can be fruitfully considered. How do we assign confidence to what is real and what is simply imaginary?

Evidence and reason. These are our only tools for that task. Thankfully, they appear to work pretty well, at least for those of us not bound to a precommittment to your dogma.
7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!

No, they're not. Millennia of “philosophers and theologians” have constructed elaborate and ultimately futile models of reality and truth, with next to no positive impact on the human condition. Science in dramatic contrast is among the youngest of human of human endeavors, and yet has achieved things no previous discipline has approached. It has fed the hungry, cured disease, created technology that four generations ago would have been unimaginable. It has literally changed our world, while religions like Christianity and Islam have done little more than churn human misfortune in a static embrace of past error. Unlike all the philosophies and religions that came before it, science actually works.

This is why “scientific facts” deserve so much deference in comparison to the imaginary “absolute facts” delivered by philosophy and faith. They have evidence that affords them some qualification for our rational allegiance.

There is a reason why science has proven to be the single most influential and impactful human endeavor in history; that is because it formally recognizes the tentative nature of all human knowledge, and provides a method for incrementally approaching “absolute” truth without the arrogance of assuming it is ever actually achieved. It bears a humility regarding its own achievement that constantly inspires revision and review. It inspires thinking and iconoclasm rather than the intellectual rigor mortis of received dogma.

And in this way it accomplishes what most religious beliefs do not; progress.
Hey MD

I'm tired of this argument. I am going to leave it at

1. Your argument is Inductive, not deductive as you claim

2. The axiom you want is "I exist", We exist does involve induction(or taken intuitively true)

3.Statement 2) is predicated upon the science it is based on. Its plausibilty is open from attacks from Skepticism. It is the 2nd inductive statement.

4)I don't find your arguments for point 3 plausible. I do allow you to define the First Cause as God, but I disagree with your methods in trying to establish that it is sentient.

Also, with the introduction of others suggestions, there is a need for clarity of terms as well. Both Boss and emily has made points about God that is not the same I thought you and I were using.

There is more problems I have with point 3 (such as it is highly subjectively, as well as inductive. some Use of terms that can lead to confusion. ) but I think it is fair to leave it at that.

Good luck in convincing others, M.D.

But I have some basic issues on the first 3 points alone. I haven't read your other points as of yet, but the problems of #3 are just too exhausting for me.

Oh, hush. Every one of your arguments were file thirteened. The only real interesting thing in this regard is why you go on denying the obvious facts.

Right. I never wrote these things which utterly destroy your nonsense:

Or wrote these things which render your mountain out of "no hills at all" moot:

I previously established that epistemological irrationalism, skepticism, antirealism or solipsism are arguably possible, but not pragmatic. Hence, for all those who accept that we exist (#1) and that the universe exists (#2), #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7 necessarily follow.

The other versions are failures, attempts to overthrow the objective realities of the real seven . . . as, of course, they assume #1 and #2 and then attempt to do what can't be done, i.e., negate the other five of the real McCoy.

. . . Once again, #1 and #2 are premised on the qualification that we accept these things to be actual. The solipsist can change the we of #1 to I and change the cosmological order exists! of #2 to the impression of it that exists in my mind to suit himself. Either way, the rest follow. For most, solipsism is weird, so I go with what most people get and merely invite the solipsist to revise #1 and #2 to his liking and come along, for after that it is purely a matter the divine concept that exists universally in our minds due to the organic (or rational) laws of human thought.

. . . amrchoas seems to be incapable of objectivity too, stupidly imaging, for example, based on nothing at all, that I, of all people, don't know the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning and which of the two is arguably/routinely more sure. Never mind that I already established my knowledge regarding these things way early in this thread, long before he showed up. LOL! And of course his misunderstanding of what the pertinent distinction is goes to two things: (1) his inability to objectively back out of his paradigm and allow that his philosophical bias is NOT the formal, real-world standard for logic and science and (2) his conflation of the deductive-inductive dichotomy with the rational-empirical dichotomy.

