Is Trump the Reagan Reboot?

Is it possible many "rock-ribbed" elements of the Republican establishment are not as surprised by the rise of Trump as they act?

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The 'reboot' is the movie industry’s unimaginative answer to an increasingly cutthroat competition for both market share and brand relevance in an ever-more cynical marketplace (which sure sounds like the current political landscape).

"These 2.0 versions of anything and everything come at a time when the public’s sensibilities are dulled, their views are deeply jaded and their attention is divided by a dizzying array of on-demand options. In response,

"Hollywood seeks out proven hooks in the hope that garishly repackaged nostalgia will net a bountiful return on their mega-budget investments.

"So, instead of banking on a new script or original idea, Hollywood takes a well-worn story and 'sexes it up' with more of everything — more explosions, more sex, more twists, more turns, more shock and more schlock.

"Sometimes this steroidal formula works.

"Many times it doesn’t.

"But it worked like a charm in the race for the Republican nomination.

"Much to the chagrin of 'rock-ribbed' Conservatives, Donald Trump captured the GOP’s top spot by rebooting its most successful franchise — the Reagan Revolution."

Trump's the Barry Goldwater of the new millenium.
Donald Trump’s pro-police-state acceptance speech must have appealed to many Americans,

Stopped reading that drivel right there
Do you think he qualifies as the "law and order" candidate?

"You would think that a presidential campaign that had humiliated itself this week with a plagiarism scandal would have picked a new and fresh message for its election effort.

"But no. Donald Trump has decided to 'borrow' the presidential message of Richard Nixon, who used it successfully in 1968: law and order."

"A party that could not run a four-day convention without turning it into a three-ring circus of controversy, confusion and commotion is now going to run the United States with an iron fist.

“'We will be a country of generosity and warmth,' Trump promised in his acceptance speech Thursday night, 'but we will also be a country of law and order!'”

Read more: Give Trump love and he will give us law and order
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Trump is almost a graduate of Reagan Charm School. big toe in the sand, awww shucks ma'am...
"Ronald Reagan Was Once Donald Trump"
Ronald Reagan Was Once Donald Trump
"To understand how Trump has advanced to where he is now, and why he has been underestimated at almost every step, and why he has a shot at vanquishing Hillary Clinton in November, few road maps are more illuminating than Reagan’s unlikely path to the White House.

"One is almost tempted to say that Trump has been studying the Reagan playbook — but to do so would be to suggest that he actually might have read a book, another Trumpian claim for which there is scant evidence."
Is it possible many "rock-ribbed" elements of the Republican establishment are not as surprised by the rise of Trump as they act?

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The 'reboot' is the movie industry’s unimaginative answer to an increasingly cutthroat competition for both market share and brand relevance in an ever-more cynical marketplace (which sure sounds like the current political landscape).

"These 2.0 versions of anything and everything come at a time when the public’s sensibilities are dulled, their views are deeply jaded and their attention is divided by a dizzying array of on-demand options. In response,

"Hollywood seeks out proven hooks in the hope that garishly repackaged nostalgia will net a bountiful return on their mega-budget investments.

"So, instead of banking on a new script or original idea, Hollywood takes a well-worn story and 'sexes it up' with more of everything — more explosions, more sex, more twists, more turns, more shock and more schlock.

"Sometimes this steroidal formula works.

"Many times it doesn’t.

"But it worked like a charm in the race for the Republican nomination.

"Much to the chagrin of 'rock-ribbed' Conservatives, Donald Trump captured the GOP’s top spot by rebooting its most successful franchise — the Reagan Revolution."

Trump's the Barry Goldwater of the new millenium.
Speaking of Barry...
Ronald Reagan Was Once Donald Trump

"Barry Goldwater endorsed Ford over Reagan in 1976 despite the fact that Reagan’s legendary speech on behalf of Goldwater’s presidential campaign in October 1964, 'A Time for Choosing,' was the biggest boost that his kamikaze candidacy received. Only a single Republican senator, Paul Laxalt of Nevada, signed on to Reagan’s presidential quest from the start, a solitary role that has been played in the Trump campaign by Jeff Sessions of Alabama."
"A Time for Choosing"???
Something tells me some very smart people have been studying Reagan's road to the White House on behalf of Donald Trump.

Assuming he wins in November, Trump will be the same age as Reagan (69) was when he went to DC.
Reagan was clearly more conservative, humble and sincere than Trump is, and at least he made sure that he made some kind of sense when he spoke extemporaneously.
They have different styles of communication, for sure, but they also share commonalities of substance, at least according to this liberal:

Ronald Reagan Was Once Donald Trump

"But Reagan’s and Trump’s opposing styles belie their similarities of substance.

"Both have marketed the same brand of outrage to the same angry segments of the electorate, faced the same jeering press, attracted some of the same battlefront allies (Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Phyllis Schlafly), offended the same elites (including two generations of Bushes), outmaneuvered similar political adversaries, and espoused the same conservative populism built broadly on the pillars of jingoistic nationalism, nostalgia, contempt for Washington, and racial resentment..."

"Though Reagan’s 1980 campaign slogan ('Let’s Make America Great Again') is one word longer than Trump’s, that word reflects a contrast in their personalities — the avuncular versus the autocratic — but not in message.

