Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Once again – the consequence of their cowardice and dishonesty – conservatives attempt to deflect from a thread’s topic because they’re incapable of responding to it.
I responded to it troll. You are an enemy of the state.
A well sourced and factually documented post. It's a shame none of the extreme right will actually read the links and offer intelligent rebuttal.

We do have eyes and ears....

The vast majority of the violence is coming from the left

The vast majority of lies come from the right – your post is proof of that.

Bullshit Boy. The VAST majority of lies come from the political machine that encompasses both side. Quit using your "blackness" as a crutch and grow up.
While I appreciate your concerns for undue rhetoric, many warnings are based and grounded in hard reality. For the time being, I'll still consider by far Left-Wing Violence as being the greater danger by a mile.

Congressman Steve Scalise Gravely Wounded in Alexandria Baseball Field Ambush

At least 59 killed and 527 injured in mass shooting at Las Vegas concert
Umh...why do you guys lie? The Vegas killer was not a leftist, he was a gun nut. No motive established. If you are going to lie you arent worth the time.

If you don't know his motive, then how do you know I'm wrong?
And lying is a CONSCIOUS, deliberate action; if no one knows his motive, then I might be wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm lying.
Let's put it this way to you: the guy singled out a Country-Western concert to shoot hundreds of people. Now Country-Western music is most notoriously a music genre associated with the South and Midwest, regions of the highest population of generally the most conservative people. So take from that what you like. It's called circumstantial evidence. If you have better evidence that he was a conservative wishing to shoot other conservatives, thought he was shooting liberals or just didn't even care, I'm willing to listen to your evidence, otherwise, shut up and don't call me a liar when the only evidence we have of motive leans in my direction.
If no one knows his motive which you admit, then deliberately labeling it leftwing is a lie.

You also ignore the fact thst he explored and scoped out several other venues for an attack including a Lalapalooza concert.

The only known FACT is that the guy targeted and shot hundreds of country-western fans who are notoriously right-leaning. He tried to massacre them. Pretty safe bet he knew what kind of concert it was. Leftards have a much better established history of this sort of thing than right-wing kooks.

And he could have just been a nut job that decided he wanted to kill some people. There has been no evidence discovered that says the nut had a political motive.

Right, exactly. No one KNOWS for sure. He left no letter or message, said nothing to no one. But he attacked and killed dozens of people and shot hundreds in an attempted massacre. Now, if he had gone into a school and done that, with no more information, people would assume he was a gun nut, violent and with a screw loose and no one would question that. Likewise with the Mandalay shooter: one of the few CIRCUMSTANTIAL bits of evidence we have is that of all the places he COULD have gone to and considered, he chose a super right-wing conservative event. Without knowing anything else, this tips the statistical likelihood that he was motivated by left wing leanings somewhat in that direction. It's MORE evidence than we have that he was right wing or did it with no political motives at all.

Not sure why people are questioning that when if a person kills a black or a muslim, they call it a HATE CRIME, even though they have no idea whether hate was really involved. At least here, you DO have some supporting evidence for the contention, and I will stick with that until someone can prove me wrong. I mean, had the Mandalay been a Hillary rally, every Leftist on the planet would be calling it a political hate crime, WITH NO MORE EVIDENCE. Kook, Old Lady? I think not.
Umh...why do you guys lie? The Vegas killer was not a leftist, he was a gun nut. No motive established. If you are going to lie you arent worth the time.

If you don't know his motive, then how do you know I'm wrong?
And lying is a CONSCIOUS, deliberate action; if no one knows his motive, then I might be wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm lying.
Let's put it this way to you: the guy singled out a Country-Western concert to shoot hundreds of people. Now Country-Western music is most notoriously a music genre associated with the South and Midwest, regions of the highest population of generally the most conservative people. So take from that what you like. It's called circumstantial evidence. If you have better evidence that he was a conservative wishing to shoot other conservatives, thought he was shooting liberals or just didn't even care, I'm willing to listen to your evidence, otherwise, shut up and don't call me a liar when the only evidence we have of motive leans in my direction.
If no one knows his motive which you admit, then deliberately labeling it leftwing is a lie.

You also ignore the fact thst he explored and scoped out several other venues for an attack including a Lalapalooza concert.

The only known FACT is that the guy targeted and shot hundreds of country-western fans who are notoriously right-leaning. He tried to massacre them. Pretty safe bet he knew what kind of concert it was. Leftards have a much better established history of this sort of thing than right-wing kooks.

And he could have just been a nut job that decided he wanted to kill some people. There has been no evidence discovered that says the nut had a political motive.

Right, exactly. No one KNOWS for sure. He left no letter or message, said nothing to no one. But he attacked and killed dozens of people and shot hundreds in an attempted massacre. Now, if he had gone into a school and done that, with no more information, people would assume he was a gun nut, violent and with a screw loose and no one would question that. Likewise with the Mandalay shooter: one of the few CIRCUMSTANTIAL bits of evidence we have is that of all the places he COULD have gone to and considered, he chose a super right-wing conservative event. Without knowing anything else, this tips the statistical likelihood that he was motivated by left wing leanings somewhat in that direction. It's MORE evidence than we have that he was right wing or did it with no political motives at all.

Not sure why people are questioning that when if a person kills a black or a muslim, they call it a HATE CRIME, even though they have no idea whether hate was really involved. At least here, you DO have some supporting evidence for the contention, and I will stick with that until someone can prove me wrong. I mean, had the Mandalay been a Hillary rally, every Leftist on the planet would be calling it a political hate crime, WITH NO MORE EVIDENCE. Kook, Old Lady? I think not.

Oh bullshit! It was an open air event that he could easily get a position overlooking. There's no way you can prove he wanted to do anything other than shoot up a large crowd. This happened to be an annual event he could plan for, I doubt the type of music had anything to do with it. But hey feel free to continue to speculate and form your fantasy theories. But don't try to sell them as fact.

A well sourced and factually documented post. It's a shame none of the extreme right will actually read the links and offer intelligent rebuttal.

We do have eyes and ears....

The vast majority of the violence is coming from the left

The vast majority of lies come from the right – your post is proof of that.

