Islam vs. the Arab race

Mar 11, 2015
Islam is not the enemy. There are peaceful Muslims in most parts of the world. However, Arabs have a long and storied history of violence. Even Israeli Jews generally have little problem with "Muslims" but they really don't like "Arabs." Islam is a religion. Arab is an ethnicity.

There is a difference. Islam and Jewish doctrine are near identical. Peaceful Muslims and Orthodox Jews have good relations. There are even assimilated Arab Muslims in Israel's legislature, despite the fact that Israel is technically an Orthodox Jewish theocracy whose highest authority is a religious Jewish court.

All of the recent terrorist acts were done by Arabs who feel oppressed. They aren't Indonesians. They aren't Ethiopians. Even the Nation of Islam (despite Louis's stupid talk) has been entirely peaceful to date. The terrorists are Arabs. Islamic doctrine is no more violent than Jewish or Christian. Arabs are simply more likely to misinterpret that doctrine to justify their instinctive evil.

The issue is genetic, not dogmatic. These people have survived thousands (if not millions) of years in a very resource-scarce environment by waging constant wars against their neighbors. They are a violent people. When they are poor or oppressed they fight. Ethnic Jews are the same. Look at what they did to Tsar Nicholas and his entire family. However, in today's world economic privilege keeps Jews from engaging in terrorism.

Malcom Gladwell explains this very well in "Outliers." He admits that people's genetic makeup determines their behavior. The genetic makeup of a tribe/race is predicated by the environment in which it evolved. Unadaptive genes were mated out or killed. People from resource-scarce environments are typically deceptive and warlike (a.k.a. evil), and people from resource-rich nations are typically honest and peaceful (a.k.a. good).

This is why Nordic and Slavic people from land-rich regions are generally honest and peaceful, while Arabs (and ethnic Jews) from less fertile regions are generally dishonest and warlike. The honest nature of Northern Europeans unfortunately causes them to be gullible, and more susceptible to brainwashing.

If you read Mein Kampf you will realize Hitler and most Germans were completely brainwashed by media lies, tricked by usury scams, and almost lost their country as a result. Hitler woke up, saw genetic good and evil, and cleaned house. Now Germany and Austria are arguably the richest and most peaceful places in the world.

Americans are finding themselves in the same situation. The hook-nosed Jews have brainwashed society through Hollywood, robbed the middle class through Wall Street, and are strangling the American government with their unmatched political lobbying. Once in a while the hook-nosed Arabs step in with a terrorist attack to create a false enemy to distract the sheeple from the domestic parasites and unite them against a made up boogeyman, "Radical Islam."

Ethnic Arabs and ethnic Jews are two sides of the same coin, fighting the same fight. It is not a "holy war." It is a race war and they are the only ones fighting. The dogmatic justification is a distraction. Open your eyes, the truth is "as plain as the nose on your face."

And yes, there is a Masonic connection. I have no clue what they do, but I do know if you Google "Famous Freemasons" all of the members (of the white-race lodges) are long-nosed.

The Bible, Koran, and Torah all describe the genetic predispositions of certain tribes. They actually command certain groups be killed. While it is difficult to translate the ancient tribal names to modern ethnic subgroups, it is fairly easy to see which are problems.

Islam is simply a doctrine that places the natural order above social engineering. Unless you are a globalist social engineer, you probably agree with the vast majority of Islamic doctrine. Please consider using the term "Arab" when referring to the evil slime that is killing westerners. If you want to describe the secret Arab-Jew alliance, you could refer to them as "devils" or "hook-nosed devils." That's what they are.

There are many logical reasons to dislike Arabs. There are far fewer logical reasons to dislike all Muslims. If you are going to be a bigot you will get a lot further not sounding like an idiot.
"If you are going to be a bigot you will get a lot further not sounding like an idiot."

Oxymoron defined.
ISIS is Muslim, and they have members from a lot of ethnicities....

But it is nice that you exposed yourself as an idiot AND a racist!!!

Thank you for pointing out those common Liberal traits for us!!!

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