"Reagan’s apocalyptic theme, 'The Empire is in decline,' is interchangeable with Trump’s, even if the Gipper delivered it with a smile."
Is it possible many "rock-ribbed" elements of the Republican establishment are not as surprised by the rise of Trump as they act?

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The 'reboot' is the movie industry’s unimaginative answer to an increasingly cutthroat competition for both market share and brand relevance in an ever-more cynical marketplace (which sure sounds like the current political landscape).

"These 2.0 versions of anything and everything come at a time when the public’s sensibilities are dulled, their views are deeply jaded and their attention is divided by a dizzying array of on-demand options. In response,

"Hollywood seeks out proven hooks in the hope that garishly repackaged nostalgia will net a bountiful return on their mega-budget investments.

"So, instead of banking on a new script or original idea, Hollywood takes a well-worn story and 'sexes it up' with more of everything — more explosions, more sex, more twists, more turns, more shock and more schlock.

"Sometimes this steroidal formula works.

"Many times it doesn’t.

"But it worked like a charm in the race for the Republican nomination.

"Much to the chagrin of 'rock-ribbed' Conservatives, Donald Trump captured the GOP’s top spot by rebooting its most successful franchise — the Reagan Revolution."

No...Trump is not Reagan....but he is a fighter like Reagan and he can beat the media like Reagan matter how much the Republicans for hilary bitch about him.....none of other 16 candidates would have stood a chance against the Clinton's....there campaign would already be over......
Reagan would be the wrong candidate for the times we live in. The establishment in both parties are so corrupt now you need someone like Trump who will get right in their faces and trade punches.
Is it possible many "rock-ribbed" elements of the Republican establishment are not as surprised by the rise of Trump as they act?

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The 'reboot' is the movie industry’s unimaginative answer to an increasingly cutthroat competition for both market share and brand relevance in an ever-more cynical marketplace (which sure sounds like the current political landscape).

"These 2.0 versions of anything and everything come at a time when the public’s sensibilities are dulled, their views are deeply jaded and their attention is divided by a dizzying array of on-demand options. In response,

"Hollywood seeks out proven hooks in the hope that garishly repackaged nostalgia will net a bountiful return on their mega-budget investments.

"So, instead of banking on a new script or original idea, Hollywood takes a well-worn story and 'sexes it up' with more of everything — more explosions, more sex, more twists, more turns, more shock and more schlock.

"Sometimes this steroidal formula works.

"Many times it doesn’t.

"But it worked like a charm in the race for the Republican nomination.

"Much to the chagrin of 'rock-ribbed' Conservatives, Donald Trump captured the GOP’s top spot by rebooting its most successful franchise — the Reagan Revolution."

No...Trump is not Reagan....but he is a fighter like Reagan and he can beat the media like Reagan matter how much the Republicans for hilary bitch about him.....none of other 16 candidates would have stood a chance against the Clinton's....there campaign would already be over......
And Hillary Clinton may well be the only Democrat Donald Trump could defeat in a general election.
'Lesser of Two Evils' Argument Not Resonating with DNC Protestors
"We’re here in Philadelphia in front of City Hall. We’re at a Bernie or Bust Protest. Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, just addressed the crowd of a couple hundred people. She got a rack of applause urging people to vote their conscious, vote to address the issues that are plaguing America, and not support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump."

Some progressives like Jill Stein are saying their movement will grow stronger under a Trump administration ?
Reagan would be the wrong candidate for the times we live in. The establishment in both parties are so corrupt now you need someone like Trump who will get right in their faces and trade punches.
Reagan would have to shift his politics rightward today in order to be taken seriously by current Republicans:
Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"Even mainline Democrats are loathe to make the obvious comparison, in no small part because they love using Reagan’s geniality and comparative “moderation” as a weapon against today’s GOP. 'Reagan wouldn’t make in today’s Republican Party,' they like to say.

"Maybe that’s because his legacy has been co-opted by the free-trading, welfare-reforming, crime-fighting, Wall Street-deregulating Clinton revolution inside the Democratic Party.

"Perhaps the biggest plot twist of all is that President Bill Clinton completed much of Reagan’s stalled revolution."
Reagan would be the wrong candidate for the times we live in. The establishment in both parties are so corrupt now you need someone like Trump who will get right in their faces and trade punches.
Reagan would have to shift his politics rightward today in order to be taken seriously by current Republicans:
Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"Even mainline Democrats are loathe to make the obvious comparison, in no small part because they love using Reagan’s geniality and comparative “moderation” as a weapon against today’s GOP. 'Reagan wouldn’t make in today’s Republican Party,' they like to say.

"Maybe that’s because his legacy has been co-opted by the free-trading, welfare-reforming, crime-fighting, Wall Street-deregulating Clinton revolution inside the Democratic Party.

"Perhaps the biggest plot twist of all is that President Bill Clinton completed much of Reagan’s stalled revolution."

Reagan never had to deal with a hard left Democratic party or a RINO infested GOP. Or idiotic trade deals that screw American workers. Or horseshit like global warming and PC used to silence opposition. Its an entirely different world.

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