Isolated Cases Of People Traveling For Protests, But No Indication Of Trump's 'Thugs' On a Plane


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Another trump lie exposed as the lie it is.

Of course he's going to say something like that. He encouraged his right wing thugs to go to Portland and Kenosha which resulted in the predicted violence. So of course he's going to accuse protesters of doing exactly what he encouraged his own followers to do.

I mean how can anyone believe that TSA will allow people all dressed in black with "gear" to get on an airplane? What gear? If they brought "gear" for a violent protest TSA wouldn't have allowed it on an airplane.

That's on top of the fact that just about everything out of his mouth isn't true.

Another trump lie exposed as the lie it is.

Of course he's going to say something like that. He encouraged his right wing thugs to go to Portland and Kenosha which resulted in the predicted violence. So of course he's going to accuse protesters of doing exactly what he encouraged his own followers to do.

I mean how can anyone believe that TSA will allow people all dressed in black with "gear" to get on an airplane? What gear? If they brought "gear" for a violent protest TSA wouldn't have allowed it on an airplane.

That's on top of the fact that just about everything out of his mouth isn't true.

It was a clear fabrication by the blob. This is why you don't get people like the moron who interviewed him to host debates. They are dishonest journalists.
Go-to love the liberal propaganda machine in action..

Jesus their is reports half the arrested where from out of town
Another trump lie exposed as the lie it is.

Of course he's going to say something like that. He encouraged his right wing thugs to go to Portland and Kenosha which resulted in the predicted violence. So of course he's going to accuse protesters of doing exactly what he encouraged his own followers to do.

I mean how can anyone believe that TSA will allow people all dressed in black with "gear" to get on an airplane? What gear? If they brought "gear" for a violent protest TSA wouldn't have allowed it on an airplane.

That's on top of the fact that just about everything out of his mouth isn't true.

Hey, Mr. Dingbat. The violence was initiated by the left.
Another trump lie exposed as the lie it is.

Of course he's going to say something like that. He encouraged his right wing thugs to go to Portland and Kenosha which resulted in the predicted violence. So of course he's going to accuse protesters of doing exactly what he encouraged his own followers to do.

I mean how can anyone believe that TSA will allow people all dressed in black with "gear" to get on an airplane? What gear? If they brought "gear" for a violent protest TSA wouldn't have allowed it on an airplane.

That's on top of the fact that just about everything out of his mouth isn't true.

I love it, you confirm what president Trump said while claiming he lied.

Trump's hyperbole got far left idiots again. Indeed, there were suspicious in the plane.

That said, the riots are caused by far left extremists and the left wing constituents almost exclusively. Saying anything else is simply a lie, and you will be repeating that lie. We will point it out every time you do so.
Another trump lie exposed as the lie it is.

Of course he's going to say something like that. He encouraged his right wing thugs to go to Portland and Kenosha which resulted in the predicted violence. So of course he's going to accuse protesters of doing exactly what he encouraged his own followers to do.

I mean how can anyone believe that TSA will allow people all dressed in black with "gear" to get on an airplane? What gear? If they brought "gear" for a violent protest TSA wouldn't have allowed it on an airplane.

That's on top of the fact that just about everything out of his mouth isn't true.

ANOTHER Libspeak generated nothingburger article making hollow claims with no evidence, facts or proof of anything to support it so libspeak messengers like you can disseminate it!​
Another trump lie exposed as the lie it is.

Of course he's going to say something like that. He encouraged his right wing thugs to go to Portland and Kenosha which resulted in the predicted violence. So of course he's going to accuse protesters of doing exactly what he encouraged his own followers to do.

I mean how can anyone believe that TSA will allow people all dressed in black with "gear" to get on an airplane? What gear? If they brought "gear" for a violent protest TSA wouldn't have allowed it on an airplane.

That's on top of the fact that just about everything out of his mouth isn't true.

Federal law enforcement officials say they have gathered intelligence of isolated instances of people who traveled to participate in protests in recent months and in some cases carry out rioting, but nothing that appears to match the claims by President Donald Trump of black-clad "thugs" on a plane traveling for the purposes of violence.

What Federal Law Enforcement?

Who are these mysterious Federal Law Enforcement?

Oh yeah .....

This is more anonymous sourced Fake News for the Sheeple.

It's frickin' Fake News CNN !!!

Congratulations on your Sheeple Stupidity ....

LMAO @ just how Gullible the Sheeple are for the Fake News.
Back in the 1980s when i was at Davis Monthan AFB, i had to leave to get to the east coast. Took me 3 days. Seems that all you have to do to be a rioting prog is steal a car, drive it to the next mob site and wait till night, then do what progs do....Burn, Loot, and Murder...
You're a liar, and for the life of me I can't understand why you're a moderator when you're character is obviously corrupt.
It must be a genetic predisposition, BS, after all, Varmint picked the Bipolar Old Lady as one of the few SANE voices on the forum. As I often said of Obama, NO ONE can be 100% wrong ALL of the time about everything BY ACCIDENT.

No one but a total idiot or partisan hack can ignore or miss three long months of flat out rioting, looting and destruction, then wrongly ascribe it to the side that has been fighting to get it stopped.
Another trump lie exposed as the lie it is.

Of course he's going to say something like that. He encouraged his right wing thugs to go to Portland and Kenosha which resulted in the predicted violence. So of course he's going to accuse protesters of doing exactly what he encouraged his own followers to do.

I mean how can anyone believe that TSA will allow people all dressed in black with "gear" to get on an airplane? What gear? If they brought "gear" for a violent protest TSA wouldn't have allowed it on an airplane.

That's on top of the fact that just about everything out of his mouth isn't true.

Someone is burning the cities. Is it you?
Back in the 1980s when i was at Davis Monthan AFB, i had to leave to get to the east coast. Took me 3 days. Seems that all you have to do to be a rioting prog is steal a car, drive it to the next mob site and wait till night, then do what progs do....Burn, Loot, and Murder...
You're a liar, and for the life of me I can't understand why you're a moderator when you're character is obviously corrupt.
It must be a genetic predisposition, BS, after all, Varmint picked the Bipolar Old Lady as one of the few SANE voices on the forum. As I often said of Obama, NO ONE can be 100% wrong ALL of the time about everything BY ACCIDENT.

No one but a total idiot or partisan hack can ignore or miss three long months of flat out rioting, looting and destruction, then wrongly ascribe it to the side that has been fighting to get it stopped.
Either a deliberate liar or mentally ill, probably both.
‘"They are flying around the country. We know people who are flying around the country. We know where they're going. We see some of the purchases they're making before the riots of weapons to use in those riots. So we are following it," Barr said.’ ibid

So the TSA is allowing passengers to board planes with weapons.

Barr is as much a liar as Trump.
‘"They are flying around the country. We know people who are flying around the country. We know where they're going. We see some of the purchases they're making before the riots of weapons to use in those riots. So we are following it," Barr said.’ ibid

So the TSA is allowing passengers to board planes with weapons.

Barr is as much a liar as Trump.

That's what I said.

The lie is just so obviously a bunch of garbage but the trump supporters still deny it's a lie.

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