Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

So in your world facts are now excises, great demonstration of your lack of intellectual honesty. I think I'm done with your childish BS for today. Ta Ta.

Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.

I think I need some of what you're smok'n. Waters and Booker come to mind very quickly.

What Water's said was wrong.

What did Booker say? This?

Sen. Cory Booker Pleads for Supporters to 'Get Up in the Face of Congresspeople'
He concluded his address by encouraging people not to be passive, and to instead "go to the Hill today."

"Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople," he said.

Telling people to make themselves heard is calling for violence? On what planet?
You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.

I think I need some of what you're smok'n. Waters and Booker come to mind very quickly.

What Water's said was wrong.

What did Booker say? This?

Sen. Cory Booker Pleads for Supporters to 'Get Up in the Face of Congresspeople'
He concluded his address by encouraging people not to be passive, and to instead "go to the Hill today."

"Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople," he said.

Telling people to make themselves heard is calling for violence? On what planet?

“When they go low kick them”

Who said that?
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Spare me the leftard whine and utter bullshit. Your first strategic mistake was posting a link to the CFR mouthpiece that is the Washington comPost, a "Operation Mockingbird" puppet if there ever was one (and we know this from the Reece Committee hearings from the mid 70's) and the fact that you ignore what antifa started doing DURING the election and what they did at the inauguration by physically blocking people from trying to attend and it has only escalated from there. Blocking roads at Trump rallies, sending in agent provocateurs to start shit and make a scene and try to provoke Trump supporters into retaliating where the leftard friendly media would spin it that it was Trump supporters that incited violence.

Impeach Trump was the cry the day after the election and the wailing and gnashing of teeth began is earnest. There are too many incidents to list. You are either absolutely fucking clueless with your head stuck so far up your ass that you can kiss your colon OR you are simply a butthurt troll...either way, you are a fucking joke. Let me spell out some home truths for you snowflakes, m'kay? Your right to protest is protected but it ends when you infringe upon my ability to move freely, it ends when you take it upon yourselves to try and remove an article of clothing that you find "offensive" and then invade one's personal space. As righteous as you commie fucks believe your cause is? I fucking DARE a SJW to try and take something from me or get in my face. They will get one of those "Come to Jesus" meetings and will rue the day that they fucked with the wrong people. It's pretty easy for the commie fucks to bully and intimidate the elderly and women when they out-number them....but they avoid alpha males like they avoid soap and water.

One of my best days was made by an ordinary Johnny Lunchpail that knocked the ever loving shit out of a mask wearing leftard waving the commie flag and the guy was outnumbered by these physically unimposing Soros sponsored pussies. You are a fucking joke and even though I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic? The angst spewed by leftard filth (such as yourself) has been a guilty pleasure of mine.

Questions???? Allow me to sum up my feelings about the butthurt of the overly sensitive commie fucks with a couple of memes.....

Who's out of touch with reality, exactly?


Here it is, people.

It isn't that leftist scum hate Trump. They don't. If he had asked, the dimocrap party would have accepted him with open arms in 2015.

They don't hate Trump. They hate you. They hate me.

They want to keep us under-foot. Controlled. In-Line.

They fear us. They fear Freedom.

They fear America.

“When they go low kick them”

Who said that?

Why, Holder did. He also qualified, later, that he didn't mean to suggest action that would be violent or inappropriate. Just political fight. But you're right on that one. If you're not advocating violence, don't use terms implying a call to violence, or plausibly understood as calling for violence.

Now, can we get somewhere in the form of condemning all instances of same, and on all sides equally?
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Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

What’s wrong with saying you lie? You accuse the current president of lying everyday
I am not a senator. The three branches of government are co-equal. And they have always treated each other with the resoect the positions deserve. We are talking about civility. Yelling "you lie" at the President in the middle of his talk is deplorable.
if they always have then why, just a few posts ago, where you upset at the poor treatment of obama from the right?
Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

What’s wrong with saying you lie? You accuse the current president of lying everyday
I am not a senator. The three branches of government are co-equal. And they have always treated each other with the resoect the positions deserve. We are talking about civility. Yelling "you lie" at the President in the middle of his talk is deplorable.
if they always have then why, just a few posts ago, where you upset at the poor treatment of obama from the right?
Not sure what you are asking here.
Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.
“When they go low kick them”

Who said that?

Why, Holder did. He also qualified, later, that he didn't mean to suggest action that would be violent or inappropriate. Just political fight. But you're right on that one. If you're not advocating violence, don't use terms implying a call to violence, or plausibly understood as calling for violence.

Now, can we get somewhere in the form of condemning all instances of same, and on all sides equally?

Who's out of touch with reality, exactly?


Here it is, people.

It isn't that leftist scum hate Trump. They don't. If he had asked, the dimocrap party would have accepted him with open arms in 2015.

They don't hate Trump. They hate you. They hate me.

They want to keep us under-foot. Controlled. In-Line.

They fear us. They fear Freedom.

They fear America.

And that is exactly the unhinged kind of rhetoric that this hype leads to.

Increased division and divide. Democracy failing.

