Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

you and coyote keep missing the details and going back to WAH BAD RIGHT WAH ORANGE MAN BAD i did in fact say:

"but on the FOCUS of who's initiating the violence, i have never seen elected officials outside of trump "

so yes, trump is doing it also and it's fucking stupid. but the painting of the left NOT being a mob is bullshit. the effort of saying "the warnings are worse than the violence!" is bullshit.

why you people on "the left" keep missing that point where i've said it many times is beyond me except you've got nothing past him and the left has elected official after elected official doing it daily you ignore and excuse.

And you keep missing the details of what our Board dimocraps are saying.

They don't want the violence from their side to stop, they just want us to stop fighting back. They're entitled to use violence. We're not entitled to defend ourselves.

Got it?

dimocrapism is a disease of the mind and spirit
Great job, now you've got a bomb sent to Hillary's house. Must be those left wing mobs you guys have been talking about.

"the tolerant right"
Wow...did not know that...
Great job, now you've got a bomb sent to Hillary's house. Must be those left wing mobs you guys have been talking about.

"the tolerant right"

Ever heard of a 'False Flag Operation'?

Didn't think so.

Sending bombs through the Mail is cowardly. Not the way we operate. Sounds like Alinsky tactics to me.

Besides, you KNOW it wasn't us because if it had been, they would have worked.

We just don't pull cowardly shit like that.

dimocrap scum do.

Here's how dimocrap scum operate --

Breaking911 on Twitter

we seemed to go from who's calling for the violence and when i said "yep, trump does it and it's annoying as hell" you reverted to obama and how the (R)s treated him. gotta admit that threw me as no one back then was really calling for violence. as for how 1 side treats the other, i don't believe since i've been born i've ever heard the losing side say "gosh we lost, we better support activities we don't like..." so all the complaining about how the R's were so mean is kinda pointless to me.

they *never* called for violence. yet in the middle of a "give me someone on the R side who calls for violence, that's where you went. so i simply asked WHO was doing it and then suddenly "oh no one...just trump".

here is where i was getting dizzy beyond belief.

i don't think anyone has denied trump is an ass quite often. esp to the press. that's some jacked up symbiotic relationship i'll never fully understand. but on the FOCUS of who's initiating the violence, i have never seen elected officials outside of trump saying WE WILL NEVER BE CIVIL and GO AT THEM AT HOME AND IN PUBLIC like the left has done to the right as a whole.

then you come along with "these warnings of violence from the left by the right are more dangerous than the violence itself!!!" well ya lost me. it's a mad grab to idiocy to me and some insane attempt to deflect who's the cause of the calls for violence. you've never heard me say trump isn't doing it but i don't believe i've ever seen you say he's not the only one. in fact, somewhere in all this i recall you saying trump is the *ONLY* elected official calling for violence.

which is 100% dead wrong.

but like i said, you've jumped around so much it's hard to understand what point you are making OTHER THAN you hate trump. this hate you have seems to make you irrational and incapable of "logical" thought as everything must be turned to ORANGE MAN BAD.
Who is initiating the violence...think.

You repeatedly seem to insist it is only the left.

You point out Waters and Booker...as rhetoric initiating violence but give Trump's rhetoric which far more explicitely calls for and PRAISES violent action, a free pass.

You point out examples of leftist violence and seem to ignore examples given of rhetoric inspired violence from the right (pizzagate, kansas bar shooting, running over protesters).

Your position that the left is the only one instigating violence here is wrong.
so my calling trump an ass and saying "yes he does it" is giving him a pass? my saying there are assholes on all sides is giving them a pass?

for fucks sake, check please.

Why is Trump just an ass while Booker and Waters are instigating violence?
not gonna wordslice with you here. you want something specific from one side while you stay very vague. i just don't play that game anymore.
You are playing games when you don't call a spade a spade. Good day.
i called him one. you just didn't like it cause i didn't stop there.

good day.
you and coyote keep missing the details and going back to WAH BAD RIGHT WAH ORANGE MAN BAD i did in fact say:

"but on the FOCUS of who's initiating the violence, i have never seen elected officials outside of trump "

so yes, trump is doing it also and it's fucking stupid. but the painting of the left NOT being a mob is bullshit. the effort of saying "the warnings are worse than the violence!" is bullshit.

why you people on "the left" keep missing that point where i've said it many times is beyond me except you've got nothing past him and the left has elected official after elected official doing it daily you ignore and excuse.

