Atlanta Barbershop Owner: Trump Campaign Misled Me

A black barbershop owner in Atlanta claims he was misled by the Trump campaign into hosting a roundtable event for black small business owners, which turned out to be a campaign event for Donald Trump. The owner, Rocky Jones, expressed feeling betrayed and used, stating that he was not informed the event was political and that it was presented as a community-focused initiative. Following the event, Jones reported a decline in his business, with some customers expressing dissatisfaction over the political association. The incident has sparked criticism from various social media users and political commentators, highlighting concerns about the Trump campaign's tactics and its impact on the small business owner.

WTF did he think it would be?
LOL, yea right. Dumbass the man says he is losing business since he had this stupid ass conference in this shop, his business was thriving before what part of that don't you understand?
Talk to the haters about that. They are not Trump supporters hurting his business.
A black barbershop owner in Atlanta claims he was misled by the Trump campaign into hosting a roundtable event for black small business owners, which turned out to be a campaign event for Donald Trump. The owner, Rocky Jones, expressed feeling betrayed and used, stating that he was not informed the event was political and that it was presented as a community-focused initiative. Following the event, Jones reported a decline in his business, with some customers expressing dissatisfaction over the political association. The incident has sparked criticism from various social media users and political commentators, highlighting concerns about the Trump campaign's tactics and its impact on the small business owner.

LOL. Got news for you. Democrats have been using blacks for decades, if not centuries.

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