ISIS Suicide Bombers Contained Already(?)! Likely Bush Administration Would Now Bomb Norway(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Famously, after 9/11 attacks on New York City Towers, Osama bin laden fled to Pakistan, so the Bush Administration invaded Iraq. Twice this year, the French have had to deal with possible coordination efforts out of Belgium, where poor immigrants live. Exploitation happens, and generally sets events into motion.

Reports: One of terrorists identified in coordinated Paris attacks

Reports further tend to suggest that eight terrorists basically blew themselves to bits. Effectively, the war is over. The Europeans have turned to Belgium arrests for answers. The Republicans have mostly called for "containment," mostly of displaced refugees.

The Russian response is not reported in the press. Britain and the United States have been launching target drone strikes. So the Paris attackers numbered eight. The World Trade Towers attackers numbered 19. All of them are dead. They are all blown to bits.

There is actually, "Nothing to see here." It is even tenuous to even blame anyone in the Mideast, for being directly responsible.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes maybe able to spot attacker already: Some black guy who clubbed his mom over the head, smacked in some kid's face with a metal padlock, and stabbed another kid, in the belt buckle(?)! Fox News even: Understands all the news that fits!)
There is a certain futility to the jihadist brigades. The Japanese had kamikazes when they were at the JV Squad stage, losing everything. Gains made on a map of the desert do portend any nature of success at international conquest. The matter of the international public relations disasters comes into play. U. S. Moslem leaders are condemning them.

Easily, Moslems opposed to jihadists could be found--in more remote areas of jihadist influence--to begin identification of participants. More and more known means more and more contained.

It is known that the GOP support the Paris bombings, happy with Putin's less than sophisticated intervention. There seems to have been the created outcome. Their brand created Afghanistan and Iraq, as is. Their brand is happy with the unsophisticated approaches.

For their part, the jihadists are happy with their unsophisticated approaches, and die--setting up surveillance of all the rest.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(All refugees from Cuba maybe now finally to be deported, keeping safe Lands of Many Nations!)

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