Isane Israel Shill Lindsey Graham Wants To Attack Iran By October

Waiting until Iran has nukes is much more sane.


There is zero evidence that they're attempting to do so.

WTF? You start babbling about American "imperialism" and "hegemony" and then blurt out that Iran is refing uranium in hundreds of centrifuges for....what then? I suppose they're just joking around about "setting Israel ablaze" and "driving the Jews into the sea"..merry pranksters eh? They already have enough enriched uranium for an electric power reactor, yet they're not building that reactor...hello, anybody home? :cuckoo:
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Waiting until Iran has nukes is much more sane.


There is zero evidence that they're attempting to do so.

WTF? You start babbling about American "imperialism" and "hegemony" and then blurt out that Iran is refing uranium in hundreds of centrifuges for....what then? I suppose they're just joking around about "setting Israel ablaze" and "driving the Jews into the sea"..merry pranksters eh? They already have enough enriched uranium for an electric power reactor, yet they're not building that reactor...hello, anybody home? :cuckoo:

Most importantly, enriched uranium is not necessarily HEU. They used different levels of enrichment in their reactors to produce electricity, and higher levels for nuclear medicine which they can't get because the world is fucking over their population with retarded sanctions.

Genius, weaponized uranium has to be enriched to 80%. They use isotope separation to reduce U-238 into a fissile U-235 nuclide which gives you all the stuff you need to build a 21st century equivalent of the the Little Boy Hiroshima device sans the research to actually make it reach critical mass in an atomic gun type device.

Further, the entire premise that they're attempting to build a bomb was predicated by the IAEA report in 2003 which showed they were studying designs for delivery systems etc. Since then there has been no credible evidence to support the accusation that they're building a bomb and there is a consensus view, outside the paranoid minds of war mongers, that Iran gave up any hostile intentions back in 2003.

In 2012 there was only 240 pounds of 20% enriched uranium that could be used to create fissile material. That material is monitored. To weaponize an enriched uranium "little boy" wrapped in a neutron deflector requires around 100 to 120 pounds of HEU which is 80% or higher.

And let us not forget the fact that the Iranian government offered to convert all of it's enriched uranium into fuel rods as a part of a deal that the United States and it's controllers in Israel couldn't except.

Let us also not forget that the president of Iran is mostly in name only. The Ayatollah and his brain trust will give the orders. It matters little what the president says about Jews. It's been demonstrated more than a few times that the translations of the former Iranian president were incorrect and misleading but I have no doubt that he hates Israel.

And finally, let us not forget that the Ayatollah himself back in the 80's I believe it was abandoned Iran's clandestine nuclear experiments because it wasn't compatible with Muslim teachings. The same program that the United States helped start a few decades earlier.

I can drone on and on but it won't help.
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Iran is not a nuclear threat to the U.S. and therefore isn't our problem. .. :cool:

So we have no responsibility to defend a trusted ally from a nuclear attack?

Trusted. That depends on how you look at it.

From the looks of things it seems we're their their God given servants sometimes. But let's not devolve this into a discussion about Israel.
Most importantly, enriched uranium is not necessarily HEU. They used different levels of enrichment in their reactors to produce electricity, and higher levels for nuclear medicine which they can't get because the world is fucking over their population with retarded sanctions.

Genius, weaponized uranium has to be enriched to 80%. They use isotope separation to reduce U-238 into a fissile U-235 nuclide which gives you all the stuff you need to build a 21st century equivalent of the the Little Boy Hiroshima device sans the research to actually make it reach critical mass in an atomic gun type device.

Further, the entire premise that they're attempting to build a bomb was predicated by the IAEA report in 2003 which showed they were studying designs for delivery systems etc. Since then there has been no credible evidence to support the accusation that they're building a bomb and there is a consensus view, outside the paranoid minds of war mongers, that Iran gave up any hostile intentions back in 2003.

In 2012 there was only 240 pounds of 20% enriched uranium that could be used to create fissile material. That material is monitored. To weaponize an enriched uranium "little boy" wrapped in a neutron deflector requires around 100 to 120 pounds of HEU which is 80% or higher.

And let us not forget the fact that the Iranian government offered to convert all of it's enriched uranium into fuel rods as a part of a deal that the United States and it's controllers in Israel couldn't except.

Let us also not forget that the president of Iran is mostly in name only. The Ayatollah and his brain trust will give the orders. It matters little what the president says about Jews. It's been demonstrated more than a few times that the translations of the former Iranian president were incorrect and misleading but I have no doubt that he hates Israel.

And finally, let us not forget that the Ayatollah himself back in the 80's I believe it was abandoned Iran's clandestine nuclear experiments because it wasn't compatible with Muslim teachings. The same program that the United States helped start a few decades earlier.

I can drone on and on but it won't help.

