Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

and fucktarded idiots stereotype. you don't know him either but you FEELZ you do enough to call him a liar.

I do. K. Yeah. Is there a point here? I'm a mirror for wingers.

typical leftist bullshit - you want people to understand YOU first but will make 0 effort to understand THEM.

that's how you get trump for a president. keep it up.

Lol. :auiqs.jpg: How's that partisan nonsense working out for you? I'm not judging... much. But, I'm not an expert on your political background. Nor do I much care either way. I assume you are politically right. Right? Bully for you, sport. MAGA!
so then w/o reason or cause you are calling him a liar.

what a fuck-jughead.

I suppose I am, as there's absolutely no reason for me to believe it, ass clown. People with no credibility tend to make shit up in this place by the hour.
like i said - you're going "fake news" cause you don't like it. this has nothing to do with his credibility and the like, just what you don't want to believe.

No, I 'fake news' it because I flat out don't believe it. At all. You don't know me, so don't pretend to read minds. Wingers lie.

So you're just here to troll and not have a discussion, right?


I'd be happy to discuss any shit with you that you like. Just don't go full partisan poli retard right off the bat. It's all I ask.
so then w/o reason or cause you are calling him a liar.

what a fuck-jughead.

I suppose I am, as there's absolutely no reason for me to believe it, ass clown. People with no credibility tend to make shit up in this place by the hour.
like i said - you're going "fake news" cause you don't like it. this has nothing to do with his credibility and the like, just what you don't want to believe.

No, I 'fake news' it because I flat out don't believe it. At all. You don't know me, so don't pretend to read minds. Wingers lie.

So you're just here to troll and not have a discussion, right?


I'd be happy to discuss any shit with you that you like. Just don't go full partisan poli retard right off the bat. It's all I ask.

Personally, I think you're a liar, you've already demonstrated how unwilling you are to have a civil conversation. I voted today, and they lines were the longest I've ever seen, are you going to call me a liar for my anecdotal comment?

I suppose I am, as there's absolutely no reason for me to believe it, ass clown. People with no credibility tend to make shit up in this place by the hour.
like i said - you're going "fake news" cause you don't like it. this has nothing to do with his credibility and the like, just what you don't want to believe.

No, I 'fake news' it because I flat out don't believe it. At all. You don't know me, so don't pretend to read minds. Wingers lie.

So you're just here to troll and not have a discussion, right?


I'd be happy to discuss any shit with you that you like. Just don't go full partisan poli retard right off the bat. It's all I ask.

Personally, I think you're a liar, you've already demonstrated how unwilling you are to have a civil conversation. I voted today, and they lines were the longest I've ever seen, are you going to call me a liar for my anecdotal comment?


I am not. Yours comes from a place of passion as an American. You voted. You did your civic duty. I can't shit on that, bud. I thank you as a fellow American, and I mailed in my vote and saw it was registered online just 2 days ago myself.
like i said - you're going "fake news" cause you don't like it. this has nothing to do with his credibility and the like, just what you don't want to believe.

No, I 'fake news' it because I flat out don't believe it. At all. You don't know me, so don't pretend to read minds. Wingers lie.

So you're just here to troll and not have a discussion, right?


I'd be happy to discuss any shit with you that you like. Just don't go full partisan poli retard right off the bat. It's all I ask.

Personally, I think you're a liar, you've already demonstrated how unwilling you are to have a civil conversation. I voted today, and they lines were the longest I've ever seen, are you going to call me a liar for my anecdotal comment?


I am not. Yours comes from a place of passion as an American. You voted. You did your civic duty. I can't shit on that, bud. I thank you as a fellow American, and I mailed in my vote and saw it was registered online just 2 days ago myself.

Oh, and a P.S. to the rest of the board: We actually voted. *fist bump* I suggest the rest of you losers do the same.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

There's to much proof it the left who is violent, there is to much proof that leftist LIE , it's all in the videos
Hollywood proves it
Metoo proves it
Trump haters prove it

It has nothing to do with the right , the only time the rigght acts like the left is when the LEFT attacks the right.

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

To be fair Coyote
How many lives have been saved by police, armed defendeitl, and military vets
who lean more conservative and rightwing?

How many of the leftwing liberals who are anti-cop, anti-war, anti-GOP
volunteer on the border rescuing trafficking victims kidnapped by Coyotes?
How many of the Antifa left work with volunteer fire departments?