Makes one wonder what is feeding it. External factors like Russian malice?
The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

What’s wrong with saying you lie? You accuse the current president of lying everyday
I am not a senator. The three branches of government are co-equal. And they have always treated each other with the resoect the positions deserve. We are talking about civility. Yelling "you lie" at the President in the middle of his talk is deplorable.
if they always have then why, just a few posts ago, where you upset at the poor treatment of obama from the right?
Not sure what you are asking here.

we seemed to go from who's calling for the violence and when i said "yep, trump does it and it's annoying as hell" you reverted to obama and how the (R)s treated him. gotta admit that threw me as no one back then was really calling for violence. as for how 1 side treats the other, i don't believe since i've been born i've ever heard the losing side say "gosh we lost, we better support activities we don't like..." so all the complaining about how the R's were so mean is kinda pointless to me.

they *never* called for violence. yet in the middle of a "give me someone on the R side who calls for violence, that's where you went. so i simply asked WHO was doing it and then suddenly "oh no one...just trump".

here is where i was getting dizzy beyond belief.

i don't think anyone has denied trump is an ass quite often. esp to the press. that's some jacked up symbiotic relationship i'll never fully understand. but on the FOCUS of who's initiating the violence, i have never seen elected officials outside of trump saying WE WILL NEVER BE CIVIL and GO AT THEM AT HOME AND IN PUBLIC like the left has done to the right as a whole.

then you come along with "these warnings of violence from the left by the right are more dangerous than the violence itself!!!" well ya lost me. it's a mad grab to idiocy to me and some insane attempt to deflect who's the cause of the calls for violence. you've never heard me say trump isn't doing it but i don't believe i've ever seen you say he's not the only one. in fact, somewhere in all this i recall you saying trump is the *ONLY* elected official calling for violence.

which is 100% dead wrong.

but like i said, you've jumped around so much it's hard to understand what point you are making OTHER THAN you hate trump. this hate you have seems to make you irrational and incapable of "logical" thought as everything must be turned to ORANGE MAN BAD.
I am not a senator. The three branches of government are co-equal. And they have always treated each other with the resoect the positions deserve. We are talking about civility. Yelling "you lie" at the President in the middle of his talk is deplorable.
if they always have then why, just a few posts ago, where you upset at the poor treatment of obama from the right?
Not sure what you are asking here.

Neither, I suspect, is he.

Let's say, the three branches "always" treating each other with respect is probably an overstatement. It is, however, something folks in the respective offices for the most part aspired to, not least out of the insight that blatant disrespect for the other Constitutional branches would amount to disrespect for the Constitution and the Republic. That's why Joe Wilson yelling at the President during an address to the joint session of Congress, was such a breach of protocol. It has, to tell the least, nothing to do with "civility".
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You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
then why in THE HELL are you going back to how poor obama was treated when he was elected in the middle of this conversation?

i think i'm going to move on cause you're just spinning in circles - anything and any reason to continue to blame the right and their dire WARNINGS as being worse than the calls for violence and "disobedience".
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.
um...the left *is* acting like a lawless mob. kavanaugh is a perfect example of it. lob out some accusations, say BELIEVE SURVIVORS and suddenly the rule of law (ie, innocent until proven guilty) is out the window.

or is that NOT a lawless mob when they suddenly find themselves acting "without law"?

the ENTIRE left? no. not hardly. but antifa? no, not hardly. there's a faction in the middle there somewhere acting like - a lawless mob.

please feel free to show me examples of the right acting in such a manner. this is like the 4th request. yes there are some assholes on the right. i don't think i have EVER IN MY LIFE said being an asshole was only a thing of the left. quite the contrary, i've said all groups, races, religions and so forth have their share of assholes.

as for what happened under obama, here we go derailing things again. but what the fuck at this point, ya know?

obama was also quick to chime in on EVER SINGLE SOCIAL SITUATION.
beer gate
travon could have been my son
clock boy
police are racist
you must let guys pee in the ladies room

if you don't see how that is putting a wedge between people then yes, this conversation is as pointless as tits on a nun.
Nope. I made a point that keeps evading you. A lot of what is happening now also happened under Obama (already gave examples), violence such as shootings by the right has happened in the current administration, rude behavior, Trumps calls for violence, but suddenly the right is pumping it up and spreading fear the that the left is a lawless mob.

We have problems coming from both sides here but you refuse to own any of it. You are spinning like a top.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Self styled vigilantism like the Pizzagate shooter and the guy who shot the immigrants in a Kansas bar?

Increased authoritarianism from the government suppressing free speech and targeting people for their political views? If preople allow it can happen.

Yer just making stuff up. I wouldn't call you a liar simply because I think you're delusional enough to believe what you say.

Sad, really.

Does the 'Right' have a history of things like the Weather Underground? Murder, mayhem, bombings and the belief in murdering over 25 MILLION Americans?

Do we riot when things don't go our way? Do we burn Cities and destroy MILLIONS of dollars of Private Property?

Do we stage riots on Inauguration Day?

Do we send our minions out to assassinate sitting Politicians?

Do our politicians implicitly incite violence?

I'm not talking about just now, just this President, just this 'inconvenience' for dimocraps.....

I'm talking about during the Viet Nam War (Draft riots, Campus riots) Race Riots, riots because somebody thought somebody got wronged in their minds (Trayvon 'If I had a Son' Martin) The LA ' Can't we all just get along' riots.

etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam. It's your MO

DO NOT COMPARE US to dimocrap scum!

You say 'both sides do it'?

How incredibly juvenile of you.

That's like saying a person who robbed a bank and murdered a Teller in the process is the same as a person who got caught Jay-Walking because they both broke the Law.

What do you think this hyping and fear mongering will lead to?

Control, diversion , exactly the 'divide and conquer' the elites who run this country, own most of it's assets, the media, congress, military and every political puppet we hear desire.
as for the left getting ass-hurt people are calling a mob a mob -

The Left’s Now Admitting It's a Mob | www.splicetoday.com

Anyone harboring doubts about the left-leaning media living in a bubble should examine the views of Helen Rosner, a graduate of Smith College who writes about food for The New Yorker. She recently went on Twitter to announce that “it’s super weird that right wingers think that accusing us of being a mob is this horrible insult.” In her next tweet, Rosner referred to the “thousands” of people with “similar... intellectual capacity” who agree with her political views.


Liberal America has a political violence problem

whole lot of examples there to peruse.

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