ISIS Getting Annhilated In Syria: Raw Footage From The Liberation Of Palmyra [VIDEO]...

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.


Shadow 355
And how much money did the U.S. and Saudis put into their efforts?

A whole lot. It was all about 'Regime Change.' They wanted Assad dead. And they funded and armed some very bad folks to do the job. It's shameful. It's certainly no coincidence that once the U.S. and Saudis were pushed aside, ISIS began being rapidly eradicated from Syria.

And after the job is done, Syria should demand some sort of war reparations from the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others. Their meddling has caused so much horror in their country. They should be required to make amends.

Remind me why we don't like Assad.

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.
"The Syrian government backed by heavy Russian air support" drove ISIS out of Palmyra. It doesn't mean ISIS is "getting annhilated" but it does illustrate the difference between the willingness of Russia to take a hard line and the chicken shit tango king we are stuck with for the next couple of months.
The Syrian government backed by heavy Russian air support"
and iran too
Gee go figure, you get the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to stop meddling in Syria, and now ISIS is close to being eradicated there. What a coincidence.

Is this an attempt at a new narrative? I thought the RWnut crowd had agreed to blame the rise of ISIS on Obama getting OUT of Iraq.

A whole lot. It was all about 'Regime Change.' They wanted Assad dead. And they funded and armed some very bad folks to do the job. It's shameful. It's certainly no coincidence that once the U.S. and Saudis were pushed aside, ISIS began being rapidly eradicated from Syria.

And after the job is done, Syria should demand some sort of war reparations from the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others. Their meddling has caused so much horror in their country. They should be required to make amends.

Remind me why we don't like Assad.

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Israel wants Assad out.
Remind me why we don't like Assad.

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Israel wants Assad out.

Do you have any evidence of this? If the US is being controlled by Israel then why were they sold out in Iran? Why did the US make such a lousy deal with Iran? Why isn't the US undermining Jordan or Eygpt?

That said I am pretty sure Israel would like Assad to go, but that doesn't mean what they want influenced Obama. He really has shown he could care less what Israel thinks.
Remind me why we don't like Assad.

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Israel wants Assad out.

you know why all this bullshit(war-revolution-civil war-...) happened in syria ?
because Israel wants Assad out !!!!!!
also democratic establishment
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
Hillary Clinton Email: Overthrow Assad, Destroy Syria For Israel

It is the strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel’s security — not through a direct attack, which in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel has never occurred, but through its proxies in Lebanon, like Hezbollah, that are sustained, armed and trained by Iran via Syria. The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.”
Read more at Hillary Clinton Email: Overthrow Assad, Destroy Syria For Israel

Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted. Right now, it is the combination of Iran’s strategic alliance with Syria and the steady progress in Iran’s nuclear enrichment program that has led Israeli leaders to contemplate a surprise attack — if necessary over the objections of Washington.”



Hillary Clinton delivers at Stanford University. [Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]

Read more at Hillary Clinton Email: Overthrow Assad, Destroy Syria For Israel
Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Israel wants Assad out.

you know why all this bullshit(war-revolution-civil war-...) happened in syria ?
because Israel wants Assad out !!!!!!
also democratic establishment
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive
Hillary Clinton Email: Overthrow Assad, Destroy Syria For Israel

It is the strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel’s security — not through a direct attack, which in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel has never occurred, but through its proxies in Lebanon, like Hezbollah, that are sustained, armed and trained by Iran via Syria. The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.”
Read more at Hillary Clinton Email: Overthrow Assad, Destroy Syria For Israel

Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted. Right now, it is the combination of Iran’s strategic alliance with Syria and the steady progress in Iran’s nuclear enrichment program that has led Israeli leaders to contemplate a surprise attack — if necessary over the objections of Washington.”



Hillary Clinton delivers at Stanford University. [Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]

Read more at Hillary Clinton Email: Overthrow Assad, Destroy Syria For Israel

Interesting read. Clinton, in her golden Spock outfit, sounds very much like a war hawk. IF the emails are true. They come from hackers that didn't get the date right.

What doesn't make sense to me is, that if we are bombing Syria at Israel's request, then why make a deal with Iran? Covering both sides? That's what I mean, it doesn't make sense to bomb Syria yet deal with Iran. If that is the course of action then in my opinion, get rid of Assad then deal from a stronger position with Iran.

But what Obama and Clinton did was half-assed. They now will have Assad stronger with a strong Russian alliance. Plus they created ISIS.
A whole lot. It was all about 'Regime Change.' They wanted Assad dead. And they funded and armed some very bad folks to do the job. It's shameful. It's certainly no coincidence that once the U.S. and Saudis were pushed aside, ISIS began being rapidly eradicated from Syria.

