Isn't life funny and with so many ironies...


Apr 1, 2009
Isn't life funny and with so many ironies...

1. Other countries can talk down the US but love our money/technology and know that we would be the only ones who would step up for them.

2. Most of the blacks in this country vote Democrat ..but the Democrats are the ones that don't do anything for them. Treat them like mushrooms...'keep them in the dark and feed them shit.'

3. Liberals don't like Israel and the jews....most jews are liberal and vote Democrat.

4. Blacks and Mexicans are actually spiritual/religious people, but turn around and vote for people like Obama who is for partial birth abortion.

5. Most liberal women and the gays don't think that we are in a war with the Jihadist, extremist Muslim and that if they were to win, they would be wearing burkas and the gays....heck I don't know what they would do to them.

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