Is this why right wing "news" is hard to find ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Anti-Trump Reddit user falsely identified as Jacksonville mass shooter by right-wing media outlets

At least seven pro-Trump media personalities and outlets falsely identified an anti-Trump Reddit user as the mass shooter who attacked a Madden NFL video game tournament in Jacksonville, Florida, over the weekend.

Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich and Daily Callercontributor Ian Miles Cheong tweeted out false reports Sunday accusing a Minnesota Reddit user named Pavel, 23 — who declined to give his last name, but goes by “ravenchamps” on Reddit — of being David Katz, the 24-year-old gamer from Baltimore who allegedly killed two people and injured 10 more Sunday before killing himself.

These false reports were later picked up by Alex Jones’ Infowars, Gateway Pundit, Free Republic and Rush Limbaugh, all of which ran stories about Pavel’s anti-Trump Reddit threads, some featuring screenshots.

All of these clowns are quoted on here as being authorative voices of "truth" and not fake news in any way.

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