Islam, the cancer of modern civilization.

Yeah, right, Islam has nothing to do with it, except atrocity after atrocity is being carried out by groups that call themselves "Islamic".

Islam is just how they rationalize their violent ignorance. If Islam didn't exist they would find some other way to rationalize it. Terrorists exist because desperate and ignorant people do desperate and ignorant things, not because some religion created them.
Yeah, right, Islam has nothing to do with it, except atrocity after atrocity is being carried out by groups that call themselves "Islamic".

Islam is just how they rationalize their violent ignorance. If Islam didn't exist they would find some other way to rationalize it. Terrorists exist because desperate and ignorant people do desperate and ignorant things, not because some religion created them.
So basically, what you're saying is Muslims want to live as medieval barbarians did during the 7th century in Saudi Arabia, and drag the world back there with them, using violence and terror.
"Islam, the cancer of modern civilization."

No. that would be the ignorance, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread's premise being one of many examples.

Those in the left apparently approve of cutting off the heads ofJews and Christians and attacking unarmed civilians with AK47's and suicide bombs. Then you accuse those on the right who oppose these violent acts ignorant, etc. You are one sick puppy.
Yeah, right, Islam has nothing to do with it, except atrocity after atrocity is being carried out by groups that call themselves "Islamic".

Islam is just how they rationalize their violent ignorance. If Islam didn't exist they would find some other way to rationalize it. Terrorists exist because desperate and ignorant people do desperate and ignorant things, not because some religion created them.

Perhaps you should read the Koran.
So basically, what you're saying is Muslims want to live as medieval barbarians did during the 7th century in Saudi Arabia, and drag the world back there with them, using violence and terror.

I think there would be less extremism in the Middle East if their standard of living was better. You can't expect people living in a third world warzone to behave like people living comfortably in the first world.
So basically, what you're saying is Muslims want to live as medieval barbarians did during the 7th century in Saudi Arabia, and drag the world back there with them, using violence and terror.

I think there would be less extremism in the Middle East if their standard of living was better. You can't expect people living in a third world warzone to behave like people living comfortably in the first world.
The standard of living cannot be better because Islam forbids most of what the modern world has embraced, including democracy, freedom of speech, equality between sexes, equality with those of other faiths, etc. So like I said, Islam is the cancer of modern civilization, and that's why they lash out at things which represent Western values, such as hotels in resorts etc.
Islam desperately needs a civil rights movement. Now.
In even the most Westernized of Muslim nations such as Jordan, any protester will be murdered or tortured.

Who wants it.

We are dealing with a different set of values.
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"Islam, the cancer of modern civilization."

No. that would be the ignorance, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread's premise being one of many examples.

There is nothing more ignorant, hateful, and bigoted than Islam. It's a barbaric ideology that believes in the subjugation of women, intolerance of other religions, and a deep seeded hatred for Jews.

So why so you lefties keep defending it?
"Islam, the cancer of modern civilization." No. that would be the ignorance, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right – this thread's premise being one of many examples.
There is nothing more ignorant, hateful, and bigoted than Islam. It's a barbaric ideology that believes in the subjugation of women, intolerance of other religions, and a deep seeded hatred for Jews. So why so you lefties keep defending it?
Because the Crusades.

Yeah, right, Islam has nothing to do with it, except atrocity after atrocity is being carried out by groups that call themselves "Islamic".

Islam is just how they rationalize their violent ignorance. If Islam didn't exist they would find some other way to rationalize it. Terrorists exist because desperate and ignorant people do desperate and ignorant things, not because some religion created them.

Islam is the very thing that have kept them ignorant and desperate.
At the very least, the teaching that Islamic warriors are sent to Allah, get the virgins, etc, should be outlawed.
Yeah, right, Islam has nothing to do with it, except atrocity after atrocity is being carried out by groups that call themselves "Islamic".

Islam is just how they rationalize their violent ignorance. If Islam didn't exist they would find some other way to rationalize it. Terrorists exist because desperate and ignorant people do desperate and ignorant things, not because some religion created them.

Wrong. The religion does help create it. Ever since its invention by the pedophile false prophet, Islam spread very quickly throughout North Africa, Europe, and Asia, and always by violence.

When Islamic terrorist were seizing merchant vessels in the Mediterranean and enslaving the crews, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had an audience with the ambassador from Tripoli. They asked him what gave him the right to do this, he told them the Koran did.

First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You may want to read up on Islamic history before posting such nonsense.
The U.S. and France have pledged assistance to the Ivory Coast as the West African nation investigates a fatal shooting that left at least 16 people dead.
Some wonder where al-Qaeda in the Maghreb came from and what happened to Gaddafi's gold?
Libyan Oil, Gold, and Qaddafi: The Strange Email Sidney Blumenthal Sent Hillary Clinton In 2011 | VICE News

"The most recent batch of Clinton emails reveals perhaps the most bizarre morsel of Blumenthal-baked intelligence to date.

"An April 2, 2011 memo titled 'France's client/Q's gold' quotes 'knowledgeable individuals' with insider information about French President Nicolas Sarkozy's motivation for bombing Libya.

"The military campaign, the anonymous sources say, was designed to quash plans by Gaddafi to use $7 billion in secret gold and silver to prop up a new African currency.

"The French worried the move would undercut the currency guaranteed by the French treasury, known as CFA franc, that's widely used in West Africa and acts as a strong link between France and many of its former African colonies.

"After French intelligence officials got wind of this secret plan, the Blumenthal memo reports, Sarkozy freaked out: 'This was one of the factors that influenced [his] decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.'"
So basically, what you're saying is Muslims want to live as medieval barbarians did during the 7th century in Saudi Arabia, and drag the world back there with them, using violence and terror.

I think there would be less extremism in the Middle East if their standard of living was better. You can't expect people living in a third world warzone to behave like people living comfortably in the first world.

You have the cause and effect backwards. People in the Middle East are poor because they are muzzie savages that believe all manner of detrimental hocus-pocus. The don't believe hocus-pocus because they are poor. No one made the people in these countries poor other than themselves.
Islam is the very thing that have kept them ignorant and desperate.

Constant war and a less than optimal geographic location have kept them ignorant and desperate.
They are responsible for the constant war, and wealthy civilizations were once located in the exact same location.
How are "they" responsible for the mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria? How much wealth have neo-cons "earned" from the misery they've inflicted upon the Middle East?
Islam is the very thing that have kept them ignorant and desperate.

Constant war and a less than optimal geographic location have kept them ignorant and desperate.

Less than optimal geographic location? The Islamic Empire conquered all of the Middle East, Southern Europe, parts of Asia, India, all of North Africa, etc. and you think they had less than optimal geographic location? :cuckoo:

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