And you keep missing the details of what our Board dimocraps are saying.

They don't want the violence from their side to stop, they just want us to stop fighting back. They're entitled to use violence. We're not entitled to defend ourselves.

Got it?

dimocrapism is a disease of the mind and spirit
Great job, now you've got a bomb sent to Hillary's house. Must be those left wing mobs you guys have been talking about.

"the tolerant right"

Campbell’s Soup executive blames George Soros for migrant caravan a day after letter bomb attack | Daily Mail Online
A Campbell's vice president claimed George Soros' foundation is helping a caravan of migrants get into the United States.

Campbell Soup has distanced itself from claims made by Kelly Johnston, who is the company's vice president of government affairs, after he got into a Twitter row over the 14,000 migrants making their way through Central America towards the US.

The soup lobbyist wrote that the Open Society Foundations had arranged for 'troop carriers' and 'rail cars' to support the caravan, which formed in Honduras around a week ago.

Yesterday a pipe bomb was found in the mailbox of investor and Democrat supporter George Soros' home in Manhattan.

The 88-year-old billionaire was not at home at the time and a quick-thinking employee took the improvised device, whihc was found not to be a hoax, into woodland.

And (this is for those who think only the left "cheers" bad behavior) - here are some of the crazy talk twitter responses from the right: Normal Human Trump Volk Very Excited About George Soros Getting A Mail Bomb

What goes around comes around
Evil Sorro

This man is responsible for the death of millions forcing his ideology on nations. The sooner this man is dead the sooner our world be a little more peaceful and safe.​

Soros is evil. G0P mass pollution, healthcare denial pedophiles priests politicians and Justices who try and rape are your salt of the earth​

The Sandman @TheSandmanNYC

So. Close.
Next time though

8:25 AM - Oct 23, 2018
You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.
Campbell’s Soup executive blames George Soros for migrant caravan a day after letter bomb attack | Daily Mail Online

A Campbell's vice president claimed George Soros' foundation is helping a caravan of migrants get into the United States.​

Now, that's quite the accusation to make. So what if Soros were to help the refugees with food, or even transportation? What would be the opposite position the accuser would take? That, without help, those refugees starve to death on their walk toward the U.S. border and thus never reach it?

Pompeo has already announced the U.S. border would be closed to the "caravan". So, there again we have refugees starving to death at the border, or the Central American refugee crisis unloaded on comparatively poor Mexico. It's the Christian thing to do.

And (this is for those who think only the left "cheers" bad behavior) - here are some of the crazy talk twitter responses from the right: Normal Human Trump Volk Very Excited About George Soros Getting A Mail Bomb

I don't know that is a good case to make. In instances like this one you'll probably always find crackpots and crooks scrambling for attention or trying to rile up the basest parts of their "base", but you'll struggle to put the blame for the nutters on the GOP. Another thing altogether would be if the bomb maker could be exposed as acting on the Trumpy's many thinly veiled suggestions. Another thing to watch is whether or not the Trumpy, having called for unity and civility (kid you not) today, changes his rhetoric on the stump. This evening, or so I just heard, he'll stump in Maryland (I think). We'll see what, if anything, is going to happen.
And that is exactly the unhinged kind of rhetoric that this hype leads to.

Increased division and divide. Democracy failing.

Makes one wonder what is feeding it. External factors like Russian malice?

Every word of what I said is true.

That you don't see it is your problem.

What you don't understand is that you are in the minority. 'Conservatives' don't often go to the Polls because we don't like politicians and, lately, we haven't had one we could believe in.

We do now. And we vote when we do.

It's why you lost in 2016.

If Republicans put up another 'Bush' we'll lose -- Again. What's the point?

We put up another Reagan or Trump and you don't have a chance.

With Congressional Districts being more about local (Rosty Rostenkowski) I can't predict the Mid-Terms. Too many of those 'Republicans' are about as 'republican' as my Collie.

But if this election can be made about Trump, dims don't have a chance.

That you fail to understand the majority of people in this Country is nothing short of astounding.

And, it can't be taught, it has to be learned.

Are you capable of that? :dunno:

Ask yourself that without vitriol, without partisanship.

If you are not, then...........