You libtards are always guilty of what you accuse others of...……..
If you don't know his motive, then how do you know I'm wrong?
And lying is a CONSCIOUS, deliberate action; if no one knows his motive, then I might be wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm lying.
Let's put it this way to you: the guy singled out a Country-Western concert to shoot hundreds of people. Now Country-Western music is most notoriously a music genre associated with the South and Midwest, regions of the highest population of generally the most conservative people. So take from that what you like. It's called circumstantial evidence. If you have better evidence that he was a conservative wishing to shoot other conservatives, thought he was shooting liberals or just didn't even care, I'm willing to listen to your evidence, otherwise, shut up and don't call me a liar when the only evidence we have of motive leans in my direction.
If no one knows his motive which you admit, then deliberately labeling it leftwing is a lie.

You also ignore the fact thst he explored and scoped out several other venues for an attack including a Lalapalooza concert.

The only known FACT is that the guy targeted and shot hundreds of country-western fans who are notoriously right-leaning. He tried to massacre them. Pretty safe bet he knew what kind of concert it was. Leftards have a much better established history of this sort of thing than right-wing kooks.

And he could have just been a nut job that decided he wanted to kill some people. There has been no evidence discovered that says the nut had a political motive.

Right, exactly. No one KNOWS for sure. He left no letter or message, said nothing to no one. But he attacked and killed dozens of people and shot hundreds in an attempted massacre. Now, if he had gone into a school and done that, with no more information, people would assume he was a gun nut, violent and with a screw loose and no one would question that. Likewise with the Mandalay shooter: one of the few CIRCUMSTANTIAL bits of evidence we have is that of all the places he COULD have gone to and considered, he chose a super right-wing conservative event. Without knowing anything else, this tips the statistical likelihood that he was motivated by left wing leanings somewhat in that direction. It's MORE evidence than we have that he was right wing or did it with no political motives at all.

Not sure why people are questioning that when if a person kills a black or a muslim, they call it a HATE CRIME, even though they have no idea whether hate was really involved. At least here, you DO have some supporting evidence for the contention, and I will stick with that until someone can prove me wrong. I mean, had the Mandalay been a Hillary rally, every Leftist on the planet would be calling it a political hate crime, WITH NO MORE EVIDENCE. Kook, Old Lady? I think not.

There's no way you can prove he wanted to do anything other than shoot up a large crowd.

WHERE did I ever say anything about my being able to PROVE anything? Please try to learn to READ. All I've said is that barring a lack of any other evidence, the fact that he chose to shoot up a far right wing crowd tilts the statistical likelihood of it being a circumstantial motive in that direction, in the same way it would had it been a far left crowd. Ask any police detective and they will tell you that as one of the few clues in the case, they have to consider that until something proves otherwise.
Yeah, according to you ass backwards commies, conservative speech is violence and and your regressive violence is speech. Van Jones was a perfect profit for your un-American bullshit party, everything inside out and upside down. America told you idiots we'd had a belly full of your crap with the election of Trump and now it's you who refuses to accept the results of an election, keep it up and you won't like the results.

We have accepted it. You seem to confuse opposition to policies with not accepting elections. Isn't time you find a new excuse?

So the left-wing violence that's going on all over the country is now the definition of "opposition to policies"? You might want to reconsider that definition, you may wind up having to live with it as your new reality. BTW, demanding impeachment from election day on is not accepting the election, it's just pathetic.

Here is something to ponder then. Remember how you opposed Obama from the day he won the election? You all got upset because you were accused of being racist for opposing his policies? Well using your logic I guess it was true huh? You were sore losers who couldnt accept the results of the election? Nothing to do with policies right? Remember the vow to make him a one term president right at the start?

You cant have your cake and eat it too.

So tell me child, who demanded maobamas impeachment form the day he was elected on? One or two names of prominent people will do.

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Just "murders"??? How many is that actually? About 6?

How about intimidation, property damage, street thuggery, and data mining? How many rowdy demonstrations occuring on politicians front yards or in public spaces?

That's the problem with buying numbers on isolated factoids. Let's put it another way. If the Tea Party were to be getting arrested in the HUNDREDS every month --- would that make it even? Don't think so. Would it have been on the FRONT PAGES and had congressional investigations? You bet your ass it would have been..

Party of drama queening and theatrics is turning ugly. And no lipstick is gonna fix it..
So why do you ignore the violence from the right? Why do you ONLY focus on the left?

Probably because I'm not the one attempting to ignore the 600+ RECENT episodes of intimidation, violence, or irresponsible leadership egging us on into conflict..

Were you not AWARE of the magnitude of civil unrest the left has been fomenting for over a year now?

The acts you cited ( meager # compared to over 600) were largely INDIVIDUAL acts NOT condoned by the media, not ENCOURAGED by party leadership. Whereas the CURRENT meltdown is INSTITUTIONALIZED into the plans of the Demo party and buried by 80% of the media.

Why are you attempting to justify it?
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Yeah, according to you ass backwards commies, conservative speech is violence and and your regressive violence is speech. Van Jones was a perfect profit for your un-American bullshit party, everything inside out and upside down. America told you idiots we'd had a belly full of your crap with the election of Trump and now it's you who refuses to accept the results of an election, keep it up and you won't like the results.

We have accepted it. You seem to confuse opposition to policies with not accepting elections. Isn't time you find a new excuse?

So the left-wing violence that's going on all over the country is now the definition of "opposition to policies"? You might want to reconsider that definition, you may wind up having to live with it as your new reality. BTW, demanding impeachment from election day on is not accepting the election, it's just pathetic.

Here is something to ponder then. Remember how you opposed Obama from the day he won the election? You all got upset because you were accused of being racist for opposing his policies? Well using your logic I guess it was true huh? You were sore losers who couldnt accept the results of the election? Nothing to do with policies right? Remember the vow to make him a one term president right at the start?

You cant have your cake and eat it too.

So tell me child, who demanded maobamas impeachment form the day he was elected on? One or two names of prominent people will do.

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Just "murders"??? How many is that actually? About 6?

How about intimidation, property damage, street thuggery, and data mining? How many rowdy demonstrations occuring on politicians front yards or in public spaces?

That's the problem with buying numbers on isolated factoids. Let's put it another way. If the Tea Party were to be getting arrested in the HUNDREDS every month --- would that make it even? Don't think so. Would it have been on the FRONT PAGES and had congressional investigations? You bet your ass it would have been..

Party of drama queening and theatrics is turning ugly. And no lipstick is gonna fix it..
So why do you ignore the violence from the right? Why do you ONLY focus on the left?

I could ask you why you had ZERO comment on the 1st 200 of 604 incidents I posted. But instead, just so I know you're actually AWARE of the magnitude of the civil unrest and ugliness the Left is unleashing, here's the NEXT 200.. Hope you'll comment.