What a flaming pile of CRAP. This disjointed rant is intended to confuse the issue.....I can Google too and produce a body of text that proves and disproves nothing:

Natural uranium is made weapons-grade through isotopic enrichment. Initially only about 0.7% of it is fissile U-235, with the rest being almost entirely uranium-238 (U-238). They are separated by their differing masses. Highly enriched uranium is considered weapons-grade when it has been enriched to about 90% U-235.

U-233 is produced from thorium-232 by neutron capture. The U-233 produced thus does not require enrichment and can be relatively easily chemically separated from residual Th-232. It is therefore regulated as a special nuclear material only by the total amount present. U-233 may be intentionally downblended with U-238 to remove proliferation concerns.[6]

While U-233 would thus seem ideal for weaponization, a significant obstacle to that goal is the co-production of trace amounts of uranium-232 due to side-reactions. U-232 hazards, a result of its highly radioactive decay products like thallium-208, are significant even at 5 parts per million. Implosion nuclear weapons require U-232 levels below 50 PPM (above which the U-233 is considered "low grade"; cf. "Standard weapon grade plutonium requires a Pu-240 content of no more than 6.5%." which is 65000 PPM, and the analogous Pu-238 was produced in levels of 0.5% (5000 PPM) or less). Gun-type fission weapons would require low U-232 levels and low levels of light impurities on the order of 1 PPM.[7]

Whatever your problem is with the USA and Israel, you're quoting Kim bong Dung...what's next, are we also "running lackey dogs"? :doubt: There is ZERO doubt in anybody's or any agency's mind that Iran is working 24/7 on a nuclear weapon and that they intend to use that weapon in an attack on Israel. We don't need Lindsay Graham or anybody else to tell us that.....we may have already missed our last chance to stop thing we are sure of, the Israeli's won't wait for the muslim moron in the WH to stop them.....they'll do it themselves in any manner they find do NOT threaten the Israelis with annihilation and get away with it....Iran has a whole can of whoop-ass coming.
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Trusted. That depends on how you look at it.

From the looks of things it seems we're their their God given servants sometimes. But let's not devolve this into a discussion about Israel.

When the intended target is Israel you want them left out of the discussiion...why, afraid your anti-semitism is showing? :eusa_eh:
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Trusted. That depends on how you look at it.

From the looks of things it seems we're their their God given servants sometimes. But let's not devolve this into a discussion about Israel.

Right. Let's not. I stand with Israel four square and Achminijad is a dangerous nutcase. He has to be stopped.


Most importantly, enriched uranium is not necessarily HEU. They used different levels of enrichment in their reactors to produce electricity, and higher levels for nuclear medicine which they can't get because the world is fucking over their population with retarded sanctions.

Genius, weaponized uranium has to be enriched to 80%. They use isotope separation to reduce U-238 into a fissile U-235 nuclide which gives you all the stuff you need to build a 21st century equivalent of the the Little Boy Hiroshima device sans the research to actually make it reach critical mass in an atomic gun type device.

Further, the entire premise that they're attempting to build a bomb was predicated by the IAEA report in 2003 which showed they were studying designs for delivery systems etc. Since then there has been no credible evidence to support the accusation that they're building a bomb and there is a consensus view, outside the paranoid minds of war mongers, that Iran gave up any hostile intentions back in 2003.

In 2012 there was only 240 pounds of 20% enriched uranium that could be used to create fissile material. That material is monitored. To weaponize an enriched uranium "little boy" wrapped in a neutron deflector requires around 100 to 120 pounds of HEU which is 80% or higher.

And let us not forget the fact that the Iranian government offered to convert all of it's enriched uranium into fuel rods as a part of a deal that the United States and it's controllers in Israel couldn't except.

Let us also not forget that the president of Iran is mostly in name only. The Ayatollah and his brain trust will give the orders. It matters little what the president says about Jews. It's been demonstrated more than a few times that the translations of the former Iranian president were incorrect and misleading but I have no doubt that he hates Israel.

And finally, let us not forget that the Ayatollah himself back in the 80's I believe it was abandoned Iran's clandestine nuclear experiments because it wasn't compatible with Muslim teachings. The same program that the United States helped start a few decades earlier.

I can drone on and on but it won't help.

What a flaming pile of CRAP. This disjointed rant is intended to confuse the issue.....I can Google too and produce a body of text that proves and disproves nothing:

Natural uranium is made weapons-grade through isotopic enrichment. Initially only about 0.7% of it is fissile U-235, with the rest being almost entirely uranium-238 (U-238). They are separated by their differing masses. Highly enriched uranium is considered weapons-grade when it has been enriched to about 90% U-235.

