Israel bombs southern Lebanon .

Bashar Assad has never been in charge. His younger brother Mehr Assad controls the military and the police. The father Hayfez Assad also used poison gas on the people.

Family dynasties. The thread of the Arab world.
Family dynasties. The thread of the Arab world.

Prior to the start of operations, Hafez al-Assad issued orders to seal off Hama from the outside world; effectively imposing a media blackout, total shut down of communications, electricity and food supplies to the city for months.[12] Initial diplomatic reports from Western countries stated that 1,000 were killed.[13][14] Subsequent estimates vary, with the lower estimates reporting at least 10,000 deaths,[15] while others put the number at 20,000 (Robert Fisk)[9] or 40,000 (Syrian Human Rights Committee and SNHR).[5][6][7] The massacre remains the "single deadliest act" of violence perpetrated by an Arab state upon its own population, in the history of Modern Middle East.[16][17]

Nearly two-thirds of the city was destroyed in the Ba'athist military operation.[15][18] Robert Fisk, who was present at Hama during the events of massacre, reported that indiscriminate bombing had razed much of the city to the ground and vast majority of the victims were civilians.[19]
I was listening to a podcast out of Israel with locals discussing the turns so far in the war and they think the Hizballah will definitely enter the war but they are playing a game trying to provoke Israel to strike first so they can use it for PR. If the Hizballah join in, the death toll in Israel is going to be in the thousands. If it gets that bad, I hope Israel reduces southern Lebanon into a moonscape and Tehran into a glowing radioactive crater.

Israel has been bombing southern Lebanon since the 1950s. They wanted the Litani and Hasbani rivers.

It's criminal considering the history of Lebanon. Israel changed their demographics overnight forcing tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees on them.

July 2012, Syria publicly acknowledged that it possesses chemical weapons. For a number of years preceding this announcement, the U.S. intelligence community assessed that Syria has a stockpile of chemical weapons, including blister agents such as mustard gas, and nerve agents such as sarin and VX. Syria has the capability to deliver these agents using aerial bombs, ballistic missiles, and artillery rockets. An Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-UN joint investigative team found Syria and the Islamic State responsible for numerous chemical weapons attacks in Syria over the past several years.

Below is a timeline of significant events related to Syria’s chemical weapons program from July 2012 to the present.

July 2012, Syria publicly acknowledged that it possesses chemical weapons. For a number of years preceding this announcement, the U.S. intelligence community assessed that Syria has a stockpile of chemical weapons, including blister agents such as mustard gas, and nerve agents such as sarin and VX. Syria has the capability to deliver these agents using aerial bombs, ballistic missiles, and artillery rockets. An Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-UN joint investigative team found Syria and the Islamic State responsible for numerous chemical weapons attacks in Syria over the past several years.

Below is a timeline of significant events related to Syria’s chemical weapons program from July 2012 to the present.
Syria inherited massive amounts of the stuff from Iraq----the well known Weaspons of Mass Destruction----that some people pretend never existed
Syria inherited massive amounts of the stuff from Iraq----the well known Weaspons of Mass Destruction----that some people pretend never existed

More lies. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They had no wmds but when the US couldn't find any they claimed Saddam Hussein was trucking them back and forth between Syria and Sudan.

Deposing Saddam Hussein was number 1 target in Israel's Clean Break Strategy... Syria was second on the list.
More lies. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They had no wmds but when the US couldn't find any they claimed Saddam Hussein was trucking them back and forth between Syria and Sudan.

Deposing Saddam Hussein was number 1 target in Israel's Clean Break Strategy... Syria was second on the list.
Quite a joke----Saddam poisoned the shiites in the South and the Kurds in the North---with----uhm HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE CANDY KISSES-----well---actually he manufactured NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS-----with the recipe handed to the baathist pig Gamel Abdel Nasser by his german nazi cousins, ----also produced Sarin and worked on weapon grade ANTHRAX SPORES so seriously that the US MILITARY wroked on vaccinations against the spore.---so much GAS that Israel was handing out gas maskes to its population and auto pens of ATROPINE. ssshhhh don't tell suradie----she is a happy idiot. Saddam's friends, the ASSADS ---also liked to use ---I believe, CHLORINE GAS bombs with have a marvelous effect --especially on children who die in agonizing respiratory failure after DAYS----the chlorine gas became HCL (hydrochloric acid) in the lungs and destroys the membranes thru which CO2 and O2 are exchanged in capillaries----don't tell surada
Why are crazy cons crazy about Israel?

Muzzies chopping off heads. Target helpless.

IDF defending and trying to lower civilian deaths.

Hmmmm hmmmm

OMFG decisions decisions.

Ok Ill Take the Israel over the head choppers for a 1000 Alex.
Muzzies chopping off heads. Target helpless.

IDF defending and trying to lower civilian deaths.

Hmmmm hmmmm

OMFG decisions decisions.

Ok Ill Take the Israel over the head choppers for a 1000 Alex.

Muzzies chopping off heads. Target helpless.

IDF defending and trying to lower civilian deaths.

Hmmmm hmmmm

OMFG decisions decisions.

Ok Ill Take the Israel over the head choppers for a 1000 Alex.

Not in Lebanon, you idiot.
Baathist pig SADDAM did a number on the shiites (including women and children) in the Marshlands of southern Iraq----shooting electric shocks in their
marshland stilt houses and on the Kurds and shiites in Northern Iraq using poisoned gas-------it was quite a GAS for him. Saddam had massive stores of poison gas----including nitrogen mustard gas which he passed on to his pal BASHAR

Israel has been bombing southern Lebanon since the 1950s. They wanted the Litani and Hasbani rivers.

It's criminal considering the history of Lebanon. Israel changed their demographics overnight forcing tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees on them.
More bullshit and Islamist talking points. You forgot the part where the Iran financed Hezbollah animals have basically taken over southern Lebanon and are shooting missiles at Israeli civilians from Lebanon, on a regular basis. If they don’t stop, Lebanon will also be turned into rubble as well. Israel is done fucking around with these animals.

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