Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?
Chronicling the ever increasing violence by the Left toward the opposition:

The following actions all have taken place in the past two years. As you read about them, substitute the words “left” for “right,” “liberal” for “conservative,” and “Democrat” for “Republican.” As you do, consider how CNN, the New York Times, and the rest of the mainstream media would cover these events if the labels were reversed:

January 21, 2017: Addressing the crowd at the Women’s March, featured speaker Madonna says she’s thought “an awful lot about blowing up the White House.” Actress Ashley Judd compares Trump to Hitler and those who attended his inauguration the day before to Nazis.

June 14, 2017: James T. Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old Democratic activist from Illinois shoots up a baseball diamond where Republican members of Congress are practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game. Apparently intending to kill several GOP House members, including Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, who was grievously wounded, Hodgkinson had volunteered for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, and belonged to a Facebook group called “Terminate the Republican Party.”

October 28, 2017: At a parade in Annandale, Va., Wilfred Michael Stark III, 49, is arrested after trying to block the van carrying Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie. Although Stark identifies himself as a journalist, he was there on behalf of a website run by Democratic Party activist David Brock, which Brock purchased for the stated goal of electing Hillary Clinton president.

November 3, 2017: Kentucky Republican Rand Paul is tackled from behind without warning by next-door neighbor Rene Boucher, breaking six of the senator’s ribs. The assailant claims he lost his temper because of an ongoing dispute the two men had about yard trimmings, but he was known by other neighbors as a partisan Democrat who attacked Republicans on social media. “May Robert Mueller fry Trump’s gonads,” he once posted.

March 15, 2018. Wilfred “Mike” Stark is arrested again, this time by U.S. Capitol Police on a charge of simple assault for shoving Department of Interior spokeswoman Heather Swift to the ground.

May 18, 2018: A man later identified as Clifton Ward phones Republican Rep. Diane Black, leaving a voice mail that police consider a death threat. He does it again on June 12 and is subsequently indicted on felony charges.

June 23, 2018: Speaking after White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her family were refused service in a Virginia restaurant and senior administration aides Stephen Miller and Kirstjen Nielsen were hounded at restaurants, Rep. Maxine Waters calls for Democrats to “create a crowd” whenever they see a Trump official in public “to tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Apparently, she means even their own homes, which is where Nielson was also accosted. “No peace” for Republicans, Waters says. “No sleep!”

July 2, 2018: The Republican Party headquarters in Lincoln, Neb., is vandalized. A brick was thrown through a window. “Abolish ICE” was spray-painted on the sidewalk.

July 6, 2018. Martin Astrof, 75, drives to the Long Island campaign headquarters of Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin, confronts a campaign worker, threatens to kill Zeldin and Trump, then nearly runs over the aide in his car. Astrof is arrested on suspicion of endangerment and making terroristic threats.

July 7, 2018: A Democratic Socialist spots Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell eating lunch at a restaurant in his hometown of Louisville and summons a flash mob on social media. Leftist demonstrators swarm him as he leaves, shouting ominously, “We know where you live!”

September 6, 2018: A Republican Party office in Laramie, Wyo., is torched two days after local college Republicans are added as tenants. A window bearing a “Make America Great Again” sign was broken. Authorities say the fire appeared to be arson....

Mob Rule and the Resistance | RealClearPolitics
Last edited:
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

They are far more trustworthy than

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump,

Huh? What did Trump do besides make liberals cry, get rid of the mandate, and over turn Obama's EOs with his EOs

If you are going to resort to childish insults, don't expect any further replies.


Childish insults I stated three facts ..

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast
Psychologists’ couches are filling up as Americans seek relief from Trump Anxiety Disorder.


10/12/2018 05:09 AM EDT
Apologies Bear, I neant
What immigrants were killed? What Congressmen were shot?
You take the incident of a nutter shooting congressmen and use that to portray the entire left and excuse the violence from the right.

You condemn Maxine Water's words and give Trump's words a free pass. You scour the right wing media pushing this meme of one sided violence or, more often, just rude band trashy behavior.

No wonder think it so one sided, it excuses the right and creates a new class of victims and worse justifies violent actions on your part.

As to your second question:

Man who yelled 'get out of my country' before killing Indian immigrant pleads guilty, faces life sentence

Antifa is a violent organization, and you support it in your op.

As do the dem party and many lib politicians.
oh bullshit. The Op doesnt support Antifa any more than you support the neo nazis.

From your op.

" antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression."
Antifa is not the Bogeyman you have blown them up to be. They are thugs that tangle with and target white nationslists. They destroy property and cause rioting and disorder. You have bkown them uo into something like MS -13 which is ridiculous.

It seems you have a great need to portray yourselves as victims which is the ultimate irony given your constant attacks on the left fir their politics of victimization.
Shouldn't be downplaying the destruction of what ANTIFA has done. Small businesses have been severely affected by them and not forget about the taxpayers who have to pay for the destruction. A lot of blood and violence has been shed from ANTIFA. ANTIFA is against everything the Constitution stands for.
It bothers me when liberals don't hold ANTIFA accountable for their actions.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence
Warnings are more dangerous than violence?
Come on, princess. I know you’re smart enough to see through that nonsense.

Btw... I haven’t forgotten about compiling a list of my favorite songs. :)
Blaming the victim - a classic leftwing tactic.
Candace Owens was also once a leftist. She’s now one of Trumps biggest supporters.

I can see Coyote eventually boarding the Trump train. Like Candace, she’s not stupid.
These transitions often require time and patience.