As to MURDERS -- screw it. Dems were gleeful when the Repub Train got derailed at a RR crossing and folks were hurt and killed. And an ATTEMPT to assassinate the entire Repub Softball team. MURDERS by isolated looneys does not equal a NATION WIDE campaign of incivility, hostility, threats and intimidation.

So here's the NEXT 200 incidents for your "comments and comparisons". And THEN we have 3rd 200 incidents to discuss. Unless of course this thread is just about JUSTIFYING all 600 of those incidents.

  1. January 24, 2018: Portland, OR, Trump supporter punched in head at protest
  2. January 22, 2018: AntiFa calls for “riot porn” against Trump supporter Tom, Brady
  3. January 21, 2018: NY: Protester charged in Trump supporter attack tried to put cop in headlock
  4. December 20, 2017: AntiFa terrorists assault Trump supporter outside bookstore
  5. December 18, 2017: Eminem song ‘Framed’ plots assassination of Ivanka Trump
  6. December 9, 2017: Students wearing MAGA hats booted from ‘safe space’ coffee shop
  7. December 3, 2017: Trump supporter’ home and vehicle vandalized for second time.
  8. November 27, 2017: Singer Morrissey: I would kill Trump ‘for the safety of humanity’
  9. November 22, 2017: Trump-hater snatches, steals student’s MAGA hat.
  10. November 22, 2017: Man mistaken for Trump supporter attacked
  11. November 20, 2017: University of IL instructor assault Trump supporters
  12. November 13, 2017: Trump supporter assaulted for wearing MAGA hat.
  13. November 12, 2017: Blaire White attacked for wearing MAGA hat
  14. November 3, 2017: ‘Multicultural’ office at Providence College hosts ‘stab a Trumpkin’ display
  15. October 31, 2017: ShareBlue, American Bridger operative Mike Stark arrested for harassing Ed Gillespie in VA
  16. October 26, 2017: SF Gate columnist says death threats against EPA chief Scott Pruitt make sense
  17. October 24, 2017: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Administration Does ‘Not Appear to Be Human Beings’
  18. October 19, 2017: Left-wing thugs arrested for disrupting College Republican meeting, shouting “fascists,” “racists” and “white supremacists”
  19. September 28, 2017: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos heckled as “white supremacist” during speech.
  20. September 26, 2017: Professor Doubles Down on Tweet Saying ‘Trump Must Hang’
  21. September 17, 2017: Trump supporter physically assault in Roosevelt High School gym.
  22. September 15, 2017: CNN host “jokes” about killing Trump with hemlock in his food.
  23. September 10, 2017: Portland police arrest seven in latest antifa violence aimed at Patriot Prayer
  24. September 4, 2017: Georgia Teacher Kicks Out Students Over “Neo-Nazi” MAGA Shirt
  25. August 28, 2017: Car with Trump bumper sticker vandalized in San Francisco.
  26. August 28, 2017: Trump supporter Arthur assaulted in Berkeley
  27. August 28, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists attack peaceful Trump supporters at Berkeley.
  28. August 28, 2017: GOP headquarters in Fayetteville, KY vandalized. “Die Nazi Scum” spray painted on windows.
  29. August 27, 2017: Vandals deface Trump supporter’s lawn signs.
  30. August 24, 2017: PA AntiFa Cell Calls for Violence Against Police, All-out Revolutio
  31. August 24, 2017: Black Trump supporter spit at for wearing MAGA hat.
  32. August 23, 2017: Black Trump supporter sucker punched in Laguna Beach.
  33. August 23, 2017: Black Trump supporter punched multiple times while leaving Trump’s Arizona rally
  34. August 19, 2017: WATCH: Older Woman Holding American Flag Hit, Dragged in Boston
  35. August 18. 2017: Top Missouri Democrat calls for Trump to be “assassinated.”
  36. August 17, 2017: ‘Nazis’ spray painted on New Hampshire GOP headquarters
  37. August 16, 2017: Anti-Donald Trump campaigner ‘shoots Republican neighbour twice in the head’
  38. August 14, 2017: After Branding Trump a Fascist, Never Trumper Calls for Lynching of Fascists
  39. August 14, 2017: Conservative student attacked for “YAF” hat at vigil for Charlottesville victims.
  40. July 31, 2017: Women’s studies professor wants Trump shot
  41. July 25, 2017: Fox News commenter soaked with water
  42. July 19, 2017: Rosie O’Donnell sparks outrage with Trump-killing game
  43. July 7, 2017: Student threatened for supporting Trump.
  44. July 7, 2017: Man attacked for wearing MAGA hat in New York bar.
  45. July 5, 2017: CNN threatens to expose Trump supporter to online mob over parody video.
  46. July 3, 2017: Philadelphia Trump supporter jumped by three men after rallies
  47. June 22, 2017: Rep. Jason Chaffetz Death Threat: ‘Prepare for the Battle, Motherf***er’
  48. June 22, 2017: Ohio Man Charged With Threatening GOP Congressman
  49. June 22, 2017: WATCH – Pulitzer-Winning Novelist Michael Chabon Expresses ‘Hope’ that Trump Has ‘Massive Stroke
  50. June 22, 2017: Actor Johnny Depp “jokes” about assassinating Trump.
  51. June 19, 2017: University of Georgia Socialist Group Under Police Investigation After Calling for Beheading Republican
  52. June 17, 2017: Dem Strategist James Devine Launches Hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen After Steve Scalise Shooting
  53. June 17, 2017: Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) reports five death threats to Capitol Police
  54. June 15, 2017: Powder-Filled Letters With Threatening Notes Shut Down Georgia Republican’s Neighborhood
  55. June 15, 2017: Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465 in Indiana
  56. June 14, 2017: HuffPo publishes article calling for “execution” of Trump.
  57. June 14, 2017: Republican receives threat after shooting, warning “one down, 216 to go…”
  58. June 14, 2017: Bernie Sanders supporter opens fire on a group of Republican congressman. Rep. Steve Scalise is shot and nearly dies.
  59. June 12, 2017: Wire creator David Simon calls on mobs to pick up a “brick” if Trump fires special counsel Robert Mueller.
  60. June 10, 2017: Trump supporter beaten with ‘Queers for Muslims’ sign in Seattle.
  61. June 10, 2017: Left-wing terrorists with AntiFa hurl urine at woman protesting against Sharia
  62. June 7, 2017: HuffPo: ‘Inherent Value’ and ‘Logic’ in Violence Against Trump Supporters
  63. June 7, 2017: Veteran’s wife violently beaten for voting for Trump
  64. June 6, 2017: “Trump” is stabbed to death in front of cheering audience in Central Park
