Is this group's title appropriate?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Isn't is just "Israel?" If it's correctly referred to as "Israel-Palestine" shouldn't "Palestine" appear on maps? Is "United States of America-Mexico" appropriate then since Mexicans used to own much of what's now the USA?
Isn't is just "Israel?" If it's correctly referred to as "Israel-Palestine" shouldn't "Palestine" appear on maps? Is "United States of America-Mexico" appropriate then since Mexicans used to own much of what's now the USA?

we discuss both.
Palestinians from gaza fired 50 rockets at Israel today, by now its yesterday there.
Should be "Terrorists" not "Palestinians." Referring to Palestinians is like how Judaism refers to G-d either as male or female, it's a term of convenience, not fact. Since not all non-Jewish Israelis are terrorists, gotta refer to them somehow.
If anything, should be "Israel, West Bank, Gaza" no such place as "Palestine."

there is supposed to be a palestinian authority to rule both gaza and the WB, but hamas had a coup and threw fatah out of gaza and set up their own government and sharia laws.

Negotiations are supposed to be the next step to full statehood for palestinians. Abbas is not negotiating, just making demands. Israel is building new homes on land already part of the settlement that will be part of Israel is a final land trade deal. Israel has withdraw from gaza but still gets fired on from there.
Hamas has state that they will not sign onto any peace deal. They want the destruction of Israel, and jews.

As for your map.....


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