I see clearly what his cognitive problems are. Has he backed out of either one of these things long enough to competently state what The Seven Things are actually premised on metaphysically and logically, not in the reactionary terms of his worldview, but, objectively, on the terms of their premise?


So because you guys never put into evidence what the actuality is regarding the nature of these things . . . on their own terms, not as filtered through your personal biases, it's not clear that you even know what it is you're arguing against in the first place.​

You forgot to thank me for this post: :2up:
Hey MD

I'm tired of this argument. I am going to leave it at

1. Your argument is Inductive, not deductive as you claim

2. The axiom you want is "I exist", We exist does involve induction(or taken intuitively true)

3.Statement 2) is predicated upon the science it is based on. Its plausibilty is open from attacks from Skepticism. It is the 2nd inductive statement.

4)I don't find your arguments for point 3 plausible. I do allow you to define the First Cause as God, but I disagree with your methods in trying to establish that it is sentient.

Also, with the introduction of others suggestions, there is a need for clarity of terms as well. Both Boss and emily has made points about God that is not the same I thought you and I were using.

There is more problems I have with point 3 (such as it is highly subjectively, as well as inductive. some Use of terms that can lead to confusion. ) but I think it is fair to leave it at that.

Good luck in convincing others, M.D.

But I have some basic issues on the first 3 points alone. I haven't read your other points as of yet, but the problems of #3 are just too exhausting for me.

Oh, hush. Every one of your arguments were file thirteened. The only real interesting thing in this regard is why you go on denying the obvious facts.

Right. I never wrote these things which utterly destroy your nonsense:

Or wrote these things which render your mountain out of "no hills at all" moot:

I previously established that epistemological irrationalism, skepticism, antirealism or solipsism are arguably possible, but not pragmatic. Hence, for all those who accept that we exist (#1) and that the universe exists (#2), #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7 necessarily follow.

The other versions are failures, attempts to overthrow the objective realities of the real seven . . . as, of course, they assume #1 and #2 and then attempt to do what can't be done, i.e., negate the other five of the real McCoy.

. . . Once again, #1 and #2 are premised on the qualification that we accept these things to be actual. The solipsist can change the we of #1 to I and change the cosmological order exists! of #2 to the impression of it that exists in my mind to suit himself. Either way, the rest follow. For most, solipsism is weird, so I go with what most people get and merely invite the solipsist to revise #1 and #2 to his liking and come along, for after that it is purely a matter the divine concept that exists universally in our minds due to the organic (or rational) laws of human thought.

. . . amrchoas seems to be incapable of objectivity too, stupidly imaging, for example, based on nothing at all, that I, of all people, don't know the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning and which of the two is arguably/routinely more sure. Never mind that I already established my knowledge regarding these things way early in this thread, long before he showed up. LOL! And of course his misunderstanding of what the pertinent distinction is goes to two things: (1) his inability to objectively back out of his paradigm and allow that his philosophical bias is NOT the formal, real-world standard for logic and science and (2) his conflation of the deductive-inductive dichotomy with the rational-empirical dichotomy.

I see clearly what his cognitive problems are. Has he backed out of either one of these things long enough to competently state what The Seven Things are actually premised on metaphysically and logically, not in the reactionary terms of his worldview, but, objectively, on the terms of their premise?


So because you guys never put into evidence what the actuality is regarding the nature of these things . . . on their own terms, not as filtered through your personal biases, it's not clear that you even know what it is you're arguing against in the first place.​

You forgot to thank me for this post: :2up:

Yet another, confused and desperate attempt by the religious zealot to salvage his long ago refuted nonsense.


Hollie will never be free of . . .

The Seven Things ™ that are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded middle):

Or be free of . . .

The Seven Bindingly Incontrovertible Whether or Knots :

They will follow her forever and ever. . . .

Embrace the truth.

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