  65. June 3, 2017: Anti-Trump band decapitates Trump statue on stage
  66. May 30, 2017: Kathy Griffin beheads Trump.
  67. May 21, 2017: Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL.) office vandalized, staff threatened
  68. May 19, 2017: Man arrested for multiple acts of anti-Trump vandalism.
  69. May 15, 2017: Tucson school district employee arrested over threats to U.S. Rep. Martha McSally
  70. May 13, 2017: Woman attempts to drive GOP congressman off road over health-care vote, police say
  71. May 12, 2017: Man Gets Physical With GOP Congressman At Town Hall [Video]
  72. May 12, 2017: Video: Trump Supporters Assaulted at Minnesota Capitol
  73. May 10, 2017: Police investigate death threats Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA) received prior to town hall
  74. May 8, 2017: TN Woman Arrested for Trying to Run GOP Congressman’s Car Off Road
  75. May 4, 2017: Leaked Screenshots Reveal BuzzFeed Director Wishing for Trump Assassination
  76. April 27, 2017: Oregon Parade Canceled Due to Violent Threats By ‘Anti-Fascists’ Against Republican Participants
  77. April 23, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa arrested for assault in DC.
  78. April 20, 2017: University of Alaska is displaying a painting of a decapitated Trump in its gallery
  79. April 19. 2017: MSNBC ‘Counter-Terrorism Analyst’ Calls for ISIS Bombing of Trump Property
  80. April 15, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists start riot in Berkeley.
  81. April 15, 2017: Left-wing terrorists with AntiFa assault Trump supporter with bike lock.
  82. April 14, 2017: Two arrested for burning Trump sign in Maryland
  83. April 3, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists disrupt pro-Trump rally in Vancouver
  84. March 27, 2017: Pro-Trump march organizer pepper-sprayed by protester
  85. March 20, 2017: Violent kids hit Trump supporter in face with skateboard
  86. March 19, 2017: MAGA hat wearer kicked out of bar
  87. March 19, 2017: ‘Murder Trump ASAP’ graffiti found on freeway wall in San Diego
  88. March 17, 2017: ‘Making History’ Star Adam Pally Says He Wants To ‘Kill Trump’
  89. March 16, 2017: Rapper Bow Wow threatens to “pimp” first lady Melania
  90. March 16, 2017: Pro-Trump Michael Savage assaulted.
  91. March 15, 2017: University of Michigan student detained after damaging Trump supporter’s flag
  92. March 14, 2017: Young Trump supporters harassed online as Nazis
  93. March 12, 2017: Snoop Dogg “shoots” Trump in the head.
  94. March 9, 2017: Florida man punched in face after road rage incident sparked by Trump bumper sticker
  95. March 7, 2017: Hillary VP pick and Sen. Tim Kaine’s (D-VA) son arrested for hurling smoke bomb in the Minnesota Capitol rotund
  96. March 7, 2017: CNN points what looks like a sniper scope at the Oval Office.
  97. March 6, 2017: Berkeley man arrested for destroying College Republican sign
  98. March 5, 2017: Leftist rioters crash peaceful pro-Trump rally with tasers
  99. March 4, 2017: Left-wing rioters attack peaceful pro-Trump rally at Berkeley
  100. March 1, 2017: Trump supporter’s car vandalized in Oregon
  101. February 27, 2017: Leaked Audio Reveals Anti–Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall
  102. February 27, 2017: Flier in North Carolina calls on mobs to assault Trump supporters
  103. February 26, 2017: Trump supporter’s house egged three times in New York
  104. February 26, 2017: Female Trump supporter assaulted in Hollywood
  105. February 25, 2017: Ohio man assaulted by anti-Trump mob
  106. February 22, 2017: Tires slashed at Congressman’s town hall meeting in Mariposa
  107. February 17, 2017: Professor tweets ‘Trump must hang,’ gets paid leave:
  108. February 16, 2017: Kansas City man with AR-15 taunts Trump supporter, rips down Trump flag
  109. February 15, 2017: Hateful messages found on Trump supporter’s historic Denver home
  110. February 15, 2017: Mob knocks district director for Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA) unconscious
  111. February 14, 2017: Stephen Colbert puts White House adviser Stephen Miller’s head on a pike.
  112. February 13, 2017: Black Trump supporter’s home vandalized with “KKK’ spray paint – hoax hate crime
  113. February 11, 2017: University of Central Florida Club Incites Young Kids To “Kill Donald Trump”
  114. February 10, 2017: Black Lives Matter bully threatens to smash woman’s laptop over Trump sticker.
  115. February 10, 2017: Trump supporter assaulted in Berkeley as police do nothing
  116. February 10, 2017: Protesters block Education secretary Betsy DeVos from entering school.
  117. February 9, 2017: Man arrested for attacking Trump supporter in California
  118. February 9, 2017: AntiFa middle school teacher Yvette Felarca arrested for starting riot in Berkeley
  119. February 8, 2017: Police investigating multiple incidents of anti-Trump graffiti in North Carolina.
  120. February 8, 2017: CSUF instructor suspended for striking pro-Trump student
  121. February 7, 2017: Girl in MAGA hat pepper sprayed
  122. February 7, 2017: Oceanside, CA Vandals deface home and Trump sign
  123. February 6, 2017: 6th grader wearing Trump hat attacked on school bus, suspended
  124. February 5, 2017: Rapper Big Sean Threatens to Kill Donald Trump in New Freestyle
  125. February 4, 2017: School suspends victim after he is beaten for wearing MAGA
  126. February 3, 2017: More than 12,000 tweets have called for Trump’s assassination since the inauguration
  127. February 2, 2017: Comedienne Sarah Silverman calls on military to overthrow Trump.
  128. February 2, 2017: Ex-Obama Official Rosa Brooks Suggests ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump
  129. February 2, 2017: Arrests at NYU after left-wing thugs disrupt conservative speaker
  130. February 2, 2017: Trump supporter attacked in street in Berkeley
  131. February 1, 2017: Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson Hints at Trump Assassination
    February 1, 2017: Left-wing terrorist group AntiFa assaults Trump supporters at Berkeley.
  132. January 31, 2017: Portland Trump Supporter Beaten Unconscious After Being Hit by Airport Protesters
  133. January 31, 2017: Pike/Pine New Year’s Eve ‘red baseball cap’ assault reported
