Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

You picked a bad day to post this load of crap. https://www.foxnews.com\


So, the OP is declared to be crap. Any kind of argument as to what aspect of it justifies the judgment, and why, isn't necessary, and thus not presented.

Also, why this would be a "bad day" to post the OP (the OP was posted some time back, but what the heck) also requires no argument. The reason for that, presumably, is a non-working "link" to Faux Gnus, the Trumpy's preferred, no-integrity, no-journalistic standards outfit. The story line is that the venerable New York Times is "under fire" because they published a fiction involving the assassination of an American president, and the Faux Gnus even found others to form a chorus of unanimous spluttering apoplexy - about fiction, that is, the very product Faux Gnus deal with every day in their lucrative line of business.

What a story of fiction has to do with a debate about the dangers of violence, and purposely hyperventilating "warnings" against said violence, remains the secret of the poster.

But yeah, it's all in large, bold font, so it's really, really important, and very, very serious. Or something.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Actually no. The white supremacists came armed with implements that could be used as weapons, were instructed on how to use them and fully intended to provoke violence. The blame for the deaths and injuries rests only on the driver and your inability to plave sqarely where it belongs and instead trying to shift it is indicative of the problem. You won't take responsibility for the violence caused by your side yet you demand the left must do so.

Here's a couple of photos of your peace makers, hack.

View attachment 224597
A counter-protester stands in McGuffey Park in Charlottesville, Virginia. Opposition groups gathered in the city after hundreds of white nationalists came to Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from the University of Virginia’s Emancipation Park. (Seth Herald / The Atlantic)

Bloodshed in Charlottesville: A Photo Essay - The Atlantic

View attachment 224598

Yet they didn't ram a car into a group of people killing one and badly injuring others did they? How long will you keep excusing your side?

How about some firm denunciations for a change?

How about you FOAD. If your god damned commies hadn't showed up looking for a fight there would have been no violence. They violated the rights of the people protesting the removal of the confederate statue and triggered an unstable guy with their violence. The guy driving the car was wrong, and so are you for trying to deflect any responsibility form your commie brethren.

Ask R-Scalise if GOP 'warnings' are a bigger threat than the bullets fired by triggered, manipulated, unstable snowflake who was inspired to attempt to assassinate Republicans because if the violent rhetoric the Democrats were spewing...
A well sourced and factually documented post. It's a shame none of the extreme right will actually read the links and offer intelligent rebuttal.
I did. And I have. It’s the left that is behind all of the violent rhetoric...

Arizona newspaper blasted for cartoon showing Dem Sinema shooting down GOP ‘McSally’ plane
Remember Palin targeting Dems in gun crosshairs? Ya...you guys too.
Yeah, we remember that bogus sleazy attempt to make Palin responsible for the Gabbi Giffords shooting.
Ask R-Scalise if GOP 'warnings' are a bigger threat than the bullets fired by triggered, manipulated, unstable snowflake who was inspired to attempt to assassinate Republicans because if the violent rhetoric the Democrats were spewing...
Ask the people run over by Trump's "fine" people in Chsrlottesville, one killed.

Ask the triggered unstable hater who shot and killed immigrants in a Kansas bar inspired by of all the anti immigrant hate Republicans were spewing.

Ask the pizza place owner who's establishment was invaded by a gun totting vigilante looking to kill Democrats after hearing all the pizzagate bs you lot were spewing.

Then come back and remind us how this is all one sided.
A well sourced and factually documented post. It's a shame none of the extreme right will actually read the links and offer intelligent rebuttal.
I did. And I have. It’s the left that is behind all of the violent rhetoric...

Arizona newspaper blasted for cartoon showing Dem Sinema shooting down GOP ‘McSally’ plane
Remember Palin targeting Dems in gun crosshairs? Ya...you guys too.
Yeah, we remember that bogus sleazy attempt to make Palin responsible for the Gabbi Giffords shooting.
Kind of like what you are doing now eh?
Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Actually no. The white supremacists came armed with implements that could be used as weapons, were instructed on how to use them and fully intended to provoke violence. The blame for the deaths and injuries rests only on the driver and your inability to plave sqarely where it belongs and instead trying to shift it is indicative of the problem. You won't take responsibility for the violence caused by your side yet you demand the left must do so.

Here's a couple of photos of your peace makers, hack.

View attachment 224597
A counter-protester stands in McGuffey Park in Charlottesville, Virginia. Opposition groups gathered in the city after hundreds of white nationalists came to Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from the University of Virginia’s Emancipation Park. (Seth Herald / The Atlantic)

Bloodshed in Charlottesville: A Photo Essay - The Atlantic

View attachment 224598

Yet they didn't ram a car into a group of people killing one and badly injuring others did they? How long will you keep excusing your side?

