Islam a peaceful religion ?

So--what you guys are saying is that "Radical Islam"=="Islam"

Or maybe I need to look at the vids, hmmm?
Yes. Therefore....
Islamic Extremist = Devout Muslim
Muslims are just Muslims, there are no such things as "extremist" or "moderate" Muslims, you are either a Muslim or not.
Exactly. Muslims laugh when the Western media calls someone an "extremist Muslim". There is no such thing. You are either Muslim or not.
Muslims are just Muslims, there are no such things as "extremist" or "moderate" Muslims, you are either a Muslim or not.
Exactly. Muslims laugh when the Western media calls someone an "extremist Muslim". There is no such thing. You are either Muslim or not.

They laugh too at the term "moderate Muslim", that term makes no sense. You cannot follow Islam in moderation you either follow it all or none, go to Saudi Arabia and ask someone if they are a moderate Muslim they will laugh at you.
Muslims are just Muslims, there are no such things as "extremist" or "moderate" Muslims, you are either a Muslim or not.
Exactly. Muslims laugh when the Western media calls someone an "extremist Muslim". There is no such thing. You are either Muslim or not.

They laugh too at the term "moderate Muslim", that term makes no sense. You cannot follow Islam in moderation you either follow it all or none, go to Saudi Arabia and ask someone if they are a moderate Muslim they will laugh at you.
Decide for yourself; read the Koran. That should clear up any doubts about its precepts.
I wouldn't want to overly influence anyone's objective opinion about what the book says. However, I don't see how anyone that already was an informed Christian would ever convert. It is impossible to believe any Buddhist has, willingly. I don't see why anyone outside any religion who was intellectually informed and inquiring would join.

But please read it and decide for yourself.

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