  134. January 31, 2017: Former VP candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), calls on Democrats to “fight in the streets” against Trump.
  135. January 31, 2017: Video shows Trump supporter knocked unconscious ‘with something metallic’ during airport immigration protest
  136. January 30, 2017: Spokane, WA, GOP headquarters hit with vandalism
  137. January 30, 2017: Anti-Trump graffiti spray-painted on Rowan University sign
  138. January 29, 2017: Protesters damage Trump supporter’s vehicle after march downtown Eugene, OR
  139. January 29, 2017: Times Journo Calls for Assassination of President Trump
  140. January 29, 2017: Video: Trump Supporter Has House, Flag, Vehicle and Camper Vandalized in Burlington, WA
  141. January 27, 2017: Donald Trump Campaign Sign Set On Fire In Hull, MA
  142. January 26, 2017: Actor Shia LeBeouf arrested for shoving Trump supporter
  143. January 26, 2017: Texas Teacher Pretends to Shoot Trump in Class
  144. January 24, 2017: Gold Star family members say they were assaulted during inaugural ball festivities
  145. January 24, 2017: Woman harassed, spit on by anti-Trump protesters
  146. January 23, 2017: Golden Trump Graffiti Sprayed Onto Bentley in Queens
  147. January 23, 2017: WATCH woman harass Trump supporter on flight
  148. January 23, 2017: Woman charged with trespassing, Vandalism at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s estate
  149. January 23, 2017: Protesters Throw Water at Trump Inaugural Ball Attendees
  150. January 22, 2017: Frank Luntz Recounts Hotel Assault by Trump Inauguration Protester
  151. January 22, 2017: CA Woman Slashes Trump Sign Because it ‘Ruined Her Chill’: Police
  152. January 22, 2017: Trump supporter Scott Baio was roughed up by protesters in DC
  153. January 21, 2017: Graffiti girl gang arrested for scrawling anti-Trump and Black Lives Matter slogans over cop car, stores in NC
  154. January 21, 2017: Madonna fantasizes about blowing up the White House.
  155. January 21, 2017: Video: Sean Hannity and Geraldo Rivera Egged by Liberal Protesters at Inaugural Ball
  156. January 20, 2017: Parker, CO, man’s Trump destroyed over Trump sticker
  157. January 20, 2017: 66 Inauguration Day threats on Twitter
  158. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters light limo on fire in DC
  159. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash Starbucks windows
  160. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash Bank of America windows
  161. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash local hotel windows in DC
  162. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash steakhouse windows
  163. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash ATM
  164. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters throw garbage in the street and try to light it on fire
  165. January 20, 2017: Trump supporter coat slashed at Inauguration
  166. January 20, 2017: WA: High School Senior Beaten by Mob for Wearing American Flag Hat at U of W
  167. January 20, 2017: Trump Supporter Suckerpunched at Deploraball by Left-wing AntiFa Terrorists
  168. January 20, 2017: Reporter falsely accuses 10-year-old Barron Trump of killing 100 small animals
  169. January 20, 2017: Comedian Limmy tells Donald Trump assassination joke
  170. January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protester lights Trump supporter’s hair on fire.
  171. January 20, 2017: Trump supporter says she feels ‘hurt’ after being spit on, called racist
  172. January 20, 2017: Left-wing terrorist group Antifa riots over Trump’s inauguration.
  173. January 19, 2017: CNN fantasizes about Obama staying in power if Trump is assassinated.
  174. January 17, 2017: German journalist: Assassination of Trump would end ‘tragedy’
  175. January 17, 2017: Wilmington, NC, woman’s car vandalized with swastika over Trump sticker
  176. January 16, 2017: ‘Project Veritas’ Exposes Groups Planning Violent Disruptions At Inauguration, Chemical Attack at ‘Deploraball’
  177. January 5, 2017: Left-wing thugs kidnap, beat, and torture an 18-year-old with schizophrenia while shouting “fuck Trump” and “fuck white people.”
  178. January 4, 2017: Santa Rosa, CA: Man Harassed, Verbally Abused for Wearing Trump T-Shirt
  179. December 29, 2016: Ronald Reagan portrait defaced during break-in reported at Goldsboro, NC, GOP office
  180. December 29, 2016: Charlie Sheen Wishes Death Upon Trump
  181. December 23, 2016: Bryn Mawr Student And Trump Supporter Harassed Until She Drops Out
  182. November 22, 2016: Trump supporter victim of hate crime in Montgomery County, Third attack on home
  183. December 22, 2016: Ivanka Trump harassed on JetBlue flight by college professor
  184. December 20, 2016: Foley, AL, deputies investigate rash of anti-Trump vandalism
  185. December 18, 2016: Trump electors face countless death threats
  186. December 15, 2016: Cornell College Republicans president assaulted, called ‘racist bitch’
  187. December 14, 2016: Politico reporter accuses Trump of incest.
  188. December 13, 2016: $300,00 car torched over Trump signs
  189. December 10, 2016: Orange Coast College prof calls Trump election “act of terrorism,” “we are in Civil War times”
  190. December 8, 2016: Man in Ithaca, NY, kills UPS Driver believing driver was Trump
  191. December 5, 2016: Corvette with Trump sticker trashed in MD
  192. December 5, 2016: Truck spray painted with anti-Trump slogans, set on fire in Madison, WI
  193. December 1, 2016: Donora, PA: 69-year-old woman assaulted over support for Trump
  194. November 30, 2016: Rockville, MD Trump supporter’s car vandalized with swastika
  195. November 30, 2016: Navy veteran’s home torched, tagged with anti-Trump graffiti in Florida
  196. November 30, 2016: CBS Boston Freelancer Tweets that ‘Trump Died Sleeping’ calms him.
  197. November 29, 2016: Kansas City, MO: Man beaten at bus stop after being asked political questions
  198. November 26, 2016: Anti-Trump thugs vandalize jeep, American flag
  199. November 21, 2016: Trump supporter refused service at DC bar, assaulted outside
  200. November 20, 2016: Blue-haired woman sentenced for scrawling anti-Trump graffiti on Los Angeles government buildings
  201. November 19, 2016: Texas High School Students Perform Trump ‘Assassination’ Skit
If no one knows his motive which you admit, then deliberately labeling it leftwing is a lie.