And after the job is done, Syria should demand some sort of war reparations from the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others. Their meddling has caused so much horror in their country. They should be required to make amends.

Remind me why we don't like Assad.

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Yeah, why buddy-up to a brutal Communist Dictator? Hey, i actually believe Castro did a lot of good for his People. But at the same time, he tortured, murdered and imprisoned anyone who opposed him. Is he really someone our American President should be expressing so much love & adoration for?

I think the Communism aspect comes into play with Obama. He himself is a Marxist. So he has a soft spot for Castro. Most Leftists do. But you make a valid point. Why show all that love, while demanding 'Regime Change' of others? I mean at the end of the day, Castro is a brutal Communist Dictator. It does seem like such a confusing and hypocritical policy. Let's just get out of the 'Regime Change' business.
Gee go figure, you get the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to stop meddling in Syria, and now ISIS is close to being eradicated there. What a coincidence.

Is this an attempt at a new narrative? I thought the RWnut crowd had agreed to blame the rise of ISIS on Obama getting OUT of Iraq.


I think that's more the Warmongering Neocon crowd. Our country along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey, armed and funded some awful groups in Syria. ISIS was just one of them. All part of the 'Regime Change' policy. Those countries should actually be required to pay some type of war reparations to the People of Syria. They're the cause of so much bloody carnage in their country.
Remind me why we don't like Assad.

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Israel wants Assad out.

That's actually a good point. Do we always have to serve Israel's interests and involve ourselves in endless wars in the Middle East? I think it's time for Americans to start contemplating that question.
Gee go figure, you get the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to stop meddling in Syria, and now ISIS is close to being eradicated there. What a coincidence.

Is this an attempt at a new narrative? I thought the RWnut crowd had agreed to blame the rise of ISIS on Obama getting OUT of Iraq.


Nope, we RWNJs are saying that Obama supporting the Syrian rebels lead to ISIS, his allowing them to take more weapons from Iraq merely helped. It is the LWNJs that are ignoring the truth about Syria and Libya.
Gee go figure, you get the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to stop meddling in Syria, and now ISIS is close to being eradicated there. What a coincidence.

Is this an attempt at a new narrative? I thought the RWnut crowd had agreed to blame the rise of ISIS on Obama getting OUT of Iraq.


I think that's more the Warmongering Neocon crowd. Our country along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey, armed and funded some awful groups in Syria. ISIS was just one of them. All part of the 'Regime Change' policy. Those countries should actually be required to pay some type of war reparations to the People of Syria. They're the cause of so much bloody carnage in their country.

WTF are you blaming neocons? You do understand this whole mess is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton and Obama's making.

Syria and Libya is all Obama's regime change policy. Which, unlike Iraq, has actually gone totally belly up.
Remind me why we don't like Assad.

Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Yeah, why buddy-up to a brutal Communist Dictator? Hey, i actually believe Castro did a lot of good for his People. But at the same time, he tortured, murdered and imprisoned anyone who opposed him. Is he really someone our American President should be expressing so much love & adoration for?

I think the Communism aspect comes into play with Obama. He himself is a Marxist. So he has a soft spot for Castro. Most Leftists do. But you make a valid point. Why show all that love, while demanding 'Regime Change' of others? I mean at the end of the day, Castro is a brutal Communist Dictator. It does seem like such a confusing and hypocritical policy. Let's just get out of the 'Regime Change' business.

Cuba hasn't changed since JFK, the cars are even the same cars. What has changed is the US, we don't give a crap anymore. Kumbaya diplomacy.
Gee go figure, you get the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to stop meddling in Syria, and now ISIS is close to being eradicated there. What a coincidence.

Is this an attempt at a new narrative? I thought the RWnut crowd had agreed to blame the rise of ISIS on Obama getting OUT of Iraq.


I think that's more the Warmongering Neocon crowd. Our country along with Saudi Arabia and Turkey, armed and funded some awful groups in Syria. ISIS was just one of them. All part of the 'Regime Change' policy. Those countries should actually be required to pay some type of war reparations to the People of Syria. They're the cause of so much bloody carnage in their country.

WTF are you blaming neocons? You do understand this whole mess is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton and Obama's making.

Syria and Libya is all Obama's regime change policy. Which, unlike Iraq, has actually gone totally belly up.

I'll have to disagree somewhat. The Iraq invasion was a bloody blunder of epic proportions. Iraq went belly up for us the moment that war began. I was just pointing out that the Neocon crowd is always pushing for endless war.