How about some firm denunciations for a change?

How about you FOAD. If your god damned commies hadn't showed up looking for a fight there would have been no violence. They violated the rights of the people protesting the removal of the confederate statue and triggered an unstable guy with their violence. The guy driving the car was wrong, and so are you for trying to deflect any responsibility form your commie brethren.

Both sides had permits to protest, you do realize that?

As to showing up looking for a fight...the folks you are defending were doing just that as well.

Judge: App User Accused In Planning Charlottesville Rally Can't Keep Identity Hidden
Ask R-Scalise if GOP 'warnings' are a bigger threat than the bullets fired by triggered, manipulated, unstable snowflake who was inspired to attempt to assassinate Republicans because if the violent rhetoric the Democrats were spewing...
Ask the people run over by Trump's "fine" people in Chsrlottesville, one killed.

Ask the triggered unstable hater who shot and killed immigrants in a Kansas bar inspired by of all the anti immigrant hate Republicans were spewing.

Ask the pizza place owner who's establishment was invaded by a gun totting vigilante looking to kill Democrats after hearing all the pizzagate bs you lot were spewing.

Then come back and remind us how this is all one sided.
oh...and we might be adding mail bombs to the list.

Dont you think it os time for everyone to step back and tone it down?
Ask the people run over by Trump's "fine" people in Chsrlottesville, one killed.
So you want to compare ONE freak in Charlottesville to Antifa - just skip right over the massive mob of criminal Antifa Liberals paid to cause violence in Charlottesville, who publicly declared they showed up intent on initiating violence...and did so?
- Soros funded, Russian-paid, Democratic Party politician defended....NICE!

Hillary Clinton - a Democratic Party Presidential Candidate and her campaign team was BUSTED hiring thugs to beat and bloody her political opposition's supporters at her political opposition's rallies, snowflake.
- Like Soros, his puppet Hillary paid / funded violence against the same Americas she claimed to want to be President of......

Ask the people run over by Trump's "fine" people in Chsrlottesville, one killed.
So you want to compare ONE freak in Charlottesville to Antifa - just skip right over the massive mob of criminal Antifa Liberals paid to cause violence in Charlottesville, who publicly declared they showed up intent on initiating violence...and did so?
- Soros funded, Russian-paid, Democratic Party politician defended....NICE!

Hillary Clinton - a Democratic Party Presidential Candidate and her campaign team was BUSTED hiring thugs to beat and bloody her political opposition's supporters at her political opposition's rallies, snowflake.
- Like Soros, his puppet Hillary paid / funded violence against the same Americas she claimed to want to be President of......

If you look the link I posted you will see the White Supremacists also came with the intention of instigating violence. This wasnt a case of one bad apple.
oh...and we might be adding mail bombs to the list.
Without sany evidence to support the fake news accusation, snowflakes and the media are already doing so - the 'MAGA Bomber'?! :p

The Democrats are so DESPERATE to wipe from Americans' minds the fact that Hillary openly, publicly called for a complete abandonment of civility, MORE violence, and more violent intolerance - that immediately resulted in a GOP female candidate being physically attacked, a GOP campaign HQ being vandalized, and a peaceful Pro-Life protestor being physically attacked - that they will push that Fake News angle as hard as they possibly can, true or not.
If you look the link I posted you will see the White Supremacists also came with the intention of instigating violence. This wasnt a case of one bad apple.
You're a freakin' liar.

The White Supremacists in Charlottesville had pre-coordinated with the local police, had acquired a permit to peacefully protest, were widely reportedly doing so UNITIL Antifa - who showed up without any coordination and without any permit - attacked the White Supremacists and initiated the violence.

This I snot in question - it was widely reported. I posted numerous links. The local police were even told to stand down - not to get involved until a full-scale violent riot got involved. The Antifa leader admitted publicly they showed up to instigate the violence, which, again, they did.

I get it - you hate White Supremacists. Newsflash - I do, too. They, however, have the same Constitutional Rights you do, and just because you violent intolerant thugs want to control who has what Constitutional Rights and who doesn't does not make it so and does not give you the right to attack someone else to try to deny them of those rights.

And again with the defense of Antifa, a violent Fascist group PROVEN to accepted money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence, a group who has been proven to have received George Soros donations through other groups, a group who OPENLY declares their intention to instigate violence with the intention of stripping others of their legal Constitutional rights!