Every time I hear about rescues, these are paramilitary or independent defenders
who believe in armed citizens and enforcing Constitutional laws and protections.

When it comes to fellow liberals and progressives, I am one of the few
that take Constitutional law enforcement seriously. Too many just play
the "victim card" and rely on party or govt for a false sense of security.

I don't think you can compare these groups out of context.
To me it's clear they play completely distinct roles in society.

Why do you assume leftwing liberals arent volunteering on the border, or in fire departments?

To be fair.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence
Your link is hidden behind a paywall.
I dont suscribe or pay but have no problem accessing it.
There's no way you can prove he wanted to do anything other than shoot up a large crowd.

WHERE did I ever say anything about my being able to PROVE anything? Please try to learn to READ. All I've said is that barring a lack of any other evidence, the fact that he chose to shoot up a far right wing crowd tilts the statistical likelihood of it being a circumstantial motive in that direction, in the same way it would had it been a far left crowd. Ask any police detective and they will tell you that as one of the few clues in the case, they have to consider that until something proves otherwise.

Yeah and even cops calls them theories of a crime, not facts.


The only thing I called a fact was that the Mandalay shooter massacred a group of people attending a country-western concert that was undoubtedly attended largely by a conservative-leaning audience. IMO, that circumstantially supports a statistically significant chance this was not by accident. It's too bad those that come to other conclusions must resort to disagreeing by calling those who don't see things their way a "kook."

Had the shooter instead targeted a Berkeley auditorium full of left-leaning radicals while a radical left speaker was giving a talk killing many there, 150 papers across this country would all be labeling it a deliberate right-wing hit job without question, and NOT a random event.

The shooter scoped out multiple venues including Lalapalooza for christs sakes - are you going to pretend THAT is a rightwing event? Stop lying.

Link? Did he tell you that? Also, he PASSED on that event, didn't he?
Did gunman scope out other music festivals in Las Vegas, Chicago?

You are desperate for it to be a leftist. That is all you care about.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence
Your link is hidden behind a paywall.
I dont suscribe or pay but have no problem accessing it.
The WAPO wants a dollar to read the article. Surely you could post a link to back up your argument that is not a failing fake news pay site. Couldn't you?
WHERE did I ever say anything about my being able to PROVE anything? Please try to learn to READ. All I've said is that barring a lack of any other evidence, the fact that he chose to shoot up a far right wing crowd tilts the statistical likelihood of it being a circumstantial motive in that direction, in the same way it would had it been a far left crowd. Ask any police detective and they will tell you that as one of the few clues in the case, they have to consider that until something proves otherwise.

Yeah and even cops calls them theories of a crime, not facts.


The only thing I called a fact was that the Mandalay shooter massacred a group of people attending a country-western concert that was undoubtedly attended largely by a conservative-leaning audience. IMO, that circumstantially supports a statistically significant chance this was not by accident. It's too bad those that come to other conclusions must resort to disagreeing by calling those who don't see things their way a "kook."

Had the shooter instead targeted a Berkeley auditorium full of left-leaning radicals while a radical left speaker was giving a talk killing many there, 150 papers across this country would all be labeling it a deliberate right-wing hit job without question, and NOT a random event.

The shooter scoped out multiple venues including Lalapalooza for christs sakes - are you going to pretend THAT is a rightwing event? Stop lying.

Link? Did he tell you that? Also, he PASSED on that event, didn't he?
Did gunman scope out other music festivals in Las Vegas, Chicago?

You are desperate for it to be a leftist. That is all you care about.

Yeah, I lay awake all night just worried about it. Seriously, I was looking forward to reading your link but the site blocks me because my browser won't allow their ads.
Who was gleeful? You seemed to have completely missed the anger, outrage and bipartisn coming together this event inspired didn't you? And you seem to forget this was a MURDER by an ISOLATED LOONEY or are you too partisan to see that?

I don't think I'm missing as much as you are. Because you're willingfully ignoring the TYPE and magnitude of the problem that you're trying to cover up. And what you're hiding from is the ugliness and mostly pointless RESISTANCE that involves 10s of MILLIONS of Americans with a political grudge. We can talk about those grudges separately. But it's the sheer volume and frequency of the vile, nastiness that the left displays daily since the election. Like over 600 times since the election. And those who act in violence or destroying stuff or making threats are only the TIP of the iceberg.

