Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Lies are now considered food for thought?

Who do think is falling for your OP?
not sure how this can be done in a thread that plays down the violence that is in fact happening and plays up the "warnings" of it happening. reading the story itself, it flat out says the danger from the right is far more severe.

in your replies to date, you seem to stick with this mantra at the core; which certainly does NOT put the blame on both sides.

HOWEVER, how can the right be guilty of warning of danger if the left wasn't in fact, dangerous?
By exagetating. By creating a one sided conflict. By ignoring and excusing the behavior of their own. The are looking at a list of events in a vacuum and promoting it to scare people. I countered part of the list and pointed out examples of the right doing the same. It is ignored or rxcuses get made (i.e. if a rw nutter shoots someeone it is an isolated case, if a lw nutter shoots some one it is emblematic of rising leftwing violence.
one sided conflict?

how can you ignore what the leadership of the left is doing so you can warn about WARNINGS of them doing it?

i have yet to see the right do something like storm the kavanaugh hearings, tout civil unrest and encourage people to attack opposing gov officials. so when you can point that out to me, i'm more inclined to listen. til then, this is you, to me, ignoring what the left is doing and saying a "warning" is more dire in consequences than the leadership saying "we will not be civil".
How can you ignore what leadership does?
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?

By exagetating. By creating a one sided conflict. By ignoring and excusing the behavior of their own. The are looking at a list of events in a vacuum and promoting it to scare people. I countered part of the list and pointed out examples of the right doing the same. It is ignored or rxcuses get made (i.e. if a rw nutter shoots someeone it is an isolated case, if a lw nutter shoots some one it is emblematic of rising leftwing violence.
one sided conflict?

how can you ignore what the leadership of the left is doing so you can warn about WARNINGS of them doing it?

i have yet to see the right do something like storm the kavanaugh hearings, tout civil unrest and encourage people to attack opposing gov officials. so when you can point that out to me, i'm more inclined to listen. til then, this is you, to me, ignoring what the left is doing and saying a "warning" is more dire in consequences than the leadership saying "we will not be civil".
How can you ignore what leadership does?
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?
one sided conflict?

how can you ignore what the leadership of the left is doing so you can warn about WARNINGS of them doing it?

i have yet to see the right do something like storm the kavanaugh hearings, tout civil unrest and encourage people to attack opposing gov officials. so when you can point that out to me, i'm more inclined to listen. til then, this is you, to me, ignoring what the left is doing and saying a "warning" is more dire in consequences than the leadership saying "we will not be civil".
How can you ignore what leadership does?
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
How can you ignore what leadership does?
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
he wants to use 1 to excuse the actions of many.
How can you ignore what leadership does?
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
he wants to use 1 to excuse the actions of many.
And you continue to excuse the actions of your own.
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
he wants to use 1 to excuse the actions of many.
And you continue to excuse the actions of your own.
im not calling for violence, am i?
Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
he wants to use 1 to excuse the actions of many.
And you continue to excuse the actions of your own.
im not calling for violence, am i?
Neither am I.
I wonder if it was one of your nonviolent righties that sent a bomb to Soros.
one sided conflict?

how can you ignore what the leadership of the left is doing so you can warn about WARNINGS of them doing it?

i have yet to see the right do something like storm the kavanaugh hearings, tout civil unrest and encourage people to attack opposing gov officials. so when you can point that out to me, i'm more inclined to listen. til then, this is you, to me, ignoring what the left is doing and saying a "warning" is more dire in consequences than the leadership saying "we will not be civil".
How can you ignore what leadership does?
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.
How can you ignore what leadership does?
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.
i don't.

i see the left say "GO AFTER THEM IN PUBLIC" and then when i see the right go after someone, like pelosi in miami recently, i see the GOP come out and say STOP IT.

show me where the left "leadership" says to stop acting like spoiled children to the left and you'd have a point. as it stands, they won't even admit to being a mob.

Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

What’s wrong with saying you lie? You accuse the current president of lying everyday
Really? You saw them stop Trump when went after people?

Did you happen to see the Dems condemn Maxine Waters statements? And Michelle Obama talking about sticking to the high road?

Here is a question: why do you say the Dem leafership acts like spoiled children? Because they oppose Trumps policies?

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

What’s wrong with saying you lie? You accuse the current president of lying everyday
I am not a senator. The three branches of government are co-equal. And they have always treated each other with the resoect the positions deserve. We are talking about civility. Yelling "you lie" at the President in the middle of his talk is deplorable.
Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

You are right on that. Fair is fair. However action trumps rhetoric, and those on the left are consistently engaging in violence against the right. When you deny that, you lose all credibility
Are they..."consistently"? You have any data to show they engage in it at a much greater level then the Right did during the Obama administration? I pointed out numerous cases of vandalism, disruptive behavior, assassination "humor" etc from the right. I pointed out the rhetoric and support of violence from the right and the fact thst rightwing nutters have killed people. The one diffence currently that I will agree on is Antifa's disruptions of what were largely peaceful protests and their destruction of property and assaults on people. But then...you have the White Supremacists...
trump would be *after* obama admin. so using your own chosen time as a reference, which republicans during the obama admin were calling for violence?
The only elected official calling for violence has been Trump.

I think I need some of what you're smok'n. Waters and Booker come to mind very quickly.

Try the C bitch saying they can't be civil until they get more power? No more childish statement has been uttered by a supposed tier 1 politician. Wouldn't you agree?


Oh....I think the Tier 1 Pussy Grabber commenting on a Republican candidate who assaulted a journalist with the statement "Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of ... he’s my guy" is right up there....dontcha think?

The so called journalist was trespassing, he was told to leave and didn't. Of course you never include all the facts, do ya? But hey, A+ for the deflection. Care to answer the question about the bitch?

Nice excuse for a childish statement by tbe Pussy Grabber. I totaly answered your question by providing an example of a childish statement by one of yours.

As per Clinton's statement...the Republicans hold the power...what is their excuse for the lack of civility? Try going back to when one of them yelled "you lie" at the President.

What’s wrong with saying you lie? You accuse the current president of lying everyday
I am not a senator. The three branches of government are co-equal. And they have always treated each other with the resoect the positions deserve. We are talking about civility. Yelling "you lie" at the President in the middle of his talk is deplorable.

C’mon you guys complaining about decorum is ridiculous

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