Isn't it fun when leftist groups fight one another four the attention they seek & top role?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Ah fuck, you can't make fun of LGBT, and honesty sucks too. Them folks are perhaps the most delicate of all snowflakes, and employees with Obama's Netflix company just can't take it.

ILMAO at their little dispute, even Dave Chappelle. It's a battle for top victimization role, put them into a ring already, and bring bubba (below) to represent LGBT, I don't like Chappelle's chances, after all, she's BIG, but most of all black, pissed and LGBT, break out all the attention.

Question, are you leftists still in denial progressives have destroyed comedy or is it still too early to come clean?

I love his telling them he will listen to them but they won't change shit.

You bring up a great point - Democrats, liberal Extremists, Marxist Socialist Progressives, & snowflakes have no sense of humor.

Nobody ever accused a leftist of censorship :auiqs.jpg:

These are free thinking individuals:abgg2q.jpg:

They have open minds:auiqs.jpg:

Liberalism means allowing others to have a variety of opinions.:abgg2q.jpg:

Leftists love freedom:auiqs.jpg:

Leftists are independent people:abgg2q.jpg:

Liberals seek the truth:auiqs.jpg:

Leftists don't want to be controlled by any "Gestapo":abgg2q.jpg:

Sticks & stones may break my bones but but :auiqs.jpg:
Nobody ever accused a leftist of censorship :auiqs.jpg:

These are free thinking individuals:abgg2q.jpg:

They have open minds:auiqs.jpg:

Liberalism means allowing others to have a variety of opinions.:abgg2q.jpg:

Leftists love freedom:auiqs.jpg:

Leftists are independent people:abgg2q.jpg:

Liberals seek the truth:auiqs.jpg:

Leftists don't want to be controlled by any "Gestapo":abgg2q.jpg:

Sticks & stones may break my bones but but :auiqs.jpg:
If you are going to drink while posting the least you could do is share....

I do like watching lefties fight....but after a while you get tired of all that drag queen slap-fighting

:p. bwuhahahahaha

(relax, it's a JOKE)
Ah fuck, you can't make fun of LGBT, and honesty sucks too. Them folks are perhaps the most delicate of all snowflakes, and employees with Obama's Netflix company just can't take it.

ILMAO at their little dispute, even Dave Chappelle. It's a battle for top victimization role, put them into a ring already, and bring bubba (below) to represent LGBT, I don't like Chappelle's chances, after all, she's BIG, but most of all black, pissed and LGBT, break out all the attention.

Question, are you leftists still in denial progressives have destroyed comedy or is it still too early to come clean?

It's ok and I find it mildly amusing. Personally, it would be far more entertaining if those leftist groups would fight each other to the death. You know, like with broken bottles and 2x4's with nails in them.

I would probably pay to see that on cable. The idea of seeing Alexandria Cortex being whacked upside the head by Nancy Pelosi just makes me hard in my nether regions.
Boy Dave sure uses the N word a lot, ooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I still haven't figured out when it's okay to use the big word and not, someone explain please, all sincerity.

A. It's okay to use the N word if you're black, after all, we're all human (COUGH).

B. It's okay to use the N word under the right context no matter your race, but who controls the context? Liberals do for sure, they just can't define context cuz of........................................feelings.

C. It's never okay to use the N word.

D. Cry me a river.

E. If it's a confused state of affairs be sure a leftist is behind it.
It's all fun and games until D. Chappelle points his comedy at them. LOL

Let them walk out. It will just slow the tide of people who can talk to a customer representative to cancel their account. Nextflix was already losing American subscribers by the bucket to paramount and Disney.
Chapelle is a funny MFer man.........One of my best friends is just like him.


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