Who was gleeful when that Amtrak train full of Republican leadership was derailed JUST ONE DAY after the Inauguration? Oh -- only about FIVE MILLION would be my guess from the reactions on Twitter and the way it was snarkly covered on the Resistance channels in the media. Here's some examples. You'll certainly want to comment on how GLEEFUL these folks sounded the day of the crash..

President of teacher’s union says GOP train crash was ‘karma’

Stephen King: Fatal GOP Train Crash 'Karma'

Ana Navarro on Twitter
Replying to @ananavarro @Newyorker2212
I'm not sure I agree. When you consider the suffering these republicans are forcing upon millions of fellow citizens who are poor, young, old, sick, etc.. the weakest among us, why should I "keep them in my thoughts". Why should I wish them well? Why?

D Merle
Jan 31
Like my grandma used to say: "God don't like ugly."

4 replies 2 retweets 85 likes
Reply 4 Retweet 2 Like 85

dottie beauregard
Follow Follow @dorothybeau
Replying to @dmsr89 @bdd4 @ananavarro
And they have the ugliest hearts !

Replying to @ananavarro
Actually, when I heard news I hoped the members of GOP on board would have experienced an epiphany and realized their ongoing support for a criminal like Trump was taking country in wrong direction. One can hope

Replying to @ananavarro
Sorry. No can do. When you make it your mission in life to harm others, you get no sympathy from me when you are harmed. Yes it’s cold. But @GOP brought it upon themselves.


Remember it's ONE DAY after the Inauguration. Trump hadn't had the 1st chance to do anything as President to piss off the resistance in terms of actions/issues. And yet a LARGE FRACTION of America was already fantasizing about harm to their political opposition.

My question to you - did you even bother to read the articles linked to in the list or did you just assume the list was accurate because you trust the source?

I clicked thru and sampled about 20 of the important ones. They were well documented. I found 2 clunkers with NOT a lot of back-up. But they had just as much evidence and assertion credibility as Christine Blasey Ford had -- and as you always say in the resistance -- We believe the victims..

Out of your links, I found several with no actual crime committed or crimes that fall more under "hate crimes" than other POLITICAL inspired retribution. At least I COMMENT on some of those.

There are a lot that are grafitti type vandalizing.

And if it was done to DEMOCRAT HQs or Democrat politicians -- EACH ONE OF THOSE would be a two day news cycle on the resistance networks..

Did you read the article? No indication it had anything to do with the fact he was flying a flag. This one is more likely Trumpists needing to feel persecuted. The article doesn't support the claim.

No, of course it doesn't. Was just a "fluke" that the ONE TRUCK THAT DAY flying a big ass MAGA flag was shot multiple times in a drive-by..

The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the window and then a male fired several shots.

Just was mad about the caged eggs that the truck was carrying. Happens every day.. To all kinds of trucks not sporting a HUGE MAGA flag on the trucks.. :rolleyes:

I think you missed most of the more important ones out of that list of 600.

Now you did good research on the Obama era events. Especially the Hollyweirdo actress with the self-made ricin. That took a great deal of research on her part. But there was no ENCOURAGEMENT of confrontation from Repub leadership or support from 10s of Millions for those actions.

You can go days playing "Trump This" -- the home version with me. But the fact is --- the bar for "THIS IS WRONG" is now buried so deep into the ground by the actions and deeds and statements of the last 2 years, that you'd need a fleet of excavators to even find it.

When you have corrupt, inept parties desperate parties egging on this polarized civil unrest just because of POWER struggles and NOT about issues and ideas --- we're pretty much doomed. But the fact is -- the Dems are hurting MORE from this display of anger and hate than the Repubs ever were. And it's all backfiring as it ratchets up into a completely meaningless skirmish about sheer HATE and intolerance. And it's got little to nothing to do with discussing policies or solutions or disagreements.

So we are pretty much fucked thanks to the 2 Brand Name parties. It's an unstable situation to have just TWO fingers pointing back at each other. The "big middle" who don't support either tribe are not gonna reward this behavior. And eventually, the 2 parties are gonna end up eating the crap pile they built..
The difference Coyote is -- that the NUMBERS of folks and the POSITION of folks condoning violent and aggressive action is NOW -- off the charts. NEVER HAPPENED with the Tea Party. Hardly an arrest from any of their rallies. Now THOUSANDS are being arrested. It's NOT whackadoodles anymore. It's a MASSIVE segment of the population ACCEPTING and CONDONING these actions publicly. For example..