You also ignore the fact thst he explored and scoped out several other venues for an attack including a Lalapalooza concert.

The only known FACT is that the guy targeted and shot hundreds of country-western fans who are notoriously right-leaning. He tried to massacre them. Pretty safe bet he knew what kind of concert it was. Leftards have a much better established history of this sort of thing than right-wing kooks.

And he could have just been a nut job that decided he wanted to kill some people. There has been no evidence discovered that says the nut had a political motive.

Right, exactly. No one KNOWS for sure. He left no letter or message, said nothing to no one. But he attacked and killed dozens of people and shot hundreds in an attempted massacre. Now, if he had gone into a school and done that, with no more information, people would assume he was a gun nut, violent and with a screw loose and no one would question that. Likewise with the Mandalay shooter: one of the few CIRCUMSTANTIAL bits of evidence we have is that of all the places he COULD have gone to and considered, he chose a super right-wing conservative event. Without knowing anything else, this tips the statistical likelihood that he was motivated by left wing leanings somewhat in that direction. It's MORE evidence than we have that he was right wing or did it with no political motives at all.

Not sure why people are questioning that when if a person kills a black or a muslim, they call it a HATE CRIME, even though they have no idea whether hate was really involved. At least here, you DO have some supporting evidence for the contention, and I will stick with that until someone can prove me wrong. I mean, had the Mandalay been a Hillary rally, every Leftist on the planet would be calling it a political hate crime, WITH NO MORE EVIDENCE. Kook, Old Lady? I think not.

There's no way you can prove he wanted to do anything other than shoot up a large crowd.

WHERE did I ever say anything about my being able to PROVE anything? Please try to learn to READ. All I've said is that barring a lack of any other evidence, the fact that he chose to shoot up a far right wing crowd tilts the statistical likelihood of it being a circumstantial motive in that direction, in the same way it would had it been a far left crowd. Ask any police detective and they will tell you that as one of the few clues in the case, they have to consider that until something proves otherwise.

Yeah and even cops calls them theories of a crime, not facts.

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

You shouldn't.

I'd trust Breitbart over FOX or any other AP- sourced outlet. It's all globalist lies when it comes from AP and Reuters.

FOX just regurgitates AP lies and puts a little right spin on it.

You are such a kook coyote. Rosie O’Donnell says that the military should have a coup and overthrow a duly elected president, she says this on national tv and she gets away with such treasonous talk which is not free speech but sedition. You keep saying there is nothing to see here it is all those wackos on the right. As is always the case with you you twist info to buttress your views. The AdL says that 372 murders were committed by extremists over the period 2006 to 2016 but while it claims 74 % were committed by right wing or antigovernment groups it also said 69 people were killed by the guy at the pulse nightclub in Orlando. So we are dealing with 37 people a year and we really don’t know the circumstances of any of it or the methodology. Lest you think he is proving my point read on.

Though not the most lethal, in some ways the most troubling extremist-related murders that occurred in 2016 were the murders of police officers at the hands of black nationalists. Eight police officers were killed in two incidents in which extremists deliberately targeted police officers for murder. In July 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson, who had ties to black nationalist groups such as the New Black Panther Party, killed five police officers (and injured nine others) in Dallas, Texas, in an ambush attack aimed at police maintaining public order at a Black Lives Matter protest. That same month, Gavin Eugene Long ambushed and shot six police officers, three of them fatally, in Baton Rouge. Long was an adherent of black nationalism as well as the anti-government sovereign citizen movement. Both incidents were acts of retaliation against police officers in response to controversial police shootings of African-American men.

The year 2016 was unusual in that right-wing extremists did not dominate the murder statistics, as they have each year for more than 30 years. Anti-government extremists and white supremacists were responsible for only a minority of extremist related deaths in 2016, though they did commit two triple homicides. These low figures also occurred during a year in which non-violent right-wing extremist activity was high, in large part due to agitation and propaganda by the so-called alt-right and other extremists in connection with the 2016 presidential election.

I know it is hard for you to square this circle, but I am going to believe what my lying eyes tell me, not the perception you are desperately trying to cultivate.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

You shouldn't.

I'd trust Breitbart over FOX or any other AP- sourced outlet. It's all globalist lies when it comes from AP and Reuters.

FOX just regurgitates AP lies and puts a little right spin on it.


I look at it as a "librarian" suggestion. In those days, 5% of what they listed for search were gems, 20% was marginally useful and the REST were off the mark. If an article is fully LINKED and sourced, I'll read it. Until the sources are "anonymous important people" or 3rd party hearsay.

But it takes self defense to be well informed and a lot of personal work. There are NO shortcuts. No truth without diving in. And CERTAINLY -- there's not a Fact Checker on the planet that's not spinning or telling 1/2 truths.
How transparent can the Washington post get. Alinsky rule, accuse the other side of what you are already doing. Trump is authoritarian but only Dems want to overthrow our democratic elections. Just take the only present day example they used after a required review of nazi Germany that equates trump with hitler, a favorite fantasy of the left, where the Kavanaugh accuser is showered with death threats(none of which I have seen) which prove how nazi like the right is. But let’s not compare that to the death threats and actual powdered envelopes sent to Susan Collins, actual facts here, that represent a much more insidious threat. The whole premise of the article, right wing warnings more dangerous than left wing violence is nonsensical. Stinging words are more dangerous than broken skulls? In whose world? Please tell me again what specific acts trump has committed that has weakened our democracy? It’s leftwing nonsense.
The only known FACT is that the guy targeted and shot hundreds of country-western fans who are notoriously right-leaning. He tried to massacre them. Pretty safe bet he knew what kind of concert it was. Leftards have a much better established history of this sort of thing than right-wing kooks.

And he could have just been a nut job that decided he wanted to kill some people. There has been no evidence discovered that says the nut had a political motive.

Right, exactly. No one KNOWS for sure. He left no letter or message, said nothing to no one. But he attacked and killed dozens of people and shot hundreds in an attempted massacre. Now, if he had gone into a school and done that, with no more information, people would assume he was a gun nut, violent and with a screw loose and no one would question that. Likewise with the Mandalay shooter: one of the few CIRCUMSTANTIAL bits of evidence we have is that of all the places he COULD have gone to and considered, he chose a super right-wing conservative event. Without knowing anything else, this tips the statistical likelihood that he was motivated by left wing leanings somewhat in that direction. It's MORE evidence than we have that he was right wing or did it with no political motives at all.

