Is today’s biggest terrorist group democrats in Congress?

Hahaha. I saw your absurdity and raised you an absurdity of my own. Calling your fellow citizens terrorist or traitor over any policy dispute is fucking wack.

What about "NAZI, Bigot, homophobe, xenophobe"?

How about implying the POTUS is a russian agent in spite of all the facts?

Just because you do a lot of bong hits doesn't mean you're on the "high road".

As if Obama wasn't call the same or worse.

According to the Trump just being under investigation by the FBI is grounds enough to be found guilty. Look what he said about Hillary. Care to join me a quick round of chanting "Lock Him Up"?

But it is a top down phenomenon, this ultimate denigration of your opponents.
Then again if he proposed a massive 50 foot tall 6 lane highway complete with a mine field, razor wire and snipers every 500 feet you'd have no problem with that either

Throw in a alligator moat and I'll be all in! Oh, how about a 100 yard free fire zone with reinforced machine gun bunkers where all the citizen militia type can pay a fee an get a possible chance to pop a few Beaners during your watch?

Traitors or Terrorists? You guys are just wack.
I think some spears and catapults
As if Obama wasn't call the same or worse.

According to the Trump just being under investigation by the FBI is grounds enough to be found guilty. Look what he said about Hillary. Care to join me a quick round of chanting "Lock Him Up"?

But it is a top down phenomenon, this ultimate denigration of your opponents.
What was the meat puppet called that wasn't true, or that there was no evidence of?

Even the "Born in Kenya" thing, which I do not subscribe too, at least had some tangible evidence since he pretended to be in order to exploit a foreign status. You know, like Fauxcohontas Warren...


I call him a faggot a lot.... but look at the mother fucker....


I'll bet he squealed like a 9 year old girl... What a pathetic excuse for a man. The wookie wants to tag in, she probably really is a man like Joan Rivers implied.

As far as investigations go, there was a LOUD demand from the public at large to investigate hitlery, and as it has been revealed so far, all of the people involved were democrooks themselves, just like almost all of Trump's investigators, who found nothing.

Comey even admitted in congress he found evidence of crimes committed by hitlery, but didn't bother to try and find anyone to prosecute her. Probably because his wife would liquefy his balls, since she herself was a sycophant of her.

The only reason the "denigration of your opponents" is a top down "phenomenon" is because Trump isn't going to go fetal like the Bush aristocracy just to appease marxists in the media. I'm delighted to finally have a leader in the republicrat party that fights back. Hopefully it will soon become trendy to ridicule and embarrass sniveling bed wetters who can always be counted on to provide stupid answers to dumb questions.


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