Diamond Member
In 1993 18 American's died in Somalia because then President "Big Bill" Clinton wouldn't let them have heavy weapons (i.e., M-1 Abrams, etc.). Rangers and members of Delta Force fought literally thousands of Al Queda backed Somali's for almost 20 hours until they could be picked up. Then, Bill lied straight to the face of the relatives and refused to meet with them after greeting the caskets at Dover. Pictures of dead Delta operators being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu played on the evening news.
In 2012, 4 Americans died in Benghazi because the State Department chose to ignore the emails requesting better security. They fought for 13 hours to hold on for relief that never came. Hillary was in charge and then lied straight faced to the parents of the dead and to the American people blaming a video, when her emails clearly showed she KNEW it was terrorism. She has REFUSED to meet with the parents and has even gone so far as to call the parents liars. Pictures of the dead ambassador adorn the Internet.
Pattern anyone?
Oh no, of course not. Why she's the first woman Presidential candidate. She's as big a liar as Barry and his gang of criminals, but liberals don't care. It only doesn't matter when liberals lie.
If she becomes President, in some shit hole somewhere, a group of American servicemen or women will die and she will lie straight faced. If you support this evil troll then YOU have the blood of American patriots on your hands. It really is just that simple.
Sit on it and spin.