Not sure why people are questioning that when if a person kills a black or a muslim, they call it a HATE CRIME, even though they have no idea whether hate was really involved. At least here, you DO have some supporting evidence for the contention, and I will stick with that until someone can prove me wrong. I mean, had the Mandalay been a Hillary rally, every Leftist on the planet would be calling it a political hate crime, WITH NO MORE EVIDENCE. Kook, Old Lady? I think not.

There's no way you can prove he wanted to do anything other than shoot up a large crowd.

WHERE did I ever say anything about my being able to PROVE anything? Please try to learn to READ. All I've said is that barring a lack of any other evidence, the fact that he chose to shoot up a far right wing crowd tilts the statistical likelihood of it being a circumstantial motive in that direction, in the same way it would had it been a far left crowd. Ask any police detective and they will tell you that as one of the few clues in the case, they have to consider that until something proves otherwise.

Yeah and even cops calls them theories of a crime, not facts.


The only thing I called a fact was that the Mandalay shooter massacred a group of people attending a country-western concert that was undoubtedly attended largely by a conservative-leaning audience. IMO, that circumstantially supports a statistically significant chance this was not by accident. It's too bad those that come to other conclusions must resort to disagreeing by calling those who don't see things their way a "kook."

Had the shooter instead targeted a Berkeley auditorium full of left-leaning radicals while a radical left speaker was giving a talk killing many there, 150 papers across this country would all be labeling it a deliberate right-wing hit job without question, and NOT a random event.
We really must consider a political cause for at least some of the black on white crime.

No we don't, the numbers stack up in favor of the Right from Coyote's own article. What you can do is ask why Nationalists are lumped in with Right Wing.
Same reason Antifa is lumped in with the left wing.

Want to give an example of a Republican mayor ordering the police to stand down so "Nationalists" could riot?
Once again – the consequence of their cowardice and dishonesty – conservatives attempt to deflect from a thread’s topic because they’re incapable of responding to it.

We've responded to it a lot. That you lie about that, shows that you are a liar.
Folks here sure do love Straw Man arguments.

My actual position, not that it will matter, is that those who refuse to hold their own tribes accountable for their destructive actions, and those who deflect from and minimize those destructive actions, are enabling further destructive actions.

To address your Straw Man, I also feel that people have every right to protect themselves if they are in imminent personal danger.

And now you're free to once again make stuff up about my positions.
Fine...The OP is using sources that cite INDIVIDUAL acts of violence (even jail house gang attacks) as "proof" that it is on a par to roving bands of antifa mobs, attacking anyone in sight and destroying property...The old false equivalence fallacy.....Since there are no "tribes" involved it the former, then your particular line of reasoning holds no water....Moreover, I cited instances where certain proactively violent individuals have been thrown out of the "tribes" who seek, as their only outcome, to defend themselves, which you promptly brushed off.

I have friends in Minneapolis who were attacked by antifa assholes, for no more violent an action than standing in line to attend a Trump rally, while the cops stood by and did nothing.....If anyone has any responsibility for the consequences of their actions (or inactions such as they are), and to call their "tribe" to account, it's the local politicians -ALL of them not coincidentally leftists- who are letting this shit get completely out of hand.
Speaking of local politicians, when Trump came to campaign in Bangor, our local politicians DID come and speak to the Trump fans and the Trump protesters outside the Civic Center, and reminded everyone that probably no one was going to change anyone's mind at that point, and that these were all their neighbors. That we all deserve the right to our opinion.
There was no trouble that day.
I don't think Antifa comes up here anyway. Not enough Starbucks.
Abraham Lincoln nailed it - this is why we must resist the Prog Mob:

When men take it in their heads today, to hang gamblers, or burn murderers, they should recollect, that, in the confusion usually attending such transactions, they will be as likely to hang or burn some one, who is neither a gambler nor a murderer as one who is; and that, acting upon the example they set, the mob of tomorrow, may, and probably will, hang or burn some of them, by the very same mistake. And not only so; the innocent, those who have ever set their faces against violations of law in every shape, alike with the guilty, fall victims to the ravages of mob law; and thus it goes on, step by step, till all the walls erected for the defence of the persons and property of individuals, are trodden down, and disregarded. But all this even, is not the full extent of the evil. By such examples, by instances of the perpetrators of such acts going unpunished, the lawless in spirit, are encouraged to become lawless in practice; and having been used to no restraint, but dread of punishment, they thus become, absolutely unrestrained. Having ever regarded Government as their deadliest bane, they make a jubilee of the suspension of its operations; and pray for nothing so much, as its total annihilation. . .

The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions | Teaching American History
I could ask you why you had ZERO comment on the 1st 200 of 604 incidents I posted. But instead, just so I know you're actually AWARE of the magnitude of the civil unrest and ugliness the Left is unleashing, here's the NEXT 200.. Hope you'll comment.

As to MURDERS -- screw it. Dems were gleeful when the Repub Train got derailed at a RR crossing and folks were hurt and killed. And an ATTEMPT to assassinate the entire Repub Softball team. MURDERS by isolated looneys does not equal a NATION WIDE campaign of incivility, hostility, threats and intimidation.

Who was gleeful? You seemed to have completely missed the anger, outrage and bipartisn coming together this event inspired didn't you? And you seem to forget this was a MURDER by an ISOLATED LOONEY or are you too partisan to see that?

So here's the NEXT 200 incidents for your "comments and comparisons". And THEN we have 3rd ...

All those incidents are via Brietbart. A source I have as much respect for as you do "my" fact checkers. Yet you want me to comment on them? Really? OK. Let's take a look at a handful, but first....how quickly you all forget! Gee all the Obama noose cartoons, references and displays...but that is just fine, yes? Some how it's DIFFERENT now :cuckoo: The only difference is it went from being the unremarked upon and politically justified BAD to the suddenly remarked upon and fully outraged WORSE. And, yes, it is worse and I'm not proud of the left...but don't pretend it's suddenly a NEW thing. It isn't. You and the right just want to take view it in a vacuum. It just did not MATTER before because the right wasn't the target.

My question to you - did you even bother to read the articles linked to in the list or did you just assume the list was accurate because you trust the source?