I seriously believe those demented whacks want WWIII. I mean how many wars do they wanna fight simultaneously? Who do they want war with today? China? Russia? It's out of control. But it all stems from the illegal 'Regime Change' policy. We have to ditch it.
"The Syrian government backed by heavy Russian air support" drove ISIS out of Palmyra. It doesn't mean ISIS is "getting annhilated" but it does illustrate the difference between the willingness of Russia to take a hard line and the chicken shit tango king we are stuck with for the next couple of months.
Russia's effort against ISIS doesn't even register as a blip compared to the US effort.
Never understood it. Assad never did anything wrong to the U.S. He was never a threat. It's time to end the illegal 'Regime Change' policy.

The following is not my opinion not do I buy it, but it does make some sense.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?: Information Clearing House - ICH

Why Does The Government Of The United States Hate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
By William Blum

November 04, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Is it because, as we’re told, he’s a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.

The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word – independence … independence from American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washington’s Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Great post. Thanks. If you're not an American Puppet, you're likely marked for death. It's been that way for many years. But like i said, the 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. It's time to end it.

Well let's us assume something. That there is some good to the American way of life. That for the most part the US has tried to do the right thing even though history shows America doesn't always get it right. So yeah, America could chose to be an isolationist nation which America has done in the past. OR America could try to influence the world in a positive way. So the rest of the world would have what America has. You know the country that most third world population wants to flock to. America must be doing something right or else why would there be a flood of humanity on America's border?

So naturally if America is not going to be isolationist, then America will try and spread the "American way." Does that mean at times we are going to pick the worse of two evils? I say yes. Does that mean we are always going to get it right? Of course not. But at least, we stand for something. That is why I think the Cuba situation is telling. Nothing in Cuba has changed since JFK made a stand, nothing. No change in leadership no change in ideology. So what did change? What changed is America standing against dictatorship and totalitarian regimes. America is losing its moral compass.

I am not sure I understand Obama opening up Cuba yet bombing the crap out of Syria and Libya. It is hard to fathom why Cuba is so important to kiss up to yet a ME country that is absolutely no threat to the US, a country that didn't allow the Russians to place ICBM aimed at America. But Assad? He must go. Makes no sense to me.

America is getting to the point where nothing matters and we wonder why the cities riot.

Yeah, why buddy-up to a brutal Communist Dictator? Hey, i actually believe Castro did a lot of good for his People. But at the same time, he tortured, murdered and imprisoned anyone who opposed him. Is he really someone our American President should be expressing so much love & adoration for?

I think the Communism aspect comes into play with Obama. He himself is a Marxist. So he has a soft spot for Castro. Most Leftists do. But you make a valid point. Why show all that love, while demanding 'Regime Change' of others? I mean at the end of the day, Castro is a brutal Communist Dictator. It does seem like such a confusing and hypocritical policy. Let's just get out of the 'Regime Change' business.

Cuba hasn't changed since JFK, the cars are even the same cars. What has changed is the US, we don't give a crap anymore. Kumbaya diplomacy.

And it's about the cash. Lots of money to be made in Cuba.
Gee go figure, you get the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to stop meddling in Syria, and now ISIS is close to being eradicated there. What a coincidence.
Where the hell did you get the idea the US has stopped "meddling in Syria"? I'm sure our troops appreciate you being completely ignorant of their effort while all of you assholes are busy sucking off Putin.

Special Report: Inherent Resolve

As of February 29, 2016, the total cost of operations related to ISIL since kinetic operations started on August 8, 2014, is $6.5 billion and the average daily cost is $11.4 million for 571 days of operations. A further breakdown of cost associated with the operations is here.

Targets Damaged/Destroyed as of March 17, 2016
"The Syrian government backed by heavy Russian air support" drove ISIS out of Palmyra. It doesn't mean ISIS is "getting annhilated" but it does illustrate the difference between the willingness of Russia to take a hard line and the chicken shit tango king we are stuck with for the next couple of months.
Russia's effort against ISIS doesn't even register as a blip compared to the US effort.

True, the U.S., Saudi, Turkish effort resulted in the rapid rise of ISIS. They funded and armed some very bad folks there. And for what? An illegal 'Regime Change' policy. Assad, Russia, and Iran are just cleaning up our awful mess. The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Turkey should be required to pay war reparations to the Syrian People.
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Gee go figure, you get the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to stop meddling in Syria, and now ISIS is close to being eradicated there. What a coincidence.
Where the hell did you get the idea the US has stopped "meddling in Syria"? I'm sure our troops appreciate you being completely ignorant of their effort while all of you assholes are busy sucking off Putin.

Special Report: Inherent Resolve

As of February 29, 2016, the total cost of operations related to ISIL since kinetic operations started on August 8, 2014, is $6.5 billion and the average daily cost is $11.4 million for 571 days of operations. A further breakdown of cost associated with the operations is here.

Targets Damaged/Destroyed as of March 17, 2016

The U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have been pushed aside for the most part. After all, it was they who created ISIS in the first place. Now ISIS is on the run. Just coincidence? Nope. Ran out of support.

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