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it

In the 12 days since Donald Trump took the oath of office, a steady stream of social media posts have called for the new president's assassination.

The posts are pretty basic and many are jokes or sarcastic or hyperbolic — but there are a lot of them. In a Dataminr search of Twitter posts since Inauguration Day containing the phrase "assassinate Trump" more than 12,000 tweets came up.
WHERE did I ever say anything about my being able to PROVE anything? Please try to learn to READ. All I've said is that barring a lack of any other evidence, the fact that he chose to shoot up a far right wing crowd tilts the statistical likelihood of it being a circumstantial motive in that direction, in the same way it would had it been a far left crowd. Ask any police detective and they will tell you that as one of the few clues in the case, they have to consider that until something proves otherwise.

Yeah and even cops calls them theories of a crime, not facts.

The only thing I called a fact was that the Mandalay shooter massacred a group of people attending a country-western concert that was undoubtedly attended largely by a conservative-leaning audience. IMO, that circumstantially supports a statistically significant chance this was not by accident. It's too bad those that come to other conclusions must resort to disagreeing by calling those who don't see things their way a "kook."

Had the shooter instead targeted a Berkeley auditorium full of left-leaning radicals while a radical left speaker was giving a talk killing many there, 150 papers across this country would all be labeling it a deliberate right-wing hit job without question, and NOT a random event.

The shooter scoped out multiple venues including Lalapalooza for christs sakes - are you going to pretend THAT is a rightwing event? Stop lying.

Link? Did he tell you that? Also, he PASSED on that event, didn't he?
Did gunman scope out other music festivals in Las Vegas, Chicago?

You are desperate for it to be a leftist. That is all you care about.

coyote - are we or are we NOT in a thread where you're desperate to NOT pin the violence on the left? so much so you say that DANGER WILL ROBINSON is more dangerous than whatever robot is warning us about this time?

how desperate do *YOU* look when you're trying to play down the violence of the left and say the right is more dangerous because they happen to notice and call them on it?

i've made this point several times and have yet to hear back from you. kinda disappointed.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence
Mods should start threads on absolute pure lies.
It's a MASSIVE segment of the population ACCEPTING and CONDONING these actions publicly. For example..

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it

In the 12 days since Donald Trump took the oath of office, a steady stream of social media posts have called for the new president's assassination.

The posts are pretty basic and many are jokes or sarcastic or hyperbolic — but there are a lot of them. In a Dataminr search of Twitter posts since Inauguration Day containing the phrase "assassinate Trump" more than 12,000 tweets came up.

Had I tweeted, "The Trumpy is just the most prominent symptom of a vile disease eating the soul of the American right, and thus hoping for his demise is pointless, hoping it would solve anything is stupid, and therefore I reject and condemn any and all calls to assassinate Trump", my tweet would have been included in the "12,000 tweets [...] calling for Trump's assassination." That's how hilariously stupid this "search" really is.

It is just as stupid as that ludicrous "Breitbart" list (who keeps up a modicum of self-respect and reads that crap anyway?), lumping together inconclusive nonsense, some assaults, and legitimate acts of civil disobedience, and both serve no objective other than the right's usual play, "See, my victim card is bigger than yours!" To anyone at least keeping up a pretense of reasonableness, "Kathy Griffin beheads Trump" should have served as a warning sign.

To all who think that right-wing violence is kids' play, a few reminders: There's the case of Dylann Roof, nine killed, one injured. Let's not forget the Charlottesville car attack, one dead, 28 injured, and also not the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, six dead, nineteen others injured. Anyone still remember the month-long armed stand-off at the Timothy McVeigh, 168 dead, and over 680 others injured. That's just off the top of my head.

Of course, neither right-wing nor left-wing terrorism, nor folks venting their anger on that twittering bullshit-generator, nor folks harassing other folks in restaurants spell the demise of the Republic. The all-out assault on the truth, the Fourth Estate ("enemy of the people"), on the rule of law, and the generally dehumanizing and demonizing rhetoric from the very top, however, arguably does. Hyperventilating about the occasional act of civil disobedience, or over-the-top rhetoric among the ranks, or a comedian's grossness merely distracts from the real danger, and thus adds to it.
Last edited:
It's a MASSIVE segment of the population ACCEPTING and CONDONING these actions publicly. For example..