FWIW I was once a secular liberal Democrat pro-choice feminist. About twenty years ago, during the Clinton/Lewinsky debacle, is when the scales fell off my eyes. At the time I would have told you it took about three days to make the transition, but in reality I had been having serious doubts for some time.

The Democrats' "moral righteousness" facade runs on a very thin veneer. Very thin indeed. Once you start scratching that veneer--look out.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

They are far more trustworthy than

View attachment 223965

Uh huh.

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

They are far more trustworthy than

View attachment 223965

I honestly don't know where this "same face" meme came from but it's perfect and so true.

Reminds me of this great tune from Peter Gabriel, who, I know, is a huge Leftist. Even a broken clock is right....etc.

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

They are far more trustworthy than

View attachment 223965

Uh huh.

View attachment 223966

NPC Crowd VRWC.jpg
One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

They are far more trustworthy than

View attachment 223965

I honestly don't know where this "same face" meme came from but it's perfect and so true.

Reminds me of this great tune from Peter Gabriel, who, I know, is a huge Leftist. Even a broken clock is right....etc.

Thanks - here's a piece from ZeroHedge on the NPC meme. It really is perfect for the SJW Mob.

4Chan Sparks Mass Triggering With NPC Meme; Twitter Responds With Ban Hammer
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

So we should "trust" sources you agree with?
How very intellectual of you.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

...so actual violence is preferable to rhetoric?

From your source (I followed the link to a Forbes article on the actual numbers):

Terrorists murdered 3,342 people on U.S. soil from 1992 through August 12, 2017. Islamist terrorists are responsible for 92% of all those murders. The 9/11 attacks, by themselves, killed about 89% of all the victims during this time.

Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists are the second deadliest group by ideology, as they account for 6.6% of all terrorist murders during this time. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the second deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, killed 168 people and accounted for 77% of all the murders committed by Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists.

Left Wing terrorists killed only 23 people in terrorist attacks during this time, about 0.7% of the total number of murders, but 13 since the beginning of 2016. Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists have only killed five since then, including Charlottesville.

This means Left Wingnuts account for 72% of the murders since 2016 versus 28% by Right Wing. Further, logic tells us, if Lefties lose in any significant way in the election, numbers will rise drastically.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

...so actual violence is preferable to rhetoric?

From your source (I followed the link to a Forbes article on the actual numbers):

Terrorists murdered 3,342 people on U.S. soil from 1992 through August 12, 2017. Islamist terrorists are responsible for 92% of all those murders. The 9/11 attacks, by themselves, killed about 89% of all the victims during this time.

Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists are the second deadliest group by ideology, as they account for 6.6% of all terrorist murders during this time. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the second deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, killed 168 people and accounted for 77% of all the murders committed by Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists.

Left Wing terrorists killed only 23 people in terrorist attacks during this time, about 0.7% of the total number of murders, but 13 since the beginning of 2016. Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists have only killed five since then, including Charlottesville.

This means Left Wingnuts account for 72% of the murders since 2016 versus 28% by Right Wing. Further, logic tells us, if Lefties lose in any significant way in the election, numbers will rise drastically.

We really must consider a political cause for at least some of the black on white crime.
One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

Should we trust the ADL on this like we trust, say, the ACLU? Or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Just straight up unbiased reporting?

Why should we trust them?

Why should we trust Fox or Brietbart?

They are far more trustworthy than

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Uh huh.

View attachment 223966
That meme reminded me of this....

We really must consider a political cause for at least some of the black on white crime.

No we don't, the numbers stack up in favor of the Right from Coyote's own article. What you can do is ask why Nationalists are lumped in with Right Wing.
There’s a reason why people are running from democrats. It involves more than the shit they’ve been dumping on America.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians like Trump also create short narratives that are easy for their subjects to remember and repeat.
Trump's latest is "Democrats produce mobs, Republicans create jobs", and of course he started with, "Lock her up".
Their minds being empty vessels, they embrace these buzz phrases as truth. And look no further than the next rhyme.
Trump created MAGA, Hitler's was "Germany awaken".
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Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians like Trump also create short narratives that are easy for their subjects to remember and repeat, like parrots.
Trump's latest is "Democrats produce mobs, Republicans create jobs", and of course, "Lock her up".
Their minds being simple and empty, they embrace these buzz phrases as truth.

Unemployment is incredibly low, and we can see the violent mobs with our own eyes.

That you think that we believe this because of a buzz phrase is just evidence of faulty wiring in you brain.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians like Trump also create short narratives that are easy for their subjects to remember and repeat, like parrots.
Trump's latest is "Democrats produce mobs, Republicans create jobs", and of course, "Lock her up".
Their minds being simple and empty, they embrace these buzz phrases as truth.

Unemployment is incredibly low, and we can see the violent mobs with our own eyes.

That you think that we believe this because of a buzz phrase is just evidence of faulty wiring in you brain.

2020 has gone on record as supporting leftwing violence, even against women.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians like Trump also create short narratives that are easy for their subjects to remember and repeat, like parrots.
Trump's latest is "Democrats produce mobs, Republicans create jobs", and of course, "Lock her up".
Their minds being simple and empty, they embrace these buzz phrases as truth.

Unemployment is incredibly low, and we can see the violent mobs with our own eyes.

That you think that we believe this because of a buzz phrase is just evidence of faulty wiring in you brain.

2020 has gone on record as supporting leftwing violence, even against women.

THanks. They all say the same mindless shit, it is hard for me to keep track.

So, he supports the violence, while denying that it exists. I am not surprised at his utter lack of a soul.

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