You make interesting points and I have to agree if the Dems make it about Trump alone it wont work well. However there are a few factors to consider. One is that electoral trends dont favor the incumbent party aftet 8 years. The other is what the majority of people want. You did not win the popular vote and it is very rare not to win both the EC and popular vote. Only five. Since 1888 only GW Bush in 2000 and Trump in 2016. Trump lost the popular vote by the biggest margin of any president. That is kind of disturbing to see it happen twice in a short time. I dont think yo cam claim Trump or the Republicans speak for most Americans as a result.

Something is very wrong with our system and I would guess extreme partisan gerrymandering plays a role hete as we are seeing the same gap between winning the popular vote and number of seats gained at the state level. While both parties are guilty of gerrymandering only is currently taking it to such an excess at this time that they are reaping huge politicsl benefits.
Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

So in your world facts are now excises, great demonstration of your lack of intellectual honesty. I think I'm done with your childish BS for today. Ta Ta.

Who is making excuses for his side? You.

Once again, stating facts is not making excuses, no matter how many times you claims it is.

trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Yet to date not one “right wing” group herassing a 9/11 widow trying to cross the street, nor a “right wing” psycho shooting up a bunch of senators. Say what you want, it the DNC are toe only people to act on anything so far.
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Actually no. The white supremacists came armed with implements that could be used as weapons, were instructed on how to use them and fully intended to provoke violence. The blame for the deaths and injuries rests only on the driver and your inability to plave sqarely where it belongs and instead trying to shift it is indicative of the problem. You won't take responsibility for the violence caused by your side yet you demand the left must do so.
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.


Would you post a link to that story, please?
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Actually no. The white supremacists came armed with implements that could be used as weapons, were instructed on how to use them and fully intended to provoke violence. The blame for the deaths and injuries rests only on the driver and your inability to plave sqarely where it belongs and instead trying to shift it is indicative of the problem. You won't take responsibility for the violence caused by your side yet you demand the left must do so.

He said Charleston, not Charlottesville.
And I can't figure out what he means by Antifa in Charleston.
But, when you make shit up, sometimes it gets stuck to your shoes.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Actually no. The white supremacists came armed with implements that could be used as weapons, were instructed on how to use them and fully intended to provoke violence. The blame for the deaths and injuries rests only on the driver and your inability to plave sqarely where it belongs and instead trying to shift it is indicative of the problem. You won't take responsibility for the violence caused by your side yet you demand the left must do so.
so when have i seen you accept responsibility for the lefts violence? so far the deflection is STOP WARNING PEOPLE ABOUT THE VIOLENCE is worse than the violence.
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.
Baseball practice.........trying to kill them got shot before he could by security............Left wing wack............Was your side going out and saying knock it off..............They have been calling for violence.........Mad Max Maxine.............and others........lately Pelosi.......
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.

I think you're confused, I haven't once used that example in this thread. And the violence exhibited by antifa in Charleston did get someone killed. Yeah, they have to share the blame.

Actually no. The white supremacists came armed with implements that could be used as weapons, were instructed on how to use them and fully intended to provoke violence. The blame for the deaths and injuries rests only on the driver and your inability to plave sqarely where it belongs and instead trying to shift it is indicative of the problem. You won't take responsibility for the violence caused by your side yet you demand the left must do so.
so when have i seen you accept responsibility for the lefts violence? so far the deflection is STOP WARNING PEOPLE ABOUT THE VIOLENCE is worse than the violence.
You haven't seen it because you don't look. I have no liking for Antifa, and I have condemned the harrassment campaign targeting Huckabee and others as well as Maxine Water's statements encouraging harassment.

When are you going to condemn your side's violence or will you just blame that too on the left?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Funny how you keep pointing to individuals on the right, while ignoring organized mobs on the left. You're one pathetic individual if you can't see the difference in the mentality in the two circumstances, a single person, versus an organized mob.

Because the "organized mobs" are actually quite rare, almost entirely Antifa, and don't seem to be killing people.

I seriously doubt you see a difference either given how often you use the nutter who shot Scalise as an example.
Baseball practice.........trying to kill them got shot before he could by security............Left wing wack............Was your side going out and saying knock it off..............They have been calling for violence.........Mad Max Maxine.............and others........lately Pelosi.......
Yes...one nutter shoots at Republicans. It was roundly condemned.

What about your nutters? Shooting immigrants in a Kansas bar? Trying to shoot up a pizza place based on a conspiracy theory you guys were propogating?

Now we have another nutter sending pipe bombs to Soros, Clinton, Obama, CNN...

There is no shortage of left and right violence. Pity you can't condemn your own calls for violence.

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