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it

In the 12 days since Donald Trump took the oath of office, a steady stream of social media posts have called for the new president's assassination.

The posts are pretty basic and many are jokes or sarcastic or hyperbolic — but there are a lot of them. In a Dataminr search of Twitter posts since Inauguration Day containing the phrase "assassinate Trump" more than 12,000 tweets came up.

Had I tweeted, "The Trumpy is just the most prominent symptom of a vile disease eating the soul of the American right, and thus hoping for his demise is pointless, hoping it would solve anything is stupid, and therefore I reject and condemn any and all calls to assassinate Trump", my tweet would have been included in the "12,000 tweets [...] calling for Trump's assassination." That's how hilariously stupid this "search" really is.

It is just as stupid as that ludicrous "Breitbart" list (who keeps up a modicum of self-respect and reads that crap anyway?), lumping together inconclusive nonsense, some assaults, and legitimate acts of civil disobedience, and both serve no objective other than the right's usual play, "See, my victim card is bigger than yours!" To anyone at least keeping up a pretense of reasonableness, "Kathy Griffin beheads Trump" should have served as a warning sign.

To all who think that right-wing violence is kids' play, a few reminders: There's the case of Dylann Roof, nine killed, one injured. Let's not forget the Charlottesville car attack, one dead, 28 injured, and also not the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, six dead, nineteen others injured. Anyone still remember the month-long armed stand-off at the Timothy McVeigh, 168 dead, and over 680 others injured. That's just off the top of my head.

Of course, neither right-wing nor left-wing terrorism, nor folks venting their anger on that twittering bullshit-generator, nor folks harassing other folks in restaurants spell the demise of the Republic. The all-out assault on the truth, the Fourth Estate ("enemy of the people"), on the rule of law, and the generally dehumanizing and demonizing rhetoric from the very top, however, arguably does. Hyperventilating about the occasional act of civil disobedience, or over-the-top rhetoric among the ranks, or a comedian's grossness merely distracts from the real danger, and thus adds to it.

The penultimate paragraph was supposed to read thus:

To all who think that right-wing violence is kids' play, a few reminders: There's the case of Dylann Roof, nine killed, one injured. Let's not forget the Charlottesville car attack, one dead, 28 injured, and also not the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, six dead, nineteen others injured. Anyone still remember the month-long armed stand-off at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in support of arsonists and outright defiance of the rule of law? To top it off, there's Timothy McVeigh, 168 dead, and over 680 others injured. That's just off the top of my head.​

Sorry for the FU.
Every ones behavior lacks even a shred of any attempt to unite as Americans, the search for truth has been lost, cult of personality rules,I fear this will not end well.
Yeah and even cops calls them theories of a crime, not facts.

The only thing I called a fact was that the Mandalay shooter massacred a group of people attending a country-western concert that was undoubtedly attended largely by a conservative-leaning audience. IMO, that circumstantially supports a statistically significant chance this was not by accident. It's too bad those that come to other conclusions must resort to disagreeing by calling those who don't see things their way a "kook."

Had the shooter instead targeted a Berkeley auditorium full of left-leaning radicals while a radical left speaker was giving a talk killing many there, 150 papers across this country would all be labeling it a deliberate right-wing hit job without question, and NOT a random event.

The shooter scoped out multiple venues including Lalapalooza for christs sakes - are you going to pretend THAT is a rightwing event? Stop lying.

Link? Did he tell you that? Also, he PASSED on that event, didn't he?
Did gunman scope out other music festivals in Las Vegas, Chicago?

You are desperate for it to be a leftist. That is all you care about.

coyote - are we or are we NOT in a thread where you're desperate to NOT pin the violence on the left? so much so you say that DANGER WILL ROBINSON is more dangerous than whatever robot is warning us about this time?

how desperate do *YOU* look when you're trying to play down the violence of the left and say the right is more dangerous because they happen to notice and call them on it?

i've made this point several times and have yet to hear back from you. kinda disappointed.
You are incorrect. I pin the blsme on both sides.

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