U-233 is produced from thorium-232 by neutron capture. The U-233 produced thus does not require enrichment and can be relatively easily chemically separated from residual Th-232. It is therefore regulated as a special nuclear material only by the total amount present. U-233 may be intentionally downblended with U-238 to remove proliferation concerns.[6]

While U-233 would thus seem ideal for weaponization, a significant obstacle to that goal is the co-production of trace amounts of uranium-232 due to side-reactions. U-232 hazards, a result of its highly radioactive decay products like thallium-208, are significant even at 5 parts per million. Implosion nuclear weapons require U-232 levels below 50 PPM (above which the U-233 is considered "low grade"; cf. "Standard weapon grade plutonium requires a Pu-240 content of no more than 6.5%." which is 65000 PPM, and the analogous Pu-238 was produced in levels of 0.5% (5000 PPM) or less). Gun-type fission weapons would require low U-232 levels and low levels of light impurities on the order of 1 PPM.[7]

Whatever your problem is with the USA and Israel, you're quoting Kim bong Dung...what's next, are we also "running lackey dogs"? :doubt: There is ZERO doubt in anybody's or any agency's mind that Iran is working 24/7 on a nuclear weapon and that they intend to use that weapon in an attack on Israel. We don't need Lindsay Graham or anybody else to tell us that.....we may have already missed our last chance to stop thing we are sure of, the Israeli's won't wait for the muslim moron in the WH to stop them.....they'll do it themselves in any manner they find do NOT threaten the Israelis with annihilation and get away with it....Iran has a whole can of whoop-ass coming.

Uh huh. I suppose we've reached the point in the conversation that you can produce no meaningful rebuttal and are forced to become an angry troll. At this stage there is no amount of data I can provide that will help you overcome your myopia. Hell, I was just trying to help you.
Uh huh. I suppose we've reached the point in the conversation that you can produce no meaningful rebuttal and are forced to become an angry troll. At this stage there is no amount of data I can provide that will help you overcome your myopia. Hell, I was just trying to help you.

I'm not angry at all and neither am I the one crying uncle for mean ol Joe to lay off....what you're doing is nothing new on these boards....I've been seeing it for years. My dad used to go to a beer garden where there was often some character at the bar trying to convince the Vets that "they'd fought the wrong enemy" in WW2. They put up with it until they couldn't anymore and he'd either leave under his own power or with their assistance. That's what this reminds me of.
Trusted. That depends on how you look at it.

From the looks of things it seems we're their their God given servants sometimes. But let's not devolve this into a discussion about Israel.

When the intended target is Israel you want them left out of the discussiion...why, afraid your anti-semitism is showing? :eusa_eh:

Hey genius, what is your opinion of the Palestinian people?
Uh huh. I suppose we've reached the point in the conversation that you can produce no meaningful rebuttal and are forced to become an angry troll. At this stage there is no amount of data I can provide that will help you overcome your myopia. Hell, I was just trying to help you.

I'm not angry at all and neither am I the one crying uncle for mean ol Joe to lay off....what you're doing is nothing new on these boards....I've been seeing it for years. My dad used to go to a beer garden where there was often some character at the bar trying to convince the Vets that "they'd fought the wrong enemy" in WW2. They put up with it until they couldn't anymore and he'd either leave under his own power or with their assistance. That's what this reminds me of.

I'm not doing anything except but tell you the truth. It has nothing to do with your father or Vietnam but I'm sorry your father had to endure that.
Trusted. That depends on how you look at it.

From the looks of things it seems we're their their God given servants sometimes. But let's not devolve this into a discussion about Israel.

When the intended target is Israel you want them left out of the discussiion...why, afraid your anti-semitism is showing? :eusa_eh:

Hey genius, what is your opinion of the Palestinian people?

Unless and until they can learn to live in peace with the Israel......they should be absorbed by Jordan. :eusa_angel:
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Uh huh. I suppose we've reached the point in the conversation that you can produce no meaningful rebuttal and are forced to become an angry troll. At this stage there is no amount of data I can provide that will help you overcome your myopia. Hell, I was just trying to help you.

I'm not angry at all and neither am I the one crying uncle for mean ol Joe to lay off....what you're doing is nothing new on these boards....I've been seeing it for years. My dad used to go to a beer garden where there was often some character at the bar trying to convince the Vets that "they'd fought the wrong enemy" in WW2. They put up with it until they couldn't anymore and he'd either leave under his own power or with their assistance. That's what this reminds me of.

I'm not doing anything except but tell you the truth. It has nothing to do with your father or Vietnam but I'm sorry your father had to endure that.

Thanks. Now how about you stop subjecting our fellas who've served in Iraq and the Stan to the same thing? When I got home from Vietnam I was told not only was I a "murderer" but that I'd "murdered" the wrong my officers.
Apparently some of you have apparently missed the fact bombing Iraq is the only guarantee that they will actually build one. And lets not forget the fact the Russians and Chinese have issued veiled threats of war in case that happens with one Russian general going to so far to suggest that a regional nuclear war would be an option.

I don't think it would ever come down to nuclear war.

They're just using scare tactics to get their way. If Russia ever used a nuke every country on the face of the planet would craterize Russia and turn it into a giant chernobyl.

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