Enough of the Liberal defense of Antifa already!
If you look the link I posted you will see the White Supremacists also came with the intention of instigating violence. This wasnt a case of one bad apple.
I looked at your link. I also looked at approximately a dozen more links and articles that reported the White Supremacists were NOT the ones who initiated the violence in Charlottesville. Antifa, the same Antifa who painted swastikas on US flaks before burning them and initiated violence at the latest Patriot Prayer event, is the same admittedly violent liberal group that started the violence in Charlottesville.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

It's the left that has used radical tactics. They claim people will die if Dems aren't in power. They arrange mass invasions by so-called refugees to overwhelm our borders since they want ICE abolished and borders eliminated. They also want to overwhelm the economy and tax payers so they can usher in socialism.

The left's agenda is about as radical as it gets and they will do anything to make it a reality.

Warning about this is the right thing to do. I don't want to be equally miserable under a leftist regime. And these useful idiots don't know any better so they dream of the blue wave.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Actually no. The white supremacists came armed with implements that could be used as weapons, were instructed on how to use them and fully intended to provoke violence. The blame for the deaths and injuries rests only on the driver and your inability to plave sqarely where it belongs and instead trying to shift it is indicative of the problem. You won't take responsibility for the violence caused by your side yet you demand the left must do so.

Here's a couple of photos of your peace makers, hack.

View attachment 224597
A counter-protester stands in McGuffey Park in Charlottesville, Virginia. Opposition groups gathered in the city after hundreds of white nationalists came to Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from the University of Virginia’s Emancipation Park. (Seth Herald / The Atlantic)

Bloodshed in Charlottesville: A Photo Essay - The Atlantic

View attachment 224598

Yet they didn't ram a car into a group of people killing one and badly injuring others did they? How long will you keep excusing your side?

How about some firm denunciations for a change?

How about you FOAD. If your god damned commies hadn't showed up looking for a fight there would have been no violence. They violated the rights of the people protesting the removal of the confederate statue and triggered an unstable guy with their violence. The guy driving the car was wrong, and so are you for trying to deflect any responsibility form your commie brethren.

Both sides had permits to protest, you do realize that?

As to showing up looking for a fight...the folks you are defending were doing just that as well.

Judge: App User Accused In Planning Charlottesville Rally Can't Keep Identity Hidden

Who got their permit first? And it's nice to see you finally admitting your commie assholes were there looking for a fight. And once again, stating facts isn't defending anyone.

It's the left that has used radical tactics. They claim people will die if Dems aren't in power. They arrange mass invasions by so-called refugees to overwhelm our borders since they want ICE abolished and borders eliminated. They also want to overwhelm the economy and tax payers so they can usher in socialism.

The left's agenda is about as radical as it gets and they will do anything to make it a reality.

Warning about this is the right thing to do. I don't want to be equally miserable under a leftist regime. And these useful idiots don't know any better so they dream of the blue wave.

Finally - finally! - someone shows up with the inner fortitude, the will, and the spine, to tell it as it is, and supposed to be, and not even shying away from calling a spade a spade. ... and I had already lost hope!


Merits repeating: "And these useful idiots don't know any better..."
Actually Antifa did NOT have any permit, as declared by the leader of the group who also openly stated they showed up with the intention of starting the violence. Again, this was reported by numerous media.

The Leftists / Snowflakes initially attacked Trump for daring to claim that blame for the violence being shared.....then the facts came out proving this to be the case.

The Leftists / Snowflakes then claimed the White Supremacists initiated the violence...until the Antifa leader publicly declared they had showed up with the intent to do so...and did.

The Leftists and snowflakes were trying to make every excuse in the book FOR Antifa, but Antifa kept contradicting them by telling the truth!


Like with the 2016 election results, some Leftists / snowflakes still don't want to accept reality / let it go....
Just the title of this thread perfectly illustrates the insanity of the left. Speech (warnings) is “more dangerous” than violence. :eusa_doh:
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.
Baseball practice.........trying to kill them got shot before he could by security............Left wing wack............Was your side going out and saying knock it off..............They have been calling for violence.........Mad Max Maxine.............and others........lately Pelosi.......
Yes...one nutter shoots at Republicans. It was roundly condemned.

What about your nutters? Shooting immigrants in a Kansas bar? Trying to shoot up a pizza place based on a conspiracy theory you guys were propogating?

Now we have another nutter sending pipe bombs to Soros, Clinton, Obama, CNN...

There is no shortage of left and right violence. Pity you can't condemn your own calls for violence.
Pity your elected Dems call to get in everyone's faces........tell them to harass them everywhere.........And you don't get rid of them.........

Your own officials are calling for it.........and project Veritas busted your asses paying to cause trouble at Trump Rallies.

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