Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?
It's only a matter of time.

Today there are around 2 million kids being home schooled in the US.

That is up from 100,000 in 1975

These kids are way smarter than public schooled kids......


and they stay smarter.....


And they are perfectly normal

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Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?

What the hell are you BABBLING about? You live in some crazed universe manufactured by right wing nutjobs.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?

What the hell are you BABBLING about? You live in some crazed universe manufactured by right wing nutjobs.

She lives in the real world, you still live in the 1970s

Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?

So, these areas that are diverted, wouldn't they be like schools, only smaller?
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?

Some students need that teacher for motivation and even nurturing. Putting a screen in front of them doesn't mean it has their full attention. Maybe in the later grades. I could see that.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. My oldest was home schooled via k-12 2 years ago because the school in our district was full of mexishit. She was in girl scouts and sports outside of school she had PLENTY of social interaction,more than she has right now actually.
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Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

Hell, no. Too few students pay attention -- which is among the most significant reasons they don't master the material being taught -- in class when there's nothing other than the subject matter to which their attention should be directed. Why on Earth anyone would think a kid would be any more attentive when "Skyping" into a class is beyond me. Hell it's college students' are universally sufficiently engaged in class, and they, being adults, are willfully there.
The reality is that people, even kids, fully engage on and excel at things that capture their interest. No surprise there, but in the context of education, the reality is that there are scholastic topics s/he must master that aren't all that interesting to the student. That's just the way things are; one isn't going to be enthralled with everything one must do -- be it scholastically or otherwise -- but that doesn't mean one hasn't an obligation to perform well at it.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?

So, these areas that are diverted, wouldn't they be like schools, only smaller?
If no parent can be home to do this and the kids have to go to the workplace with them, then at the very least they would be nearby if needed. And those areas would only need one adult to supervise just to make sure all students stay at their desks because the teacher online would be interacting as well. And besides that parents should be allowed full access to their son/daughter's online camera and sound at all times allowing them to tune in and/or record their classes and interaction. This would keep teachers from pushing their liberal ideology and keep their focus instead strictly on school subjects and also allow parents to see if their child acts up and needs discipline.

The same should work for other places as well where kids may need to go such as libraries and day cares. Before anyone says something about big brother watching, guess what, cameras are already installed in schools but they're simply used to expose bad behavior of the students, not the faculty. They are also on school buses as well so basically kids are already used to them.
No! Kids need to learn social interaction which can't be learned from that.

They do socially interact, they are involved in athletics, clubs, church groups, etc.

I know plenty of home schooled children, they are happy, well adjusted, not socially awkward and smart as whips
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?

So, these areas that are diverted, wouldn't they be like schools, only smaller?
If no parent can be home to do this and the kids have to go to the workplace with them, then at the very least they would be nearby if needed. And those areas would only need one adult to supervise just to make sure all students stay at their desks because the teacher online would be interacting as well. And besides that parents should be allowed full access to their son/daughter's online camera and sound at all times allowing them to tune in and/or record their classes and interaction. This would keep teachers from pushing their liberal ideology and keep their focus instead strictly on school subjects and also allow parents to see if their child acts up and needs discipline.

The same should work for other places as well where kids may need to go such as libraries and day cares. Before anyone says something about big brother watching, guess what, cameras are already installed in schools but they're simply used to expose bad behavior of the students, not the faculty. They are also on school buses as well so basically kids are already used to them.

You said a lot, but didn't answer the question. A simple yes or no will do.
No! Kids need to learn social interaction which can't be learned from that.

They do socially interact, they are involved in athletics, clubs, church groups, etc.

I know plenty of home schooled children, they are happy, well adjusted, not socially awkward and smart as whips
Okay, but, I mean, there's something to interacting with other kids. Seriously
I mean, I ran the run, behind the fastest black runner there was back in the day.

That counted for social interaction not achievable with homeschooling.

There was no "homeschooling" then.

As far as I know, it was just me and him that recognized it, and that's sad, because he was fast.

His name was Brian,and he had braces.
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