Let's pretend that all the vandalizing and graffitti that occurred after Obama's election didn't happen and let's pretend that the right isn't engaging in any vandalzing (they NEVER do that)...and unfortunately, unlike the perpetually faux-raged right...I haven't found a Brietbart equivalent that keeps a convenient list of every possible misbehavior from the left so I have to search it out individually rather than relying on one source. Let's look at a few examples.

Many of the claims are the typical crap spouted by both sides, for example the one claiming that the Trump Administration doesn't seem very human (why is this even on the list? It's an MSNBC commentator, and an opinion show, are you going to say Hannity et all hasn't done the same towards the Obama Administration? Towards Hillary? Opinion shows are OPINION).

Others have no evidence proving it was a leftist who did it - circumstantial at best, nonexistent at worst. Why are they on the list? Example:
June 15, 2017: Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465 in Indiana
Did you read the article? No indication it had anything to do with the fact he was flying a flag. This one is more likely Trumpists needing to feel persecuted. The article doesn't support the claim.

There are a lot that are grafitti type vandalizing
. The assumption is the perpetrator is a disgruntled leftie (or for that matter in prior incidents, rightie)...but the perpetrator isn't caught. Chances are it's kids half the time. On the other hand we do know at least once, a pro-Trumper vandalized property with anti-Trump slogans to put the blame on the left (disclaimer, this is a bipartisan act, the other side does it too):
Trump supporter admits writing anti-Trump graffiti at elementary school to try to frame liberals

Grafitti - while not GOOD is hardly unique - again, the right is selectively picking out what best supports it's persecution narrative and best supports it's claims of leftist violence. But they kinda got short memories don't they?
Racist Anti-Obama Graffiti Shocks Neighborhood
Anti-Obama, pro-Zimmerman graffiti painted over
You are being redirected...
Police Search For Man Behind Homophobic Anti-Obama Graffiti Spree In Astoria

Oh...and even a state Dem office got targeted (sound familiar? It should, when the Repubs were grafittied it made Brietbart's list -August 17, 2017: ‘Nazis’ spray painted on New Hampshire GOP headquarters) No one caught, don't know who did it, but - read the article, it was condemned by the Dem party.
EXCLUSIVE: Vandal who spray painted anti-Obama graffiti onto Sen. Gianaris’ Queens office strikes again - NY Daily News
There are many more examples of this sort of behavior so I'm kind of confused as to why the right thinks it's new and "different" now.

Heckling. Some are normal forms of political protest. Heckling. Really? Why is this on the list? Politicians get heckled all the time. Anyone remember the Tea Party heckling, shouting and disrupting town halls? Now suddenly the right think's it's bad?
September 28, 2017: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos heckled as “white supremacist” during speech.

Jokes about assassinating
....well that's never really good...but also....it's been around a long time. So now we have "entertainers" joking or singing about it. I always think it's a bad idea to inspire nuts regardless of which side does it. That should not be rewarded by being given a public platform. On the other hand...why is the right suddenly fauxraged about it? They were fine with it before.
Obama assassination joke...Same Joke, More Regret
And....seven celebrities imagining violence on Obama 7 Stars Who Imagined Violence Against Barack Obama, Democrats (Photos)

AND the predictable always brought up example of how HORRIBLE the left is - the shooting of Republicans at a baseball game. By a nutter. But according to the right this is "typical left". Amazing. It was absolutely condemned, the Dems, the Repubs, the public. Well...if we are going to blame that on the entire left. Let's blame the shooting of immigrants at a Kansas bar on the right - after all, the shooter was influenced by all the anti-immigrant rhetoric and he told them to get out of his country.

A few more:

June 15, 2017: Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465 in Indiana
Did you read the article? No indication it had anything to do with the fact he was flying a flag. The article doesn't support the claim.

So in a round about way this really does get around to the OP - IS the LEFT more violent? Maybe, but not hugely so. I don't have a comparable list of rightwing insults, slights, assaults, heckling, vandalism, assault and invented crap to compare it to. With no meaningful way to compare it, I can only look up similar incidents to see if what is claimed is really a unique trend. It doesn't appear to be. It appears to be more a case of selective memory combined with genuinely bad behavior at and around the inauguration (a big chunk of reports came from around then) and actions specific to Antifa.
Last edited:
And he could have just been a nut job that decided he wanted to kill some people. There has been no evidence discovered that says the nut had a political motive.

Right, exactly. No one KNOWS for sure. He left no letter or message, said nothing to no one. But he attacked and killed dozens of people and shot hundreds in an attempted massacre. Now, if he had gone into a school and done that, with no more information, people would assume he was a gun nut, violent and with a screw loose and no one would question that. Likewise with the Mandalay shooter: one of the few CIRCUMSTANTIAL bits of evidence we have is that of all the places he COULD have gone to and considered, he chose a super right-wing conservative event. Without knowing anything else, this tips the statistical likelihood that he was motivated by left wing leanings somewhat in that direction. It's MORE evidence than we have that he was right wing or did it with no political motives at all.

Not sure why people are questioning that when if a person kills a black or a muslim, they call it a HATE CRIME, even though they have no idea whether hate was really involved. At least here, you DO have some supporting evidence for the contention, and I will stick with that until someone can prove me wrong. I mean, had the Mandalay been a Hillary rally, every Leftist on the planet would be calling it a political hate crime, WITH NO MORE EVIDENCE. Kook, Old Lady? I think not.

There's no way you can prove he wanted to do anything other than shoot up a large crowd.

WHERE did I ever say anything about my being able to PROVE anything? Please try to learn to READ. All I've said is that barring a lack of any other evidence, the fact that he chose to shoot up a far right wing crowd tilts the statistical likelihood of it being a circumstantial motive in that direction, in the same way it would had it been a far left crowd. Ask any police detective and they will tell you that as one of the few clues in the case, they have to consider that until something proves otherwise.

Yeah and even cops calls them theories of a crime, not facts.


The only thing I called a fact was that the Mandalay shooter massacred a group of people attending a country-western concert that was undoubtedly attended largely by a conservative-leaning audience. IMO, that circumstantially supports a statistically significant chance this was not by accident. It's too bad those that come to other conclusions must resort to disagreeing by calling those who don't see things their way a "kook."

Had the shooter instead targeted a Berkeley auditorium full of left-leaning radicals while a radical left speaker was giving a talk killing many there, 150 papers across this country would all be labeling it a deliberate right-wing hit job without question, and NOT a random event.

The shooter scoped out multiple venues including Lalapalooza for christs sakes - are you going to pretend THAT is a rightwing event? Stop lying.

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